Full Video: The fundamental Violence, Ahinsa & Veganism: fully explained || Acharya Prashant, Conversation(2022)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3HnnaGD90Y&t=0s
Video Information: 30.08.2023, Interview with Dr. Shailesh Rao (Climate Healers)
What is the solution to climate change?
How spirituality can stop the climate change?
Climate change have no scientific solution!
How veganism is related to compassion?
Why veganism is necessary for today's generation?
What is the relation between veganism and climate change?
How could veganism change the world?
Music Credits: Milind Date
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3HnnaGD90Y&t=0s
Video Information: 30.08.2023, Interview with Dr. Shailesh Rao (Climate Healers)
What is the solution to climate change?
How spirituality can stop the climate change?
Climate change have no scientific solution!
How veganism is related to compassion?
Why veganism is necessary for today's generation?
What is the relation between veganism and climate change?
How could veganism change the world?
Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Animal agriculture obviously is something extremely, extremely problematic.
00:12 In fact I have thought of calling it the third world war.
00:18 Because what do you call as a world war?
00:20 A spectacle of all out destruction, right?
00:24 Total catastrophe, that's what we call as the third world war.
00:28 The third world war is that after which no fourth one is possible.
00:32 So that's the condition we are in today, are we not?
00:37 So yes, and very few people are aware of the kind of damage that their food habits are
00:45 causing to the earth.
00:47 That because you want meat, therefore so much forest has to be cleared and that leads to
00:55 extinction of so many species on a daily basis and when you clear away the forest and you
01:00 grow these crops, 70% of that is being used to feed the animals and that is also the cause
01:05 of water shortage and the problem of global hunger.
01:11 There is enough food grain but most of that is being used to feed the animal because you
01:16 want to consume the animal's flesh and if you want to consume 1 kg of animal flesh that
01:21 requires probably 20 kg of grain and what 50 kg of water, something like that, round
01:28 about, depending on the kind of flesh.
01:32 So and then we talk of the scarcity of fresh water, we say there is not enough food for
01:40 everybody to eat.
01:42 The fact is much more than what is needed by the entire human population is being produced
01:48 but fed to the cattle so that you can, you can, and when you are feeding that to the
01:54 cattle and it is a massive cattle and it produces so much methane and that is where all the
01:59 climate change is coming from.
02:02 And methane is 20 times more vicious in its greenhouse potential compared to the gas that
02:09 is commonly blamed in the popular culture, carbon dioxide.
02:13 Nobody is talking of methane.
02:15 The fact is methane is the real culprit and if methane is the real culprit where is methane
02:19 coming from?
02:21 Yes, a part of methane emission, a big part is from coal but there is hardly anything
02:30 you can do about that.
02:34 Rather it is much easier to work on animal agriculture.
02:39 We do not realize how much methane one buffalo being killed for its beef is producing and
02:50 we keep talking of so many things.
02:54 The one central thing that we do not talk of is food.
02:59 We take it as some kind of liberal prerogative, I will decide what is on my plate.
03:11 The vegan movement has to progress from a position of liberalism to a position of liberation.
03:26 If veganism is about liberal values, you know, animals too must have their rights.
03:38 Then somebody will turn around and say, then I will exercise my right to choose what I
03:43 want to eat.
03:44 So, you cannot have your cup and eat it too.
03:48 We have to realize that it is these very same liberal values that are at the core of the
03:57 catastrophe we are witnessing.
04:00 You cannot turn the problem itself into a solution.
04:06 The problem is the problem and the solution has to be at a level higher than the problem,
04:11 only then it will succeed.
04:17 Liberation is the answer.
04:18 Liberation from what?
04:20 Liberation from my own self.
04:22 Liberation from my lust to consume.
04:25 And when I am liberated from that, then we will have the answer not only to the problem
04:31 of violence towards animals, but also to a lot of other problems.
04:36 Why?
04:37 Because fundamentally all the problems are originating from a common core and that common
04:42 core is internal human ignorance.
04:46 If you can take care of internal human ignorance, you will take care of all the problems.
04:50 Whereas, if we have a piecemeal approach, we want to address the problem of cruelty
04:56 towards animals in an isolated way, we will not succeed.
05:01 I feel a bit apprehensive and disappointed when I see the vegan community treating veganism
05:09 as an objective problem in itself.
05:11 No, when I say veganism, I mean the challenge to turn people vegan.
05:19 Cruelty towards animals is not an objective or isolated or a standalone problem in itself.
05:26 It is originating from the violent animal within each of us and the violent animal sitting
05:33 within us can be taken care of only through core spiritual teaching.
05:41 Without that veganism won't succeed.
05:42 Thank you.
05:43 Thank you.