• 2 years ago
Recipe Dessert

For an extra light cake, let yourself be tempted by this chocolate flan! Be careful, it's so light that you can eat it without hunger! A very easy recipe to make, with a good chocolate flavor and guaranteed gluten-free. Indeed, there's no need for flour here, only cornstarch will be necessary. A good idea to try if you have gluten-intolerant/allergic guests :-)
Step by step, follow all the steps to make this extra creamy flan with our written and video explanations.

- 80 cl milk
- 1 vanilla bean
- 100 gr cornstarch
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 175 gr sugar
- 20 cl cream
- 30 gr cocoa powder

See recipe on site: https://en.petitchef.com/recipes/dessert/chocolate-flan-gluten-free-fid-1573000