00:00 [music playing]
00:18 You have a date with the angel, starring Betty White,
00:25 Bill Williams as Gus Angel, presented by Plymouth,
00:32 star of "The Forward Look," and the Plymouth
00:36 dealers of America.
00:38 The time, six months after Vicki and Gus Angel
00:45 were married.
00:46 The main character, Gus' former girlfriend.
00:49 The plot, oh boy.
00:51 [music playing]
00:59 That's where the trouble was, George.
01:00 His claim was filed under the letter F.
01:03 F for Phillips?
01:04 Yes?
01:12 To see me?
01:14 I don't know any Mrs. Sanderson.
01:17 Dee Dee Meeks?
01:18 Well, send her in.
01:20 Well, I'll be darned.
01:21 It's the girl I went with back in high school.
01:23 How much not to say anything to Vicki.
01:25 Vicki knows all about her.
01:28 Well, you won't need me around here.
01:29 Don't be silly.
01:30 [knocking]
01:32 Gus!
01:33 Oh, my!
01:34 Boy, do you look good.
01:36 The right hairdo, the right dye.
01:37 It doesn't wonder.
01:39 Well, I don't know what it is, but you sure--
01:41 oh, excuse me.
01:42 Uh, Mrs. Sanderson, this is my good friend, George Clemson.
01:45 How do you do?
01:46 Well, I'm glad to see you.
01:48 How do you do?
01:49 Well, I'm just in the way here.
01:50 Oh, stick around.
01:52 How did you find me after all these years?
01:53 Well, when Jack and I flew in this morning--
01:55 that's my husband-- we ran into Fred Brunner.
01:58 No kidding.
01:59 Uh-huh, at the airport.
02:00 So the first thing I asked for was you.
02:01 And he told me you were in the insurance business.
02:03 What ever happened to archaeology?
02:05 Well, you know how those things go.
02:07 So, uh, Fred told you about me.
02:08 Uh-huh.
02:09 Wait.
02:10 Ah.
02:11 Don't go.
02:12 Oh, you two go ahead, Reverend.
02:14 I don't even know Freddy.
02:15 [laughter]
02:18 So, uh, Brunner told you where to find me, huh?
02:22 Mm, not really.
02:24 He sent me to the wrong building.
02:25 I've been looking for you for an hour.
02:26 I, uh, kind of thought we'd have lunch together.
02:29 Oh, we've already had lunch.
02:31 Say, how about dinner at my place?
02:33 I'd love to have you meet my wife.
02:35 Yes, Freddy did mention you had a cute wife.
02:37 She's a dreamboat.
02:38 How about you and your husband having dinner with us tonight?
02:41 Well, I'd like to, but Jack may be working till late.
02:43 Then you come.
02:44 Maybe he can come over later.
02:46 [laughter]
02:47 All right.
02:48 But after dinner.
02:50 Too short notice, even for a dreamboat wife.
02:52 Besides, food would interfere with talking.
02:55 We have a lot of things to catch up on, Gus.
02:58 Oh, will you look at this time.
03:00 I have to go.
03:02 Bye, George.
03:03 Bye.
03:04 [laughter]
03:06 Bye, Deedee.
03:09 Gus.
03:11 Buddy, you have just done the dumbest thing you will ever do.
03:15 Inviting Deedee over?
03:17 Not Deedee.
03:18 Boo-boo.
03:21 Oh, come off it, George.
03:23 Vicki knows all about her.
03:24 And besides, what's wrong with inviting over an old friend
03:26 to talk over old times?
03:27 Gus, you're trying to be practical
03:29 and talk about women at the same time.
03:31 The two just don't mix.
03:33 Vicki's different.
03:34 Well, she is.
03:36 Vicki knows I love her, and she knows all I actually did
03:38 was date old Deedee a couple of times.
03:40 Old Deedee?
03:43 Gus, you just don't invite ex-girlfriends
03:47 over to meet your wife.
03:48 They can't take it, boy.
03:50 If you don't believe me, just take a good look
03:52 at Vicki's face when you march in with old Deedee.
03:56 How do you know so much about her?
03:58 Sit back, old buddy.
04:00 I want to tell you a horrible story.
04:03 When I was married four or five months like you,
04:07 I ran across an old girlfriend of mine, Rose Martin.
04:11 All wide-eyed and innocent, I brought her home to meet Wilma.
