00:00:00 (Music)
00:00:16 Open up your Bibles to Daniel chapter 11.
00:00:20 I don't think I've ever done this before.
00:00:26 But when you're free,
00:00:28 come on, when you're free.
00:00:32 Because you have no idea how I feel about you.
00:00:38 And my number one fear as it relates to you
00:00:42 is not preparing you.
00:00:45 It is not revealing to you what I see.
00:00:49 And it's the hardest thing because I would love to be in there talking about
00:00:53 how to build your business.
00:00:55 And I have resources.
00:00:57 But this is different.
00:00:59 This is kingdom business.
00:01:00 Alright, so Daniel chapter 11,
00:01:02 verse 32 and 33.
00:01:04 I'm going to read this passage, another passage.
00:01:06 I'm going to give you the context.
00:01:07 I'm going to get into the Word.
00:01:08 And then we'll figure out how we're going to flow today.
00:01:11 And I figure by maybe 4, 15, 5 o'clock,
00:01:15 we'll be out of here.
00:01:16 You know what I mean?
00:01:19 Somebody said, "The devil is alive."
00:01:24 Daniel, I love Daniel.
00:01:25 We're going to talk about Daniel in a moment.
00:01:28 Those who do wickedly, watch this, against the covenant,
00:01:32 I'll unpack it.
00:01:34 He, that's an interesting he,
00:01:38 shall corrupt with flattery.
00:01:40 So there are those in a particular season, Daniel,
00:01:46 in this grouping of chapters 10 through 12,
00:01:52 Daniel is revealing a vision,
00:01:57 series of visions and dreams that God has given to him
00:01:59 to describe what was going to take place
00:02:02 in what he saw were the end times.
00:02:05 God told him, "Now what I show you,
00:02:08 you got to seal it up.
00:02:09 Don't talk about, don't deal with it.
00:02:10 Seal it up until a certain time."
00:02:12 We're going to see that in just a second.
00:02:14 So what I'm describing,
00:02:15 what I'm getting ready to unpack and describe
00:02:17 is Daniel describing various people
00:02:21 and what they would be doing in these times
00:02:24 and what will be happening in the world during these times.
00:02:26 And the reason why I'm bringing it up
00:02:28 is because I feel like what I'm sensing
00:02:30 is we are either in these times or close to these times.
00:02:35 Hey.
00:02:37 All right.
00:02:38 So during these times, Daniel says,
00:02:41 those are going to be some,
00:02:42 those who do wickedly against the covenant,
00:02:46 he, this is a character that we haven't introduced yet,
00:02:49 but we will.
00:02:51 He shall corrupt with flattery.
00:02:55 I promise I'll unpack it.
00:02:57 He says, but, and here is another group,
00:02:59 but the people who know their God
00:03:03 shall be strong.
00:03:06 And not only shall they be strong,
00:03:08 so we've got some who are going to be corrupt.
00:03:12 And that word literally means spoiled,
00:03:14 weakened, damaged, disqualified.
00:03:19 But there are going to be others who are going to be strong.
00:03:22 And not only will they be strong,
00:03:25 but they're going to do great exploits.
00:03:29 So there's going to come a time
00:03:31 where there's going to be some people.
00:03:34 And interestingly enough, these people,
00:03:36 the some people, obviously are church people
00:03:39 or kingdom people because why,
00:03:41 how can you transgress or do wickedly against a covenant
00:03:44 if you don't have a covenant?
00:03:48 Stay with me.
00:03:49 So those who do wickedly against the covenant,
00:03:52 this is one group, he, somebody,
00:03:54 some mysterious figure,
00:03:56 shall corrupt with flattery.
00:03:59 But the people who know their God,
00:04:03 just turn to, I want to be in that number.
00:04:05 I just want to say, I want to be in that number.
00:04:07 I want to be in that number.
00:04:10 But the people who know their God,
00:04:14 alternatively, shall be strong.
00:04:18 And not only that, but they shall carry out
00:04:22 great exploits during these times.
00:04:25 And those of the people who understand
00:04:29 shall instruct many.
00:04:31 So in these times,
00:04:33 there are going to be some who understand what's going on.
00:04:36 That's why I'm taking my time and teaching this thing
00:04:38 because I want you to understand.
00:04:40 And I want you to understand it so good
00:04:42 that you can teach it.
00:04:43 You don't know something good enough.
00:04:45 You don't know something to the degree
00:04:46 that you should know it until you can teach it.
00:04:49 Okay?
00:04:51 Then if we go to Daniel, we're going to keep further,
00:04:53 we're going to go to Daniel chapter 12, verse three and four.
00:04:55 It says, in continuum during these times,
00:04:59 it says, "Now those who are wise
00:05:03 shall shine like the brightness of the firmament,
00:05:08 the brightness of the heavens.
00:05:10 And those who turn many to righteousness
00:05:13 like the stars forever and ever."
00:05:16 He says, "But you, Daniel,
00:05:18 shut up the words
00:05:20 and seal the book until the time of the end."
00:05:24 This was hundreds of years ago
00:05:27 that God showed Daniel something,
00:05:29 but he told him that he needed to shut,
00:05:31 he couldn't talk about it.
00:05:32 Shut it up until the time of the end.
00:05:37 And then he gives him a little peek
00:05:39 into what the characteristics of the time of the end will be.
00:05:43 And he says, "Many shall run to and fro,
00:05:50 and knowledge shall increase."
00:05:53 That's a clue to me
00:05:56 that we are in this moment, this era.
00:06:00 Now this era could be a thousand, I don't know,
00:06:01 but we're in it.
00:06:02 That's a clue.
00:06:03 The clue for me is when he talks about knowledge increasing.
00:06:08 And he talks about how we're going to run to and fro.
00:06:12 Think about how we travel now.
00:06:15 Think about how the advancements in travel,
00:06:18 and not just travel across the globe.
00:06:20 Yo, we're going to the moon.
00:06:23 Hey, come on, somebody, SpaceX.
00:06:26 We're going to the moon.
00:06:27 And here is the truth.
00:06:29 If you really tap into this,
00:06:31 going to the moon is actually getting ready to be normal.
00:06:35 Oh, you're not ready, okay.
00:06:37 You're not ready.
00:06:39 Yeah, they're trying to normalize going to the moon.
