Retrouvez toutes les émissions de France Bleu Béarn Bigorre sur le site
00:00:00 Vous êtes bien sur France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine.
00:00:02 Ici c'est France Bleu Berne Bigorre.
00:00:10 A la radio, sur l'appli Ici, tous les réseaux et sur France 3.
00:00:15 Bonjour tout le monde, nous avons repris les bonnes habitudes à la télévision sur France 3 Pau Sud Aquitaine
00:00:20 et l'occasion pour moi de saluer Fanny Narvarte qui est là. Bonjour Fanny.
00:00:23 Bonjour Eric, bonjour tout le monde.
00:00:25 Bon, on va pas oublier Mathias Kern bien entendu.
00:00:28 Bonjour Eric, bonjour tout le monde. Vous allez m'oublier.
00:00:31 Non pas du tout, mais vous êtes là pour présenter l'info, vous alternez sur les grands rendez-vous.
00:00:37 On va parler de plein de choses, on va vous offrir aussi des cadeaux avec de nombreux invités.
00:00:41 On reste ensemble jusqu'à 9h.
00:00:43 Nous sommes le mercredi 10 janvier et il est 7h. Bonne fête à tous.
00:00:55 Les guillaumes, neige ou pas neige, c'est la question.
00:00:59 Toujours est-il que Météo France promet une vigilance jaune aujourd'hui pour le phénomène neige, verglas et avalanches.
00:01:05 Beaucoup de grisailles et du froid, c'est la tendance de vos messages.
00:01:08 Continuez, page Facebook France Bleu Berne Bigorre, on relait tout cela jusqu'à 9h.
00:01:13 Pas vraiment de soleil, et oui, nouveau bulletin avec pas vraiment de soleil attendu et quelques précipitations.
00:01:18 Cet après-midi, de températures assez fraîches.
00:01:21 Vous souhaitez vous réchauffer pour rire ? Allez applaudir les Chevaliers du Fiel aux Éniges de Pau samedi, ça tombe bien.
00:01:27 Restez avec nous, le jeu de la douche tout à l'heure avec deux places à gagner.
00:01:30 Ce matin sur France Bleu Berne Bigorre, Fanny Narvarte, le témoignage du fils de la victime de l'incendie de l'hôpital de Tarbes.
00:01:38 Le 17 décembre dernier, un incendie était parti dans une chambre du 6ème étage.
00:01:43 Une femme de 84 ans était morte après avoir aspiré trop de fumée.
00:01:48 Le parquet indique qu'elle était vraisemblablement attachée à un fauteuil médicalisé.
00:01:53 En plus, certains détecteurs de fumée n'avaient pas fonctionné.
00:01:56 Thierry, le fils de la victime, témoigne ce matin au micro de France Bleu Berne Bigorre.
00:02:00 Il ne veut plus que ce genre de drame se reproduise, Marion Acklin.
00:02:04 Thierry a porté plainte après la mort de sa maman.
00:02:07 Simone avait 84 ans lorsqu'elle est décédée dans cet incendie à l'hôpital de Tarbes.
00:02:11 Elle y était d'ailleurs depuis quelques jours pour un Covid et son fils croyait qu'elle était en sécurité.
00:02:17 On a perdu quelqu'un qui avait 84 ans certes, mais on ne meurt pas à l'hôpital par des brûlures
00:02:24 ou des inhalations de fumée ou je ne sais quoi à cause d'un incendie.
00:02:28 Et donc la tristesse bien sûr, mais maintenant la colère aussi.
00:02:32 Ce 17 décembre a été très violent pour Thierry qui avait rendu visite à sa mère les jours d'avant.
00:02:38 Elle semblait aller mieux, il devait aller la voir ce dimanche après-midi où tout a basculé.
00:02:43 Aujourd'hui, ce Tarbé âgé de 60 ans aimerait surtout avoir des réponses grâce à l'enquête.
00:02:48 Le message principal c'est qu'elle ne soit pas morte pour rien et pour pas que ça se reproduise.
00:02:55 Parce que selon les premiers éléments relevés par les enquêteurs,
00:02:58 certains détecteurs de fumée ne se sont pas déclenchés lors de l'incendie.
00:03:01 Un briquet a aussi été retrouvé dans la chambre, mais les enquêteurs ne savent pas à qui il appartient.
00:03:06 Pour l'instant, le parquet de Tarbes envisage d'ouvrir une information judiciaire pour homicide involontaire contre X.
00:03:12 L'agence de l'eau s'inquiète sur le projet Eco-Délice-Energie sur le bassin de lac.
00:03:16 On vous en avait déjà parlé sur France Bleu, Béarn-Bigor.
00:03:19 Ce projet c'est la construction de trois nouvelles usines pour produire du carburant bas carbone.
00:03:24 Mais le problème c'est qu'il va falloir utiliser beaucoup d'eau,
00:03:27 plus de 7 millions de mètres cubes prélevés dans le Gaffe-de-Pau.
00:03:30 C'est une consommation en eau non négligeable, s'inquiète l'agence de l'eau
00:03:34 qui explique que déjà prélever 4 millions de mètres cubes, ça serait l'équivalent d'une ville comme Pau.
00:03:40 Il fait froid, on l'a tous senti ce matin en se levant, c'était dur de sortir du lit.
00:03:44 Et s'inquiète notamment les associations comme la Croix-Rouge pour les personnes qui dorment dans la rue.
00:03:50 Il manque tous les jours des places d'hébergement.
00:03:52 On en parlera à 8h15 avec notre invité Julien Charles, le préfet des Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
00:03:57 On vous pose la question aussi ce matin, est-ce que vous trouvez que la prise en charge des sans-domicile est suffisante ?
00:04:03 Qu'est-ce qu'il faudrait faire de plus ? Vous pouvez poser vos questions au préfet ou témoigner.
00:04:07 On attend vos appels dès maintenant, vous pouvez vous inscrire sur cette ligne ouverte.
00:04:11 Rendez-vous tout à l'heure à 8h15.
00:04:13 Pour l'instant il est 7h04, il y aurait une trentaine de squats à Pau, Fanny.
00:04:17 Ils sont suivis par une cellule de prévention qui se réunit tous les mois pour empêcher les dérives.
00:04:22 Mais il y a parfois des incidents.
00:04:23 La semaine dernière par exemple, un SDF est mort après une altercation avec un autre marginal
00:04:28 dans l'ancien hôtel du Trinqué, route de Bordeaux.
00:04:31 La mairie et la cellule de surveillance essaient surtout d'accompagner les squatters,
00:04:36 explique Clarisse Johnson, adjointe en charge de la sécurité à la ville de Pau.
00:04:40 On a l'impression que s'il y a une cellule de squats, l'idée c'est de faire la chasse
00:04:45 et de mettre les gens dehors et de les renvoyer à la rue.
00:04:47 Ce n'est pas du tout comme ça que ça se passe, puisqu'on accompagne les personnes qu'on repère dans ces endroits.
00:04:55 On ne leur dit pas juste de sortir.
00:04:57 On leur propose un accompagnement vers un logement décent.
00:05:02 Donc ça nous permet bien sûr d'assurer l'ordre public,
00:05:07 parce que parfois ces personnes se bagarrent, causent des nuisances.
00:05:13 Bien sûr qu'on ferme des squats régulièrement et on accompagne aussi les propriétaires
00:05:20 qui peuvent être victimes parfois de squats dans les locaux qui leur appartiennent
00:05:26 pour les procédures diverses, administratives.
00:05:32 Ça peut être aussi à ce niveau-là un labyrinthe.
00:05:36 Et dans le cas du meurtre du trinqué, la ville explique que le bâtiment était géré par la cellule de prévention
00:05:41 mais qu'il a été racheté récemment par un promoteur qui avait sécurisé les lieux.
00:05:45 Gabriel Attal a fait sa première sortie en tant que Premier ministre hier.
00:05:50 Il s'est rendu dans le Pas-de-Calais pour apporter son soutien aux victimes des inondations.
00:05:54 Il a notamment promis une aide de plus de 50 millions d'euros
00:05:57 et l'installation d'un système de pompage permanent dans la région.
00:06:01 On en reparle dans le journal de 7h30.
00:06:03 Pour l'instant il est 7h05. 20% des étudiants ne mangent pas à leur faim.
