00:35 We have about 35 minutes or less to the new year.
00:41 And so we're going to get straight to our message slide
00:43 number one.
00:44 This slide will be announcing our theme for 2024.
00:55 Don't you never say stretch?
00:58 And amen, amen, amen.
01:01 Stretch, stretch, stretch.
01:03 We're spending a lot of time with that.
01:07 We are stepping into a dispensation of jubilee.
01:12 In the next 30 minutes, we are literally
01:14 stepping into a dispensation of jubilee
01:16 with harvest and abundance, restoration,
01:20 and transferred grace.
01:22 There is a grace that's been waiting for me.
01:28 The Lord told me that it will happen shortly after midnight.
01:32 Shortly after midnight.
01:35 Next year is a jubilee year.
01:38 All of the things that have happened in 2021,
01:41 '22 in terms of significant loss,
01:45 they are now coming into the second part
01:48 of an accelerated, elevated jubilee.
01:53 And so the grace reserve that is rightfully
01:56 been put aside for us, both a sign for my life
02:01 and your life, transferred by invitation and promise,
02:05 is going to supernaturally take place shortly after midnight.
02:09 Say, I receive.
02:14 Receive it, Anna.
02:15 Receive it.
02:17 Receive it.
02:18 Receive it.
02:18 You will have more money than your man.
02:20 Amen.
02:21 Say, I receive, I receive, I receive.
02:23 Amen.
02:27 Did you already got more money than me?
02:30 Slide number two, three.
02:36 Exodus chapter 320.
02:39 As his God stretched out his hand,
02:42 and I will stretch out my hand, and I
02:45 will smite Egypt, your enemy, with all my wonders, which
02:51 I do in the midst thereof.
02:54 And after that, and after that, after I've stretched on you,
03:00 after that, he will let you go.
03:05 Shortly after midnight, the hand of God
03:10 is going to stretch and smite enemies all over.
03:14 And whatever Isaac has been holding you back,
03:20 it will release you and let you go.
03:23 Shout three times, I receive, I receive, I receive.
03:28 Exodus chapter 7, verse 5, and the Egyptians
03:32 shall know that I am Lord when I stretch out my hand upon Egypt
03:37 and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
03:40 Shout God's stretching his hand over my enemy.
03:47 Shout, I receive, I receive, I receive.
03:51 Clap your hands and praise him.
03:58 Deuteronomy 9, verse 29, yet they
04:02 are thy people and thine inheritance,
04:05 which you brought us out with.
04:10 Brought us out by your mighty hand of power
04:15 and by your stretched out arm.
04:20 A stretched out arm.
04:23 God the Father add a blessing to this word in Jesus' name.
04:29 Take your seat.
04:29 So God stretched out his hand.
04:31 2 Kings chapter number 21 and verse 13,
04:34 I will stretch over Jerusalem, the line of Samaria
04:40 and the plummet of the house of Esau,
04:43 and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipes a dish, wiping it
04:50 and turning it upside down.
04:53 And so God's about to stretch and turn every enemy.
05:00 This is quite interesting.
05:01 When I read this, I'm not sure if men wash dishes,
05:04 but this one here, it says a man wipes a dish.
05:07 So I was saying, Lord, does that mean I have
05:08 to wash dishes for next year?
05:11 As a man wipes a dish, turn to a man and say, do you wipe dishes?
05:14 So sisters, tell the brothers next year,
05:21 oh, but you have to wash dishes.
05:23 As a man wipes a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down.
05:29 There will be no stone unturned.
05:32 I said there will be no stone unturned.
05:35 God's going to turn every stone, go through every pot,
05:38 every pan, every cup, every dish, every knife and fork
05:42 and spoon.
05:43 In everything, God is going to turn
05:45 to search for any enemy that has plagued you and disturbed you
05:50 and bullies at you and irritated you and messed you up.
05:55 God is going to wipe it like a man wipes a dish out
05:59 three times I receive.
06:00 Ezekiel 14, verse 13, God's going to stretch out his hand.
06:07 Son of man, when the land sins against me
06:10 by trespassing grievously, I will stretch out my hand
06:13 upon it.
06:14 I will break the staff of bread, and I will bring famine upon it,
06:18 and I will cut man.
06:20 I will cut off man and beast.
06:23 And so the reverse of that, when man serves me,
06:28 I will stretch out my hand, and I will lift up
06:32 the staff of bread, and I will reverse famine
06:36 for abundance and harvest.
