• 2 years ago
Tracking shots of streets, alleys, walls, fences, and city landscapes are superimposed on top of each other moving in op | dHNfdVotTjc4Q3A0Q2c


00:00 When fascism and the forces of evil threatened to conquer the world,
00:04 brave men and women from around the globe united to bring humanity back from the brink of destruction.
00:11 One of these campaigns was waged in the very heart of Europe.
00:15 These are those soldiers' remarkable first-hand accounts, and shot by combat cameramen.
00:22 This is the story of the eyewitnesses of World War II and the invasion of Italy.
00:29 World War II
00:31 World War II
00:33 World War II
00:35 World War II
00:37 World War II