00:06:07 C'est le résultat d'une enquête publiée par le premier syndicat étudiant, la FAGE.
00:06:11 En moyenne, les étudiants sautent plus de 3 repas par semaine.
00:06:15 Les repas à 3,30€ dans les restaurants universitaires auraient pu limiter la casse
00:06:19 mais ça reste trop cher pour certains étudiants selon l'étude.
00:06:22 La demande de logements Crous aussi a bondi.
00:06:25 Dans l'écho d'ici dans quelques minutes,
00:06:27 on fait le point sur la situation des magasins casinos en Berne et en Bigorre.
00:06:31 Le groupe a été vendu. Auchan et Intermarché vont se répartir les magasins.
00:06:35 Mais on va voir que ce n'est pas toujours évident de faire un découpage en fonction des territoires.
00:06:41 C'est dans quelques minutes à 7h15.
00:06:43 C'est le début aujourd'hui de l'Euro masculin de Handball.
00:06:45 La France joue ce soir contre la Macédoine du Nord à 18h.
00:06:49 La compétition se joue en Allemagne et les Bleus espèrent bien décrocher le titre de champion d'Europe
00:06:54 qui leur échappe depuis 10 ans Xavier Montferrand.
00:06:57 S'il y a bien une chose dont le sport français n'a pas à rougir, c'est du palmarès de ses handballeurs.
00:07:01 Triple champion olympique, 6 fois champion du monde.
00:07:04 Mais s'il faut faire les fines bouches, l'Euro c'est moins leur tasse de thé.
00:07:08 Et l'arrière Nedim Remili finit par le reconnaître.
00:07:11 Les derniers Euro on finit 4ème, celui d'avant on l'oublie.
00:07:15 Puis avant ça on a eu que... Ouais c'est vrai, ok t'as raison.
00:07:19 C'est vrai que là tu viens de me refaire l'histoire, non c'est vrai que c'est les 10 dernières années.
00:07:22 L'Euro c'est pas une compétition qui nous réussit.
00:07:24 On dit toujours que c'est pas la compétition qui réussit plus à l'équipe de France de handball.
00:07:27 Les Bleus du monde sont certes 3 fois champions d'Europe,
00:07:29 mais la couronne leur échappe depuis 2014.
00:07:32 10 longues années, c'était le temps béni des experts qui roulaient sur la planète handball.
00:07:37 Et l'icône Nicolas Karabatic bientôt 40 ans, espère mettre fin à la disette pour son dernier Euro.
00:07:43 C'est plus dominant qu'à une époque, c'est sûr.
00:07:45 Avec les experts on avait gagné énormément de titres sur très peu d'années.
00:07:48 Là c'est moins le cas, on fait toujours partie des favoris à chaque fois sur les compétitions.
00:07:51 Et on a une équipe pour aller chercher ces 7 Euros et c'est tout ce qui compte.
00:07:54 Et le défi est grand, rarement les handballeurs français performent à l'Euro.
00:07:58 Quelques mois avant les JO, la dernière médaille remonte à 2008,
00:08:02 juste avant d'aller décrocher leur premier titre olympique à Pékin.
00:08:05 France-Macedouane du Nord, premier match de l'Euro de handball,
00:08:08 c'est ce soir à 18h devant plus de 50 000 spectateurs dans le stade de foot de Düsseldorf.
00:08:14 - Bon est-ce qu'on va avoir de la neige ? - Ah, il y en a qui l'attendent !
00:08:27 - Bah moi j'aimerais bien ! - Et bah oui, il y a Patino qui nous dit
00:08:30 "Zéro amouringues avec un ciel nuageux, ça sent la neige"
00:08:33 comme dit Patino sur le Facebook de France Blueberrie.
00:08:38 Igor Marraïlis à Maslach nous dit "Zéro degré, pas de neige"
00:08:41 alors que je l'attends avec impatience.
00:08:44 Dernier bulletin à Météo France qui vient de tomber,
00:08:46 violence jaune pour le phénomène neige, verglas et avalanches.
00:08:50 Alors de la grisaille, oui, de la fraîcheur, oui,
00:08:54 quelques précipitations peut-être cet après-midi
00:08:57 et puis la limite pluie-neige qui s'abaisse jusqu'à 700 mètres.
00:09:01 Si vous rencontrez la neige, si vous êtes à la montagne,
00:09:03 peut-être n'hésitez pas, un petit coup de téléphone 0559 98 0909,
00:09:07 un message et des températures cet après-midi à Pau, Tarbes et au Lauron
00:09:11 de l'ordre de 4 degrés, Hortès, La Reims, 5 degrés.
00:09:16 7 en 9 !
00:09:19 Le 6/9, France Blueberry, Arnbicor, Eric Dreux, Fanny Narvart, Mathias Kern
00:09:27 et peut-être que vous avez décidé dans les bonnes résolutions
00:09:31 de perdre quelques petits kilos, ça fait faire du sport.
00:09:34 Pourquoi vous me regardez ?
00:09:35 Mais non, Fanny, c'est quoi ? J'allais vous poser la question.
00:09:37 C'est quoi vos bonnes résolutions alors ?
00:09:39 J'en ai pas tellement des bonnes résolutions.
00:09:41 Oui, c'est vrai.
00:09:42 Toujours continuer à profiter de la vie, on va dire ça.
00:09:44 Oui, c'est ça, faire autant la fête alors !
00:09:46 C'est vous qui le dites, c'est vous qui le dites !
00:09:48 Vous savez qu'il paraît qu'il y a quelque chose, c'est la digitoponcture,
00:09:52 il paraît que ça fait maigrir.
00:09:53 C'est quoi ça ?
00:09:54 C'est Nicolas Malzac qui va nous expliquer cela, puisque c'est nouveau,
00:09:57 et il va nous en parler avec son invité.
00:09:59 Des places pour les Chevaliers du Fiel, ça ne vous a pas échappé,
00:10:02 les Chevaliers du Fiel arrivent pour leur nouveau spectacle,
00:10:04 les municipaux la revanchent, ils seront d'ailleurs avec nous à 8h15 tout à l'heure,
00:10:09 mais on vous offre deux places si vous découvrez le chanteur
00:10:12 que nous allons honorer de nos belles voix respectives.
00:10:15 Voilà, à 7h20, je prends des risques.
00:10:17 Oui, un peu.
00:10:18 Lui il chante bien et il joue bien de la batterie aussi.
00:10:21 Phil Collins à 7h10, you can't hurry love !
00:10:24 Honey love love, oh please my mind
00:10:29 And I need to find time, someone to call mine
00:10:33 My mama said you can't hurry love
00:10:36 No you'll just have to wait
00:10:39 She said love don't come easy
00:10:42 But it's a game of give and take
00:10:44 You can't hurry love
00:10:46 No you'll just have to wait
00:10:49 Just trust in my good time
00:10:52 No matter how long it takes
00:10:54 How many heartaches must I stand
00:10:58 Before I find the love to let me live again
00:11:03 Right now the only thing that keeps me hanging on
00:11:08 When I feel my strength, oh it's almost gone
00:11:12 I remember mama said
00:11:14 Hurry love, no you'll just have to wait
00:11:18 She said love don't come easy
00:11:21 But it's a game of give and take
00:11:23 How long must I wait
00:11:25 How much more must I take
00:11:28 Before I'm lonely and dead
00:11:30 As I cause my heart to break
00:11:33 No I can't beg to live my life alone
00:11:37 I've grown impatient for the love to call my own
00:11:42 But when I feel that I, that I can't go on
00:11:47 Well these precious words keep me hanging on
00:11:52 I remember mama said
00:11:54 Hurry love, no you'll just have to wait
00:11:57 She said love don't come easy
00:12:00 But it's a game of give and take
00:12:03 You can't hurry love
00:12:05 No you'll just have to wait
00:12:07 Just trust in my good time
00:12:10 No matter how long it takes
00:12:13 I'm not afraid
00:12:15 Now love, love, it don't come easy
00:12:20 But I keep on waiting
00:12:23 Anticipating for that soft voice
00:12:27 To talk to me at night
00:12:30 For some tender arms
00:12:33 To hold me tight
00:12:35 I keep waiting
00:12:37 Ooh, until I'm dead
00:12:40 But it ain't easy
00:12:41 You know it ain't easy
00:12:43 Mama said
00:12:44 You can't hurry love
00:12:46 No you'll just have to wait
00:12:49 She said love don't come easy
00:12:52 But it's a game of give and take
00:12:54 You can't hurry love
00:12:56 No you'll just have to wait
00:12:59 She said love don't come easy
00:13:01 You can't hurry love
00:13:03 Phil Collins, 7h12
00:13:05 He's interested in everything new
00:13:08 And if you want to lose some weight
00:13:11 He might have a good address
00:13:13 I have your picture on my screen
00:13:16 You've lost some weight recently, haven't you?