04:15 The two of them smiled at each other.
04:17 And Gus, they never stopped smiling.
04:19 It was like their jaws were locked.
04:24 And through the smiles came the most terrible remarks.
04:28 Like Rose would say, George always
04:30 drank his coffee black when he was going with me.
04:32 And Wilma would hit her with, well,
04:34 that's because he had no taste in those days.
04:36 Gus, I'm telling you, it was terrible.
04:42 Finally, still smiling, Wilma threw Rose right out
04:46 of the house.
04:47 I'll probe to you that Vicki's death.
04:51 Oh, sure.
04:52 Listen, Gus, to this day, we've
04:53 never had a Rose in our garden.
04:55 I'm not kidding you.
04:56 We've never been to the Rose Parade.
04:58 Aw.
04:59 No, I'm telling you.
05:00 Around the house, I had to sing my wild Irish chrysanthemum.
05:04 Hi, Vicki.
05:05 Hello, darling.
05:06 Say hello for me.
05:08 Wilma says hello.
05:09 What's up?
05:10 Guess who's coming over tonight.
05:12 Who?
05:13 Dee Dee Mix.
05:13 [horn honks]
05:14 Honey, Vicki.
05:21 Sweetheart.
05:22 I told you, she's gone to get the gun.
05:24 Honey, it's all right, isn't it?
05:29 Of course, that's fine.
05:32 I knew you'd say that.
05:34 She said it would be fine.
05:36 Honey, Dee Dee doesn't want you to go to any trouble,
05:38 so she's coming over after dinner, which I thought
05:41 was pretty considerate.
05:42 [doorbell rings]
05:43 Vicki, don't you?
05:48 She?
05:49 I thought Dee Dee was married.
05:50 She is.
05:51 She just got into town with her husband,
05:53 and he's working late or something.
05:54 Now, don't go to any trouble.
05:56 Just pick up a coffee, cake, or--
05:58 wait a minute, better than that.
06:00 You know, I'm sure you'll be fine.
06:02 You know what she used to love?
06:04 Those French pastry things.
06:06 What do you call them?
06:07 Napoleon's.
06:08 All right.
06:10 Wonderful.
06:11 Well, I got work to do, sweetheart.
06:13 Goodbye, Vicki.
06:15 What did I tell you?
06:16 She's tickled to death.
06:17 [music playing]
06:18 Bad news?
06:26 Not really.
06:28 Gus is bringing a girl he used to go with home for a visit.
06:31 Oh, I've known about her, of course.
06:33 Her name's Diane Meeks.
06:35 Gus says she and her husband are in town,
06:37 and they looked him up.
06:39 So, of course, what could poor Gus do but invite them over?
06:44 He could have not invited them over.
06:47 You can't do that to people.
06:49 Besides, Wilma, he went with her for almost a year.
06:55 So?
06:56 That's longer than we've been married.
07:00 If her husband has to work late,
07:01 that means she'll be here alone.
07:04 What am I going to say to her?
07:06 Vicki, honey, Gus married you, not Diane.
07:10 He wants to show you off.
07:12 I took it as a compliment when George brought Rose home.
07:15 [laughter]
07:16 Rose?
07:20 Rose Martin.
07:21 George was actually engaged to her at one time.
07:25 Anyway, he brought her home, and we had a lovely evening.
07:29 What did you talk about?
07:30 Oh, general subjects, like coffee.
07:33 [laughter]
07:35 As I recall, she went home early.
07:39 [laughter]
07:41 It's just a matter of being adult
07:44 about the whole thing, Vicki.
07:47 I guess so.
07:48 Well, of course it is.
07:49 After all, we're not naive.
07:51 We know the fellas went with other girls
07:53 before they met us.
07:54 What's this Diane look like?
07:57 Nice looking, I guess.
07:58 I don't-- she's probably in Gus's high school annual.
08:04 Get it.
08:06 I ran across it one day when I was cleaning his closet.
08:08 [music playing]
08:10 Here it is.
08:26 Here it is.
08:28 Meats.
08:29 Diane Meats.
08:30 [clears throat]
08:31 [music playing]
08:32 Oh, look at that hairdo.
08:36 She looks like a sheepdog.
08:37 [laughter]
08:39 Pretty eyes, don't you think?
08:43 Mm-hmm.
