• il y a 2 ans
The final fight | DOA-Dead Or Alive — TF1 VIDEO
Cast: Starring: Devon Aoki, Jaime Pressly, Holly Valance, Sarah Carter, Natassia Malthe, Eric Roberts
Visa d'exploitation N° 116760
Constantin Film
Music: Junkie XL
DOA: Dead or Alive
Seth GrossAdam Gross
Directed by: Corey Yuen
Screenplay: J.F. Lawton
Production companies: Constantin Film
Country of production: United States, Germany
Genre: Action
Released: October 20, 2006
Genre: Film MusicElectro
Format: CDDownloadStreaming
Label: Universal Music Domestic Division

Devon Aoki (VQ: Julie Beauchemin): Princess Kasumi
Jaime Pressly (VF: Laura Blanc; VQ: Catherine Proulx-Lemay): Tina Armstrong
Holly Valance (VF: Alexandra Ansidei; VQ: Rose-Maïté Erkoreka): Christie Allen
Sarah Carter (VQ: Camille Cyr-Desmarais): Helena Douglas
Natassia Malthe (VF: Marie-Eugénie Maréchal): Ayane
Eric Roberts (VF: Pierre-François Pistorio; VQ: Manuel Tadros): Victor Donovan
Kane Kosugi (VF: Fabrice Josso; VQ: Tristan Harvey): Ryu Hayabusa
Matthew Marsden (VF: Emmanuel Garijo; VQ: Daniel Picard): Maximillian “Max” Marsh
Steve Howey (VF: Nessym Guetat; VQ: Philippe Martin): Weatherby

Original Title: DOA: Dead or Alive
Quebec title: DOA: Dead or Alive
Directed by: Corey Yuen
Screenplay: J.F. Lawton, Seth Gross and Adam Gross, based on the Dead or Alive video game series
Music: Junkie XL
Art Director: Ching-Ching Wong
Set design: Sung Pong Choo
Costumes: Frank Helmer
Photography: Chi Ying Chan and Kwok-Man Keung
Editing: Ka-Fai Cheung, Eddie Hamilton and Angie Lam
Producers: Mark A. Altman, Paul W.S. Anderson, Jeremy Bolt, Bernd Eichinger and Robert Kulzer
Executive producers: Steve Chasman, Andreas Grosch, Daniel S. Kletzky, Martin Moszkowicz and Andreas Schmid
Production companies: Constantin Film, Impact Pictures and VIP Medienfonds 4 in association with Mindfire Entertainment
Distribution companies: Dimension Films (United States) / Constantin Film (Germany) / Universal Pictures (United Kingdom) / TFM Distribution (France) / Alliance Vivafilm (Quebec)