00:13:18 I don't know about you
00:13:19 I've been overdoing it
00:13:21 I'll have to lose some weight
00:13:23 To get back in shape for the summer
00:13:25 And for that I've come to discover Amensi Energy
00:13:28 It just opened here in Pau
00:13:30 I'm with Pierre-Emmanuel
00:13:31 So Pierre-Emmanuel, it's amensissement by digital puncture
00:13:34 How does it work?
00:13:36 Digital puncture is a technique of acupressure
00:13:39 We apply pressure with our fingers
00:13:42 On the whole body
00:13:44 This digital puncture technique
00:13:46 Will help people to reduce their cramps
00:13:49 To reduce the desire to eat
00:13:52 It will also allow to circulate energy
00:13:55 In the whole body
00:13:56 And it's also a moment of relaxation
00:14:00 Where people can take care of themselves
00:14:02 So we have to say
00:14:03 When we come to see you
00:14:04 We're going to have a great time
00:14:05 We're going to do some tripping with our fingers
00:14:09 But there are also efforts to do
00:14:11 You can't do everything by yourself
00:14:13 Exactly
00:14:14 There is also a food rebalancing
00:14:16 Which is done
00:14:17 Which is simple
00:14:18 Which we try to do without frustration
00:14:20 And it will also help to rebalance
00:14:22 The mind and the body
00:14:24 Because we're too often in our head
00:14:26 And we don't listen to our body enough
00:14:28 So you joined Amensi Energy
00:14:30 Which is a group that is everywhere in France
00:14:33 You were already in massage
00:14:35 In well-being
00:14:36 In all these things
00:14:37 Exactly
00:14:38 I've been a well-being massage practitioner
00:14:40 Since 2009-2010
00:14:42 Where I learned different massage techniques
00:14:46 From the Californian
00:14:47 From the Pierre Chaud
00:14:48 From the seated massage
00:14:50 From the Twina
00:14:51 So I'm starting a well-being activity
00:14:55 Again
00:14:56 To accompany people to lose weight
00:14:59 If you have a few kilos to lose
00:15:01 Like me for example
00:15:02 If you want to have a relaxing moment
00:15:05 Don't hesitate
00:15:06 Amensi Energy just opened in Pau
00:15:08 And Pierre-Emmanuel is here for you
00:15:10 Now that you've lost weight
00:15:11 We're a bit upset, Nicolas
00:15:12 But we can feel that you've lost weight
00:15:14 See you tomorrow in Pau
00:15:16 With the image advice for you
00:15:19 See you tomorrow
00:15:20 In a few moments, Fanny
00:15:22 We're going to be interested
00:15:23 Because it's the day of the sales today
00:15:25 It didn't escape you
00:15:26 Yes, we're not going to talk about that
00:15:28 We're going to talk about the shops, the casinos
00:15:30 That are going to be sold
00:15:32 So we're going to talk about the distribution
00:15:33 Between the market and the people
00:15:34 Who buy the shops in Bern and in Bico
00:15:36 But we spotted you in a casino
00:15:38 Are you playing Fanny or not?
00:15:39 No
00:15:40 No, you just bought a set of legs
00:15:42 Yes, exactly
00:15:43 7h15
00:15:44 Here, morning comes back in a moment
00:15:49 The 6/9 show
00:16:16 The 6/9
00:16:18 Here, it's France Bleu Bern Bicor
00:16:21 And it's here, on our TV
00:16:23 That we can earn places for the Knights of the Field
00:16:25 See you in a few minutes for the game of the shower
00:16:27 But, in the echo of here, Fanny Narvarte
00:16:29 This morning, we're interested in the situation
00:16:31 Of the casinos in Bern and Bicor
00:16:33 The casino group is in great financial difficulty
00:16:36 They have to sell their shops
00:16:37 It concerns 300 establishments in France
00:16:40 That are going to be bought
00:16:42 Auchan is going to buy one third
00:16:43 Intermarché is going to buy two thirds
00:16:45 At home, it concerns the casinos of Lens and Laloubert
00:16:48 Even if, for the moment, we don't know
00:16:50 How all this is going to be distributed
00:16:52 Their catalogue
00:16:53 It concerns a hundred employees for the casino Paul Lens
00:16:56 About 80 for the casino of Laloubert
00:16:59 And for all, the situation is still very blurred
00:17:02 Even if the casino management
00:17:04 Transmitted, at the beginning of January
00:17:06 A list to the inter-union
00:17:08 List specifying the situation of each supermarket
00:17:12 For the time being, this list
00:17:14 There is an absolute ban on the distribution
00:17:17 Which means that neither we, in France-Bleu Bern-Bicor
00:17:19 Nor even the shops in Lens and Laloubert
00:17:22 Don't know what to expect
00:17:24 And we'll have to wait
00:17:25 Since the list will be officially revealed
00:17:27 Only on January 24th
00:17:29 Either Intermarché or Auchan
00:17:31 The alternative seems simple
00:17:33 But in fact, it's a little more complicated than it seems
00:17:35 Yes, since in the Palois agglomeration
00:17:37 For example, around the Lens casino
00:17:40 And for the Auchan, there is already one
00:17:42 The hypermarket east of Pau
00:17:43 And then the intermarché
00:17:44 There are already four in the agglomeration
00:17:46 So a fifth musketeer, it might be a lot
00:17:49 The casino, whatever it is
00:17:51 Will still be bought back
00:17:53 Either by one or the other
00:17:55 And it will then be up to the authority of the competition
00:17:58 To decide whether it is balanced or not
00:18:00 Depending on other supermarkets
00:18:02 Which already exist on the territory
00:18:04 If for example, Intermarché takes over the casino Paul Lens
00:18:09 But the authority acts unbalanced
00:18:11 Decides that there are too many of them
00:18:13 Intermarché on the territory
00:18:14 The agency will have to sell the store again
00:18:17 And this time, to whom it will wish
00:18:19 In the Tarbès agglomeration
00:18:21 The situation is a little different
00:18:23 Certainly, there are already several intermarché
00:18:25 But for Auchan, there is no store to properly speak
00:18:28 Only a drive
00:18:30 Which suggests that the Laloubert casino
00:18:32 Could be taken over in the end
00:18:34 By the agency at the Oiseau Rouge
00:18:36 And what makes the employees are in the blur
00:18:38 With the impression of being a simple retake commodity
00:18:41 Then exchanged
00:18:42 Explains Jean Pastore, spokesperson of the casino's inter-union
00:18:45 It's the social far-west
00:18:47 Just the fact of learning that we were sold
00:18:49 Like vulgar cans
00:18:51 So it's true that there is already the understanding
00:18:53 So after a while, there is the question that arises
00:18:55 What is the store and the agency that will recover me
00:18:57 With the social conditions that will arrive
00:19:00 The casino employees have lost their agreement of companies
00:19:03 And their agreement of groups
00:19:04 Because the adherents, they try to come back
00:19:06 Faster on it
00:19:08 To avoid being against
00:19:10 With agreements of companies and groups
00:19:12 So there are many questions for now, I do not know yet
00:19:14 A strike preamble was filed by the inter-union
00:19:16 At the beginning of the week
00:19:18 However, from January 9 to February 4
00:19:20 A look at the weather
00:19:25 Snow or no snow
00:19:27 In any case, you are cold
00:19:29 It's the trend of your messages this morning
00:19:31 It's less cold than yesterday, said Frédéric
00:19:33 With -1 in Rontinion
00:19:35 Laurent tells us that it is -1 in Dogne
00:19:37 This morning
00:19:39 So, Météo France sent us
00:19:41 A yellow alert
00:19:43 For snow, ice and avalanches
00:19:45 With for today
00:19:47 The snow limit will drop to 700 meters
00:19:50 Grey this morning
00:19:52 No more sun, we announced a little bit last night
00:19:54 And finally, there is no more announced today
00:19:57 With even a few small downpours
00:19:59 Maximum temperature this afternoon
00:20:01 Potarbo, Laurent, 4 degrees
00:20:03 Hortèze, Larins, 5
00:20:05 We will warm up because there will be people
00:20:13 Saturday night at the Zénith de Pau
00:20:15 For the new show of the Knights of the Field
00:20:17 New show at 8.30 called "Les Municipaux"
00:20:20 The revenge, the Knights of the Field will be with us later
00:20:22 At 8h45
00:20:24 But we offer you these places with great pleasure
00:20:26 To discover, quite simply
00:20:28 An artist
00:20:30 An artist with a pretty rock voice
00:20:33 Pretty rock and pretty rock
00:20:35 And he sang a few years ago
00:20:39 He sang a song called
00:20:41 "Do you think I'm sexy"
00:20:43 "Do you think I'm sexy"
00:20:45 I don't want to ask you the question, Fanny
00:20:47 Because it's the song with the translation
00:20:49 And it was
00:20:51 "If you want"
00:20:53 No, no, it's not that
00:20:59 Mathias, don't ask yourself the question
00:21:01 "Oh my God, I'm fine, I'm doing my usual charm"
00:21:04 I was waiting for Fanny's answer
00:21:06 No, I didn't
00:21:08 And he sang
00:21:10 So, this anniversary is the one of
00:21:14 It's up to you to tell us
00:21:16 0559 98 09 09
00:21:18 We are waiting for you
00:21:20 And it's Melinda with Melinda New Look
00:21:22 This morning, waiting for you on the phone
00:21:24 Call now
00:21:26 0559 98 09 09
00:21:28 There is
00:21:30 There is Amir on one side
00:21:32 Jason Derulo on the other
00:21:34 And a tube, there is, right now
00:21:36 There is
00:21:38 Jason Derulo
00:21:40 Life is going on
00:21:44 But what am I doing here
00:21:46 Tactile risk
00:21:48 And in my fingers
00:21:50 The door slides
00:21:52 Flying at the tip of my fingers
00:21:54 Always smooth
00:21:56 At least I think
00:21:58 Yes, I swear, I lived
00:22:00 Like I loved
00:22:02 A totalure without grumbling
00:22:04 Yes, I assure you, I lived
00:22:08 Like I'm rolling
00:22:10 Straight to love and to madness
00:22:12 There is
00:22:16 This engine at the bottom of my lungs doesn't want it
00:22:18 There is
00:22:24 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:22:26 There is
00:22:30 There is
00:22:32 This force that drives me
00:22:34 Live a life of mine
00:22:36 Like a chorus
00:22:38 There is
00:22:40 This voice that tells me
00:22:42 Next time
00:22:44 Don't be afraid
00:22:46 Falling out alone
00:22:48 Falling right back in it
00:22:50 On the nights I had too much
00:22:52 Trying to break these codes
00:22:54 Then I text you 3 AM
00:22:56 I'm psycho lock me up
00:22:58 Yeah
00:23:00 Didn't think about
00:23:02 You at all tonight
00:23:04 Till they paid
00:23:06 Their price on you like
00:23:08 There is
00:23:10 This engine at the bottom of my lungs doesn't want it
00:23:12 There is
00:23:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:20 There is
00:23:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:24 There is
00:23:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:28 There is
00:23:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:32 There is
00:23:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:36 There is
00:23:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:40 There is
00:23:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:44 There is
00:23:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:48 There is
00:23:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:52 There is
00:23:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:23:56 There is
00:23:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:00 There is
00:24:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:04 There is
00:24:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:08 There is
00:24:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:12 There is
00:24:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:16 There is
00:24:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:20 There is
00:24:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:24 There is
00:24:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:28 There is
00:24:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:32 There is
00:24:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:36 There is
00:24:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:40 There is
00:24:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:44 There is
00:24:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:48 There is
00:24:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:52 There is
00:24:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:24:56 There is
00:24:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:00 There is
00:25:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:04 There is
00:25:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:08 There is
00:25:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:12 There is
00:25:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:16 There is
00:25:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:20 There is
00:25:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:24 There is
00:25:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:28 There is
00:25:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:32 There is
00:25:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:36 There is
00:25:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:40 There is
00:25:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:44 There is
00:25:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:48 There is
00:25:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:52 There is
00:25:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:25:56 There is
00:25:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:00 There is
00:26:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:04 There is
00:26:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:08 There is
00:26:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:12 There is
00:26:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:16 There is
00:26:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:20 There is
00:26:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:24 There is
00:26:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:28 There is
00:26:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:32 There is
00:26:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:36 There is
00:26:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:40 There is
00:26:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:44 There is
00:26:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:48 There is
00:26:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:52 There is
00:26:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:26:56 There is
00:26:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:00 There is
00:27:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:04 There is
00:27:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:08 There is
00:27:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:12 There is
00:27:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:16 There is
00:27:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:20 There is
00:27:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:24 There is
00:27:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:28 There is
00:27:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:32 There is
00:27:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:36 There is
00:27:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:40 There is
00:27:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:44 There is
00:27:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:48 There is
00:27:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:52 There is
00:27:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:27:56 There is
00:27:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:00 There is
00:28:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:04 There is
00:28:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:08 There is
00:28:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:12 There is
00:28:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:16 There is
00:28:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:20 There is
00:28:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:24 There is
00:28:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:28 There is
00:28:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:32 There is
00:28:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:36 There is
00:28:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:40 There is
00:28:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:44 There is
00:28:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:48 There is
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00:28:52 There is
00:28:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:28:56 There is
00:28:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:00 There is
00:29:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:04 There is
00:29:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:08 There is
00:29:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:12 There is
00:29:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:16 There is
00:29:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:20 There is
00:29:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:24 There is
00:29:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:28 There is
00:29:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:32 There is
00:29:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:36 There is
00:29:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:40 There is
00:29:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:44 There is
00:29:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:29:48 There is
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00:29:52 There is
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00:29:56 There is
00:29:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:00 There is
00:30:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:04 There is
00:30:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:08 There is
00:30:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:12 There is
00:30:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:16 There is
00:30:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:20 There is
00:30:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:24 There is
00:30:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:28 There is
00:30:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:32 There is
00:30:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:36 There is