06:38 And I will restore your cattle, your animals, your livestock,
06:44 your munda shall produce the fat of the land.
06:48 Shall God stretch your hand over my life?
06:53 So when God stretches out his hand,
06:54 God stretched out creation.
06:57 He says in Psalm 104, verse 2, who covers yourself with light.
07:03 God, as with the garment, who stretches out the heavens
07:08 like a curtain.
07:11 Stretches out the heavens like a curtain.
07:14 And so what happens is curtains are usually gathered.
07:19 And there's usually, in my own terms, a lot of pleats
07:22 and so on.
07:24 And so when you walk into a house
07:26 and you see curtains gathered in a confined space,
07:30 know that that curtain can stretch and stretch
07:35 and stretch and stretch.
07:38 And so behind the curtain and hidden within the curtain
07:43 is significant blessing and secrets
07:46 that God has reserved just for you.
07:48 As he stretched the heavens, heaven is limitless.
07:52 And so as God begins to stretch heaven over your life,
07:55 as Pastor Nashi rightfully said, the heavens are opening.
07:59 Don't just believe for--
08:02 there are drops of blessings that
08:04 are finding people everywhere.
08:07 I was quite irritated during the service,
08:10 because only here by this spot, right here by this spot,
08:14 is the water falling down.
08:16 And so after about 45 minutes, the Lord said to me,
08:19 you know you are being very silly.
08:21 You are the only one in this place
08:22 that I've designated for blessing to fall on your head.
08:27 Look at all the jealous people.
08:28 And so not only is the roof leaking,
08:33 but it was allowed so that the rain could fall on my head.
08:36 I've been getting drops of blessing all night long.
08:40 All night long.
08:41 All night long.
08:42 Please fix the roof.
08:43 All night long.
08:45 All night long, it's been dropping on my head.
08:48 And so whatever God has been designating for each of us--
08:51 Trina, I know you're watching.
08:53 TJ and Vashon, Aurora, I know you're watching.
08:55 Receive the drops that are coming upon your head.
08:58 Turn to your neighbor and say, 27 minutes.
09:02 To him that stretched out earth above the waters,
09:06 not only did God stretch the heavens,
09:09 he also stretched out earth.
09:11 And so not only are you walking in an open heaven--
09:14 shout I'm walking in an open heaven--
09:16 the earth below me is being stretched out before me.
09:20 Literally.
09:21 Literally.
09:22 You are walking on lithium.
09:24 Don't say that too loud.
09:25 You are walking on gold.
09:27 Don't tell anybody.
09:28 Amen.
09:28 You are walking on limitless resources.
09:31 Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, good to see you.
09:34 And so God is stretching beyond limitations.
09:39 Somebody say stretch.
09:42 I found the elastic band in my drawer next to my bed,
09:44 and I wanted to see how far the elastic band would
09:47 stretch before it breaks.
09:50 I was quite surprised how far that elastic band will
09:54 stretch or stretched before it eventually snapped.
09:58 And so what God is going to add, he's
10:00 going to add treads on your elastic band.
10:03 It will not break before time.
10:05 It will not break before time.
10:11 It won't only cover 1,000 or 10,000.
10:14 That one elastic band will have the capacity to cover 10,000.
10:18 That's 1,000 by 1,000 by 1,000 by 1,000, 10,000.
10:22 10,000 by 10,000 by 10,000 by 10,000.
10:25 That elastic band is going to stretch.
10:27 Amen, say stretch.
10:30 And don't yawn when you do that.
10:31 Don't yawn when you do that.
10:33 So the heavens are stretched, Isaiah 40 verse 22.
10:38 It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth.
10:45 The inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers--
10:48 are as grasshoppers, sound like Idris there--
10:52 that stretches out the heavens as a curtain
10:56 and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in.
11:01 And so you are just like a grasshopper
11:03 in the presence of God.
11:05 But your munda, your tent, your house
11:07 is going to be like the heavens.
11:10 There's going to be so much space afforded to you
11:13 because God is stretching out the heavens for you
11:16 to abide in it in a constant open heaven.
11:20 Isaiah 42 and verse 5.
11:23 "Thus says the Lord God, the Lord."
11:27 "Thus says the God."
11:28 "Thus says God, the Lord."
