• 2 years ago


00:00:00 [Music]
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00:02:35 This is Washington, New Washington, a thriving colony on the surface of the moon.
00:02:41 We no longer have need of your intergalactic warship.
00:02:50 Not today, but maybe tomorrow.
00:02:52 For what purpose? To wage war with the universe?
00:02:56 No, Senator Smedley, for the defense of our moon colony.
00:02:59 [Music]
00:03:26 John, this is total madness. This creation of yours, Starstreak, it hasn't even been tested.
00:03:32 We don't even know if the damn thing will fly.
00:03:34 That's my responsibility, Senator.
00:03:36 And my responsibility is to the Moon Council.
00:03:40 And to the Master Computer.
00:03:43 I can reason with Lomax.
00:03:46 [Music]
00:04:03 Cargo vessel Phobos 4, you are entering lunar area 75. Please confirm docking orbit.
00:04:08 [Music]
00:04:20 John, I'm trying to do you a favor.
00:04:22 I'm telling you what the Council have already decided.
00:04:25 The Starstreak project is dead.
00:04:27 Let's see what Lomax has to say, shall we?
00:04:30 Phobos 4, please acknowledge this is lunar space control.
00:04:34 [Music]
00:04:46 Phobos 4, confirmation of docking orbit negative.
00:04:49 We are overriding and beginning cobalt reverse drive in 10 seconds.
00:04:54 [Music]
00:05:14 [Music]
00:05:35 Master Computer Lomax, this is lunar space control. We have an emergency.
00:05:39 Delta 3 cargo vessel on crash course. Probable impact, New Washington center core.
00:05:44 Master Computer confirms crash course, New Washington, in 12 minutes.
00:05:49 Suggest full emergency procedures.
00:05:52 [Music]
00:06:08 Jason Cabal here.
00:06:09 This is lunar space control. We have an emergency. Please report.
00:06:12 Okay, on my way.
00:06:14 [Music]
00:06:26 What's the problem, Kim?
00:06:27 The problem is Delta 3 cargo ship with 10 metric tons of Radic Q2 on board, on crash course with New Washington.
00:06:34 When?
00:06:35 8 minutes, 52 seconds.
00:06:37 Lomax confirms?
00:06:38 Lomax confirms.
00:06:40 Emergency division, yellow alert. Evacuate entire population to lower city. Seal off access to main dome.
00:06:48 Look, are you sure it's not some sort of communication problem?
00:06:53 Jason, right now I'm not sure of anything. I just don't want to take any chances.
00:06:57 Let's see what else we can do.
00:07:02 May I remind you that the consul have great influence with the Master Computer. Don't fight it, John.
00:07:07 Don't make me ask for your resignation.
00:07:10 Yellow alert. The whole city's on yellow alert.
00:07:17 Go to red.
00:07:29 Red alert.
00:07:31 Impact?
00:07:32 6 minutes.
00:07:34 This is not a drill. This is not a drill. All citizens proceed immediately to emergency underground shelters.
00:07:46 Evacuate all surface dwellings.
00:07:48 Roger.
00:07:49 Kim?
00:08:02 Look at the weight distribution on that cargo ship.
00:08:09 It's almost empty.
00:08:13 An empty cargo ship? Doesn't make sense.
00:08:16 Excuse me.
00:08:17 Master Computer Lomax, this is Jason Cabell.
00:08:23 ID confirmed. Go ahead, Jason.
00:08:26 Okay, I need a bypass circuit to overload the Phobos IV engines.
00:08:30 State priority classification.
00:08:32 Come on, Lomax. Cut the red tape. We have to destroy that ship.
00:08:35 Priority request acknowledged.
00:08:44 2 minutes to impact.
00:08:46 Phobos IV engine circuit display available.
00:08:50 Okay, give me input control for a bypass circuit.
00:08:53 Kim. Kim, do you have this emergency under control?
00:08:57 We're working on it, Father.
00:08:58 Son, are you sure that none of Nicky's people are on board?
00:09:01 No life signs at all. Lomax confirms.
00:09:12 An alert. Red alert. Evacuate all surface dwellings immediately.
00:09:16 Sectors 1 to 6 to shelter A. Sectors 7 to 10 to shelter.
00:09:21 Come on, Lomax.
00:09:27 Stand by.
00:09:29 This is not a drill.
00:09:32 70 seconds to impact.
00:09:37 Proceed to complete. Now you may activate.
00:09:41 (alarm blaring)
00:09:43 Sensors indicate negative response.
00:09:49 Cargo ship did not destruct. Repeat. Did not destruct.
00:09:54 Impact 45 seconds.
00:09:57 (alarm blaring)
00:09:59 (alarm blaring)
00:10:06 (alarm blaring)
00:10:08 (alarm blaring)
00:10:19 (alarm blaring)
00:10:26 (alarm blaring)
00:10:28 Crash site on monitor 2.
00:10:46 (alarm blaring)
00:10:50 (alarm blaring)
00:10:52 Master computer, Lomax?
00:11:03 Request dome repair units to begin work immediately on Sky Dome Breach.
00:11:08 Commencing restoration of protective environment enclosure.
00:11:13 All residents to remain in emergency underground shelters.
00:11:18 The only thing is...
00:11:21 (music playing)
00:11:24 (music playing)
00:11:27 (music playing)
00:11:30 (music playing)
00:11:33 (music playing)
00:11:35 (music playing)
00:11:39 (music playing)
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00:12:00 (music playing)
00:12:02 Lomax? Status on dome repair, please.
00:12:23 Dome repair near completion.
00:12:26 Repressurization will commence from structural test.
00:12:30 Send search teams to damaged sectors.
00:12:32 All debris from cargo vessel should be sent here for examination.
00:12:35 Understood.
00:12:37 Sector 20 totally destroyed.
00:12:56 Area should be level.
00:12:58 Danger of falling debris.
00:13:00 Sector 18, minor damage.
00:13:03 Report assessment to engineering and repairs.
00:13:07 All debris from cargo ship to be sent to lab 6.
00:13:10 Stand by. I have visual communication with Delta 3.
00:13:14 (music playing)
00:13:17 This is Omos.
00:13:24 Robot master on Delta 3.
00:13:27 I would like to talk to Dr. John Cabal.
00:13:31 Yes, Omos. This is Cabal.
00:13:33 Ah, Doctor.
00:13:36 You remember me.
00:13:38 Oh, yes, indeed.
00:13:41 Now, where's Nikki? I want to talk to your superior.
00:13:44 My superior?
00:13:46 Oh.
00:13:48 Yes, you mean the former governor of Delta 3.
00:13:51 I'm afraid Nikki and her followers have fled the citadel.