00:30:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:40 There is
00:30:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:44 There is
00:30:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:30:48 There is
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00:30:52 There is
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00:30:56 There is
00:30:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:31:00 There is
00:31:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:31:04 There is
00:31:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:31:08 There is
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00:31:12 There is
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00:31:16 There is
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00:31:20 There is
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00:31:24 There is
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00:31:28 There is
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00:31:32 There is
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00:31:36 There is
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00:31:40 There is
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00:31:44 There is
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00:31:48 There is
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00:31:52 There is
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00:31:56 There is
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00:32:00 There is
00:32:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:32:04 There is
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00:32:08 There is
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00:32:12 There is
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00:32:16 There is
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00:32:20 There is
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00:32:24 There is
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00:32:28 There is
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00:32:32 There is
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00:32:36 There is
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00:32:40 There is
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00:32:44 There is
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00:32:48 There is
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00:32:52 There is
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00:32:56 There is
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00:33:00 There is
00:33:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:33:04 There is
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00:33:08 There is
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00:33:12 There is
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00:33:16 There is
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00:33:20 There is
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00:33:24 There is
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00:33:28 There is
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00:33:52 There is
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00:33:56 There is
00:33:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:34:00 There is
00:34:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:34:04 There is
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00:34:08 There is
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00:34:12 There is
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00:34:44 There is
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00:34:48 There is
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00:34:52 There is
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00:34:56 There is
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00:35:00 There is
00:35:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:35:04 There is
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00:35:08 There is
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00:35:12 There is
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00:35:20 There is
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00:35:24 There is
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00:35:28 There is
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00:35:32 There is
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00:35:36 There is
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00:35:52 There is
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00:35:56 There is
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00:36:00 There is
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00:36:04 There is
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00:36:08 There is
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00:36:12 There is
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00:36:20 There is
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00:36:48 There is
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00:36:52 There is
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00:36:56 There is
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00:37:00 There is
00:37:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:37:04 There is
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00:37:08 There is
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00:37:12 There is
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00:37:16 There is
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00:37:20 There is
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00:37:24 There is
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00:37:28 There is
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00:37:32 There is
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00:37:36 There is
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00:37:52 There is
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00:37:56 There is
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00:38:00 There is
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00:38:04 There is
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00:38:20 There is
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00:38:32 There is
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00:38:48 There is
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00:38:52 There is
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00:38:56 There is
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00:39:00 There is
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00:39:04 There is
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00:39:08 There is
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00:39:12 There is
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00:39:16 There is
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00:39:20 There is
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00:39:24 There is
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00:39:28 There is
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00:39:32 There is
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00:39:36 There is
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00:39:40 There is
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00:39:44 There is
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00:39:48 There is
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00:39:52 There is
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00:39:56 There is
00:39:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:40:00 There is
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00:40:04 There is
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00:40:08 There is
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00:40:12 There is
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00:40:16 There is
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00:40:20 There is
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00:40:24 There is
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00:40:28 There is
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00:40:32 There is
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00:40:36 There is
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00:40:48 There is
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00:40:52 There is
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00:40:56 There is
00:40:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:41:00 There is
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00:41:04 There is
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00:41:08 There is
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00:41:12 There is
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00:41:16 There is
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00:41:20 There is
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00:41:24 There is
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00:41:28 There is
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00:41:32 There is
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00:41:36 There is
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00:41:40 There is
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00:41:44 There is
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00:41:48 There is
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00:41:52 There is
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00:41:56 There is
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00:42:00 There is
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00:42:04 There is
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00:42:08 There is
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00:42:12 There is
00:42:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:16 There is
00:42:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:20 There is
00:42:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:24 There is
00:42:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:28 There is
00:42:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:32 There is
00:42:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:36 There is
00:42:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:40 There is
00:42:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:44 There is
00:42:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:48 There is
00:42:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:52 There is
00:42:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:42:56 There is
00:42:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:00 There is
00:43:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:04 There is
00:43:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:08 There is
00:43:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:12 There is
00:43:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:16 There is
00:43:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:20 There is
00:43:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:24 There is
00:43:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:28 There is
00:43:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:32 There is
00:43:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:36 There is
00:43:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:40 There is
00:43:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:44 There is
00:43:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:48 There is
00:43:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:52 There is
00:43:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:43:56 There is
00:43:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:00 There is
00:44:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:04 There is
00:44:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:08 There is
00:44:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:12 There is
00:44:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:16 There is
00:44:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:20 There is
00:44:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:24 There is
00:44:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:28 There is
00:44:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:32 There is
00:44:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:36 There is
00:44:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:40 There is
00:44:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:44 There is
00:44:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:48 There is
00:44:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:52 There is
00:44:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:44:56 There is
00:44:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:00 There is
00:45:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:04 There is
00:45:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:08 There is
00:45:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:12 There is
00:45:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:16 There is
00:45:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:20 There is
00:45:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:24 There is
00:45:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:28 There is
00:45:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:32 There is
00:45:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:36 There is
00:45:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:40 There is
00:45:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:44 There is
00:45:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:48 There is
00:45:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:52 There is
00:45:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:45:56 There is
00:45:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:00 There is
00:46:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:04 There is
00:46:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:08 There is
00:46:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:12 There is
00:46:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:16 There is
00:46:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:20 There is
00:46:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:24 There is
00:46:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:28 There is
00:46:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:32 There is
00:46:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:36 There is
00:46:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:40 There is
00:46:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:44 There is
00:46:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:48 There is
00:46:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:52 There is
00:46:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:46:56 There is
00:46:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:00 There is
00:47:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:04 There is
00:47:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:08 There is
00:47:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:12 There is
00:47:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:16 There is
00:47:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:20 There is
00:47:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:24 There is
00:47:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:28 There is
00:47:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:32 There is
00:47:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:36 There is
00:47:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:40 There is
00:47:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:44 There is
00:47:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:48 There is
00:47:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:52 There is
00:47:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:47:56 There is
00:47:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:00 There is
00:48:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:04 There is
00:48:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:08 There is
00:48:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:12 There is
00:48:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:16 There is
00:48:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:20 There is
00:48:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:24 There is
00:48:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:28 There is
00:48:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:32 There is
00:48:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:36 There is
00:48:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:40 There is
00:48:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:44 There is
00:48:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:48 There is
00:48:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:52 There is
00:48:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:48:56 There is
00:48:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:00 There is
00:49:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:04 There is
00:49:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:08 There is
00:49:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:12 There is
00:49:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:16 There is
00:49:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:20 There is
00:49:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:24 There is
00:49:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:28 There is
00:49:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:32 There is
00:49:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:36 There is
00:49:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:40 There is
00:49:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:44 There is
00:49:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:48 There is
00:49:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:52 There is
00:49:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:49:56 There is
00:49:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:00 There is
00:50:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:04 There is
00:50:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:08 There is