11:30 "He that created the heavens and stretched them out
11:35 to spread them forth and also stretched the earth which
11:39 comes from it."
11:40 And so the point is made that heaven and earth
11:43 are stretching before you.
11:45 Say stretch.
11:46 Stretch.
11:47 Come on, use your hands.
11:48 Say stretch.
11:49 Stretch.
11:50 Man, if you are not accustomed to stretching,
11:52 get ready and buy yourself tarry, some vitamin E oil.
11:59 Because the evidence of you being stretched are the--
12:03 the stretch marks that are coming on some of you
12:11 are so massive.
12:11 I was looking at Drean and TJ, you know,
12:15 visited the gym, especially with Drean.
12:18 And so I saw on his arms lines.
12:20 And I said, what are those lines?
12:22 Are you OK?
12:23 He said, I used to work a lot in the gym.
12:25 These are stretch marks.
12:29 And so go get yourself some anointing oil, rub it on,
12:32 amen, so that the enemy cannot identify that you've been
12:35 stretched into their area.
12:39 Say amen, blessing.
12:42 And so God stretched forth his hand.
12:44 The heavens are stretched.
12:45 The earth is stretched.
12:47 Abraham was stretched.
12:49 Genesis 22 and verse 10.
12:52 "And Abraham stretched forth his hand
12:55 and took a knife to slay his son.
12:57 For the kind of mountain you have to climb,
13:00 and the kind of sacrifice you have to enter into,
13:03 and the kind of covenant that God's going to cut with you,
13:07 and the kind of blessing that's coming on your life,
13:10 and the kind of multiplication that's
13:12 being added to your life, you are going to have
13:16 to stretch forth your hands."
13:18 I want to encourage every person in the room
13:21 to stretch forth your hand for your blessing.
13:24 We are going to receive our offering after the clock turns
13:30 to 2024.
13:31 It will be our first offering in 2024.
13:35 And I ask the Lord, what would you
13:36 like me to render so I can stretch my finances in '24?
13:41 I've got my offering right here.
13:43 It's in my pocket because I want God to multiply me
13:47 in multiplication.
13:48 Say stretch.
13:50 To bless me in blessing.
13:52 Say stretch.
13:54 Jacob was also stretched.
13:57 In Genesis 48 and verse 14, "And Israel," that's Jacob,
14:02 "stretched out his hand and laid it upon Ephraim's head."
14:06 In other words, Ephraim, I'm going
14:08 to stretch myself outside of the anointing of my sons, 12 of them.
14:14 And I'm going to lay a blessing on you
14:17 because your name is fruitful.
14:20 God's about to stretch his hand on you.
14:23 The earth is about to stretch its resource on you.
14:27 And your anointing is about to stretch
14:29 for you to become fruitful.
14:30 Take your fruitful hand and lay it on your fruitful head.
14:35 Say God has stretched blessing on my life.
14:39 And the Bible says he was younger and left--
14:43 he put his left hand on Manasseh and guided his hands
14:48 watchingly because Manasseh was the firstborn.
14:52 In other words, what was ahead of you
14:54 is not going to be blessed even though you
14:57 were coming from behind.
14:59 God's about to accelerate blessing.
15:02 And it's going to be a stretch in your life.
15:06 Shout stretch God.
15:08 Stretch God.
15:10 Stretch the blessing on my life.
15:13 In Exodus 7 and verse 19, "The Lord spoke to Moses and said,
15:18 'Say to Aaron, take your rod and stretch out your hand
15:25 upon the waters of Egypt.'"
15:27 In other words, what you have in your hand
15:31 is going to be used to stretch out
15:33 against the enemy that has kept you in slavery for so long.
15:39 Stretch your rod upon the streams.
15:42 Stretch your rod upon the rivers.
15:45 Stretch your rod upon their ponds
15:48 and upon all their pools of water
15:50 that they may become blood, sisters and brothers.
15:56 It is not physically possible for a man
16:00 to reach every pond, every pool, every river in the land
16:05 of Egypt where the River Nile enters the nation of Egypt.
16:11 All the way to the Mediterranean Sea
16:14 is thousands of kilometers.
16:17 So what God was going to do is supernaturally,
16:20 a man's rod that was almost five and a half foot long,
16:25 God was going to use that rod to touch everything
16:30 that what God declared it should touch will touch.
16:34 God's about to stretch your influence in places
16:39 you didn't know there was a place.