08:45 Big bone girl, though.
08:47 Look at that round face.
08:50 Bet she's had to fight fat all her life.
08:54 Listen to this.
08:56 Valedictorian honor student.
08:58 For knowledge, she is greedy.
08:59 If you're searching for brains, straight A's and such,
09:02 you'll find them, yes, in Dee Dee.
09:04 [laughter]
09:06 Her-- her nickname's Dee Dee.
09:11 Sounds to me like she's all brains.
09:14 I don't know.
09:15 Gus went with her for almost a year.
09:18 And I know Gus.
09:19 [laughter]
09:21 Vicki, I went with a guy for three semesters,
09:23 and I don't even remember his name.
09:25 Really?
09:26 Sure.
09:28 A fella called Johnny Stilwell.
09:29 [laughter]
09:31 Let's see what she wrote for Gus.
09:36 Here.
09:39 "No guess is as good as mine, Dee Dee."
09:43 "No guess is as good as mine."
09:46 What does that mean?
09:48 Who knows?
09:49 Those things you wrote in high school annuals
09:50 never made any sense anyway.
09:53 There was one in mine I always loved.
09:55 To Vicki, the most antiseptic girl in bacteriology three.
10:00 [laughter]
10:01 Honey, I've got to run.
10:04 Well, I guess it's not so bad if she's a brainy type.
10:07 It was the other kind I was worried about.
10:09 [music playing]
10:11 [applause]
10:12 Mine, you look nice.
10:15 So do you.
10:16 I picked up some cigarettes for her.
10:18 Good.
10:19 You know, I'm really looking forward
10:21 to tonight.
10:22 I'm glad, because-- boy, Dee, you look terrific.
10:28 Wait till Dee Dee sees you.
10:31 You're a very satisfactory husband.
10:34 You know, aside from the honesty and stuff,
10:36 you haven't told me very much about her.
10:38 She's nice.
10:40 No, I mean, what did you find attractive about her?
10:43 Who analyzes that kind of stuff when you're in high school?
10:48 But I'll tell you this much.
10:50 Alongside of you, she fades right into the wallpaper.
10:55 Well, we mustn't let her fade into the wallpaper.
10:58 I want her to have a good time.
11:00 I just hope it isn't boring for you.
11:02 Oh, it won't be.
11:04 I can picture the whole evening right now.
11:05 Yes, I can picture the whole evening right now.
11:15 I've never seen her, but I can picture Dee Dee right now.
11:19 It's awfully nice of you to have me over like this,
11:22 Mrs. Angel.
11:23 Not Mrs. Angel.
11:25 Vicki.
11:26 Oh.
11:27 Now I see what August was raving about when
11:30 he told me about you.
11:32 Well, he's a little prejudiced.
11:36 Dee Dee, here he is.
11:38 Hello, Dee Dee.
11:39 I'm glad you could make it tonight.
11:40 Oh, it's nice to be here, August.
11:42 Boy, Dee, you look terrific.
11:45 Oh.
11:46 Now, I want one thing understood right from the beginning.
11:49 We're all adults, and I know that you and August
11:51 have a lot of memories to share.
11:53 I want you to pretend that I'm not even here.
11:55 We wouldn't think of doing such a rude thing, Mrs. Angel.
11:58 Vicki.
12:00 Now, there's nothing wrong with reminiscing.
12:03 After all, every one of us went with several people
12:05 in high school.
12:07 I didn't.
12:10 Well, then you and August have that many more memories
12:12 to share.
12:14 I'll get the Napoleon.
12:15 Napoleon.
12:16 August told you.
12:17 Now, here's the centurion, and there are plenty of cigarettes.
12:23 Have fun.
12:24 Oh, she doesn't--
12:26 She means every word of it.
12:28 No wonder you talk about her so much.
12:30 I can't help it.
12:31 [music playing]
12:33 I'll be out in a minute.
12:35 Oh, there it is.
12:37 And there's Mr. Miller, the original square root.
12:42 Here we are.
12:45 Oh, don't spoil me, darling.
12:47 Dee Dee?
12:53 There you go.
12:55 Thank you.
12:56 Did I hear you two talking about algebra?
12:59 I spent all of my time helping August with his homework.
13:02 Oh, now, surely you two found time
13:04 for something besides algebra.
13:06 Well, yes.
13:07 We--
13:08 I thought so.
