From "In my life" to "Silent night".
00:00 Hello, it's Sylvain again, once again.
00:07 It's me with my guitar, just a minute.
00:13 It's a tutorial, it's a matter to explain some nice things in Christmas time.
00:24 So, like a guitar chord to you, it's like on the... if you write, on the...
00:34 you get the guitar on the... you know, part on the left leg.
00:51 So, it's about... I don't know, but that's the thing I can do for now.
01:03 It's like a silent night, it's about a silent night.
01:10 That's all. And then we'll try to make the night a little more like a night.
01:24 [Music]
01:34 [Music]
02:03 So, we can say that it's like some songs have something to do in between,
02:15 and between, like some Beatles songs, and some popular classical like 19th,
02:29 18th century old songs that you like.
02:35 So, this is a song I like very much.
02:39 [Music]
03:06 I like Beatles songs in my life.
03:14 [Music]
03:43 [Music]
04:03 [Music]
04:28 [Music]
04:48 [Music]
05:08 [Music]
05:28 [Music]
05:48 [Music]
06:08 [Music]
06:28 [Music]
06:48 [Music]
07:08 [Music]
07:28 [Music]
07:48 [Music]
08:08 [Music]
08:18 [Music]
08:33 There's a following part, but I don't remember.
08:36 [Music]
09:02 [Music]
09:06 If I take a second, maybe I'll remember it.
09:11 [Music]
09:40 [Music]
10:02 [Music]
10:31 [Music]
11:00 [Music]
11:01 We rather remember that Christmas is coming.
11:10 It's like an old song, a very promoted Merry Christmas song.
11:20 [Music]
11:34 [Music]
12:03 [Music]
12:13 [Music]
12:23 [Music]
12:43 [Music]
12:53 [Music]
13:03 [Music]
13:13 [Music]
13:23 [Music]
13:33 [Music]
13:43 [Music]
13:53 [Music]
14:03 [Music]
14:28 Thank you. So long. See you. Merry Christmas and a Feliz Navidad.
14:37 Happy to.