16:42 Shout stretch.
16:44 There are ponds and there are pools and there are rivers.
16:48 All these are resources that you are yet to discover.
16:53 The way you are going to discover them
16:56 is when they turn red.
16:58 God's redeeming resource just for you.
17:02 Up until this point, without the river and the pools
17:06 and the ponds turning red,
17:09 you did not have legitimate ownership over those.
17:13 But now with Aaron's rod, God's mighty high priest,
17:17 when he stretches out his hand and every pond,
17:20 every pool and every river turns red,
17:24 which means they are being redeemed for your use.
17:27 When that turns back to normal water,
17:31 every Egyptian is going to know
17:34 that I'm drinking out of Aaron's pool.
17:37 Don't care who you work for and how you got the job
17:41 and why you're still there.
17:43 But 24, God's going to turn a pond
17:47 that belonged to someone else,
17:49 redeem it for you.
17:51 Shout three times, I receive.
17:53 Every pond, every river, every pool, every resource,
17:59 your gift is gonna touch it.
18:01 It's going to be redeemed for your use.
18:03 Shout stretch.
18:06 Call your name and say stretch.
18:08 To the stretch, say it three times.
18:10 To the stretch, to the stretch, to the stretch.
18:15 And Moses in 24, 26 of Exodus,
18:20 the Lord said to Moses, stretch your hand over the sea.
18:25 God used Aaron to use his rod,
18:30 but God was going to use his brother to use his hand.
18:35 What Aaron used was cut off from a tree,
18:38 but what God was gonna use from Moses was his hand.
18:43 Say my rod will work.
18:46 Shout my rod will work.
18:49 But if my rod doesn't work, it's in my hands.
18:52 I'll stretch my hand over every limitation.
18:55 I can't see the other side of where I'm going,
18:59 but it's in my hand.
19:00 Come on, stretch both your hands.
19:03 And going to 24, it's only literally 24 minutes ago,
19:07 stretch your hand and say, it's on the other side.
19:10 Ask the person next to you, say, what's your name?
19:14 Say to them, just look for 24 minutes,
19:17 your blessings on the other side.
19:20 Say my blessing is on the other side,
19:24 but I got to stretch for it.
19:25 Come on, stretch for it and reach for it.
19:28 I can taste it, I can smell it, I can feel it.
19:31 I know it's mine.
19:33 Clap your hands and you believe God
19:36 for what he's about to do in your life.
19:38 Put a shout on that praise.
19:40 Put a thank you Jesus on that praise.
19:43 Stretch to the next level.
19:45 Give God some praise, everybody say yeah.
19:48 (congregation cheering)
19:51 The Bible says in Exodus 8 and verse five,
19:56 the Lord spoke to Moses and said,
19:59 "Say to Aaron, stretch forth your hands with your rod."
20:04 Aaron, you just got a promotion.
20:09 Chapters ago, all you had was a rod,
20:12 but now God has transferred blessing
20:15 from your rod into your hand.
20:19 And the Bible says, "Where two of you shall agree on earth
20:24 as touching anything, it shall be done."
20:29 So my rod is blessed and my hand is blessed
20:33 and the rivers are being blessed because of my hand.
20:37 Clap your hands, slide 14 and say stretch,
20:41 say stretch, say stretch, say stretch.
20:46 Say I'm about to stretch.
20:48 I'm stretching into the future.
20:50 I'm stretching into my promise.
20:52 I'm stretching into my grace.
20:55 I'm stretching into my moan anointing.
20:57 Shout your name three times, Judah stretch.
21:01 Judah stretch, say Judah stretch.
21:05 Judah stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch.
21:09 (congregation laughing)
21:11 Clap your hands if you believe it.
21:13 (congregation cheering)
21:16 C-sharp.
21:20 The soul of the angels in Exodus 25
21:27 and verse 20, the angels that were placed
21:32 over the cherubs on the ark.
21:36 The Bible says they stretch their wings
21:39 across the ark of the covenant.
21:42 Angels are all over this room.
21:46 They are stretching their wings over your life.
21:51 They are stretching their wings over your household.
21:56 They are stretching their wings over your family.
22:01 I feel a preaching anointing with 26 minutes to go.
22:05 Amen, God, let the angels of the Lord,
22:09 not just surround me,
22:12 but let them stretch their wings over my life.
22:17 Stella, you're not retired.