13:10 I helped him with his geometry, too.
13:14 My folks used to give me a party if I
13:16 came home with a C average.
13:19 Everything you've done tonight has been so--
13:22 so adult.
13:24 Mrs. Hanks, Vicki, I'm having a wonderful time.
13:29 So am I, Dee Dee.
13:32 So am I.
13:33 [music playing]
13:36 [doorbell ringing]
13:38 [music playing]
13:41 Would you get that, sweetheart?
13:43 Never mind.
13:44 I'll get it.
13:45 [music playing]
13:48 [door opening]
13:49 Dee Dee.
13:50 Oh, am I very late?
13:51 I thought I'd never get here.
13:52 Guess what you forgot today?
13:53 What?
13:54 Your address.
13:54 Oh.
13:56 I had to call the office and get it from George.
13:57 You know something funny, Gus?
13:58 I don't think you wanted me to have it, but I said--
13:59 now, look.
14:00 This must be your wife.
14:02 I'm not usually this rude, but it's so good to see this guy.
14:06 Hello, Dee Dee.
14:07 I like her already, Gus.
14:09 I knew you would.
14:11 Of course.
14:12 So this is--
14:14 Vicki.
14:18 Vicki.
14:20 Why didn't you tell me about her, Gus?
14:22 Freddie was right.
14:23 She's cute.
14:24 I told you.
14:26 Oh, here, let me put that in the other room for you.
14:28 Oh, Gus will get it.
14:29 As they say in Mandalay--
14:32 As they say in Mandalay--
14:33 I'd forgotten about that!
14:34 [laughter]
14:37 I'm sorry your husband couldn't come with you.
14:45 Oh, he'll be by later.
14:47 I love your house.
14:49 The bank loves it, too.
14:51 [laughter]
14:53 Oh, Gus never could have done this on archaeology.
14:57 Archaeology?
14:58 Oh, didn't you know?
15:00 Gus always wanted to be an archaeologist.
15:02 But to tell you the truth, uh, Vicki--
15:06 Vicki!
15:06 [laughter]
15:09 You did the right thing.
15:11 Yes, I always say what a man has always wanted to do
15:13 and what makes a woman comfortable
15:14 are two different things.
15:16 Yes, you certainly did the right thing, Vic.
15:18 How's Emory?
15:19 Oh, Dad, he's fine.
15:21 How you two getting along?
15:23 Well, now I want one thing understood.
15:26 We're all adults, and I know that you and Gus
15:28 have a lot of memories to share.
15:31 I want you to pretend I'm not even here.
15:33 Wonderful!
15:34 [laughter]
15:36 We don't want to bore you, honey.
15:41 Nonsense.
15:43 There's nothing wrong with reminiscing.
15:46 After all, every one of us went with several people
15:48 in high school.
15:50 Gus didn't.
15:51 [laughter]
15:53 I'll put on some coffee.
15:58 Here's the centralian, and here are the cigarettes.
16:02 Hurry back!
16:03 [music playing]
16:06 Come back!
16:10 [laughter]
16:13 [crickets chirping]
16:16 You shouldn't leave her alone, Gus.
16:20 The lighter doesn't work.
16:22 Well, girl, huh?
16:24 Well?
16:25 She thinks you're the greatest.
16:27 Well.
16:28 [laughter]
16:29 Oh, quiet, sweetheart.
16:31 Hope you're not bored.
16:33 Gus!
16:34 I'm coming!
16:35 Sure I can't help you, Vicki?
16:37 Oh.
16:37 [music playing]
16:40 There's the girls' swimming team.
16:45 Oh, there I am.
16:46 [laughter]
16:47 Will you look at those bathing suits?
16:50 Oh, those were the days, huh?
16:52 I bet you still can't do the Wheaton Willow
16:54 like up at the beach.
16:55 The heck I can't.
16:56 All right, come on.
16:57 Let's see you try.
16:58 Oh, not here, Dee Dee.
17:00 I feel silly.
17:01 Oh, you're just saying that because you know you
17:02 can't lift me anymore.
17:03 Come on.
17:04 I'll just show you who can't lift you anymore.
17:05 All right, wait.
17:06 Now take it easy.
17:07 I don't have a--
17:08 I'm not that old.
17:09 I just--
17:09 Oh, Gus!
17:10 [screaming]
17:11 Oh, Gus!