00:13:56 I am in control now.
00:13:59 Well, in that case, you know what just happened.
00:14:02 One of your cargo ships crashed into New Washington.
00:14:05 But, of course, that was my plan.
00:14:10 Omos, this is Senator Smedley of the Moon Council.
00:14:16 What is it you want?
00:14:18 I have made giant strides in technology, Senator.
00:14:24 I can bring a new and more efficient way of life to the moon.
00:14:29 Well, that's certainly encouraging.
00:14:32 Omos, you haven't answered the question.
00:14:35 You mean, what do I really want, Doctor?
00:14:40 Your respect, of course.
00:14:45 And your support...
00:14:48 for my return to the moon colony.
00:14:53 Return? In what capacity?
00:14:56 As Supreme Commander of the Moon, the Earth...
00:15:00 and all the outposts in our solar system.
00:15:04 Well, that, of course, is out of the question.
00:15:07 If that is your reaction, Senator...
00:15:10 then you will be hearing much more from me.
00:15:13 Beginning immediately...
00:15:16 there will be no further shipments of Radek Q2.
00:15:20 This is madness! You're talking more like a blackmailer than a man of science!
00:15:24 - John, don't provoke him. - Now, listen to me, Omos.
00:15:27 We will never surrender New Washington to you or anyone else...
00:15:31 even if it means war.
00:15:34 John, you don't have the authority to make that decision.
00:15:36 Don't talk of war, my dear Doctor.
00:15:40 It would be disastrous...
00:15:43 as tragic as the robot wars that devastated the Earth and the planet.
00:15:48 Please...
00:15:50 consider my proposal.
00:15:54 You mean you're a threat?
00:15:56 Lunar control.
00:16:00 Lunar control. This is Sector 20.
00:16:09 We found the pilot.
00:16:16 It's wedged in here. It may take a while to get it out.
00:16:19 - What do you mean, "it"? - A robot.
00:16:22 Send it to robot repair as soon as possible.
00:16:25 See you later. I'm going to go take a look at this suicide robot.
00:16:31 Good.
00:16:32 Well, Senator...
00:16:34 we've survived one attack. You may not be so lucky this second time.
00:16:38 John, this man, Omos...
00:16:41 you don't know him?
00:16:43 John, this man, Omos...
00:16:46 you said he was a student of yours.
00:16:48 Oh, yes. One of my brightest.
00:16:50 In fact, I recommended his appointment to the Delta 3 unit.
00:16:53 Well, then you should be able to tell us how to deal with him.
00:16:56 Well, he's a superb technician...
00:16:58 but I could never quite decide what value he'd put on human life.
00:17:02 Sir, we have another problem.
00:17:04 Well?
00:17:05 How do we treat radiation without a supply of RADIC-Q2?
00:17:09 We have emergency supplies.
00:17:11 What we must do immediately is stop shipments to Earth.
00:17:14 Even if it means people will die, Senator?
00:17:16 - No, Jason... - Jason!
00:17:18 My first responsibility is to the Moon colony.
00:17:20 Naturally, I'm concerned about the Earth people.
00:17:22 But we have a greater responsibility than just that to ourselves, Senator.
00:17:26 We've got to stop Omos.
00:17:29 We're going to have to mobilize Starstreak.
00:17:32 John, we don't seem to be able to agree on anything.
00:17:36 ( engine whirring )
00:17:38 Hmm.
00:17:43 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
00:17:46 Well, let's see if we can't put you back together again.
00:17:49 Lomax, what is your opinion?
00:17:53 How do we handle this emergency?
00:17:55 From data stored in computer baffles,
00:17:58 it would seem that an act of aggression on our part would be imprudent.
00:18:03 Lomax, you authorized the building of Starstreak.
00:18:07 For exploration and defensive purposes only.
00:18:10 Even so, the ship has never been fully tested.
00:18:13 Her guidance system is not stabilized.
00:18:16 The spectrum drive she forces may prove too intense for the new alloy on the hull.
00:18:21 And certainly the distance to Delta III constitutes an inhibiting factor to such a journey.
00:18:26 I suggest you extend the early warning detection range
00:18:30 and carefully monitor all approaching cargo vessels.
00:18:33 Senator, instruct the Moon Council that no aggressive acts are to be taken against Delta III.
00:18:38 The Council shall be so instructed.
00:18:41 Well, Kim, you were right.
00:18:48 There was something weird about that circuitry.
00:18:50 The robot was programmed to blow himself up.
00:18:53 This one will turn him into a pussycat.
00:18:58 Okay, get the tapes, quick.
00:19:00 There you go.
00:19:08 Okay.
00:19:10 Okay, let's give him a jolt.
00:19:15 Hey, I don't know what they called you on Delta III, but I'm gonna call you Sparks.
00:19:25 I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am self-adjusting new circuits.
00:19:31 I am self-adjusting new circuits.
00:19:33 Give him another jolt.
00:19:34 New circuits, new circuits, new circuits.
00:19:37 Thank you.
00:19:39 You are the dark lady of my sonnets, the lily of my valley.
00:19:43 Yeah, you can call me Kim.
00:19:45 Looks like I made a poet out of you, friend.
00:19:51 Well, Omas wants to control all of our lives.
00:19:55 Just the same way he controls his robots.
00:19:58 He sees himself as some kind of benevolent dictator.
00:20:01 He wants us to respect him, but at the same time, fear him.
00:20:05 Well, our society has no place for a dictator.
00:20:10 Not even a benevolent one.
00:20:13 So what do we do?
00:20:15 Meet me in Space Terminal, Sector 2.
00:20:20 Stester?
00:20:23 [♪♪♪]
00:20:26 [♪♪♪]
00:20:29 [♪♪♪]
00:20:32 [♪♪♪]
00:20:51 [♪♪♪]
00:20:54 Danger. Extreme radiation hazard.
00:21:03 This fuel chamber is a Class A prohibited area.
00:21:07 This should complete your history course.
00:21:18 Thank you, my dark lady of the sonnets.
00:21:21 Now I have something to show you.
00:21:23 I do have certain talents, you know.
00:21:26 Watch this.
00:21:28 How was that?
00:21:40 That's terrific. What do you call it?
00:21:43 Bilocational transference, BLT for short.
00:21:48 Whatever you say.
00:21:50 [♪♪♪]
00:21:53 Please be advised, sensors indicate fuel rods are overheating.
00:22:19 Stability region has been surpassed and spectrum drive fuel pile is approaching meltdown point.
00:22:26 Emergency cooling system must be reinforced with auxiliary supply of moderator.
00:22:48 Sensors detect unauthorized presence on Star Street.
00:22:52 Determine whereabouts of all senior personnel.