22:20 You're just beginning, God.
22:22 You're about to enter discovery
22:26 because the angels are stretching their wings
22:30 across your life.
22:32 Look at a person wearing orange.
22:34 Say, get ready, it's your time.
22:37 Your time for breakthrough, your time for grace,
22:42 your time for anointing.
22:44 Shout stretch.
22:46 Come on, Stella, stretch.
22:48 Sometimes if you can't stretch into the future,
22:52 you have to stretch into the past.
22:55 Stretch to your grandmother's anointing.
22:58 Stretch to your great grandmother's anointing.
23:01 Stretch to Ezekiel Goody's grace
23:04 that's on the mountain in Bendura.
23:07 Stretch to the anointing of John G. Laker in the year 1900.
23:12 Stretch to when God gave a promise to Martin Luther
23:17 when he stepped on the cathedral door.
23:20 He's thesis and said,
23:22 that just shall look by faith.
23:25 If I can't stretch to the future,
23:27 I'm stretching behind me
23:30 and I'm drawing from Moses and Abraham.
23:33 I'm drawing from Noah and Isaac.
23:36 If God blessed them in a dispensation without the blood,
23:41 think of what he'll do for me
23:43 in the dispensation with the blood.
23:46 Turn to the person next to you and say,
23:47 I forgot your name.
23:49 Tell me your name and call their names.
23:52 Say stretch.
23:54 Come on, teacher, you've got to stretch.
23:56 Stretch for that new house.
23:58 Stretch for that hotel.
24:00 Stretch for that development.
24:02 Stretch for a business trip to Dubai
24:05 and then jump into Doha.
24:08 Go to Doha.
24:09 I said, stretch to Singapore.
24:12 Shout, I'm leaving on a jet plane.
24:15 Don't be jealous.
24:16 I'm leaving on a jet plane.
24:18 Anybody can go to Zanzibar,
24:21 but it's time to go to the next level.
24:23 Give God some praise.
24:25 (speaking in foreign language)
24:27 (congregation cheering)
24:30 Can you feel the anointing?
24:33 Can you feel the anointing coming in this room
24:37 to stretch you in every way?
24:39 I'm stretching to my blessing.
24:41 I'm stretching to my grace.
24:43 I'm stretching to my power.
24:45 300 people give God some praise in here.
24:49 600 people got praise outside.
24:53 Clap your hands, everybody, and give him praise.
24:56 (congregation cheering)
24:59 Hallelujah.
25:03 Amen, give someone a high five.
25:07 Tell them it's on tonight.
25:10 Amen.
25:12 Ask the person next to you, say, "Are you CIO?"
25:15 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
25:19 Don't give it away, don't give it away,
25:21 don't give it away.
25:22 There's even a blessing for you.
25:25 Give God a praise by clapping those hands.
25:27 (congregation cheering)
25:30 Joshua 8, verse 18.
25:33 And the Lord said to Joshua,
25:36 "Stretch out the spear that is in your hand toward Ai,
25:41 "for I will give it into your hand,
25:45 "and Joshua stretched out the spear
25:49 "that he had in his hand towards the city of Ai."
25:54 Sisters and brothers, when Joshua took Jericho,
25:59 he met the captain of the hosts of the Lord,
26:02 and he wore a sword.
26:04 Jericho is taken by a sword.
26:08 The next victory is not the old weapon.
26:11 Ai, you can't fall by a sword,
26:15 because the enemy has mobilized to learn
26:18 how to defend against the sword.
26:21 But I'm coming with a new weapon.
26:25 I used to use a sword, but I'm coming with a spear.
26:29 David said to Goliath,
26:31 "You come to me with a sword and a spear,
26:35 "because the enemy will learn fast what weapons you use.
26:40 "No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
26:44 "but God is giving you the spirit of invention
26:48 "to stretch your mind
26:50 "into creating a new weapon of warfare."
26:53 A new weapon of warfare is coming into my hand.
26:57 If you use a sword against me,
27:00 and you use a spear against me,
27:02 a bow and arrow is coming my way.
27:05 Clap your hands for the blessing.
27:08 I'm nearly there.
27:10 I'm nearly there.
27:12 God stretched David.
27:14 The Bible says in 1 Samuel 24 and verse six,
27:19 he said, "The Lord forbid that I should do this thing
27:23 "unto my master."
27:25 Talking about Saul,
27:27 for he is the Lord's anointed.