00:06:42 It is not unreasonable to think that perhaps in the next 25 years,
00:06:45 you may have real estate on Mars.
00:06:48 You're not ready.
00:06:49 I wish I had some people that were awake.
00:06:56 And knowledge shall increase.
00:06:59 There are things happening in science institutions right now
00:07:02 where they're creating life forms.
00:07:07 Yeah, our class is going to get good today.
00:07:10 They're literally creating life forms.
00:07:14 And let's not even talk about AI.
00:07:19 We're talking about a whole new civilization
00:07:24 being formed and built and created and erected right under our feet.
00:07:31 To and fro, travel, run to and fro.
00:07:34 That's acceleration of travel.
00:07:36 I can get anywhere.
00:07:37 And sometimes I can get anywhere in the world without leaving my house.
00:07:42 I'm picking my phone, FaceTime somebody in Nigeria right now.
00:07:46 Because you're thinking move about, and that's part of it,
00:07:49 but it's also to be in multiple places at one time.
00:07:53 Let's not throw in quantum physics.
00:07:57 Hey.
00:08:00 Why am I talking about all this?
00:08:03 I believe that God was telling him, he was showing him what was to come.
00:08:08 He was giving him markers so that he can see, so that he can know.
00:08:13 Shut up the book until then.
00:08:15 This wouldn't make sense to us 100 years ago.
00:08:19 We'd be like, no, we ain't there yet, but we're going to keep going.
00:08:22 And now it's beginning to, now I'm starting to see it so clearly.
00:08:25 And his account of what would happen in the last days
00:08:28 was corroborated by the Apostle Paul in Thessalonians,
00:08:31 2 Thessalonians, and in John in Revelation.
00:08:35 What am I saying?
00:08:36 All this is saying what?
00:08:37 I'm saying that we're in an interesting time.
00:08:43 I love Daniel.
00:08:44 Let me talk about Daniel real quick, and I'll go through these texts a little bit,
00:08:48 and when we wrap up, we'd be almost finished in about four hours.
00:08:53 Daniel was one of the most fascinating characters in Scripture.
00:08:59 He was 16 years old, and he got swept into,
00:09:04 he got caught up into the season where the children of Israel
00:09:09 were captured and taken into Babylonian captivity.
00:09:12 Y'all remember that.
00:09:14 And Daniel's there, and the king, you got to study, read the whole book,
00:09:17 but the king was looking for special people to bring in his courts
00:09:25 to live with him, to walk with him, basically essentially to show them off,
00:09:28 and he looked for the finest, and Daniel was one of the finest.
00:09:31 But if you studied Daniel, Daniel, he was a unique cat.
00:09:36 He was unyielding in his faith.
00:09:40 He was unrelenting in his ability to stand on what he was taught.
00:09:46 He was in a strange place but didn't let the strange place change him.
00:09:51 He was in a strange place but didn't let the strange place make him strange.
00:09:56 Hello, somebody.
00:09:59 And God, as a result of it, God began to promote him,
00:10:02 and God began to elevate him even in the place of captivity.
00:10:05 It was amazing.
00:10:07 And he was literally right there with the king.
00:10:11 What really makes him fascinating to me was his devotion to God,
00:10:18 and not just that he was committed to God, but the way that he leaned into God
00:10:23 and consequently got so deep in God that God showed him things
00:10:27 that would happen hundreds of years down the road.
00:10:30 Imagine being so tight in your relationship with the Lord
00:10:36 that God can trust you with crazy things,
00:10:40 things that you won't even live long enough to see,
00:10:43 but show you things so clearly that your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren
00:10:50 will be able to perceive what's going on, and not only that,
00:10:54 but know how to posture themselves so that they can prosper when the world is being shaken.
00:11:00 I'm talking about a relationship with God.
00:11:03 He was a man of very, very deep prayer, very deep prayer.
00:11:08 And because he was a man of very deep prayer, he became a man of very deep insight.
00:11:15 If you want insight, don't just pray. Pray deeply.
00:11:20 He prayed so deeply that there was one time where he got a revelation.
00:11:26 This is your finance in Daniel chapter 10.
00:11:28 He gets a revelation, and where most people stop is the moment that you get just a half of a revelation,
00:11:33 we're on Instagram, or we're on X, formerly Twitter,
00:11:39 and we're tweeting out the revelation before we can even ingest it
00:11:43 and understand the unique nuances of the revelation, like timing and some of the specifics.
00:11:49 The moment we get it, boom, we push it out there.
00:11:51 No, he gets a revelation, and then he goes into a three-week time of fasting and praying where he ate nothing.
00:12:02 He so treasured the presence of God, the Word of God, his relationship with God,
00:12:11 that he pursued God deeply, so deeply that he would be in some scenarios,
00:12:15 and there would be people with him, and he'd go deep into things of God,
00:12:20 and he'd look up, and they're gone.
00:12:24 I feel that.
00:12:25 It seems extreme and strange, but this is the one that God showed everything to,
00:12:32 and I do believe, and I do feel like God's calling us--watch this--
00:12:39 to such a depth in him that you might even, for a season, look weird.
00:12:47 For a season, kind of like Noah.
00:12:49 Noah looked weird for a season, didn't he?
00:12:51 But when the flood came, he looked like the smartest man on the planet.
00:12:54 Are you tracking with me?
00:13:01 So I want to unpack those texts a little bit,
00:13:06 because there's something that we're supposed to be doing during these times,
00:13:14 and here is the challenge with us.
00:13:15 I'm going to be 100 with you.
00:13:16 Here's the challenge with us.
00:13:19 We oftentimes are so--we spend most of our--most of our contemplation
00:13:27 is about our image and our brand.
00:13:31 Oh, that's going to get good.
00:13:33 And I ain't judging.
00:13:34 I'm talking about us.
00:13:36 The majority of our daily meditation and contemplation is how do I build me?
00:13:45 How do I build and create the image of me?
00:13:49 I'm so working on my brand that I can't build the kingdom.
00:13:54 So I work on my brand first, and then when I get my brand to where my brand needs to be,
00:13:59 then that's when I'll introduce the kingdom.
00:14:00 It doesn't work that way.
00:14:01 And that's actually the spirit of the other character in this text.
00:14:12 So if we go back to that--are we tracking together?
00:14:14 A little different, but we're going to get it together.