00:22:55 Kim?
00:23:13 That's the pilot?
00:23:15 Yeah. Well, I've sort of shortened him up, reprogrammed him.
00:23:18 He really does some incredible things.
00:23:20 Hello, Jason.
00:23:22 So I see.
00:23:31 Listen, my father's up to something involving Star Street.
00:23:34 I may need your help.
00:23:36 Okay. What do you want me to do?
00:23:38 Just come with me. It won't take too long.
00:23:40 No, Sparks, you've got to stay here.
00:23:42 If you go with Al, go with... I will go.
00:23:45 He's sort of attached to me.
00:23:47 Bring him along. It might be useful.
00:23:49 Okay.
00:23:51 Fuel pile is cooling and reactions decelerating.
00:23:55 Radiation reaching tolerable level.
00:23:58 Cobalt drive reactors will achieve full power in ten minutes.
00:24:02 [alarm blaring]
00:24:12 [alarm blaring]
00:24:15 Danger. You have been exposed to extremely high radiation levels.
00:24:23 Immediate treatment with RADIC Q2 imperative.
00:24:27 Danger. You have been exposed to extremely high radiation levels.
00:24:33 Immediate treatment with RADIC Q2 imperative.
00:24:37 Danger. You have been expo...
00:24:40 [alarm blaring]
00:24:43 Have you found Dr. Cabal?
00:24:48 No, Senator.
00:24:49 Or his son, Jason?
00:24:50 No.
00:24:52 Lomax, they're up to something.
00:24:55 You must shut down all launch support systems immediately.
00:24:58 I am in full control of the situation, Senator.
00:25:01 Be patient. We will locate Dr. Cabal.
00:25:04 [alarm blaring]
00:25:07 [alarm blaring]
00:25:10 [alarm blaring]
00:25:29 [alarm blaring]
00:25:32 Dr. Cabal.
00:25:38 Kim, what are you doing here?
00:25:39 What's this all about?
00:25:41 I'm taking Starstreet to Delta 3.
00:25:43 But we have orders from Lomax.
00:25:45 No, the master computer is wrong.
00:25:47 Soft words now could destroy us.
00:25:48 I'm going to stop Omas by myself if I have to.
00:25:51 You won't have to do it by yourself.
00:25:53 Well, I was rather counting on your help, son.
00:25:56 Huh? Thanks.
00:25:58 I'm going to.
00:25:59 I would like to help.
00:26:02 Oh, hello.
00:26:04 Who's your shiny friend?
00:26:05 That's Sparks.
00:26:07 Oh, well.
00:26:09 All right, the four of us.
00:26:13 But we have to launch immediately.
00:26:15 No, we're not ready.
00:26:17 I got to do a pre-flight check.
00:26:19 I'm afraid we don't have--
00:26:20 [computer beeping]
00:26:22 I've located Dr. Cabal.
00:26:24 Visual scanners on Starstreet activated.
00:26:27 [computer beeping]
00:26:29 Lomax has tracked us here.
00:26:31 Something's got to be done now or not at all.
00:26:33 Scan down two gears.
00:26:35 Now, Mr. Sparks, sequence for launch.
00:26:38 This is a robot console.
00:26:41 Similar to those on cargo ships, but much more sophisticated.
00:26:45 Dr. Cabal, I detect a need for medication.
00:26:48 Yeah, well, you just keep that to yourself, Sparks.
00:26:50 You understand me? Now, that's an order.
00:26:52 Standby for liftoff in 30, 29--
00:26:55 I'm going to the troops.
00:26:57 28, 27, 26, 25--
00:27:00 [computer beeping]
00:27:02 [dramatic music]
00:27:05 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11--
00:27:10 [dramatic music]
00:27:13 ♪ ♪
00:27:19 Preparing for takeoff.
00:27:20 Lomax, you've got to stop them.
00:27:22 Seven, six, five, four,
00:27:27 ♪ ♪
00:27:29 One, ignition.
00:27:31 [rocket rumbling]
00:27:35 God.
00:27:38 Lomax.
00:27:41 What are their chances of reaching Delta III?
00:27:44 Percentages do not favor a successful journey.
00:27:47 Disaster through malfunction predicted.
00:27:50 ♪ ♪
00:27:52 Good.
00:27:55 [rocket rumbling]
00:27:58 ♪ ♪
00:28:03 [rocket rumbling]
00:28:05 ♪ ♪
00:28:08 Leveling out.
00:28:10 28, 277, course set for Delta III.
00:28:14 G-electron compass reading normal.
00:28:16 ♪ ♪
00:28:25 Well, on our way.
00:28:29 Out there is the vastness of space,
00:28:32 the unknown,
00:28:35 where all possibilities exist.
00:28:38 Man's future is limited only by his imagination
00:28:44 and his vision of the stars.
00:28:46 Father, Starstreak is everything you want.
00:28:50 Very impressive.
00:28:51 Correct pulse ratio, 0.004.
00:28:55 ♪ ♪
00:28:57 And how about you, Sparks?
00:29:01 What do you think?
00:29:02 It's better than a Delta III cargo ship, Doctor.
00:29:06 Delta III.
00:29:09 I wonder what happened to Nikki.
00:29:11 I hope she's all right.
00:29:13 ♪ ♪
00:29:20 [grunting]
00:29:40 [grunting]
00:29:43 I think we're ready now, Nikki.
00:29:54 Listen, everybody.
00:29:58 We must get back into the Citadel.
00:30:01 We have to send a message out somehow.
00:30:04 We should get through the tunnels all right,
00:30:06 but the Citadel itself is like a fortress.
00:30:09 I think that there's a way through the abandoned caverns
00:30:12 into the power plant.
00:30:14 Okay, come on, let's go.
00:30:16 ♪ ♪
00:30:32 ♪ ♪
00:30:39 [alarm beeping]
00:30:49 ♪ ♪
00:30:54 Robot master, we've completed the mining
00:30:57 of Gratic II and Tunnel IV.
00:30:59 Excellent.
00:31:00 Request a remedial inspection.
00:31:02 Everything is falling neatly into place.
00:31:05 ♪ ♪
00:31:12 ♪ ♪
00:31:19 ♪ ♪
00:31:24 So far, no sign of Otis's robots.
00:31:43 I know, but you'll have to move fast, Nikki.
00:31:45 When I get into the center, I'm not gonna need much time.
00:31:48 Tell them we can't hold out much longer.
00:31:51 Good luck.
00:31:52 Thanks.