00:50:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:12 There is
00:50:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:16 There is
00:50:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:20 There is
00:50:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:24 There is
00:50:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:28 There is
00:50:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:32 There is
00:50:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:36 There is
00:50:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:40 There is
00:50:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:44 There is
00:50:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:48 There is
00:50:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:52 There is
00:50:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:50:56 There is
00:50:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:00 There is
00:51:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:04 There is
00:51:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:08 There is
00:51:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:12 There is
00:51:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:16 There is
00:51:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:20 There is
00:51:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:24 There is
00:51:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:28 There is
00:51:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:32 There is
00:51:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:36 There is
00:51:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:40 There is
00:51:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:44 There is
00:51:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:48 There is
00:51:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:52 There is
00:51:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:51:56 There is
00:51:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:00 There is
00:52:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:04 There is
00:52:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:08 There is
00:52:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:12 There is
00:52:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:16 There is
00:52:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:20 There is
00:52:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:24 There is
00:52:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:28 There is
00:52:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:32 There is
00:52:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:36 There is
00:52:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:40 There is
00:52:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:44 There is
00:52:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:48 There is
00:52:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:52 There is
00:52:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:52:56 There is
00:52:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:00 There is
00:53:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:04 There is
00:53:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:08 There is
00:53:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:12 There is
00:53:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:16 There is
00:53:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:20 There is
00:53:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:24 There is
00:53:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:28 There is
00:53:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:32 There is
00:53:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:36 There is
00:53:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:40 There is
00:53:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:44 There is
00:53:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:48 There is
00:53:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:52 There is
00:53:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:53:56 There is
00:53:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:00 There is
00:54:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:04 There is
00:54:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:08 There is
00:54:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:12 There is
00:54:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:16 There is
00:54:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:20 There is
00:54:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:24 There is
00:54:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:28 There is
00:54:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:32 There is
00:54:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:36 There is
00:54:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:40 There is
00:54:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:44 There is
00:54:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:48 There is
00:54:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:52 There is
00:54:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:54:56 There is
00:54:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:00 There is
00:55:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:04 There is
00:55:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:08 There is
00:55:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:12 There is
00:55:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:16 There is
00:55:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:20 There is
00:55:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:24 There is
00:55:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:28 There is
00:55:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:32 There is
00:55:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:36 There is
00:55:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:40 There is
00:55:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:44 There is
00:55:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:48 There is
00:55:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:52 There is
00:55:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:55:56 There is
00:55:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:00 There is
00:56:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:04 There is
00:56:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:08 There is
00:56:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:12 There is
00:56:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:16 There is
00:56:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:20 There is
00:56:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:24 There is
00:56:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:28 There is
00:56:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:32 There is
00:56:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:36 There is
00:56:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:40 There is
00:56:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:44 There is
00:56:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:48 There is
00:56:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:52 There is
00:56:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:56:56 There is
00:56:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:00 There is
00:57:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:04 There is
00:57:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:08 There is
00:57:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:12 There is
00:57:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:16 There is
00:57:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:20 There is
00:57:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:24 There is
00:57:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:28 There is
00:57:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:32 There is
00:57:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:36 There is
00:57:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:40 There is
00:57:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:44 There is
00:57:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:48 There is
00:57:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:52 There is
00:57:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:57:56 There is
00:57:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:00 There is
00:58:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:04 There is
00:58:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:08 There is
00:58:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:12 There is
00:58:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:16 There is
00:58:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:20 There is
00:58:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:24 There is
00:58:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:28 There is
00:58:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:32 There is
00:58:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:36 There is
00:58:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:40 There is
00:58:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:44 There is
00:58:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:48 There is
00:58:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:52 There is
00:58:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:58:56 There is
00:58:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:00 There is
00:59:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:04 There is
00:59:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:08 There is
00:59:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:12 There is
00:59:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:16 There is
00:59:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:20 There is
00:59:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:24 There is
00:59:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:28 There is
00:59:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:32 There is
00:59:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:36 There is
00:59:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:40 There is
00:59:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:44 There is
00:59:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:48 There is
00:59:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:52 There is
00:59:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
00:59:56 There is
00:59:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:00 There is
01:00:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:04 There is
01:00:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:08 There is
01:00:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:12 There is
01:00:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:16 There is
01:00:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:20 There is
01:00:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:24 There is
01:00:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:28 There is
01:00:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:32 There is
01:00:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:36 There is
01:00:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:40 There is
01:00:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:44 There is
01:00:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:48 There is
01:00:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:52 There is
01:00:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:00:56 There is
01:00:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:00 There is
01:01:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:04 There is
01:01:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:08 There is
01:01:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:12 There is
01:01:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:16 There is
01:01:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:20 There is
01:01:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:24 There is
01:01:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:28 There is
01:01:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:32 There is
01:01:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:36 There is
01:01:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:40 There is
01:01:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:44 There is
01:01:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:48 There is
01:01:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:52 There is
01:01:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:01:56 There is
01:01:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:00 There is
01:02:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:04 There is
01:02:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:08 There is
01:02:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:12 There is
01:02:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:16 There is
01:02:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:20 There is
01:02:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:24 There is
01:02:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:28 There is
01:02:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:32 There is
01:02:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:36 There is
01:02:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:40 There is
01:02:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:44 There is
01:02:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:48 There is
01:02:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:52 There is
01:02:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:02:56 There is
01:02:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:00 There is
01:03:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:04 There is
01:03:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:08 There is
01:03:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:12 There is
01:03:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:16 There is
01:03:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:20 There is
01:03:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:24 There is
01:03:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:28 There is
01:03:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:32 There is
01:03:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:36 There is
01:03:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:40 There is
01:03:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:44 There is
01:03:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:48 There is
01:03:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:52 There is
01:03:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:03:56 There is
01:03:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:00 There is
01:04:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:04 There is
01:04:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:08 There is
01:04:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:12 There is
01:04:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:16 There is
01:04:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:20 There is
01:04:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:24 There is
01:04:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:28 There is
01:04:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:32 There is
01:04:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:36 There is
01:04:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:40 There is
01:04:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:44 There is
01:04:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:48 There is
01:04:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:52 There is
01:04:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:04:56 There is
01:04:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:00 There is
01:05:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:04 There is
01:05:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:08 There is
01:05:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:12 There is
01:05:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:16 There is
01:05:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:20 There is
01:05:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:24 There is
01:05:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:28 There is
01:05:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:32 There is
01:05:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:36 There is
01:05:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:40 There is
01:05:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:44 There is
01:05:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:48 There is
01:05:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:52 There is
01:05:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:05:56 There is
01:05:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:00 There is
01:06:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:04 There is
01:06:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:08 There is
01:06:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:12 There is
01:06:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:16 There is
01:06:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:20 There is
01:06:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:24 There is
01:06:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:28 There is
01:06:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:32 There is
01:06:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:36 There is
01:06:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:40 There is
01:06:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:44 There is
01:06:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:48 There is
01:06:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:52 There is
01:06:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:06:56 There is
01:06:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:00 There is
01:07:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:04 There is
01:07:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:08 There is