00:14:18 If we go back to that Daniel chapter 11 where it says,
00:14:22 "Those who do wickedly against the covenant," watch this.
00:14:28 What does it say about them?
00:14:29 Put it up there.
00:14:30 "Those who do wickedly against the covenant, he shall corrupt with," what?
00:14:37 "With flattery."
00:14:40 Okay, okay, okay.
00:14:41 Let's unpack that real quick.
00:14:43 So in these end times, qualified by some of the characteristics that we just read about,
00:14:51 there's going to be a spirit, an individual, a person, an energy, a force
00:15:00 that is going to have access to a certain group of people.
00:15:08 And this certain group of people are people who are in covenant with God.
00:15:12 This word is not to someone who's not in covenant with God.
00:15:17 God doesn't have any expectation from those who aren't in covenant with him.
00:15:24 God's expectation for what he wants to do in the earth is upon us.
00:15:31 Are we tracking?
00:15:33 You're not looking at people.
00:15:34 We look at people, "Oh, what's wrong with the world?"
00:15:35 We think, "What's wrong with the world are those who aren't in the kingdom."
00:15:38 That ain't what's wrong with the world.
00:15:39 What's wrong with the world are those who are in the kingdom who violate the covenant.
00:15:48 God doesn't expect.
00:15:51 He doesn't put the answer in those outside of his kingdom.
00:15:56 He puts the answer in those of us who are in his kingdom.
00:16:01 And so it says that those who do wickedly against the covenant,
00:16:04 so he's talking about us who--
00:16:05 and wicked, that word wickedly is interesting.
00:16:07 It literally just means wrong.
00:16:08 So those who maybe have a wrong perspective about the covenant,
00:16:12 we don't value and esteem what we have been grafted into.
00:16:16 We don't value and esteem the exchange that we made with Jesus.
00:16:20 We said yes to Jesus.
00:16:23 We said, "Yes, Lord, I'm yours.
00:16:25 I receive your grace, your love, your mercy, your forgiveness, your salvation, your power, your spirit."
00:16:33 And we entered into covenant with Jesus, but we don't respect it enough.
00:16:37 Sometimes--not you, some people you know--but sometimes we don't respect it enough to do our part on the other side of it.
00:16:45 I have to articulate this the way I see it.
00:16:48 There is a benefit not simply to God but to us by holding up our part of the bargain
00:16:59 as it relates to our relationship and our covenant with Jesus.
00:17:04 Belief, aiming to walk with God, aiming to become who we were originally created to be.
00:17:12 There is something for us to gain, and if we don't do it, there's also something for us to lose.
00:17:18 And what we have to lose is the perception that keeps us from deception.
00:17:29 Can I talk to you like that?
00:17:32 Yeah, what we have to lose is--because here according to this, it says that those who aren't seeing the covenant right
00:17:38 and aren't standing in their place in the covenant, God's going to stand in His place.
00:17:42 But if we don't stand in ours, then we're going to be susceptible--watch this--to be corrupted, to be tricked, to be soiled.
00:17:51 But look at what He uses with flattery.
00:17:55 Now think about the self regeneration.
00:17:59 The self regeneration is about self flatterization.
00:18:03 I made up a word.
00:18:04 Self flatterization. Come on, somebody.
00:18:07 The preacher's dictionary.
00:18:10 Yeah, with flattery.
00:18:12 So here's a tie-in.
00:18:14 So if my life is about my image and my brand only, then I'm a prime candidate for deception.
00:18:24 Because I have conditioned myself to be flattered.
00:18:29 I flatter myself every day.
00:18:36 That's a spirit.
00:18:38 I'm not saying that you have to think less of yourself. I'm not saying that at all.
00:18:42 I think you ought to think well of yourself. You ought to think highly of yourself. You create the image of God.
00:18:45 How can you not think well of yourself?
00:18:47 I'm talking about something else.
00:18:49 I'm talking about this spirit, this energy of I'm this and I'm that and I'm bad and I'm this and all that kind of stuff.
00:18:58 And the reality of it is if it wasn't for God's grace you wouldn't--
00:19:01 [applause]
00:19:11 Can we talk like this?
00:19:13 Because I really want you to get this because we don't talk about this very much.
00:19:20 Because it's not sexy.
00:19:23 This is not sexy church.
00:19:25 It's not sexy scripture.
00:19:27 We like sexy scriptures.
00:19:28 Here's a sexy scripture.
00:19:32 Jeremiah 29 11.
00:19:34 Oh, that is just sexy.
00:19:37 For I know the plans I have for you.
00:19:42 Plans to do good and not evil.
00:19:44 Plans to prosper you.
00:19:47 And not to harm you.
00:19:49 To give you a future and hope.
00:19:52 That's sexy. We like that. That's really sexy.
00:19:56 I mean look at it. I've got plans for you and it's God.
00:19:59 God macking up on you.
00:20:02 So I know the plans I have for you.
00:20:05 [laughter]
00:20:09 Plans to prosper you.
00:20:12 And not to harm you.
00:20:14 To give you a future and hope.
00:20:16 That's gorgeous.
00:20:19 That's a freaking gorgeous passage of scripture.
00:20:21 Oh my God, that's gorgeous.
00:20:25 Until you understand the context of it.
00:20:29 You know when God said that?
00:20:32 Through the prophet Jeremiah to the children of Israel?
00:20:37 When he was telling them that they were getting ready to go into captivity for 70 years.
00:20:43 Not as sexy as you think, huh?
00:20:45 [laughter]
00:20:49 In other words, you're going to have to walk through a process.
00:20:55 And that's what we don't teach and preach enough about.
00:20:59 We don't teach and preach about the reality of the processes
00:21:05 that even the faithful will have to go through.
00:21:08 And as a result of it, we, because we're trying to spare your feelings and emotions,
00:21:13 watch this, get you to subscribe to another doctrine.
00:21:17 It's another gospel.
00:21:19 It's a gospel that says that if something happens to me that doesn't feel good,
00:21:24 then God is wrong or I'm wrong and I might as well try something else.
00:21:31 I'm not going to do that.
00:21:33 Let me tell you something. I'm the type of cat.
00:21:35 Cat, I'm sorry.
00:21:37 Now you're in my living room.
00:21:39 I'm the type of cat. Barbershop, you know.
00:21:43 But I'm the type of guy, just tell me the truth.