17:12 Get it!
17:13 Don't worry.
17:14 [laughter]
17:17 Honey, this is called the Weeping Willow.
17:24 Don't be so smug.
17:26 I weigh 101 pounds, personal.
17:28 Oh, too bad we can't do the overhead handstand.
17:32 If she had on a bathing suit, you'd really see something.
17:35 I bet you never saw a Weeping Willow.
17:38 Show Vicki our Weeping Willow?
17:40 No.
17:41 My purse weighs 40 pounds by itself.
17:45 Oh, Gus will get that.
17:46 Gus.
17:47 Oh, Gus.
17:48 [laughter]
17:50 Big help you are.
17:52 Oh.
17:54 What are those?
17:55 They look delicious.
17:56 Napoleon's.
17:58 I thought they were your favorite.
18:00 Well, they may have been once, but--
18:01 ooh, I wouldn't dare.
18:03 You eat mine.
18:04 Sure.
18:08 What difference does it make?
18:10 Vicki's lucky.
18:11 She always looks like that.
18:12 She eats like a horse.
18:13 [laughter]
18:15 How about that?
18:20 How about that, you remember?
18:22 How about that, old Frenchie?
18:24 With the red hat.
18:25 I'll never forget it.
18:26 He's starting to find it.
18:27 Wait.
18:29 Cream, Dee Dee?
18:30 No.
18:31 [laughter]
18:33 Not so fast.
18:35 Looking for something.
18:36 The Algebra Club.
18:38 How do I ever make that, Gus?
18:39 Oh.
18:40 [laughter]
18:42 There's your graduation picture.
18:45 Oh, let's see what I wrote.
18:47 No Gus is as good as mine.
18:49 [laughter]
18:52 Get her a napkin, Gus.
18:54 I didn't spill it.
18:56 There's who Vicki looks like.
18:58 Who?
19:01 Maybe a little.
19:02 A little?
19:03 Exactly.
19:04 Look.
19:05 Same eyes, same build.
19:07 Oh, Vicki, she was wonderful.
19:11 Who's this, darling?
19:12 Old Lady Andrews.
19:13 [laughter]
19:15 Gus tells me you were quite an eye student, Dee Dee.
19:21 You can't imagine how I envy anybody
19:23 with a real intellectual capacity.
19:26 That's it, all right.
19:27 She's bigger than Vicki.
19:29 Oh, no, Gus.
19:30 She just seems bigger.
19:32 Because Vicki has that wonderful neck
19:34 a lot of taller girls have.
19:36 She looks comfortable in her clothes.
19:39 Now, why can't I think of something nice
19:41 like that to say to you?
19:43 Because-- who is Old Lady Andrews?
19:48 Your gym teacher?
19:49 How did you know?
19:51 [laughter]
19:53 I'll tell you what I would like.
19:55 If it wouldn't be too much trouble now,
19:56 I'd like a slice of melba toast.
20:00 All right.
20:01 Oh, Gus will get it.
20:03 I'll get it.
20:06 Hurry back.
20:07 [music playing]
20:10 [laughter]
20:13 I wear hazelnut palms first and all.
20:16 [laughter]
20:19 She's cute.
20:20 [laughter]
20:22 Everything's on the line.
20:24 [laughter]
20:27 Oh, what's the matter with you, kid?
20:33 You eat like a horse, race like a horse.
20:35 [laughter]
20:39 You taller girls look so comfortable on your ladders.
20:47 Well, you're up there, and you can trim the weeping willow.
20:50 [laughter]
20:53 Oh, come on, Old Lady Andrews.
20:54 Tear the top off.
20:55 [laughter]
20:58 And this is the kitchen.
21:00 Oh.
21:01 Vicki gave this place three heavy coats of enamel
21:03 all by herself.
21:06 No brush.
21:07 I finger painted it.
21:08 [laughter]
21:11 Oh, be careful, Gus.
21:15 Well, that's nothing.
21:17 You should see him with a sack of cement.
21:19 See him.
21:21 Him see.
21:22 [interposing voices]
21:23 See him.
21:24 Oh.
21:25 Oh, remember that?
21:26 Don't think about that so far.
21:28 I will.
21:29 [laughter]
21:30 What's that there?
21:31 It's the service porch.
21:32 It leads to the patio.
21:33 Oh, come on.