00:31:53 [clicking]
00:31:55 [clattering]
00:31:57 [beeping]
00:31:59 [rumbling]
00:32:02 [beeping]
00:32:04 [clattering]
00:32:06 [rumbling]
00:32:09 [rumbling]
00:32:12 [rumbling]
00:32:15 ♪ ♪
00:32:22 ♪ ♪
00:32:48 ♪ ♪
00:32:55 ♪ ♪
00:33:24 ♪ ♪
00:33:31 [panting]
00:33:37 [panting]
00:33:40 ♪ ♪
00:33:48 [beeping]
00:33:51 ♪ ♪
00:33:58 ♪ ♪
00:34:05 ♪ ♪
00:34:12 [panting]
00:34:16 [rumbling]
00:34:19 [clattering]
00:34:21 [panting]
00:34:24 Calling New Washington.
00:34:26 Calling New Washington.
00:34:28 This is Nikki, the governor of Delta III.
00:34:31 Calling New Washington.
00:34:33 This is the Delta III's citadel, Nikki calling.
00:34:36 We need some assistance.
00:34:38 We need some assistance.
00:34:40 [rumbling]
00:34:42 [panting]
00:34:45 ♪ ♪
00:34:52 [indistinct chatter]
00:34:55 ♪ ♪
00:35:02 ♪ ♪
00:35:09 ♪ ♪
00:35:12 How's this?
00:35:14 The channels are open to New Washington.
00:35:17 This is New Washington. We hear you, Nikki.
00:35:19 Proceed with your message.
00:35:21 [beeping]
00:35:24 [panting]
00:35:26 [rumbling]
00:35:28 Sound general alarm.
00:35:30 [alarm blaring]
00:35:33 [rumbling]
00:35:36 [alarm blaring]
00:35:39 [rumbling]
00:35:42 [alarm blaring]
00:35:45 [rumbling]
00:35:48 [alarm blaring]
00:35:51 [rumbling]
00:35:54 [rumbling]
00:35:57 [alarm blaring]
00:36:00 [rumbling]
00:36:03 [alarm blaring]
00:36:06 [alarm blaring]
00:36:09 [rumbling]
00:36:11 I couldn't get through.
00:36:13 Damn!
00:36:15 [alarm blaring]
00:36:18 [rumbling]
00:36:21 [alarm blaring]
00:36:24 [rumbling]
00:36:27 [alarm blaring]
00:36:30 [rumbling]
00:36:33 [rumbling]
00:36:36 [alarm blaring]
00:36:39 [rumbling]
00:36:42 [rumbling]
00:36:45 [gunshots]
00:36:48 [screaming]
00:36:51 [screaming]
00:36:54 [gunshots]
00:36:57 [screaming]
00:37:00 [screaming]
00:37:03 [gunshots]
00:37:06 [gunshots]
00:37:09 [gunshots]
00:37:11 Come on, move it! Let's go!
00:37:14 [rumbling]
00:37:17 [rumbling]
00:37:20 [rumbling]
00:37:23 [rumbling]
00:37:26 [MUSIC]
00:37:36 [MUSIC]
00:37:46 [MUSIC]
00:37:56 >> Two more days.
00:38:12 What now?
00:38:13 >> I'm not sure, Merrick.
00:38:16 [MUSIC]
00:38:26 >> Doctor.
00:38:31 We have malfunctions of the Gilectron compass,
00:38:40 the auto guidance systems, and the control flow units.
00:38:44 [MUSIC]
00:38:52 >> We're gonna have to sit down.
00:38:54 >> We can't go back to the moon.
00:38:56 >> There's only one place we can go to make repairs.
00:38:59 Earth.
00:39:00 Set coordinates for vector 759.
00:39:07 >> There's an old emergency tanker station there, more or less abandoned now,
00:39:11 but the guidance beacon ought to be in working order.
00:39:14 >> Is there anyone living in the area?
00:39:16 >> Yeah, Charlie Montgomery, an old friend of mine.
00:39:19 Sort of guard, caretaker at the station.
00:39:22 He's due to retire back to the moon in a few years, but he'll be able to help us.
00:39:25 [SOUND]
00:39:28 >> Coordinate set for vector 759, planet Earth.
00:39:33 [SOUND]
00:39:36 >> Any chance lunar control might have put out a report about us?
00:39:40 >> Possible, and we can trust Charlie.
00:39:43 >> It's gonna be strange being back on the Earth again.
00:39:47 It's been almost seven years.
00:39:50 >> Seven years since the last of the great robot wars,
00:39:54 and the end of civilization as we had known it.
00:39:58 >> Funny, I still think of myself as an Earth child.
00:40:02 >> You were one of the lucky ones who escaped in time.
00:40:06 [SOUND]
00:40:11 >> Estimated arrival 600 hours.
00:40:14 >> Good, I'm gonna strap myself in.
00:40:15 [MUSIC]
00:40:25 >> Approaching orbit altitude for Earth.
00:40:35 >> Locking into orbit coordinates.
00:40:36 [MUSIC]
00:40:46 >> Counter gravitational control, set for
00:40:56 taker beacon YR321, gravity equilibrium confirmed.
00:41:02 [MUSIC]
00:41:12 >> Module separation confirmed, descent lock to beacon YR321.
00:41:27 [MUSIC]
00:41:37 [MUSIC]
00:41:47 >> Shutdown completed.
00:42:00 I'll stay with you, doctor, and help with your repairs.
00:42:03 >> All right, man.
00:42:05 We'll see if we can find Charlie Montgomery then.
00:42:07 >> Sure, give him my regards.
00:42:08 Tell him he owes me a rematch at chess.
00:42:10 >> Okay.
00:42:11 >> Bye.
00:42:11 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:42:21 [MUSIC]
00:42:31 [MUSIC]
00:42:41 [MUSIC]
00:42:51 [MUSIC]
00:43:01 >> What's wrong?
00:43:16 >> I don't know.
00:43:17 [MUSIC]
00:43:27 >> Well, come on, let's take a look inside.
00:43:28 [MUSIC]
00:43:32 >> Charlie?
00:43:35 Charlie?
00:43:37 Charlie Montgomery?
00:43:38 [MUSIC]
00:43:48 >> He must be around someplace.
00:43:49 [MUSIC]
00:43:52 How's the equipment?
00:43:53 >> Seems to be all right.
00:43:55 I'm gonna go check the tower.
00:43:57 >> Kim?
00:43:58 >> Yeah? >> Mind how you go.
00:43:59 >> Okay.
00:44:00 [MUSIC]
00:44:08 [MUSIC]
00:44:18 [MUSIC]
00:44:28 [MUSIC]
00:44:38 [MUSIC]
00:44:48 [MUSIC]
00:44:58 >> He must have some tools around someplace.
00:45:15 [MUSIC]
00:45:25 >> Charlie?