00:21:47 Don't lie to me. Don't sugarcoat it.
00:21:50 Don't watch this. Don't insult my strength by thinking that I can't handle
00:21:55 the hard truths that are related to this walk.
00:22:01 I want to know because I don't want to be a weak believer
00:22:05 and everything starts shaking and things start taking off
00:22:08 and God forbid I be one that gets drawn away because I'm flat.
00:22:13 No, tell me the truth and I will make it.
00:22:17 Why? Because it gives me the opportunity to posture myself.
00:22:22 That's what I'm doing here today.
00:22:24 My greatest fear is to hype you up, how you're shouting and dancing
00:22:28 and you walk out of here and you not understand times and seasons
00:22:31 and the next thing you know you're on the wrong side of where God wants you.
00:22:35 I love you too much for that.
00:22:37 And here is the thing, it's not bad news.
00:22:40 It's good news, it just requires discipline and it requires you pressing in
00:22:44 and leaning in and cultivating your relationship with the Lord.
00:22:47 Are you tracking with me?
00:22:49 Can I take my time and teach this thing?
00:22:52 So he says those who do wickedly against the covenant,
00:22:55 I'm going to be susceptible to the wows of the enemy
00:23:04 because of my self-grandizing spirit, energy and attitude
00:23:10 and I'm going to be spoiled by his flatteries.
00:23:14 Pride, the scripture says that pride comes before fall
00:23:18 and the reason why pride is so difficult,
00:23:20 let me tell you why pride is difficult,
00:23:22 because pride feels good.
00:23:25 Oh my God, pride feels amazing.
00:23:27 Don't you feel like you're somebody?
00:23:29 Looking good, smelling good, driving good, checking account looking good,
00:23:33 hey, shopping good, six-packing good, glutes good, come on somebody.
00:23:45 Pride feels good, it feels good to be proud.
00:23:52 Why? Because pride is flattering.
00:23:56 It's very, very flattering and it's kind of hard to perceive sometimes
00:24:01 because how do I know it's not confidence?
00:24:08 And it's hard to perceive sometimes because it feels so good.
00:24:11 Who doesn't want to feel good about themselves?
00:24:15 Who doesn't want to feel good about themselves?
00:24:17 You know, somebody says, you know, we try to get all churchy
00:24:19 and somebody gives you a copy, "Oh, no, glory to God."
00:24:21 You don't mean it.
00:24:23 "All glory to God." No, it ain't me.
00:24:25 What did you say though? What did you say? Say it again.
00:24:27 No, no, no, all glory to God. No, no, no, no, no.
00:24:36 It's only Jesus. Stop it, stop it.
00:24:40 All right, all right, I digress.
00:24:42 So, in these times, in these crazy times,
00:24:47 we already know what's going to happen to those
00:24:49 who don't see the covenant right,
00:24:51 who don't really work on their relationship with the Lord.
00:24:53 They're going to be susceptible to being sidelined by deception.
00:24:59 But it says, "But those who know their God,
00:25:04 "those who know their God, they're going to do..."
00:25:08 First of all, it says, "They're going to be strong."
00:25:11 Hmm.
00:25:13 I don't think we should wait until the shaking comes
00:25:16 to know our God.
00:25:20 I think we need to start working on that relationship right now.
00:25:24 And that word "know" is the Hebrew word "yadah."
00:25:28 And that word literally means, it has to do,
00:25:31 it's used to denote intimacy.
00:25:35 So it's not just knowing, but it's knowing God intimately.
00:25:38 Those who know God intimately are going to be strong.
00:25:43 And watch this, they're going to do great exploits.
00:25:47 Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit.
00:25:49 This is prophecy and it's true.
00:25:51 I believe that we're moving into a time of great exploits.
00:25:56 I'm going to say something else that the Lord showed me.
00:26:00 There, hmm.
00:26:02 So, in the end times, there are great exploits assigned
00:26:08 to God's people.
00:26:10 Okay?
00:26:11 So, when you look at your life,
00:26:13 if you are alive in the end times and you're a believer,
00:26:15 and I believe that that's everybody in here, right?
00:26:18 Whether they're last days or not, they're your last days.
00:26:21 Hello, somebody.
00:26:22 You don't get any more days after these days,
00:26:23 so they're your last days.
00:26:24 You figured that out.
00:26:28 But it says in the last days, they're going to be,
00:26:31 watch this, it says those who know their God
00:26:33 shall do great exploits.
00:26:34 So, in the spirit, great exploits have already been written.
00:26:40 You got to get this, you got to get this, you got to get this.
00:26:42 Great exploits, powerful things.
00:26:44 Ooh, hmm.
00:26:47 I just talked about AI.
00:26:48 I just talked about some of the things that are happening
00:26:50 in the biotech space, right, and technology, right?
00:26:53 Those are actually great exploits.
00:26:56 But if we don't step into it,
00:27:00 then there will be people holding the place
00:27:05 of great exploits that were assigned to us.
00:27:10 Oh, God, I got it.
00:27:12 In other words, if you don't become and consequently do
00:27:18 who you're called to become and what you're called to do
00:27:22 because of that leadership vacuum,
00:27:24 unworthy people are going to begin to fill the spots
00:27:28 and there will be exploits, not great God exploits,
00:27:31 but exploits that will take place in the earth
00:27:35 because you didn't step into it.
00:27:37 I am saddened by the lack of kingdom people
00:27:41 on the front lines of AI and biochemistry and quantum physics.
00:27:48 I think one of the greatest lies and tricks that the enemy did
00:27:52 was told us that science and godliness can't coexist.
00:27:58 And I fundamentally disagree, categorically disagree.
00:28:02 I believe science in the right hands is the work of God.
00:28:07 Hello, somebody.
00:28:09 I believe that technology in the right hands is the work of God.
00:28:15 I believe that biochemistry in the right hands is the work of God.
00:28:18 I believe that entertainment--come on, somebody--
00:28:20 in the right hands is the work of God.
00:28:23 I believe that politics in the right hands is the work of God.
00:28:30 Are you hearing me?
00:28:33 So, so, so, deep kingdom thinking is not,
00:28:39 "Oh, Lord, how are you going to get me through this week?"
00:28:42 Deep kingdom thinking is not, "Lord, Lord, Lord,
00:28:45 please bring me my first million dollars."