Running Time: 17:17


00:00 *Ezio air assassinates guard*
00:16 *Ezio air assassinates guard*
00:18 *Ezio air assassinates guard*
00:20 *Ezio air assassinates guard*
00:22 Now that I have all your attention,
00:32 I will finally be able to present you...
00:35 our future.
00:37 *epic music*
00:39 *Ezio grunts*
00:49 *speaks in French*
01:02 *speaks in French*
01:06 *speaks in French*
01:08 *speaks in French*
01:14 *speaks in French*
01:24 *speaks in French*
01:28 *speaks in French*
01:30 *speaks in French*
01:40 *speaks in French*
01:55 *speaks in French*
01:58 *speaks in French*
02:08 *speaks in French*
02:10 *Ezio grunts*
02:16 *speaks in French*
02:37 *speaks in French*
02:39 *speaks in French*
02:41 *speaks in French*
02:43 *speaks in French*
02:56 *speaks in French*
02:58 *speaks in French*
03:06 *speaks in French*
03:22 *door opens*
03:24 *Ezio screams*
03:28 *speaks in French*
03:39 *speaks in French*
03:43 *speaks in French*
03:50 *speaks in French*
03:52 *speaks in French*
03:55 *Ezio gasps*
03:57 *speaks in French*
03:59 *speaks in French*
04:04 *speaks in French*
04:16 *speaks in French*
04:18 *speaks in French*
04:22 *speaks in French*
04:24 *speaks in French*
04:38 *speaks in French*
04:50 *speaks in French*
04:52 *Ezio grunts*
05:09 *Ezio screams*
05:19 *Ezio grunts*
05:21 *speaks in French*
05:25 *Ezio grunts*
05:47 *Ezio screams*
05:49 *speaks in French*
06:03 *Ezio grunts*
06:09 *Ezio grunts*
06:11 *Ezio grunts*
06:21 *Ezio grunts*
06:38 *Ezio screams*
06:40 *Ezio screams*
06:48 *Ezio screams*
06:50 *speaks in French*
06:52 *Ezio screams*
06:56 *speaks in French*
07:06 *Ezio gasps*
07:08 *speaks in French*
07:11 *dramatic music*
07:21 *Ezio sighs*
07:25 *Ezio drinks*
07:32 *Ezio eats*
07:34 *Ezio eats*
07:40 *Ezio eats*
07:44 *Ezio eats*
07:47 *Ezio eats*
07:53 *dramatic music*
07:57 *dramatic music*
07:59 *typing*
08:05 *speaks in French*
08:09 *dramatic music*
08:15 *speaks in French*
08:21 *speaks in French*
08:23 *speaks in French*
08:39 *speaks in French*
08:45 *speaks in French*
08:47 *dramatic music*
08:59 *dramatic music*
09:05 *dramatic music*
09:07 *speaks in French*
09:17 *speaks in French*
09:21 *speaks in French*
09:33 *crickets chirping*
09:35 *speaks in French*
09:39 *speaks in French*
09:43 *speaks in French*
09:47 *speaks in French*
09:49 *speaks in French*
09:51 *dramatic music*
09:55 *dramatic music*
09:57 *speaks in French*
10:05 *speaks in French*
10:15 *speaks in French*
10:23 *smack*
10:25 *dramatic music*
10:27 *speaks in French*
10:33 *speaks in French*
10:35 *speaks in French*
10:37 *speaks in French*
10:39 *dramatic music*
10:41 *smack*
10:43 *dramatic music*
10:45 *smack*
10:47 *dramatic music*
10:49 *smack*
10:51 *dramatic music*
10:53 *smack*
10:55 *dramatic music*
10:57 *smack*
10:59 *dramatic music*
11:01 *smack*
11:03 *dramatic music*
11:05 *speaks in French*
11:07 *smack*
11:13 *smack*
11:15 *smack*
11:17 *smack*
11:19 *smack*
11:21 *speaks in French*
11:23 *smack*
11:33 *dramatic music*
11:35 *speaks in French*
11:37 *speaks in French*
11:39 *dramatic music*
11:41 *speaks in French*
11:43 *speaks in French*
11:45 *dramatic music*
11:47 *speaks in French*
11:49 *dramatic music*
11:51 *speaks in French*
11:53 *speaks in French*
11:55 *dramatic music*
11:57 *speaks in French*
11:59 *dramatic music*
12:01 *smack*
12:03 *dramatic music*
12:05 *speaks in French*
12:07 *dramatic music*
12:09 *smack*
12:11 *dramatic music*
12:13 *speaks in French*
12:15 *dramatic music*
12:17 *smack*
12:19 *smack*
12:21 *smack*
12:23 *dramatic music*
12:25 *smack*
12:27 *dramatic music*
12:29 *smack*
12:31 *dramatic music*
12:33 *speaks in French*
12:35 *dramatic music*
12:37 *smack*
12:39 *dramatic music*
12:41 *smack*
12:43 *dramatic music*
12:45 *speaks in French*
12:47 *dramatic music*
12:49 *smack*
12:51 *dramatic music*
12:53 *smack*
12:55 *dramatic music*
12:57 *smack*
12:59 *dramatic music*
13:01 *smack*
13:03 *dramatic music*
13:05 *smack*
13:07 *dramatic music*
13:09 *smack*
13:11 *dramatic music*
13:13 *smack*
13:15 *dramatic music*
13:17 *smack*
13:19 *dramatic music*
13:21 *dramatic music*
13:23 *speaks in French*
13:25 *dramatic music*
13:27 *smack*
13:29 *dramatic music*
13:31 *smack*
13:33 *dramatic music*
13:35 *smack*
13:37 *dramatic music*
13:39 *smack*
13:41 *dramatic music*
13:43 *smack*
13:45 *dramatic music*
13:47 *speaks in French*
13:49 *dramatic music*
13:51 *smack*
13:53 *dramatic music*
13:55 *smack*
13:57 *dramatic music*
13:59 *smack*
14:01 *dramatic music*
14:03 *smack*
14:05 *dramatic music*
14:07 *smack*
14:09 *dramatic music*
14:11 *smack*
14:13 *dramatic music*
14:15 *dramatic music*
14:17 *smack*
14:19 *dramatic music*
14:21 *smack*
14:23 *dramatic music*
14:25 *smack*
14:27 *dramatic music*
14:29 *dramatic music*
14:31 *dramatic music*
14:33 *smack*
14:35 *dramatic music*
14:37 *speaks in French*
14:39 *dramatic music*
14:41 *dramatic music*
14:43 *smack*
14:45 *dramatic music*
14:47 *speaks in French*
14:49 *dramatic music*
14:51 *smack*
14:53 *dramatic music*
14:55 *smack*
14:57 *dramatic music*
14:59 *dramatic music*
15:01 *smack*
15:03 *dramatic music*
15:05 *smack*
15:07 *dramatic music*
15:09 *speaks in French*
15:11 *dramatic music*
15:13 *smack*
15:15 *dramatic music*
15:17 *smack*
15:19 *dramatic music*
15:21 *dramatic music*
15:23 *speaks in French*
15:25 *dramatic music*
15:27 *speaks in French*
15:29 *dramatic music*
15:31 Everything's going to explode!
15:33 No!
15:34 No!
15:35 No!
15:36 No!
15:37 No!
15:39 No!
16:07 Ten seconds!
16:08 No!
16:09 Oh my God, Max!
16:11 Where's Herbie?
16:12 The money!
16:13 Everything's going to explode!
16:15 Quick! There's another way out! We have to hurry!
16:21 The money!
16:22 It's leading straight to the ocean!
16:23 Not without the money! I don't want the money!
16:24 The boat's going to explode!
16:25 Hurry up! Hurry up!
16:26 Hurry up!
16:27 We're running out of money!
16:29 Quick!
16:30 Quick!
16:31 No!
16:47 Watch out!
16:54 I'm coming!
16:56 No!
16:57 No!
16:58 No!
16:59 No!
17:00 No!
17:02 No!
17:04 No!
17:06 No!
17:08 No!
17:09 No!
17:10 No!
17:11 No!
17:12 No!
17:13 No!
17:14 No!
17:15 No!
17:16 No!