01:07:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:12 There is
01:07:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:16 There is
01:07:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:20 There is
01:07:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:24 There is
01:07:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:28 There is
01:07:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:32 There is
01:07:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:36 There is
01:07:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:40 There is
01:07:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:44 There is
01:07:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:48 There is
01:07:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:52 There is
01:07:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:07:56 There is
01:07:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:00 There is
01:08:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:04 There is
01:08:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:08 There is
01:08:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:12 There is
01:08:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:16 There is
01:08:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:20 There is
01:08:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:24 There is
01:08:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:28 There is
01:08:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:32 There is
01:08:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:36 There is
01:08:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:40 There is
01:08:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:44 There is
01:08:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:48 There is
01:08:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:52 There is
01:08:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:08:56 There is
01:08:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:00 There is
01:09:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:04 There is
01:09:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:08 There is
01:09:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:12 There is
01:09:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:16 There is
01:09:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:20 There is
01:09:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:24 There is
01:09:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:28 There is
01:09:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:32 There is
01:09:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:36 There is
01:09:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:40 There is
01:09:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:44 There is
01:09:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:48 There is
01:09:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:52 There is
01:09:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:09:56 There is
01:09:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:00 There is
01:10:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:04 There is
01:10:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:08 There is
01:10:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:12 There is
01:10:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:16 There is
01:10:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:20 There is
01:10:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:24 There is
01:10:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:28 There is
01:10:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:32 There is
01:10:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:36 There is
01:10:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:40 There is
01:10:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:44 There is
01:10:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:48 There is
01:10:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:52 There is
01:10:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:10:56 There is
01:10:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:00 There is
01:11:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:04 There is
01:11:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:08 There is
01:11:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:12 There is
01:11:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:16 There is
01:11:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:20 There is
01:11:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:24 There is
01:11:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:28 There is
01:11:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:32 There is
01:11:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:36 There is
01:11:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:40 There is
01:11:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:44 There is
01:11:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:48 There is
01:11:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:52 There is
01:11:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:11:56 There is
01:11:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:00 There is
01:12:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:04 There is
01:12:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:08 There is
01:12:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:12 There is
01:12:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:16 There is
01:12:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:20 There is
01:12:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:24 There is
01:12:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:28 There is
01:12:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:32 There is
01:12:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:36 There is
01:12:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:40 There is
01:12:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:44 There is
01:12:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:48 There is
01:12:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:52 There is
01:12:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:12:56 There is
01:12:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:00 There is
01:13:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:04 There is
01:13:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:08 There is
01:13:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:12 There is
01:13:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:16 There is
01:13:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:20 There is
01:13:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:24 There is
01:13:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:28 There is
01:13:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:32 There is
01:13:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:36 There is
01:13:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:40 There is
01:13:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:44 There is
01:13:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:48 There is
01:13:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:52 There is
01:13:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:13:56 There is
01:13:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:00 There is
01:14:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:04 There is
01:14:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:08 There is
01:14:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:12 There is
01:14:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:16 There is
01:14:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:20 There is
01:14:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:24 There is
01:14:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:28 There is
01:14:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:32 There is
01:14:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:36 There is
01:14:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:40 There is
01:14:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:44 There is
01:14:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:48 There is
01:14:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:52 There is
01:14:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:14:56 There is
01:14:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:00 There is
01:15:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:04 There is
01:15:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:08 There is
01:15:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:12 There is
01:15:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:16 There is
01:15:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:20 There is
01:15:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:24 There is
01:15:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:28 There is
01:15:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:32 There is
01:15:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:36 There is
01:15:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:40 There is
01:15:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:44 There is
01:15:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:48 There is
01:15:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:52 There is
01:15:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:15:56 There is
01:15:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:00 There is
01:16:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:04 There is
01:16:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:08 There is
01:16:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:12 There is
01:16:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:16 There is
01:16:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:20 There is
01:16:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:24 There is
01:16:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:28 There is
01:16:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:32 There is
01:16:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:36 There is
01:16:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:40 There is
01:16:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:44 There is
01:16:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:48 There is
01:16:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:52 There is
01:16:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:16:56 There is
01:16:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:00 There is
01:17:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:04 There is
01:17:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:08 There is
01:17:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:12 There is
01:17:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:16 There is
01:17:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:20 There is
01:17:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:24 There is
01:17:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:28 There is
01:17:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:32 There is
01:17:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:36 There is
01:17:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:40 There is
01:17:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:44 There is
01:17:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:48 There is
01:17:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:52 There is
01:17:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:17:56 There is
01:17:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:00 There is
01:18:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:04 There is
01:18:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:08 There is
01:18:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:12 There is
01:18:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:16 There is
01:18:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:20 There is
01:18:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:24 There is
01:18:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:28 There is
01:18:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:32 There is
01:18:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:36 There is
01:18:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:40 There is
01:18:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:44 There is
01:18:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:48 There is
01:18:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:52 There is
01:18:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:18:56 There is
01:18:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:00 There is
01:19:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:04 There is
01:19:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:08 There is
01:19:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:12 There is
01:19:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:16 There is
01:19:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:20 There is
01:19:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:24 There is
01:19:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:28 There is
01:19:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:32 There is
01:19:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:36 There is
01:19:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:40 There is
01:19:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:44 There is
01:19:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:48 There is
01:19:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:52 There is
01:19:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:19:56 There is
01:19:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:00 There is
01:20:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:04 There is
01:20:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:08 There is
01:20:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:12 There is
01:20:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:16 There is
01:20:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:20 There is
01:20:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:24 There is
01:20:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:28 There is
01:20:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:32 There is
01:20:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:36 There is
01:20:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:40 There is
01:20:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:44 There is
01:20:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:48 There is
01:20:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:52 There is
01:20:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:20:56 There is
01:20:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:00 There is
01:21:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:04 There is
01:21:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:08 There is
01:21:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:12 There is
01:21:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:16 There is
01:21:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:20 There is
01:21:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:24 There is
01:21:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:28 There is
01:21:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:32 There is
01:21:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:36 There is
01:21:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:40 There is
01:21:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:44 There is
01:21:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:48 There is
01:21:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:52 There is
01:21:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:21:56 There is
01:21:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:00 There is
01:22:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:04 There is
01:22:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:08 There is
01:22:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:12 There is
01:22:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:16 There is
01:22:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:20 There is
01:22:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:24 There is
01:22:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:28 There is
01:22:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:32 There is
01:22:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:36 There is
01:22:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:40 There is
01:22:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:44 There is
01:22:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:48 There is
01:22:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:52 There is
01:22:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:22:56 There is
01:22:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:00 There is
01:23:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:04 There is
01:23:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:08 There is
01:23:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:12 There is
01:23:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:16 There is
01:23:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:20 There is
01:23:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:24 There is
01:23:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:28 There is
01:23:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:32 There is
01:23:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:36 There is
01:23:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:40 There is
01:23:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:44 There is
01:23:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:48 There is
01:23:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:52 There is
01:23:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:23:56 There is
01:23:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:00 There is
01:24:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:04 There is
01:24:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:08 There is