00:28:48 Or, "If you reach that, bring my next, my 10, or my 100, my billion,
00:28:51 wherever you're at, whatever level you're on, bring my first thousand."
00:28:54 No. That's not deep kingdom thinking.
00:28:58 That's not deep kingdom thinking.
00:29:00 You could theoretically do that yourself.
00:29:03 Just work hard, be in the right place at the right time,
00:29:06 invest in the right thing at the right time.
00:29:08 You can get that.
00:29:09 No, deep kingdom thinking is, "With my life and with my opportunity,
00:29:15 Lord, show me where to invest my influence and my time and my talents
00:29:24 so that I can have the greatest impact for your glory imaginable."
00:29:27 That's kingdom thinking.
00:29:30 That's kingdom thinking.
00:29:33 Kingdom thinking is being wise enough to see what's happening in the AI space
00:29:39 and recognizing if--and right now, the moral battle--
00:29:44 they're not winning the moral battle in AI right now.
00:29:47 You just do your research a little bit in open AI and all that stuff's going on there.
00:29:50 It's really interesting.
00:29:52 It started off with a moral compass and a guide,
00:29:55 but that's kind of as it became a profitable thing,
00:29:57 and not only a profitable thing, but possibly the most profitable thing in the earth.
00:30:02 You know how money begins to corrupt,
00:30:04 and now the powers that be are kicking out those who have a moral standard.
00:30:10 So if I have a kingdom mentality and I see how AI is going to be on the forefront of things,
00:30:15 a kingdom mentality might make me take my butt to school.
00:30:19 Come on, can I talk to you like this?
00:30:22 What type of believer do you want to be?
00:30:23 You want to be a "Just touch me, Jesus, and bring my boo to me, Jesus,"
00:30:27 or "Bring me my million and my Bentley or my house in the hills, Jesus,"
00:30:30 or do you want to be a kingdom person, a friend of God that's building what God is building?
00:30:35 You're on the front line, you're on the spear tip of what God is trying to do in the earth.
00:30:40 I don't know about you, but I want to be that guy,
00:30:42 because my life is expiring, time is running out,
00:30:46 and I want to make a difference that my grandkids can stand on.
00:30:51 Can I talk to you like that?
00:30:53 What type of believer do you want to be?
00:30:55 You can be the other one.
00:30:58 You can be the little cute little "For I know the plans I have for you,"
00:31:03 and pretend like he wasn't telling them that they were getting ready to have to go through something
00:31:06 to be tried and tested and refined to get strong
00:31:10 and learn the lessons that they need to learn in order to have an impact,
00:31:13 in order for Daniel to come out with this revelation.
00:31:18 I just don't know if you're going to make it.
00:31:24 I don't know, Pastor Stephanie.
00:31:30 I don't know if the way that we've been doing church in God
00:31:37 is going to be able to stand when the inevitable, inevitables.
00:31:47 I don't know, Gia.
00:31:50 I don't know.
00:31:53 I'm concerned that if we don't...
00:31:57 I think the blessing of the church and the influence of the church,
00:32:04 I think that if we don't get wise about how we use that influence,
00:32:10 if we don't get wise about how we steward a moment
00:32:15 where we have 1,500 people in the room for an hour as a captive audience,
00:32:20 or more or less,
00:32:23 if we don't get wise about what we show them
00:32:27 and what we teach them,
00:32:29 the full, whole counsel of God,
00:32:32 I don't know what we're going to end up as.
00:32:37 Can I talk to you heavy today?
00:32:40 I don't know, Pastor Steph.
00:32:44 I'm not sure we've made it what it's about.
00:32:52 And that's not unbiblical, because in Revelation,
00:32:55 a lot of the churches didn't get it right.
00:32:57 You get an opportunity to get it right, but a lot of churches didn't get it right.
00:33:00 So it is possible to be doing church, but not be doing it to her full potential.
00:33:09 Say, "La."
00:33:12 Y'all quiet and mug up in here.
00:33:17 But it says that those who know their God,
00:33:22 they're going to do great exploits.
00:33:24 What if the godless person that you see on top
00:33:32 is only there as a placeholder for you
00:33:35 until you get the consciousness of kingdom?
00:33:43 What if--
00:33:45 You know how we are, because when we see people in high places,
00:33:48 to a certain degree, we idolize them.
00:33:51 Sometimes we even overlook all their trash,
00:33:55 because they're in the position of great exploits.
00:33:59 And we think that, well, because--watch this--
00:34:02 because they're in that position of great exploits,
00:34:06 then they must be doing something right,
00:34:08 or they must be protected, or something of that nature.
00:34:12 But we're seeing that get shaken up right now.
00:34:15 I mean, it started back with me, too, a long time ago,
00:34:18 where these untouchables got touched real good.
00:34:26 I want you--I'm trying to put something in there.
00:34:29 I got a lot--I got some ground to cover,
00:34:31 but I'm trying to give it to you in the flow.
00:34:33 I want to put you in this mentality
00:34:37 that you are no longer bowing down
00:34:41 to the wicked in high places.
00:34:44 But you begin to see them as placeholders for where--
00:34:50 "I feel the Lord."
00:34:52 That's God.
00:34:54 You start seeing them as placeholders
00:34:57 for what God has for you.
00:34:59 And you just start praying,
00:35:01 and you just start being like Daniel,
00:35:03 and you start fasting, and you start going deep,
00:35:07 and you start knowing your God.
00:35:12 And you start seeking understanding,
00:35:14 even understanding that is so rich
00:35:18 that you can teach others.
00:35:20 Man, when I see you, I see a whole bunch of stuff.
00:35:25 I see buildings and people.
00:35:28 I feel God Almighty.
00:35:30 I don't just see you living your cute little life.
00:35:34 I see people coming out of you,
00:35:39 and I see businesses coming out of you,
00:35:42 and I see breakthroughs coming out of you,
00:35:44 and I just see stuff coming out of you.
00:35:46 That's what I see when I see you.
00:35:49 So God says in Deuteronomy 8.18--
00:35:52 I preached it in Dallas a couple weeks ago.
00:35:54 God said, "I give you--I've given you--"
00:35:57 Hear me. Oh, this is good.
00:35:59 "I've given you the ability to create wealth."
00:36:03 "Hayil" in the Hebrew.