27:29 I cannot stretch my hand against him.
27:32 I have the ability, but I won't do it.
27:37 I have the anointing, but I won't do it.
27:42 I have the grace, but I won't do it.
27:46 Shout to stretch.
27:48 Shout to stretch is in me.
27:53 Shout to stretch is part of my life.
27:58 Shout to stretch.
28:01 Shout to stretch.
28:03 Shout to stretch is my gift.
28:08 I'm stretching.
28:11 It's in me.
28:13 Turn to your neighbor and say stretch.
28:16 Give Tammy some keys there, Elvis.
28:21 Give him some, give him something.
28:23 Say stretch.
28:25 Give him some money.
28:26 Say, say stretch.
28:28 You have to learn how to stretch,
28:30 not just killing a giant.
28:32 You learn now how to stretch,
28:35 not just living in a cave.
28:37 You learn to know how to stretch,
28:39 not just to kill a fullerstein.
28:41 You need to know how to stretch to write a Psalm.
28:45 That yea, though I walk through the valley
28:48 of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
28:52 Shout stretch.
28:55 Stretch.
28:56 I have six and a half minutes to land this message.
29:00 Shout stretch.
29:02 Hit me with slide 19.
29:05 Elijah had to stretch.
29:08 The mighty man of God who was God's servant.
29:12 The Bible says he stretched himself upon the child.
29:16 Stretch yourself for your miracle.
29:20 Stretch yourself for your next level.
29:24 Elijah had to stretch.
29:28 Second Kings 4, 34.
29:30 The Bible says, Elijah, like his daddy,
29:34 stretched himself on the child.
29:38 But this time he put his hand,
29:42 his mouth on his mouth, eyes on his eyes,
29:46 hands on his hands.
29:47 He stretched himself on the child
29:51 until the child was warm.
29:53 Your blessing is there,
29:55 but your blessing is cold.
29:57 So stretch, put your eye on your blessing
30:02 so your blessing can see the way you see.
30:06 Put your mouth on your blessing
30:09 so your blessing can speak what you speak.
30:14 Put your hands on your blessing
30:17 so your hands can walk the way you walk.
30:21 Clap your hands if you have to.
30:25 Say stretch.
30:27 Stretch your eyes.
30:28 Stretch.
30:30 Stretch your ears.
30:31 Stretch.
30:33 Stretch your mouth.
30:35 Stretch.
30:36 Stretch your hands.
30:38 Stretch.
30:39 Stretch your power.
30:41 Stretch.
30:42 Stretch your righteousness.
30:44 Stretch.
30:46 Set your promises.
30:47 Stretch.
30:49 Stretch the name of Jesus.
30:51 Stretch.
30:52 Stretch the word of God in your life.
30:54 Stretch.
30:56 Stretch your covenants.
30:57 Stretch.
30:59 Stretch your grace.
31:00 Stretch.
31:02 Stretch your breakthrough.
31:04 Stretch.
31:05 Stretch your open doors.
31:07 Stretch.
31:08 Stretch the windows of heaven.
31:10 Stretch.
31:11 Stretch the praise in your belly.
31:15 Stretch.
31:16 Stretch your atmosphere and your worship.
31:19 Stretch.
31:20 Stretch your confession.
31:22 Stretch.
31:23 Stretch the anointing in your life.
31:26 Stretch.
31:27 Say three times,
31:29 call your name and say stretch.
31:32 (audience cheering)
31:35 Stretch.
31:38 Come on and go on it.
31:40 Stretch.
31:41 Stretch, stand.
31:43 Stretch to your PhD.
31:46 Stretch to your master's degree.
31:50 Stretch to owning Your Driver's License.
31:54 Stretch to your healing.
31:57 Stretch for your great-grandchildren.
32:01 Stretch.
32:03 Stretch.
32:04 Stretch.
32:05 Stretch to Kingdom Cathedral.
32:09 Stretch.
32:10 Stretch.
32:11 Keep going to praise everybody.
32:15 Come on, Helen.
32:16 (audience cheering)
32:19 Praise Him, praise Him.
32:22 Every woman, clap your hands and keep going to praise.
32:27 Yeah, yeah.
32:28 (audience cheering)
32:31 There's a crazy anointing in this room.
32:37 It's stretching.
32:39 God is stretching you.
32:40 Look at your hand.