01:24:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:12 There is
01:24:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:16 There is
01:24:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:20 There is
01:24:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:24 There is
01:24:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:28 There is
01:24:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:32 There is
01:24:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:36 There is
01:24:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:40 There is
01:24:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:44 There is
01:24:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:48 There is
01:24:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:52 There is
01:24:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:24:56 There is
01:24:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:00 There is
01:25:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:04 There is
01:25:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:08 There is
01:25:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:12 There is
01:25:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:16 There is
01:25:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:20 There is
01:25:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:24 There is
01:25:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:28 There is
01:25:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:32 There is
01:25:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:36 There is
01:25:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:40 There is
01:25:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:44 There is
01:25:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:48 There is
01:25:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:52 There is
01:25:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:25:56 There is
01:25:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:00 There is
01:26:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:04 There is
01:26:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:08 There is
01:26:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:12 There is
01:26:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:16 There is
01:26:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:20 There is
01:26:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:24 There is
01:26:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:28 There is
01:26:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:32 There is
01:26:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:36 There is
01:26:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:40 There is
01:26:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:44 There is
01:26:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:48 There is
01:26:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:52 There is
01:26:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:26:56 There is
01:26:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:00 There is
01:27:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:04 There is
01:27:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:08 There is
01:27:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:12 There is
01:27:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:16 There is
01:27:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:20 There is
01:27:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:24 There is
01:27:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:28 There is
01:27:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:32 There is
01:27:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:36 There is
01:27:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:40 There is
01:27:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:44 There is
01:27:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:48 There is
01:27:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:52 There is
01:27:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:27:56 There is
01:27:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:00 There is
01:28:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:04 There is
01:28:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:08 There is
01:28:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:12 There is
01:28:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:16 There is
01:28:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:20 There is
01:28:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:24 There is
01:28:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:28 There is
01:28:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:32 There is
01:28:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:36 There is
01:28:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:40 There is
01:28:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:44 There is
01:28:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:48 There is
01:28:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:52 There is
01:28:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:28:56 There is
01:28:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:00 There is
01:29:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:04 There is
01:29:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:08 There is
01:29:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:12 There is
01:29:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:16 There is
01:29:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:20 There is
01:29:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:24 There is
01:29:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:28 There is
01:29:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:32 There is
01:29:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:36 There is
01:29:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:40 There is
01:29:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:44 There is
01:29:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:48 There is
01:29:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:52 There is
01:29:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:29:56 There is
01:29:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:00 There is
01:30:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:04 There is
01:30:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:08 There is
01:30:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:12 There is
01:30:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:16 There is
01:30:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:20 There is
01:30:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:24 There is
01:30:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:28 There is
01:30:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:32 There is
01:30:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:36 There is
01:30:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:40 There is
01:30:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:44 There is
01:30:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:48 There is
01:30:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:52 There is
01:30:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:30:56 There is
01:30:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:00 There is
01:31:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:04 There is
01:31:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:08 There is
01:31:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:12 There is
01:31:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:16 There is
01:31:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:20 There is
01:31:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:24 There is
01:31:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:28 There is
01:31:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:32 There is
01:31:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:36 There is
01:31:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:40 There is
01:31:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:44 There is
01:31:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:48 There is
01:31:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:52 There is
01:31:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:31:56 There is
01:31:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:00 There is
01:32:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:04 There is
01:32:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:08 There is
01:32:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:12 There is
01:32:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:16 There is
01:32:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:20 There is
01:32:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:24 There is
01:32:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:28 There is
01:32:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:32 There is
01:32:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:36 There is
01:32:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:40 There is
01:32:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:44 There is
01:32:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:48 There is
01:32:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:52 There is
01:32:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:32:56 There is
01:32:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:00 There is
01:33:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:04 There is
01:33:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:08 There is
01:33:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:12 There is
01:33:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:16 There is
01:33:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:20 There is
01:33:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:24 There is
01:33:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:28 There is
01:33:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:32 There is
01:33:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:36 There is
01:33:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:40 There is
01:33:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:44 There is
01:33:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:48 There is
01:33:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:52 There is
01:33:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:33:56 There is
01:33:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:00 There is
01:34:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:04 There is
01:34:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:08 There is
01:34:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:12 There is
01:34:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:16 There is
01:34:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:20 There is
01:34:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:24 There is
01:34:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:28 There is
01:34:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:32 There is
01:34:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:36 There is
01:34:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:40 There is
01:34:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:44 There is
01:34:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:48 There is
01:34:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:52 There is
01:34:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:34:56 There is
01:34:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:00 There is
01:35:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:04 There is
01:35:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:08 There is
01:35:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:12 There is
01:35:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:16 There is
01:35:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:20 There is
01:35:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:24 There is
01:35:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:28 There is
01:35:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:32 There is
01:35:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:36 There is
01:35:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:40 There is
01:35:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:44 There is
01:35:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:48 There is
01:35:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:52 There is
01:35:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:35:56 There is
01:35:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:00 There is
01:36:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:04 There is
01:36:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:08 There is
01:36:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:12 There is
01:36:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:16 There is
01:36:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:20 There is
01:36:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:24 There is
01:36:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:28 There is
01:36:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:32 There is
01:36:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:36 There is
01:36:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:40 There is
01:36:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:44 There is
01:36:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:48 There is
01:36:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:52 There is
01:36:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:36:56 There is
01:36:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:00 There is
01:37:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:04 There is
01:37:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:08 There is
01:37:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:12 There is
01:37:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:16 There is
01:37:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:20 There is
01:37:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:24 There is
01:37:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:28 There is
01:37:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:32 There is
01:37:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:36 There is
01:37:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:40 There is
01:37:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:44 There is
01:37:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:48 There is
01:37:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:52 There is
01:37:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:37:56 There is
01:37:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:00 There is
01:38:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:04 There is
01:38:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:08 There is
01:38:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:12 There is
01:38:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:16 There is
01:38:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:20 There is
01:38:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:24 There is
01:38:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:28 There is
01:38:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:32 There is
01:38:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:36 There is
01:38:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:40 There is
01:38:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:44 There is
01:38:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:48 There is
01:38:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:52 There is
01:38:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:38:56 There is
01:38:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:00 There is
01:39:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:04 There is
01:39:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:08 There is
01:39:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:12 There is
01:39:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:16 There is
01:39:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:20 There is
01:39:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:24 There is
01:39:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:28 There is
01:39:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:32 There is
01:39:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:36 There is
01:39:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:40 There is
01:39:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:44 There is
01:39:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:48 There is
01:39:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:52 There is
01:39:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:39:56 There is
01:39:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:00 There is
01:40:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:04 There is
01:40:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:08 There is
01:40:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:12 There is
01:40:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:16 There is
01:40:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:20 There is
01:40:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:24 There is
01:40:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:28 There is
01:40:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:32 There is
01:40:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:36 There is
01:40:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:40 There is
01:40:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:44 There is
01:40:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:48 There is
01:40:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:52 There is
01:40:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:40:56 There is
01:40:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:00 There is
01:41:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:04 There is
01:41:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:08 There is
