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#thyroidtreatment #thyroidsymptoms #thyroidkaghareluilaaj
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. Your thyroid lies below your Adam's apple, along the front of the windpipe. It influences almost all of the metabolic processes in your body. But which Home Remedy, Yoga & Acupressure you can treat this problem.
"Thyroid - Causes & Treatment" By Varsha Iyer, Therapist & Healer (Yoga, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sujok Therapy, Magnet Therapy & Water Therapy).

You can also view our other videos to get solutions to any type of problem at home only with simple and yet effective home remedies.
00:00 Namaskar, welcome to F3 healthcare
00:05 I am Varsha here, today we are going to talk about thyroid
00:10 So, let's move towards health
00:15 Thyroid is a very common problem
00:20 Earlier, it was found only in ladies, but now it is found in both men and women
00:25 It is found in both men and women
00:30 Thyroid is a gland in your throat, which looks like a butterfly
00:35 It releases two types of hormones, T3 and T4
00:40 And another hormone is released from the Jupiter gland, TSH
00:45 So, it manages both these hormones
00:50 When these hormones increase, it leads to hypothyroidism
00:55 And when it decreases, it leads to thyroid
01:00 Why does it happen? It happens due to stress
01:05 You know that the veins in your throat go to your brain
01:10 So, it is connected to the brain
01:15 When we are stressed, it increases
01:20 Like when someone is having an exam, they get stressed
01:25 Like when someone is facing a problem at home, they get stressed
01:30 Like when someone is facing a problem at office, they get stressed
01:35 Stress not only causes thyroid, it also causes many other problems
01:40 Now, I am going to tell you about home remedies
01:45 If you get original walnut oil, it is very good
01:50 Take walnut oil and massage it daily
01:55 If you don't get walnut oil, take virgin coconut oil
02:00 Add 6 pieces of walnut in it
02:05 Boil it and grind it
02:10 Strain it and keep it in a clean jar
02:15 Apply this oil daily at home
02:20 You will feel very good
02:25 You can also apply onion juice at home
02:30 Massage it daily and you will feel very good
02:35 Take acupressure point in your left thumb
02:40 This is your face, head and neck
02:45 This is your thyroid
02:50 Take any silver, copper or gold ring
02:55 Take a tight ring
03:00 And you have to rotate it 2-3 times in a day
03:05 If you don't want to wear ring, you can rotate it
03:10 You will feel very good
03:15 This is acupressure point
03:20 This is your neck
03:25 If you rotate it, you can see a nerve
03:30 Press it inside
03:35 Press it 60-90 times
03:40 Your thyroid will be free from all the problems
03:45 Hormones will be released
03:50 And you will feel very good
03:55 Now i am going to tell you yoga kriyas for thyroid
04:00 Sit straight and hold your neck like this
04:05 Hold it like this
04:10 And slowly move it to left
04:15 Slowly move it to middle
04:20 Slowly move it to right
04:25 You can also sit in Sukhasana
04:30 Inhale and exhale
04:35 Hold it like this
04:40 Hold it like this
04:45 You will feel some vibration
04:50 Second thing is you have to inhale and exhale
04:55 Inhale and exhale
05:00 You have to inhale and exhale
05:05 You will feel some vibration
05:10 And you will feel very good
05:15 And you have to inhale and exhale
05:20 And you have to inhale and exhale
05:25 And you have to inhale and exhale
05:30 And you have to hum
05:35 Humming
05:40 You will feel some vibration
05:50 While vibrating you have to move your neck
05:55 Slowly to front and back
06:00 I will tell you how to do it
06:05 Humming
06:10 Humming
06:15 Humming
06:20 Humming
06:25 Humming
06:30 Humming
06:35 Humming
06:40 (upbeat music)