21:34 Let's go look.
21:35 Oh, Vicki, never mind the toes, honey.
21:37 I already dragged my coffee.
21:39 Turn to the right.
21:40 I'll be right with you.
21:41 [laughter]
21:42 I'll be right there.
21:44 [laughter]
21:47 Honey, look what time it is.
21:52 That's right.
21:53 She's been alone a good five seconds.
21:56 I mean, shouldn't her husband be here by now?
22:00 Do you think that would make any difference to her?
22:03 Honey, you're going to hate me for saying this.
22:06 Go on.
22:08 I wish she'd go home.
22:09 [music playing]
22:13 Isn't that a nasty thing to say?
22:15 [laughter]
22:18 Uh-uh.
22:22 Honey, she's still in high school.
22:24 I'm afraid I've outgrown those kind of things.
22:28 Besides, alongside of you.
22:31 Gus, there's no light out there.
22:33 I'll take care of it.
22:35 Right into the wallpaper.
22:37 What?
22:38 Just a private joke.
22:40 [music playing]
22:43 Hi.
22:54 Hello.
22:56 I'm Jack Sanderson.
22:57 Oh, I'm Vicki Angel.
22:58 Come on in.
22:59 Thank you.
23:00 Thank you very much.
23:01 Diane's getting the 50 cent--
23:02 [gasp]
23:03 Oh, Jack.
23:05 You're early.
23:06 As a matter of fact, I'm a little late.
23:07 How are you, honey?
23:09 And this must be Gus.
23:11 Honey, this is Dee Dee's husband, Jack.
23:13 Well, I certainly heard a lot about you through the years.
23:16 I, uh-- I kind of got the impression that you were a--
23:19 seven foot blonde Apollo.
23:22 [laughter]
23:23 Welcome back to the human race.
23:25 Thank you.
23:26 [laughter]
23:27 Would you like some coffee?
23:28 Oh, I'd love to.
23:29 Oh, now, honey, you haven't been eating any of those,
23:32 have you?
23:33 Did everything come out all right downtown?
23:35 Nashy?
23:36 No.
23:37 Oh, good.
23:39 You don't know what I go through with the chin straps
23:41 and reducing creams every time she goes off her diet.
23:43 [laughter]
23:44 Between that and the hair curler,
23:46 she looks like an aluminum porcupine.
23:48 [laughter]
23:51 You said we had to go.
23:52 I didn't, but we do.
23:54 You, uh-- you seem kind of quiet.
23:57 Is everything all right?
23:59 I'm fine.
24:00 Good.
24:01 I'll get your raft.
24:02 Oh, thanks very much.
24:02 Thanks.
24:03 [sigh]
24:04 [footsteps]
24:07 You, uh-- you didn't go to Central High, did you?
24:12 Not until tonight.
24:14 I know what you mean.
24:16 It can be quite an education.
24:17 [laughter]
24:19 [sigh]
24:21 Oh, thank you.
24:22 Thank you.
24:24 Here's your raft, Annie.
24:25 It's kind of nippy outside.
24:27 It's been wonderful meeting you folks.
24:30 And thanks for taking care of my little girl.
24:34 Goodbye, Vicki.
24:35 Oh, Diana, you must come and see us
24:36 the next time you're in town.
24:39 And Gus, I can't tell you--
24:40 Thanks again.
24:41 [laughter]
24:44 Honey, honey, the motor's running.
24:45 [laughter]
24:47 [applause]
24:50 Ah, that wasn't so bad, was it?
24:53 Could have been a lot worse.
24:56 I told George Clemson he was silly.
24:58 You know what he said?
25:00 He told me you and old Dee Dee would never get along.
25:05 Old Dee Dee and me?
25:08 Oh, you're kidding.
25:09 [laughter]
25:10 [music playing]
25:14 [theme music]
25:17 (SINGING) Got a date with an angel.
25:21 Gonna meet her at 7.
25:23 Got a date with an angel, and I'm on my way to heaven.
25:27 [theme music]
25:30 [theme music]
25:34 Ladies and gentlemen, your Plymouth dealer
25:57 invites you to watch the Lawrence Welk program
25:59 "Top Tunes and You Tell It" on this Bay network.
26:02 Tom Kennedy speaking.
26:04 Good night, everybody.
26:05 [applause]
26:08 (audience applauding)