01:41:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:12 There is
01:41:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:16 There is
01:41:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:20 There is
01:41:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:24 There is
01:41:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:28 There is
01:41:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:32 There is
01:41:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:36 There is
01:41:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:40 There is
01:41:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:44 There is
01:41:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:48 There is
01:41:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:52 There is
01:41:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:41:56 There is
01:41:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:00 There is
01:42:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:04 There is
01:42:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:08 There is
01:42:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:12 There is
01:42:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:16 There is
01:42:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:20 There is
01:42:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:24 There is
01:42:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:28 There is
01:42:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:32 There is
01:42:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:36 There is
01:42:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:40 There is
01:42:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:44 There is
01:42:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:48 There is
01:42:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:52 There is
01:42:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:42:56 There is
01:42:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:00 There is
01:43:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:04 There is
01:43:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:08 There is
01:43:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:12 There is
01:43:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:16 There is
01:43:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:20 There is
01:43:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:24 There is
01:43:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:28 There is
01:43:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:32 There is
01:43:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:36 There is
01:43:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:40 There is
01:43:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:44 There is
01:43:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:48 There is
01:43:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:52 There is
01:43:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:43:56 There is
01:43:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:00 There is
01:44:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:04 There is
01:44:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:08 There is
01:44:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:12 There is
01:44:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:16 There is
01:44:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:20 There is
01:44:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:24 There is
01:44:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:28 There is
01:44:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:32 There is
01:44:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:36 There is
01:44:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:40 There is
01:44:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:44 There is
01:44:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:48 There is
01:44:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:52 There is
01:44:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:44:56 There is
01:44:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:00 There is
01:45:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:04 There is
01:45:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:08 There is
01:45:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:12 There is
01:45:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:16 There is
01:45:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:20 There is
01:45:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:24 There is
01:45:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:28 There is
01:45:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:32 There is
01:45:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:36 There is
01:45:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:40 There is
01:45:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:44 There is
01:45:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:48 There is
01:45:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:52 There is
01:45:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:45:56 There is
01:45:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:00 There is
01:46:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:04 There is
01:46:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:08 There is
01:46:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:12 There is
01:46:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:16 There is
01:46:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:20 There is
01:46:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:24 There is
01:46:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:28 There is
01:46:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:32 There is
01:46:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:36 There is
01:46:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:40 There is
01:46:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:44 There is
01:46:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:48 There is
01:46:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:52 There is
01:46:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:46:56 There is
01:46:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:00 There is
01:47:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:04 There is
01:47:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:08 There is
01:47:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:12 There is
01:47:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:16 There is
01:47:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:20 There is
01:47:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:24 There is
01:47:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:28 There is
01:47:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:32 There is
01:47:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:36 There is
01:47:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:40 There is
01:47:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:44 There is
01:47:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:48 There is
01:47:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:52 There is
01:47:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:47:56 There is
01:47:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:00 There is
01:48:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:04 There is
01:48:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:08 There is
01:48:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:12 There is
01:48:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:16 There is
01:48:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:20 There is
01:48:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:24 There is
01:48:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:28 There is
01:48:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:32 There is
01:48:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:36 There is
01:48:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:40 There is
01:48:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:44 There is
01:48:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:48 There is
01:48:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:52 There is
01:48:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:48:56 There is
01:48:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:00 There is
01:49:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:04 There is
01:49:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:08 There is
01:49:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:12 There is
01:49:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:16 There is
01:49:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:20 There is
01:49:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:24 There is
01:49:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:28 There is
01:49:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:32 There is
01:49:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:36 There is
01:49:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:40 There is
01:49:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:44 There is
01:49:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:48 There is
01:49:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:52 There is
01:49:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:49:56 There is
01:49:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:00 There is
01:50:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:04 There is
01:50:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:08 There is
01:50:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:12 There is
01:50:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:16 There is
01:50:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:20 There is
01:50:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:24 There is
01:50:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:28 There is
01:50:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:32 There is
01:50:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:36 There is
01:50:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:40 There is
01:50:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:44 There is
01:50:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:48 There is
01:50:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:52 There is
01:50:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:50:56 There is
01:50:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:00 There is
01:51:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:04 There is
01:51:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:08 There is
01:51:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:12 There is
01:51:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:16 There is
01:51:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:20 There is
01:51:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:24 There is
01:51:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:28 There is
01:51:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:32 There is
01:51:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:36 There is
01:51:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:40 There is
01:51:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:44 There is
01:51:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:48 There is
01:51:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:52 There is
01:51:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:51:56 There is
01:51:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:00 There is
01:52:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:04 There is
01:52:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:08 There is
01:52:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:12 There is
01:52:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:16 There is
01:52:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:20 There is
01:52:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:24 There is
01:52:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:28 There is
01:52:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:32 There is
01:52:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:36 There is
01:52:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:40 There is
01:52:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:44 There is
01:52:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:48 There is
01:52:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:52 There is
01:52:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:52:56 There is
01:52:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:00 There is
01:53:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:04 There is
01:53:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:08 There is
01:53:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:12 There is
01:53:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:16 There is
01:53:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:20 There is
01:53:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:24 There is
01:53:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:28 There is
01:53:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:32 There is
01:53:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:36 There is
01:53:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:40 There is
01:53:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:44 There is
01:53:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:48 There is
01:53:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:52 There is
01:53:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:53:56 There is
01:53:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:00 There is
01:54:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:04 There is
01:54:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:08 There is
01:54:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:12 There is
01:54:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:16 There is
01:54:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:20 There is
01:54:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:24 There is
01:54:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:28 There is
01:54:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:32 There is
01:54:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:36 There is
01:54:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:40 There is
01:54:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:44 There is
01:54:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:48 There is
01:54:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:52 There is
01:54:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:54:56 There is
01:54:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:00 There is
01:55:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:04 There is
01:55:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:08 There is
01:55:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:12 There is
01:55:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:16 There is
01:55:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:20 There is
01:55:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:24 There is
01:55:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:28 There is
01:55:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:32 There is
01:55:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:36 There is
01:55:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:40 There is
01:55:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:44 There is
01:55:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:48 There is
01:55:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:52 There is
01:55:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:55:56 There is
01:55:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:00 There is
01:56:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:04 There is
01:56:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:08 There is
01:56:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:12 There is
01:56:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:16 There is
01:56:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:20 There is
01:56:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:24 There is
01:56:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:28 There is
01:56:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:32 There is
01:56:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:36 There is
01:56:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:40 There is
01:56:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:44 There is
01:56:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:48 There is
01:56:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:52 There is
01:56:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:56:56 There is
01:56:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:00 There is
01:57:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:04 There is
01:57:06 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:08 There is
01:57:10 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:12 There is
01:57:14 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:16 There is
01:57:18 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:20 There is
01:57:22 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:24 There is
01:57:26 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:28 There is
01:57:30 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:32 There is
01:57:34 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:36 There is
01:57:38 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:40 There is
01:57:42 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:44 There is
01:57:46 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:48 There is
01:57:50 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:52 There is
01:57:54 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:57:56 There is
01:57:58 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:58:00 There is
01:58:02 Already the sky in the wings that we deploy
01:58:04 -Ci-de-qui-t'aime, ciao ciao !