00:45:43 [MUSIC]
00:45:46 Charlie, is that you?
00:45:47 [MUSIC]
00:45:57 [MUSIC]
00:46:22 [MUSIC]
00:46:31 >> Kim?
00:46:33 Kim?
00:46:34 [MUSIC]
00:46:36 Kim?
00:46:37 [MUSIC]
00:46:42 Kim?
00:46:43 [MUSIC]
00:46:45 [SOUND]
00:46:46 >> Kim?
00:46:49 Come in, please, Kim.
00:46:51 [MUSIC]
00:46:55 This is Jason calling Star Street.
00:46:57 Come in, please, Star Street.
00:46:58 [MUSIC]
00:47:03 Yes, what is it, Jason?
00:47:05 I found a dead body near station.
00:47:07 >> What?
00:47:08 Charlie?
00:47:09 >> Afraid so.
00:47:11 And that's not all.
00:47:12 I can't seem to locate Kim.
00:47:14 >> What do you mean?
00:47:15 >> I don't know.
00:47:16 She disappeared.
00:47:17 >> Disappeared?
00:47:18 >> Oh, sir, I've got her vehicle here.
00:47:20 I don't know if I can get it running, though.
00:47:22 >> It's rough terrain.
00:47:23 You'll need it.
00:47:24 I'm going to send Sparks to help you.
00:47:26 >> Okay.
00:47:27 [SOUND]
00:47:30 >> Now, Sparks, I want you to check radiation readings in the area.
00:47:34 >> Yes, Doctor.
00:47:35 >> I want to know if Jason and Kim are in danger.
00:47:37 >> What about you, Doctor?
00:47:39 >> Don't you worry about me, Sparks.
00:47:40 I've never had a nursemaid before, and I don't intend to have one now.
00:47:45 >> Sorry, Doctor.
00:47:47 >> That's all right.
00:47:48 >> So, why don't you just get on with it?
00:47:52 >> Precisely what I had in mind.
00:47:54 [SOUND]
00:48:00 >> What took you so long?
00:48:01 >> I'm a little out of condition.
00:48:04 Detectives locate Kim's vital signs 3 kilometers west to Quadrant.
00:48:09 >> Oh, yeah, Shillong?
00:48:10 >> I can't get an exact reading, but I'm picking up a high radiation level in this area.
00:48:17 >> Well, hop in unless you want to walk.
00:48:19 [SOUND]
00:48:24 >> You better stop doing that.
00:48:29 >> Hold on.
00:48:31 [SOUND]
00:48:39 [SOUND]
00:48:49 [SOUND]
00:48:59 [SOUND]
00:49:05 >> We detect a malfunction in the H2O containment system.
00:49:11 >> Now what?
00:49:14 [SOUND]
00:49:17 >> I'm picking up Kim.
00:49:19 All life functions seem intact, but she isn't alone.
00:49:22 Sensors also detect higher radiation levels ahead.
00:49:28 [SOUND]
00:49:38 [SOUND]
00:49:48 [SOUND]
00:49:58 [SOUND]
00:50:02 >> Stop, Jason.
00:50:05 Let me lead the way.
00:50:07 [MUSIC]
00:50:17 [MUSIC]
00:50:27 [MUSIC]
00:50:37 [MUSIC]
00:50:47 [MUSIC]
00:50:50 >> Jason!
00:50:51 [MUSIC]
00:50:58 >> Kim, get behind the car.
00:50:59 Jason, come on, Kim.
00:51:00 >> They're not going to hurt you.
00:51:01 They only want our help.
00:51:03 >> What do you mean?
00:51:06 >> They're children.
00:51:08 [MUSIC]
00:51:18 [MUSIC]
00:51:28 >> Oh, my God.
00:51:41 [MUSIC]
00:51:51 >> These children must be survivors of the great robot war.
00:51:54 [MUSIC]
00:52:03 >> They must have been taken from the city just before it started.
00:52:06 [MUSIC]
00:52:13 >> I don't believe this.
00:52:14 These kids must have been living out here for years.
00:52:17 You all right?
00:52:19 >> Fine.
00:52:23 >> I'm scared.
00:52:24 >> Yeah.
00:52:25 >> I found a dead body in the air station.
00:52:28 It was Charlie.
00:52:29 >> The children told me.
00:52:31 He was trying to help them.
00:52:34 >> Jason, they're sick, very sick.
00:52:38 Radiation.
00:52:41 Hey, don't be afraid.
00:52:44 Forbes is our friend.
00:52:46 >> I guess they still have a fear of robots after what they did to this world.
00:52:50 These old weapons are leaking toxic substances.
00:52:54 I suggest the children be treated with RADiCQ2 as soon as possible.
00:52:59 I'll be going back to the ship now.
00:53:03 >> Jason, let's get the kids out of here.
00:53:05 >> Let's get back to the ship.
00:53:07 >> Come on, kids.
00:53:10 >> We must inform Jason and Kim of your condition.
00:53:13 >> No, they've got enough to do without worrying about me.
00:53:17 Anyway, I feel fine.
00:53:21 No, I've managed this far, and I'll make it through to the end.
00:53:31 >> This is Jason calling Star Street.
00:53:33 Come in, please, Star Street.
00:53:38 >> Oh, no.
00:53:39 I've got Kim on our way back to the ship.
00:53:42 >> I'm sorry, Tim.
00:53:43 >> All right, out.
00:53:44 >> Jason, you just listen to me.
00:53:46 >> We've got to get back to the ship and back on our way to Delta 3.
00:53:49 >> These children need our help.
00:53:53 >> Look, we can't go back to the moon now.
00:53:56 We can't take these children with us.
00:53:59 >> Look, if we can get to Delta 3, we can pick up a supply of radic and be back here in a few days.
00:54:06 That's the best chance these kids have got, and you know that.
00:54:12 >> Yeah.
00:54:17 >> Listen, kids, I know you've had a tough time, but please just trust us.
00:54:20 We won't let you down, I promise.
00:54:27 Okay, now, you kids just stay here, okay?
00:54:31 Because we're going to come back and get you.
00:54:34 Okay?
00:54:37 Okay.
00:54:55 >> All secure here.
00:54:57 >> Five, four, three, two, one.
00:55:17 >> Current compass ratio .289.
00:55:26 Initiating docking maneuvers with mothership.
00:55:44 >> Gear locks activated. Docking completed.
00:55:47 >> Okay, set course.
00:55:55 >> Course set for Delta 3.
00:55:58 >> Sequence for spectrum drive.
00:56:02 Activate pulse generators for force shield.
00:56:07 >> Pulse generator activated.
00:56:09 >> Okay.
00:56:25 >> Initiating spectrum drive.
