• 2 years ago
Reichshauptstadt privat | show | 1987 | Official Trailer | dHNfam9Sd1pwTkZkaTQ


00:00 What's depression?
00:01 It's bad wiring, makes your nose raw.
00:02 It runs in our family.
00:03 Your mother is not depressed?
00:05 Yes, I am. Happy to have it, 'cause it's being smart.
00:08 Is that why you're so mean all the time?
00:09 Absolutely.
00:11 My wife died in December.
00:16 Give me a reason to wake up in the morning.
00:18 Don't have a clue.
00:19 That's pretty harsh.
00:20 It is not polite to stare.
00:23 You look dead.
00:24 Well, I'm not.
00:25 Are you a witch?
00:26 Yes. Now go away before I eat you up.
00:29 I just want to say one thing.
00:31 Don't be scared of your hunger.
00:33 If you're scared of your hunger,
00:34 you're one more ninny just like everyone else.
00:36 I think our son's gonna have a wonderful life.
00:41 You married a woman who thinks she knows everything.
00:43 So did I.
00:44 You had a normal, happy childhood, just for the record?
00:52 You say these horrible things to me,
00:54 that feel like they're not true.
00:56 Can you say these horrible things to me
00:58 that make me want to crawl into a hole and die?
01:00 Just admit that you were a horrible mother!
01:02 I would have drowned if it weren't for Mrs. Kittredge.
01:08 You were like my guardian angel or something.
01:10 It baffles me, this world.
01:16 Average people are happy, are happy, happy, happy.
01:19 You should try it sometime, Owie.
01:21 I can't, I'm too depressed.
01:22 # I'll bring all your dreams alive
01:26 # For you. #
