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Day 2 at #Davos turned out to be in India's favour with #AI dominating the Indian corporate pavilion and leaders believing 2024 to be a landmark year for India in terms of #FII and #FDI flows.

Here's Niraj Shah with the wrap. #Davos2024

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00:00 Well, this is day two, a wrap on day two of what happened in Davos and what happened particularly on the NDTV network.
00:07 Interesting takeaways. One, if you walk across the promenade, you will see that the India presence
00:13 is not low, but it's toned down a little bit. There are enough and more state pavilions,
00:20 there are enough and more company pavilions out there as well, and there are enough and more people asking about what's happening within these
00:27 countries, companies, like for example, is Indian IT doing big things in AI?
00:32 And if you look at a couple of corporate pavilions of the Indian IT companies,
00:36 you will see a distinct mark of AI being there and very impressive. So that's part one. Part two,
00:42 you saw Indian hospitality out there, by the way, tea being served, other aspects being served.
00:47 So that's the other thing. But more importantly, in terms of conversations that happen out here on the NDTV network,
00:53 everybody from
00:56 the Jeffries country head and Mahesh Nandurkar, so Ashish Agrawal and Mahesh Nandurkar, or
01:02 the global head of investment banking at JP Morgan, or for that matter,
01:07 we spoke to Peter Voser of ABB, all talking about the possibilities of higher investments in India.
01:13 In fact, the point that was made by Jeffries was that they believed that
01:18 2024 could actually be a landmark year in terms of FII flows and even FDI flows because both the depth of the capital markets as
01:26 well as the hunger
01:28 for corporate FDI seems to be at a high.
01:31 Peter Voser of ABB was of the opinion that India will compete with world
01:37 organizations, not on the low-end manufacturing, but on the high-end manufacturing.
01:42 So that's a slightly differentiated view that we got and you should catch the interaction tomorrow on the network as well. And last but not the least,
01:49 from amongst the people that I spoke on the promenade off-air,
01:54 there are a lot of enthusiasts who are out here at Davos from India, smaller corporations, startups, etc.
02:01 Very, very constructive on what's happening within their companies and the kind of atmosphere that exists for funding,
02:07 despite the fact that we are looking at higher interest rates currently.
02:10 So that's a wrap on day two. Turned out to be a pretty interesting day of conversations.
02:14 I'm sure day three and day four will be the same and possibly more. Stay tuned on the NDTV network. Thanks for watching.
02:21 [Inaudible].
02:26 [Inaudible].
02:31 you