00:56:54 >> Force shield functioning as programmed.
00:57:08 >> What a strange experience.
00:57:10 I don't feel anything.
00:57:13 We're approaching the speed of light.
00:57:16 >> It's just incredible.
00:57:18 >> As a matter of fact, I feel very comfortable.
00:57:22 >> Well, just be glad the force shield is fully operative.
00:57:25 Because at these speeds, a particle of dust could punch a hole in the side of the ship.
00:57:30 >> I'm beginning to feel a little less comfortable.
00:57:33 >> So am I.
00:57:51 >> Spectrum drive approaching control speed.
00:57:57 I'm going to lock off now.
00:58:03 Well, that couldn't have been smoother.
00:58:05 Any course correction sparks?
00:58:07 >> Negative.
00:58:09 >> No deviation from set flight path.
00:58:22 >> Okay, take it easy, sparks.
00:58:27 I'll reprogram a better self-adjusting tape for you when we get back to the moon.
00:58:41 >> Pattern.
00:58:42 Thank you.
00:58:44 >> Any time, sparks.
00:58:49 >> Well, the ship's performing beautifully.
00:58:52 And I'm beginning to feel just a little hungry.
00:58:57 >> You look a little tired.
00:58:59 >> No, no, I'm not tired.
00:59:00 I'm just hungry.
00:59:03 >> Yeah, well, I guess we could all use something to eat, huh?
00:59:05 >> Sure.
00:59:07 >> Nothing for me, thanks.
00:59:10 >> Okay.
00:59:11 Perhaps later?
00:59:29 >> I hope we have enough parts here.
00:59:31 >> It's our last hope to send the signal lab into space.
00:59:54 >> Kim, look at this.
01:00:06 It's on replay.
01:00:13 >> It's unbelievable.
01:00:15 >> Yes, but I detect we are in some danger.
01:00:19 I suggest a course alteration.
01:00:23 >> Now, what's that?
01:00:24 >> Nothing serious.
01:00:25 A minor malfunction in the spectrum drive auto locks.
01:00:29 >> I'm going to make a systems check.
01:00:31 >> Not necessary.
01:00:32 Everything's under control.
01:00:34 >> Okay.
01:00:36 >> Okay.
01:00:38 [ Music ]
01:00:43 [ Music ]
01:00:47 [ Music ]
01:00:57 [ Music ]
01:01:07 [ Music ]
01:01:17 [ Music ]
01:01:27 [ Music ]
01:01:37 [ Music ]
01:01:47 >> Got to get our transistor activated.
01:01:49 >> Send out a signal.
01:01:50 Omas could be the point of our location.
01:01:52 >> Yes, we'll just have to take that chance.
01:01:54 [ Music ]
01:02:14 [ Music ]
01:02:25 >> By the way, Kim, I am looking forward to that new tape when we get back.
01:02:30 >> I don't know, Sparks.
01:02:31 Sometimes the way you look at me, you give me the feeling that -- that you are just a robot, aren't you?
01:02:38 >> I'm afraid so.
01:02:39 But if there is any change, you'll be the first to know.
01:02:42 >> Yeah.
01:02:44 [ Music ]
01:02:55 >> Hi.
01:02:56 >> Hi.
01:03:03 What's that?
01:03:05 >> Oh, this is a very old book, rescued from the Earth Museum many years ago.
01:03:12 >> Must be very rare.
01:03:13 >> Oh, yes, it is, yes.
01:03:15 Most of them were destroyed, of course.
01:03:17 Some of them survive in memory baffles, but that -- that's a real thing.
01:03:24 >> What's it about?
01:03:26 >> About?
01:03:27 Well -- well, it's -- it's about your people.
01:03:32 In an ancient country called Greece, there were a bunch of philosophers, and they --
01:03:39 well, they -- they tried to understand the nature of the universe.
01:03:47 Of course, they had only their own imagination, but what an imagination it was.
01:03:55 Their vision, their ideas never ceased to amaze me.
01:04:06 Pay no attention.
01:04:08 I'm just a musty old professor lecturing to myself.
01:04:13 >> No, you're much more than that.
01:04:15 >> Well, you don't have to humor me just because I'm an old man, you know.
01:04:19 You're the youngest man I know.
01:04:25 >> Thank you.
01:04:34 >> I'm getting an intense gravitational pull on my readouts.
01:04:46 >> The onboard computer reports proximity of an enormous magnetic field.
01:04:50 >> What do you suggest, Sparks?
01:04:53 >> Counter with equal push.
01:04:55 We'll have to increase spectrum drive.
01:04:57 >> By .002.
01:05:00 >> 002.
01:05:01 >> Locked in.
01:05:02 >> I've got 004, Jason.
01:05:03 >> No, 002.
01:05:05 >> It's 006 now, and we're still increasing.
01:05:07 >> It just can't be.
01:05:15 >> We're going out of control.
01:05:19 >> Sparks?
01:05:21 The switches are jammed.
01:05:22 Give me a manual override.
01:05:27 >> Negative.
01:05:28 It won't release.
01:05:29 >> What do you mean negative?
01:05:32 I can't bring the speed down.
01:05:34 Spectrum drive locked in.
01:05:37 Get back.
01:05:39 >> Closing route beyond magnetic field.
01:05:41 >> We're going to break up.
01:05:42 >> What's going on?
01:05:46 [ Music ]
01:05:51 [ Music ]
01:05:56 [ Music ]
01:06:00 [ Music ]
01:06:04 [ Music ]
01:06:08 [ Music ]
01:06:12 [ Music ]
01:06:16 [ Music ]
01:06:20 [ Music ]
01:06:26 [ Music ]
01:06:32 [ Music ]
01:06:38 [ Music ]
01:06:44 [ Music ]
01:06:50 [ Music ]
01:06:56 [ Music ]
01:07:02 [ Music ]
01:07:08 [ Music ]
01:07:14 [ Music ]
01:07:20 [ Music ]
01:07:26 [ Music ]
01:07:32 [ Music ]
01:07:38 [ Music ]
01:07:44 [ Music ]
01:07:50 [ Music ]
01:07:56 [ Music ]
01:08:02 [ Music ]
01:08:08 [ Music ]
01:08:14 [ Music ]
01:08:20 [ Music ]
01:08:26 [ Music ]
01:08:32 >> What the hell was that all about?
01:08:34 >> I believe we have been through time dilation.
01:08:39 >> Kim.
01:08:42 Kim?
01:08:45 Kim.
01:08:49 Kim.
01:08:52 >> We wrote it out.
01:08:54 We're still in one piece.
01:08:57 >> Correct pulse .004.
01:09:01 Decrease thruster level.
