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Season 5 | show | 2024| S5 | Official Trailer | dHNzX3JTWVBxc01wV2c4


00:00 In the morning of the Great Shinkoku Reibyo, the Great Sage will be crowned as the new king!
00:09 You're the only one who can unify China and end the war.
00:19 In the next 15 years, we will destroy all six kingdoms and unify China.
00:24 The six kings will surely face a harsh time.
00:30 The true six generals will be resurrected!
00:33 Make sure to capture the six kings' ruins!
00:35 Wait, Kokuyo!
00:37 The time has finally come.
00:39 It's sunset!
00:40 This is the battlefield, Kokuyo.
00:46 Welcome, Kanki army.
00:49 We will do whatever it takes to take down the enemy.
00:54 Kanki!
00:55 Don't be a kid.
00:56 Remember the battle of the adults.
00:59 Hishin-tai.
01:00 If we take all five hills, we will win.
01:05 Well, let's go.
01:07 Let's go, Hishin-tai!
01:08 Don't be late!
01:10 This battle will be complicated.
01:15 Shin.
01:18 I didn't expect you to use Zenon.
01:20 The prey is Kanki and Hishin-tai.
01:22 Shin.
01:23 I will behead the enemy's commander!
01:26 This is for victory.
01:31 Everything.
01:33 To be continued.
01:40 Next time, the final battle.
01:43 To be continued.