00:36:05 That word literally means "men, resources, and means."
00:36:09 I have put the ability in you to birth and to manifest
00:36:14 men, resources, and means.
00:36:18 I see people.
00:36:21 I see business. I see ministries.
00:36:25 All of that is in you.
00:36:28 If you have a kingdom--
00:36:30 I feel the Holy Spirit of God.
00:36:32 Do me a favor. Stand up real quick.
00:36:33 I just want to cup your hands like you're getting ready to receive something.
00:36:35 Just let me flow. Let me flow. Let me flow.
00:36:38 Like you're getting ready to receive something.
00:36:41 Like you're getting ready to receive something.
00:36:43 Father, in the name of Jesus,
00:36:46 I know we got more to talk about,
00:36:48 but you're doing something in this room.
00:36:50 God, you sent me here today to release activation.
00:36:54 Yeah, my brother. Shout it out.
00:36:57 Your word declares that you've given us the ability to create wealth,
00:37:01 that you might establish your covenant with us,
00:37:04 that you swore to our fathers.
00:37:08 That you swore to our fathers.
00:37:12 Daniel is one of our fathers.
00:37:16 So his prophetic word is in our path.
00:37:21 And that we might establish the covenant
00:37:25 that was sworn to our fathers
00:37:27 happens when we release that ability
00:37:31 to create men, resources, and means.
00:37:36 So in the name of Jesus, I pray right now
00:37:39 that everything that once blocked
00:37:42 your sons and daughters
00:37:44 from seeing the rich wealth that they possess,
00:37:47 in the name of Jesus,
00:37:49 I pray that it would be shattered
00:37:51 and there would be a light bulb moment that goes off.
00:37:55 And when they look in the mirror,
00:37:57 they would no longer see their cute little life.
00:37:59 But when they look in the mirror,
00:38:01 they would see the kingdom.
00:38:03 When they look in the mirror,
00:38:04 they would see men,
00:38:05 they would see people,
00:38:06 they would see people turn to righteousness,
00:38:09 they would see people, an army.
00:38:12 God, I feel the Lord.
00:38:13 There's an army inside of some of you.
00:38:15 And all you gotta do is believe and open your mouth.
00:38:18 So God, I pray right now
00:38:20 It would be activated in this room and that we would never be the same again if you receive it put your hands together
00:38:26 Come here, sir
00:38:32 It's all your hands
00:38:38 It's on you
00:38:40 Come on who wants it for real who wants it for real I
00:39:05 Don't know business speaking at MIT I
00:39:07 Know business literally
00:39:11 discipling
00:39:13 scientists on the
00:39:15 forefront of their industries
00:39:18 It's kingdom
00:39:21 Who am I to be mentoring the next generation in tech
00:39:25 Doesn't make any sense what's in you
00:39:33 It's more than what you think
00:39:35 He said those that are wise
00:39:44 It's in Daniel 12 3 4 those who are wise
00:39:48 Thank you for letting me move freely those who are wise
00:39:53 will shine
00:39:57 Like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever a couple of points
00:40:05 And I'm done one is when he talks about wise is talking about
00:40:07 intelligence
00:40:10 And not just intelligence because of knowledge and education
00:40:12 But what makes you wise in addition to?
00:40:17 knowledge and education is
00:40:20 The divine insight that God gives
00:40:24 That's what's missing in some of these spaces is divine insight you may not be a biochemist, but you have divine insight
00:40:32 Never devalue what God gave you when he gave you Christ
00:40:38 Because Christ fits in any heart in every heart
00:40:45 Christ Christ changes lives
00:40:51 So maybe you're not called to tech besides many of you are I'm gonna pray for you in a minute
00:40:55 But maybe you're not called to tech
00:40:57 science medicine
00:40:59 Biochemistry maybe you're not called to that
00:41:02 But maybe you're called to those who are called to that
00:41:05 Are you hearing me those who turn many to righteousness?
00:41:08 If you're wise and family we're gonna have to study and a beautiful thing about the Internet
00:41:17 What you would have to go to the library for over a week to discover you can discover in your house in a day I
00:41:23 Don't want us to be so
00:41:28 Preoccupied that one we don't pay attention to current events because current events is the conference is the confirmation of prophecy
00:41:35 That's why I read the news if you're gonna be on your phone, maybe not so much social get in the news
00:41:43 So that you can see prophecy unfolding so that you will know where you are in the cycle of the Lord's return
00:41:50 Because it's our time listen, I have a whole bunch of stuff to preach about I want to talk to you about time management I
00:41:56 Won't talk to you about relationships. I want to talk to you about Bill. I'm gonna talk about all that
00:42:00 I there was no oil on any of those things. I've got notes on those subjects. There was no oil
00:42:06 The only thing I felt the oil on
00:42:09 Was to tell you
00:42:12 That it's time to shine
00:42:14 That's the only thing I thought
00:42:17 I got notes and notes and notes
00:42:25 But but but I want to I want to stop right here because I think you get it some things are taught other things are caught
00:42:34 You have to learn something
00:42:42 Subscribe to
00:42:44 Some of the public pay attention. I saw that stuff jump off at open AI said oh it's going down
00:42:49 It's going down
00:42:52 And then I looked at how they reemerge and you look at everybody's on if you don't know just Google it
00:42:58 But the board reemerges and just about everybody
00:43:01 Who was about morality over profit is off that board now?