01:09:06 >> Draft control now reading normal.
01:09:08 >> Switching off force field.
01:09:13 Pulse generator deactivated.
01:09:18 >> Jason, look.
01:09:23 >> Delta three.
01:09:28 >> Sparks, can we have an update on our coordinates?
01:09:31 >> We're within the gravitational pull of Delta three.
01:09:34 Our excessive speed has used up most of our nuclear power.
01:09:38 >> How bad is it, Sparks?
01:09:40 >> We'll be lucky just to limp into orbit, doctor.
01:09:44 Hold on.
01:09:45 I have a monitor sighting.
01:09:48 A Delta three cargo ship, the same as Phobos four.
01:09:51 Robot pilot aboard.
01:09:53 Full explosive load in the hold.
01:09:56 >> No doubt on another collision course with New Washington.
01:10:00 We don't have the power now to catch up and destroy it.
01:10:03 We could try and fire a missile.
01:10:04 >> No, no.
01:10:05 We haven't got the maneuverability, Jason.
01:10:07 >> Even if we could get close, our armament system hasn't been tested.
01:10:12 >> Oh, it needs more destruction than New Washington.
01:10:16 And we just have to stand by and do nothing.
01:10:19 >> I'm picking up radio signals from Delta three.
01:10:22 >> It's a distress signal.
01:10:24 >> Can you get a fix on that, Sparks?
01:10:28 >> I have the exact coordinates.
01:10:30 >> All right, then.
01:10:31 We're going down.
01:10:33 Prepare to disengage.
01:10:34 >> Okay.
01:10:35 [ Music ]
01:10:43 >> Approaching orbit altitude for Delta three.
01:10:46 >> Locking into orbit coordinates.
01:10:48 >> Counter gravitational control set for signal beacon WA3581.
01:10:53 [ Music ]
01:10:56 >> Gravity equilibrium confirmed.
01:10:58 Prepare for module separation.
01:11:00 [ Music ]
01:11:07 >> Anti-gravitational controls activated.
01:11:10 [ Music ]
01:11:21 >> Well, well, what do we have here?
01:11:24 An expedition to our fair planet.
01:11:27 [ Music ]
01:11:31 >> Nicky, look.
01:11:32 [ Music ]
01:11:36 >> Someone dead here.
01:11:37 >> Come on.
01:11:39 [ Music ]
01:11:51 >> It seems to me we ought to send out a little reception committee.
01:11:55 [ Music ]
01:12:12 [ Sound Effects ]
01:12:31 >> Well, someone seems to know we're here.
01:12:35 [ Sound Effects ]
01:12:57 >> It can't be.
01:12:59 [ Sound Effects ]
01:13:02 >> Nicky.
01:13:03 >> John.
01:13:04 >> John Cabello.
01:13:05 >> This is Nicky.
01:13:06 >> Kim Smetley, my son, Jason.
01:13:08 >> Hello.
01:13:09 This is Merrick, my deputy.
01:13:10 >> Hello there.
01:13:11 >> Welcome, friends, but we better get away from here.
01:13:13 [ Music ]
01:13:22 >> Too late.
01:13:23 [ Music ]
01:13:26 >> I am discharged.
01:13:27 The robot has left the force.
01:13:29 [ Music ]
01:13:38 [ Sound Effects ]
01:13:56 [ Music ]
01:14:20 >> I am Omos, emperor of Delta III.
01:14:25 Welcome, my dear Dr. Cabello.
01:14:29 How marvelous to see you.
01:14:32 >> I want to talk to you, Omos, in person, not just to a disembodied face.
01:14:38 However impressive your holographic invention.
01:14:42 >> Ah, doctor, I have many impressive things to show you in my citadel.
01:14:48 >> All right, let's get on with it.
01:14:50 How do I get to the citadel?
01:14:53 >> It's nearby.
01:14:55 My guard, Robert, will bring you.
01:14:58 >> John, this could be dangerous.
01:15:00 >> I'm aware of that, Nicky.
01:15:02 Father, please, don't try it alone.
01:15:04 >> It's too risky.
01:15:06 >> If anyone can get to it, maybe I can.
01:15:09 [ Music ]
01:15:38 [ Music ]
01:15:45 >> Faithful.
01:15:47 [ Music ]
01:16:08 >> Star streak.
01:16:09 >> Yes, perfect.
01:16:13 >> No better way to return to New Washington than in Cabello's pride and joy.
01:16:20 [ Music ]
01:16:25 >> I'm not waiting any longer.
01:16:26 I'm going to the citadel.
01:16:27 >> It's not that easy.
01:16:28 >> Show me the way, will you?
01:16:30 >> Do you really want me to?
01:16:34 >> Sparks, go ahead.
01:16:36 >> How's the power problem?
01:16:37 >> Still working on it.
01:16:39 >> Okay, keep monitoring us and maintain senses in Dr. Cabello, all right?
01:16:43 >> Affirmative.
01:16:44 >> It's this way.
01:16:45 >> Okay.
01:16:47 [ Music ]
01:17:07 >> Dr. Cabello.
01:17:09 [ Music ]
01:17:25 >> My old mentor.
01:17:29 >> Considering our past relationship, I think you owe me some sort of explanation.
01:17:34 >> Wait until you see what I've accomplished.
01:17:37 It's astonishing.
01:17:40 Give me your doctor.
01:17:45 Come.
01:17:47 [ Music ]
01:18:00 Now watch this.
01:18:03 This is the erratic Q2 factory.
01:18:12 My empire with a network of underground tunnels.
01:18:23 My mechanical warriors, mining robots turned into obedient soldiers
01:18:30 with a new circuitry to handle more sophisticated input
01:18:36 and a capacity for independent thought.
01:18:41 >> But totally loyal to you, no doubt.
01:18:47 You spoke to us of a new technology, of peace, not war.
01:18:55 Don't you understand?
01:19:02 >> Once you accept me as ruler, there will be no acts of aggression, only peace.
01:19:07 Under my rule, the people will want for nothing.
01:19:11 >> Except freedom.
01:19:13 Well, the moon colony will never accept a dictator.
01:19:16 That's one thing at least we've learned from the history of the planet Earth.
01:19:20 >> You insult me, doctor.
01:19:23 You are the one who inspired me, taught me to place science above all else.
01:19:27 >> But never above humanity.
01:19:29 If I didn't teach you that, then I failed you miserably.
01:19:33 Oh, must give up, give up this insane plan of yours.
01:19:37 But I am, Omos, emperor of Delta III.
01:19:42 >> I don't want to hear any more.
01:19:45 >> I don't think I even know you.
01:19:47 You're some sentimental old fool who doesn't understand anything.