32:42 Say stretch.
32:43 Stretch.
32:45 Come on, stretch.
32:47 Stretch.
32:47 Stretch.
32:50 Stretch.
32:52 Praise Him for stretching.
32:54 Praise Him for blessing.
32:56 Praise Him for grace.
32:58 Praise Him for anointing.
33:00 I'm stretching.
33:02 I'm stretching.
33:04 Don't leave me.
33:07 I'm stretching.
33:10 Elijah, don't leave me.
33:12 Elijah, if you see me, you can have it,
33:17 but you've got to stretch.
33:21 Stretch over Jordan.
33:23 Stretch.
33:25 Stretch over the Red Sea.
33:27 Stretch.
33:28 Stretch over Galilee.
33:30 (shouting)
33:33 Jesus was walking on the water
33:54 and Peter got out of the boat
33:56 and as he began to sink,
33:59 Jesus stretched forth his hand and pulled him out.
34:04 If you're sinking, something is stretching to pull you out.
34:10 If you're going down with that chair, ma,
34:15 something is stretching to lift you up.
34:18 Say stretch.
34:20 Stretch.
34:24 Stretch.
34:24 24, here I come.
34:38 25, here I come.
34:44 (shouting)
34:53 Keep on running.
34:55 Higher.
34:57 Higher.
35:01 Stretch.
35:05 Stretch.
35:07 Stretch.
35:09 12, 11, 10.
35:15 (shouting)
35:20 (chanting)
35:23 (cheering)
35:26 (cheering)
35:28 Happy new year!
35:29 Happy.
35:32 Happy.
35:34 Happy.
35:35 Happy.
35:36 Happy.
35:38 Happy.
35:39 Happy.
35:41 Happy.
35:42 Happy.
35:43 Happy.
35:45 Happy.
35:46 Yeah!
35:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
35:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
35:54 Yeah!
35:59 I now want to bless you with the blessings of the prophets.
36:12 That's before we do the oil.
36:15 This is where you say, I receive.
36:20 You are so weak, say I receive.
36:23 - I receive.
36:24 - I bless you with the prophet Abraham.
36:27 - I receive.
36:28 - There will be no barrenness among you.
36:32 - I receive.
36:34 - Only sickness and disease will be lifted from you.
36:38 - I receive.
36:39 - I bless you with the blessing of the prophet Moses.
36:42 - I receive.
36:43 - Your words will go through generations.
36:46 - I receive.
36:47 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Aaron.
36:50 - I receive.
36:51 - You will offer sacrifices continually before the Lord.
36:55 - I receive.
36:56 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Miriam.
37:00 - I receive.
37:01 - You will dance and rejoice the killing of your enemies.
37:04 - I receive.
37:06 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Rahab.
37:09 - I receive.
37:10 - Who prophesied in her prostitution
37:13 that God would deliver the children of Israel.
37:16 - I receive.
37:17 - And give them the city of Jericho.
37:19 - I receive.
37:20 - I bless you with the blessings of Joshua.
37:22 - I receive.
37:23 - That the land is ours to possess.
37:26 - I receive.
37:27 - I blessings with the blessings of the prophet Caleb.
37:30 - I receive.
37:32 - That mountain belongs to me.
37:35 - I receive.
37:36 - Three times shout I receive.
37:38 - I receive, I receive, I receive.
37:41 - Injab Al-Wani is mine, that Injab is mine.
37:46 - It's mine, Injab it's mine.
37:49 Tell the neighbors that mountain is mine.
37:52 There's more mountains, everybody can have their mountain.
37:55 Amen.
37:57 I bless you now with the blessings of Hannah.
38:00 - I receive.
38:02 - In barrenness you will pray.
38:04 - I receive.
38:05 - And your Samuels will manifest.
38:07 - I receive.
38:08 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Samuel.
38:11 - I receive.
38:12 - Your words shall never fall to the ground.
38:15 - I receive.
38:16 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet King David.
38:20 - I receive.
38:21 - You will kill giants with your words.
38:23 - I receive.
38:24 - You will kill full of signs with your words.
38:26 - I receive.
38:26 - You will restore the ark with your words.
38:28 - I receive.
38:29 - You will build castles with your words.
38:31 - I receive.
38:32 - You will improve the economy with your words.
38:33 - I receive.
38:34 - You will slay many giants other than that.
38:36 - I receive.