00:43:06 And they're moving on
00:43:10 Watch this creating an alternative civilization civilization and we're sitting back like hey, whatever no it ain't whatever
00:43:17 He who rules technology and science rules the world
00:43:25 Some of you call it. I'm gonna an altar call real quick
00:43:38 Says those who know their God will do great exploits now is not the time to know of God
00:43:44 Now is the time to know God
00:43:47 To know God for real and God can be known first of all please recognize that you are known by God
00:43:54 So it's not like this connection. It's not like you know we're just going to meet up
00:43:59 No before God put you in your mother's room God knew you
00:44:04 So God is not meeting you
00:44:08 It's time for your eyes to be open and your heart to be open to perceive the love of your soul
00:44:14 so if you're here and
00:44:17 You say PT
00:44:20 Really mess the service up upside oh
00:44:24 Jesus and you say PT now. I want I want to know God
00:44:32 Like like
00:44:35 I've been I've been I got touched by God when I was nine years old
00:44:40 That was the first time I remember being touched by God, and I got baptized
00:44:44 But I didn't really know God
00:44:48 I
00:44:50 Knew the God of my salvation of the God of heaven if I you know if I expired
00:44:56 You know I was growing up in watch South Central and the reality or the possibility of dying early was right there in front of me
00:45:02 But even in those moments. I had the confidence that okay. I know I have a place there, but I didn't know God
00:45:08 and one of the things I didn't know is I didn't know that you could actually perceive God for real and
00:45:13 Walk with God and know like whoa God said that to me. I didn't know that that was even a faith what God talks
00:45:19 God speaks and if I align my path with God's direction I'll prosper
00:45:28 Like really like if I listen to him, and I and I surrender to him. I have power and victory
00:45:34 Over my flesh of a mark art over my carnality things that I could not say no to I
00:45:39 Would be empowered to actually say no and stick to it and not be oops. I did it again in
00:45:45 Like whoa God like that is available to like for real
00:45:50 Like God I can have a decision in front of me a very difficult decision, and there is no you know obvious choice
00:45:59 but you can whisper in my spirit the direction and I'm moving that and win and
00:46:04 Had I gone in the other direction. I would have lost
00:46:08 That's available to me
00:46:10 Yeah, I
00:46:13 Can have my own relationship with God and not rely on a preacher to tell me things and preach it just just confirms
00:46:18 What's already in me? I can really have that
00:46:21 What?
00:46:25 I
00:46:27 Can be filled with the Spirit of God and have access to the power to produce miracle signs and wonders what?
00:46:35 Why I used to be afraid of devils now. I have this confident and now devils are afraid of me
00:46:41 Wait wait wait wait wait my wife can be sick oh
00:46:53 my friend can be sick or somebody can be sick that I really really love and
00:46:58 And if God chooses I can lay my hands and they no longer be
00:47:06 like really
00:47:09 There's a lot to this thing, but none of that happens if you don't know
00:47:21 So I want to do something real quick just stick with me. I promise. We'll truly be out in like 15 minutes. I was ish
00:47:26 But if that's you
00:47:30 And you say God knows me I feel that God knows me because he was all up in my stuff
00:47:37 And I don't even really get into messages like this. I typically like for I know the plans that I have for you
00:47:45 But this kind of got up in my stuff is calling me like in a deep place
00:47:50 I don't feel judged or condemned anything like that, but I feel like drawn like something is up
00:47:56 That lets you know that God knows you
00:47:59 Because he can get in the places where the average human can't get into
00:48:03 So if that's you and you're here, and you feel touched by God
00:48:08 And you want to touch God back and get to know him just come just come meet me real quick
00:48:12 I just want to pray for you. That's you
00:48:15 Here's
00:48:17 Here's
00:48:19 Here is the second point
00:48:21 the second point is
00:48:24 You know when we talked about we talked about
00:48:27 It says those who essentially dishonored the covenant that those who know God, but if you're honest I
00:48:36 like you you really haven't been a
00:48:42 Good partner in the deal
00:48:44 and you say you know what I I
00:48:47 Want to recommit I want to re up
00:48:50 my contract I
00:48:53 Want to renew my contract with God?
00:48:56 And you say God yeah, you know we're in covenant, but I haven't you know I haven't really been giving it
00:49:02 What I know to give it see some of you have seen too much
00:49:05 To not be sold out
00:49:09 I'm gonna say that again
00:49:11 some of you have seen too much and
00:49:13 Experienced too much to not be sold out
00:49:16 You've seen his signs and wonders you've seen those confirmations. You've seen him make ways out of nowhere
00:49:22 You got yourself in a pickle and you called on heaven to get out of that pickle and you promised God
00:49:27 God if you get me out of this pickle a promise
00:49:30 I'll never go back to that pickle and you went back and you eating the pickle right now
00:49:36 That happens to all of us if that's you and you say you know what no I've seen too much
00:49:42 To not lean into this thing one more time. I want you to come and meet me here as well
00:49:48 Come on. Just come and meet me here as well
00:49:50 Some
00:49:54 Some
00:49:57 You've been you've been hurt life hurt you life hurt you
00:50:02 And so it wasn't so much that you backslid or you just you know, you turn your back on God life just hurt you in some
00:50:08 way
00:50:09 mmm, and
00:50:11 That kind of put some distance between you and God. I
00:50:14 Remember I was my my great-grandmother. She's the matriarch of the family. She's the reason why all of us
00:50:21 are
00:50:24 Love God
00:50:26 And she died and I was a young young young man and I was I was mad I was mad
00:50:31 I was mad for a couple reason one God. Why would you let this Saint?
00:50:34 This is a woman die now. She was in her 80s, you know, but still
00:50:40 Why'd you let this Saint die and what made it worse is I went to the funeral and
00:50:49 They were in there singing and clapping
00:50:55 And I didn't understand I didn't understand I now I understand but I didn't understand wait my grandma's in that box right there
00:51:01 And you took my praise Jesus
00:51:05 I'm not feeling praise Jesus right now
00:51:08 Right. We got a little problem to be honest with you. I'm barely up in this church. Everyone for her up in there
00:51:14 I probably wouldn't be in there
00:51:16 And I was offended I was mad at God and I was mad at the church
00:51:18 Religious people shouting jumping like I said, my grandma's dead you tell my praise Lord. Hallelujah
00:51:25 No, I'm not there and then this is a caveat
00:51:28 Don't if somebody's has lost somebody don't jump to hallelujah. That is
00:51:34 That does the most insensitive
00:51:38 Unintelligent thing you can ever do
00:51:42 And you think you're doing it, right and I know it comes from a good place, you know
00:51:45 She's in a better place. They're in a better place, you know, hallelujah. Bless the Lord. Yeah later. Let me get to that
00:51:52 Let me agree, let me sit Shiva, you know, I mean, let me grieve for a minute
00:51:56 I'll come to that. The Bible says weep with those who weep
00:52:00 Anyway, I digress. I'm sorry struck a nerve
00:52:04 So I was I was upset and I stopped I wasn't going to church much but I stopped going on Easter and Christmas
00:52:14 And I remember I was driving to Vegas to cut up
00:52:21 Mm-hmm
00:52:23 And I'm on the road to Vegas to cut up and I see this motorcycles in front of me
00:52:29 And there's a lady the two passers of the motorcycle as a lady on the back of the motorcycle and right in front of me
00:52:35 She leans she'd fall asleep. She leans
00:52:39 She leans she leans and I think that's the 15th freeway
00:52:42 And she falls off the motorcycle right in front of me on the road doing 80 miles an hour better
00:52:47 And she just tumbles and she tumbles and she tumbles to see Tom. I'm like, I'm just I'm
00:52:52 like what and so I slam on the brakes and I
00:52:56 Pull the car over
00:52:59 And I run back to her like, you know, and I don't know what I'm gonna find
00:53:02 And I go back there and she's she's laying on her back
00:53:06 Her body is not contorted or anything like that
00:53:09 And I'm like ma'am, you're gonna be okay. I promise you gonna be okay. I
00:53:14 Said what's your name?
