• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “Nell'ambito della compliance aziendale esiste una nuova interpretazione di una norma che in realtà è del 2019, che è il nuovo articolo 2086 del Codice Civile, che ha sancito un obbligo in capo all'imprenditore di adottare dei sistemi di organizzazione adeguati all'impresa”. Queste le parole di Alessandra Maniglio, avvocato e partner di Deloitte Legal, a margine del Talent & Innovation Day del Forum Risorse Umane di Comunicazione Italiana, l’appuntamento italiano di riferimento sui temi del lavoro e del People Management.


00:00 What is the role of the new law?
00:04 In the field of corporate compliance, which is the activity aimed at ensuring that in the organization of companies
00:14 the rules of law and ethical principles are respected,
00:19 there is a new interpretation of a rule, which is actually from 2019,
00:26 which is the new article 2086 of the civil code, modified in the field of the law in terms of the code of the crisis,
00:34 which has given an obligation to the entrepreneur to adopt systems of organization suitable for the company.
00:42 In this area, compliance, which is a reality that has existed for 20 years,
00:49 has acquired a very relevant importance and to ensure a implementation of a system of management and organization suitable and adequate,
01:00 the HR functions must be put at the center, because they are the ones who deal with the organization of people and corporate culture.
01:09 In this regard, HR itself must acquire this new role and these new skills.
