• 2 years ago
00:00 All Isengard is emptied.
00:14 It is an army bred for one purpose.
00:17 To destroy the world of men.
00:20 The Dark Lord draws near.
00:32 Ringwraiths!
00:33 Get back!
00:34 Back, foul thing!
00:35 They seek the Ringbearer.
00:36 Stay close!
00:37 Give us the Ring of Life!
00:38 I will not let you take my life!
01:04 Frodo!
01:23 Keep away from them!
01:24 Help!
01:25 They're everywhere!
01:26 The Ring is ours!
01:27 We shall find you!
01:52 We are not your servant!
02:08 Help me!
02:14 Come help me!
02:21 I'm dying!
02:27 You found my ring!
02:56 You found my life!
02:57 You found my life!
02:58 If by my life or death I can protect you, I will.
03:01 You have my sword.
03:03 And you have my bow.
03:06 And my axe.
03:07 I will not let you take my life!
03:36 I will not let you take my life!
03:41 Thank you.