01:19:51 I, I am the world of the future.
01:19:54 You're back in some dark past.
01:19:57 People are no longer necessary.
01:19:58 Even I, someday, may no longer be necessary.
01:20:02 And you, Dr. Cabal, are certainly no longer necessary.
01:20:12 >> Omos, you're a sick man.
01:20:14 Let me help you.
01:20:15 >> No, doctor.
01:20:17 Let me help you.
01:20:19 >> Let me give you your last lesson on the power of science.
01:20:29 >> Merrick, you stay here with the others.
01:20:31 Kim, Jason, and I are going in.
01:20:33 [door opening and closing]
01:20:47 [music]
01:21:06 [screaming]
01:21:27 [music]
01:21:37 [siren]
01:21:47 [music]
01:22:01 >> Where's your humanism now, doctor?
01:22:05 >> Dr. Cabal, I'm not getting any of your vital signs.
01:22:09 >> Dr. Cabal, do you read me?
01:22:17 >> D3R765.
01:22:22 >> This is not Dr. Cabal.
01:22:25 This is Omos.
01:22:28 Your creator.
01:22:42 >> It's Omos.
01:22:43 And he's alone.
01:22:45 Go ahead.
01:22:58 >> Omos.
01:23:07 Omos.
01:23:11 >> Where is he?
01:23:15 >> John!
01:23:16 John!
01:23:17 John.
01:23:19 >> I knew.
01:23:21 He was wrong.
01:23:22 I knew he was too dangerous.
01:23:24 >> He knew the danger, Jason.
01:23:29 >> Get the cloak off him.
01:23:33 >> Be careful.
01:23:37 >> Okay.
01:23:50 >> It's a severe radiation burn.
01:23:54 He was dying.
01:24:02 But that isn't what killed him.
01:24:05 It was Omos.
01:24:07 >> Are you sure?
01:24:08 >> Yes.
01:24:18 >> Sparks?
01:24:20 Sparks, do you read me?
01:24:21 >> I'm trying.
01:24:22 Sparks, this is Kim.
01:24:23 Do you read me?
01:24:29 >> What's he doing?
01:24:31 The module's moving.
01:24:32 What's he doing?
01:24:33 >> Sparks?
01:24:34 Sparks, please, don't you remember?
01:24:37 >> Omos could be anywhere.
01:24:39 In the tunnels, the ore refineries, the old staff quarters.
01:24:43 >> Get America and the others.
01:24:44 We're going to need help.
01:24:45 >> Okay.
01:24:46 Come on.
01:24:47 >> Come on.
01:25:16 >> Come on.
01:25:18 >> Come on.
01:25:46 >> Sparks, come in, please.
01:25:50 >> Don't waste your energies.
01:25:52 >> Omos.
01:25:53 >> Yes.
01:25:56 And you're the son of John Cabal.
01:26:00 I've been expecting you.
01:26:04 The Starstreak module.
01:26:08 It will arrive at the city at any moment now.
01:26:11 >> What do you want with Starstreak?
01:26:14 >> It will become my new flagship.
01:26:16 I'm saying last farewell to this place and to you and your friends.
01:26:20 Except, of course, Sparks, who's now working for me.
01:26:26 You see, I am going to destroy Delta III.
01:26:32 >> Why?
01:26:33 For what reason?
01:26:35 >> Because I am returning to the moon as spiritual successor to the late Dr. Cabal,
01:26:40 who unfortunately died heroically, along with the rest of you, in a tragic cosmic accident.
01:26:48 And there will be no one to prove me wrong.
01:27:04 When I activate that switch, it will set into motion the most incredible forces.
01:27:09 What is normally an evolutionary process that could take a billion years, I can speed up into a matter of minutes.
01:27:18 >> It will destroy the entire planet and our only source of Radic Q2?
01:27:23 >> My cargo ships are fully loaded.
01:27:26 They will accompany me on my mission of peace.
01:27:33 >> Starstreak has arrived.
01:28:01 >> Omas!
01:28:09 >> I must go now.
01:28:12 >> Omas!
01:28:15 You murderer!
01:28:20 You are as big a fool as your father.
01:28:47 >> They're dead, Peggy.
01:28:51 They're dead.
01:29:05 >> We must reprogram Omas's robots.
01:29:27 >> Come on, come on.
01:29:35 >> Shut it off.
01:29:37 Shut it off!
01:29:53 Shut it off!
01:29:57 Turn it off!
01:30:10 >> The activator can't be stopped.
01:30:11 It's too late.
01:30:13 >> How long we got?
01:30:17 >> Ten minutes.
01:30:20 >> Jason!
01:30:25 >> We've got to get to Starstreak.
01:30:26 The planet's going to blow up.
01:30:27 >> Merrick and the others are dead.
01:30:31 >> Come on.
01:30:32 >> Jason, is everything all right?
01:30:52 >> Fox, did you reprogram his robots?
01:30:54 >> Let's just say we speak the same language.
01:30:56 >> Okay, where are you now?
01:30:58 >> Just outside the citadel.
01:31:05 >> The Delta 3 is going to blow.
01:31:07 Get to one of the cargo ships.
01:31:08 They're going to sell us a supply of Raticue 2.
01:31:12 >> Why are you doing this to me?
01:31:14 >> I am your creator!
01:31:42 >> I am your creator!
01:32:10 >> Okay, secure yourself to the robot console.
01:32:17 >> Let's go.
01:32:20 >> Sparks?
01:32:21 Sparks, you set?
01:32:23 >> All set, Jason.
01:32:24 Suggest immediate launch.
01:32:26 >> Okay, starting sequence now.
01:32:31 >> Come on.
01:33:00 >> Come on.
01:33:10 >> Come on.
01:33:20 >> Come on.
01:33:30 >> Come on.
01:33:50 >> Come on.
01:34:10 >> Come on.
01:34:34 >> Sparks, the first priority is to get this shipment of Raticue 2 back to the Earth children.
01:34:40 >> Course set for planet Earth.
01:35:02 >> Out there is the vastness of space.
01:35:06 The unknown.
01:35:08 Where all possibilities exist.
01:35:12 Man's future is limited only by his imagination.
01:35:32 >> Come on.
01:35:42 >> Come on.
01:35:52 >> Come on.
01:36:02 >> Come on.
01:36:12 >> Come on.
01:36:22 >> Come on.
01:36:32 >> Come on.
01:36:42 >> Come on.
01:36:52 >> Come on.
01:37:02 >> Come on.
01:37:12 >> Come on.
01:37:22 >> Come on.
01:37:32 >> Come on.
01:37:42 >> Come on.
01:37:52 >> Come on.
01:38:02 >> Come on.