00:53:17 And she looked up at me and she smiled and she said grace
00:53:22 And I knew in that moment God was speaking to me because she was fine
00:53:30 All that happened. Oh, nothing. I'm fine like that fine. She may have been but but I
00:53:36 Mean she was fine in her body
00:53:44 So a miracle has taken place and I ask her her name
00:53:47 And she looks at me and she says
00:53:52 grace
00:53:55 And it hit me deep because I was reminded of all the grace
00:54:00 From the Lord that I had experienced in my life
00:54:04 And even though I didn't understand that heartache that pain and that brokenness
00:54:10 God was still worthy
00:54:13 And I got to Vegas and I did the right thing believe it or not
00:54:15 I did the right thing a little gambling, but I did the right thing
00:54:18 and
00:54:20 That's when everything changed and I came back home. Maybe something happened to you
00:54:24 Maybe God disappointed you in a big way and you and God used to be tight
00:54:28 But something didn't turn out the way that you wanted to turn out and it hurt you and in the moment of you being hurt
00:54:35 you forgot
00:54:37 the reality of God's grace
00:54:39 If that's you and you need to come on, please come home, please come on
00:54:43 Grace is calling you
00:54:45 Grace is calling
00:54:47 Grace is calling me who is grace calling. I see you. Come on, man. I love you. Come on. Who's grace calling? Come on
00:54:53 Come on, God. I see you. Come on. Come on
00:54:56 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
00:55:01 Come on
00:55:04 And here's the last point of this invitation
00:55:09 If you're here and you're called you're in tech you're in science
00:55:18 And as a believer is driving you kind of crazy because there's just a soullessness
00:55:30 That's your experience but you feel like you're supposed to be there
00:55:37 And now you heard this message and right maybe when you were thinking about not doing it or doing something else or quitting or giving up
00:55:43 You're in a space. Maybe it's not science attack. Maybe it's another gate of influence
00:55:47 like
00:55:49 this business like arts and entertainment I
00:55:52 Just want to pray for you because you're it
00:55:55 God's gonna do great exploits
00:55:57 So father, thank you for Lord all those that you're speaking to those who are in the room. Those are watching via live stream
00:56:05 And God only you know
00:56:07 What it takes to be them only, you know what it costs
00:56:10 And God you've drawn many some to open up their hearts to you for the first time. Hallelujah
00:56:17 So that they can know you and all those benefits that we talked about and described
00:56:22 I thank you Lord God that as they in obedience didn't care was looking just begin to move as you drew them
00:56:28 I thank you God that you're establishing them in
00:56:33 Relationship with you and that you're feeling them with your spirit and they're gonna know your voice
00:56:39 And they're gonna sense your hand and you're gonna use them to do great exploits in the earth
00:56:46 God, there's some who have made a decision Lord God to come back home
00:56:51 made a decision God to re-up their contract to
00:56:55 To get back in the fight to get back in the race again God and I thank you
00:57:00 That you are able to keep what they have committed to you
00:57:04 All they have to do is say yes, you are the empower
00:57:08 Yeah now unto him who was able to keep us from falling
00:57:13 And so God I pray that you would seal that as well
00:57:17 And I pray God that you would remove any people any circumstance any situation that will cause them to
00:57:22 To stumble and or to falter
00:57:26 Hallelujah
00:57:28 Remove that out of the way and I pray God that you would begin to attract beautiful things to them
00:57:32 Beautiful people kingdom people people who see them
00:57:35 People who don't want from them, but people who want for them
00:57:40 People who are selfless
00:57:44 People who will love encourage admonish and walk with them
00:57:49 Hmm. I hear new kingdom relationships are coming
00:57:54 New kingdom relationships are coming. You just had to get in the right position and then father
00:57:59 There are many who are called to the gates of culture and society
00:58:02 technology and science business arts and entertainment
00:58:07 Even to politics and government Lord God
00:58:12 Hallelujah that they can be lights
00:58:16 And what is often dark places and I pray that your hand would be upon them and that there would be newfound
00:58:24 confidence
00:58:25 That says I'm supposed to be there and God I thank you for the turning the shifting of the placeholders
00:58:32 Feel the Holy Ghost on that the shifting of the placeholders
00:58:38 Those who were only in place because we were not and as we set our sights
00:58:47 Towards places of power and influence not so that we can be all that
00:58:53 But so that you can establish
00:58:55 your agenda I
00:58:58 Thank you Lord God
00:59:00 That it's gonna happen and it's gonna happen big. I pray God that when those opportunities
00:59:05 Open that we would not think less of ourselves or disqualify ourselves or talk ourselves out of it
00:59:12 But that we would begin to talk ourselves into it
00:59:16 Bless these your people and those Lord God who are coming home because they were disappointed
00:59:23 Because life broke them in some way I
00:59:27 Pray Lord Jesus that you would bring healing to them that you will remind them that you are a God of grace
00:59:33 So let grace flow in this heart. We love you Lord in Jesus name
00:59:39 Amen, amen. Amen
00:59:43 God bless you family
00:59:46 Well, I just believe and know that that word minister to you as they often always do
00:59:50 Remember to subscribe so that you can continue to experience this rich will send you a reminder if you want to sow into this ministry
00:59:57 We are reaching people as you know all around the world and we need your help and your support to not just bless people
01:00:02 Spiritually, but practically in all the ways that we do the giving instructions on the screen
01:00:07 Sow into this and may the Lord bless you abundantly in every way. God bless you. We'll see you next week
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