38:37 - You will raise money for the temple.
38:39 - I receive.
38:40 - You will write Psalms and songs.
38:41 - I receive.
38:42 - I receive the blessing of the prophet David.
38:44 - I receive.
38:45 - But more so with the prophet David,
38:47 the promise of the Messiah is in me.
38:50 - Short my hope for tomorrow.
38:52 - My hope.
38:52 - Is in me.
38:54 - Is in me.
38:55 - Is in me.
38:56 - I bless you with the blessing of the prophet Solomon.
38:59 - I receive.
39:00 - Like Solomon, you have great wisdom.
39:04 Your wisdom goes for generation and generation
39:08 and generation and generation and generation
39:12 and generation.
39:14 I bless you with the blessings on the prophet Elijah.
39:18 No Jezebel, no false prophet, no Sangoma,
39:23 no Magyorsi, no Mtagaxi, no false altar,
39:29 no blood covenant, no generational curse
39:33 will come near not come near you.
39:35 You will bring down the altars.
39:37 You will slay the prognosticators.
39:40 You will slay the necromancers.
39:42 You will slay the Sangomas.
39:44 You will slay the Obia men.
39:46 I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Elijah.
39:50 A double portion is yours.
39:52 You will do more than your fathers.
39:56 You will cross their Jordan,
39:58 but you will bring miracles out of your Jordan.
40:01 You will have multiplication.
40:03 You will multiply bread.
40:05 You will cure poisoned water.
40:07 You will make eggs to swim.
40:09 Like Elijah, you will heal hypocrisy.
40:12 Namens are healed.
40:13 Shout, I receive a double portion.
40:16 Shout, I receive a double portion.
40:18 In that state, if the devil gives you trouble,
40:20 tell him I'll draw a third leg, amen.
40:23 Shout, I receive.
40:25 Shout a double portion is mine three times.
40:27 - A double portion is mine.
40:29 A double portion is mine.
40:31 A double portion is mine.
40:33 - I bless you with the blessing of the prophet Isaiah.
40:36 You will span five administrations.
40:40 You will prophesy the past, the future,
40:43 and the future present.
40:45 Shout, I receive.
40:47 I bless you with the blessings of Jeremiah the prophet.
40:50 Your tears shall not be in vain.
40:53 Every tear in 2024 is not a tear of water.
40:58 It's a golden teardrop.
41:01 It's a golden teardrop.
41:03 Though that sowing tears shall reap in joy,
41:08 bringing your seeds and your harvest with you.
41:12 Shout, I receive three times.
41:14 - I receive, I receive, I receive.
41:17 - I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Ezekiel.
41:21 Dry bones are coming to life.
41:24 Dry bones are coming to life.
41:27 What was dead is being resurrected.
41:30 I bless you with the blessings of the prophet Daniel.
41:33 No roaring lion shall be able to catch you.
41:38 You will be in lion's dens.
41:41 The lions will become vegans and vegetarians.
41:44 You will consume your lions.
41:47 You will whip your lions like you're whipping a puppy.
41:50 You will destroy your lions like Samson.
41:53 You will destroy your lions like David.
41:56 You will destroy your lions like Paul,
41:58 who was in the lion's mouth.
42:00 I bless you with the blessings of Daniel.
42:03 I bless you, sisters and brothers,
42:04 with the blessings of Hosea.
42:06 Strange things will happen in your life,
42:10 but love will be in your heart.
42:12 Shout, three times I receive.
42:15 I bless you with the blessings of John the Baptist.
42:18 You will be a foreteller of what's to come.
42:21 Look at your mouth, say, speak, speak, speak, speak, speak.
42:25 I bless you with the blessings of the prophet,
42:27 the prophet Jesus the Christ.
42:31 All your parables, all your stories,
42:34 all your miracles, all your teachings,
42:38 all your sayings, all your disciples,
42:41 all your impartations, your passion,
42:43 your death, Lord Jesus, your resurrection, your ascension.
42:47 All of those things are upon me now.
42:50 Three times.
42:53 I receive a prophet's reward.
43:00 Say that three times.
43:01 I receive a prophet's reward.
43:03 I receive a prophet's reward.
43:06 I receive a prophet's reward.
43:07 Clap your hands if you have to.
43:10 (upbeat music)
43:13 (upbeat music)
43:15 (upbeat music)
43:18 (upbeat music)
43:20 (upbeat music)