• 2 years ago
Arthur the King Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Over the course of ten days and 435 miles, an unbreakable bond is forged between pro adventure racer Michael Light (Mark Wahlberg) and a scrappy street dog companion dubbed Arthur. Based on an incredible true story, ARTHUR THE KING follows Light, desperate for one last chance to win, as he convinces a sponsor to back him and a team of athletes (Simu Liu, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Ali Suliman) for the Adventure Racing World Championship in the Dominican Republic. As the team is pushed to their outer limits of endurance in the race, Arthur redefines what victory, loyalty and friendship truly mean.

directed by Simon Cellan Jones

starring Mark Wahlberg, Simu Liu, Juliet Rylance, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ali Suliman, with Bear Grylls as Himself, and Paul Guilfoyle

release date March 22, 2024 (in theaters)
00:00 Come on, Arthur. This is our time.
00:01 ♪ I feel glorious, glorious ♪
00:05 We all know anything can happen out there.
00:11 Sometimes we feel lost.
00:12 We push and we suffer.
00:15 We keep going.
00:17 That makes all the difference.
00:20 Hey, what happened to you, boy?
00:23 You don't look so good.
00:24 Meatball?
00:25 Look, somebody likes my meatballs.
00:26 Hey, PAW Patrol, we got a race to win.
00:29 Just remember, Michael, this race doesn't define you.
00:32 I raced for 19 years.
00:33 This is my last chance to win.
00:35 Three, two, one.
00:37 ♪ When I was a young boy living in the city ♪
00:38 ♪ All I did was run, run, run, run, run ♪
00:41 Over the next 10 days,
00:43 these athletes will cross 400 miles
00:45 climbing, biking, and kayaking.
00:47 That dot is daddy.
00:48 Go, daddy, go.
00:49 Let's talk and get the meatballs.
00:54 Three days, 200 miles ago.
00:55 Lead the stupid dog and let's go, come on.
00:58 Move, dumb dog.
01:00 What is it, boy?
01:01 Oh.
01:02 Oh, God.
01:04 Can't believe I almost walked right off that cliff.
01:05 Extra meatballs for you, my friend.
01:07 He's hurting.
01:10 What do you think he went through before he met us?
01:12 Whatever it was, it wasn't good.
01:15 How the hell did he get all the way from here to there
01:17 while we were on bikes and zip lines
01:19 and running and climbing?
01:20 He must have wings we don't know about.
01:23 Boy.
01:24 ♪ You know I'm back like I never left ♪
01:27 You want to start to embrace the buckets of pain?
01:29 I need a bigger bucket.
01:31 Team Broad Rail has traveled over 200 miles
01:34 and they found a companion.
01:36 Daddy has a dog?
01:37 What have you done?
01:38 Bet you found a new partner in suffering, Michael.
01:40 Yeah, he's the king.
01:41 I think we should call him Arthur.
01:44 Arthur the King.
01:44 How's he doing?
01:47 He's been through so much.
01:49 This dog needs a vet.
01:52 I don't want you to hurt anymore.
01:53 No.
01:54 He's a fighter.
01:56 Just like you.
01:57 A famous dog.
02:00 Looks even worse than the rest of you.
02:02 Maybe you all deserve each other.
02:03 Always underestimating, aren't I, buddy?
02:05 This isn't the route on the map.
02:08 It's okay.
02:08 Just follow Arthur.
02:10 Lead the way, King.
02:11 ♪ Dark is born in the night ♪
02:13 ♪ And now I see the sun ♪
02:15 I've never seen anything like this.
02:16 Everybody knows about it.
02:17 ♪ Glorious, glorious ♪
02:21 Guess what?
02:22 I'm not a dog person.
02:23 Hmm.
02:24 (laughing)
02:25 ♪ Glorious ♪
02:27 (gentle music)
02:30 (upbeat music)
