• 2 years ago
00:00:00 (phone ringing)
00:00:02 - Hello.
00:00:09 - Hey, Viv, are you up?
00:00:11 - Mm, barely.
00:00:12 How are you so perky this early in the morning?
00:00:19 - Well, like Mom always said, early bird gets the worm.
00:00:23 - You didn't say that.
00:00:24 Mostly to me.
00:00:25 - Another all-nighter?
00:00:28 - Yeah, story of my life.
00:00:30 What's up?
00:00:31 - Ah, just trying not to lose my marbles at work.
00:00:33 These students are driving me nuts.
00:00:35 Ha, story of my life.
00:00:37 Oh, get this.
00:00:38 So this little boy yesterday,
00:00:40 he spent two hours gluing exactly 17 sequins
00:00:43 onto a big red heart.
00:00:45 Then when he was done,
00:00:46 he decided that he was allergic to girls.
00:00:48 - Hey, a little sympathy for the boys.
00:00:50 They're still trying to figure it all out.
00:00:52 - What, it's second grade.
00:00:54 They haven't got love all figured out by now?
00:00:56 - Achoo!
00:00:58 - Baby's onto something.
00:01:00 - I know for a fact you are not allergic to girls.
00:01:04 So, Viv, any big plans?
00:01:07 Going anywhere nice with anyone nice?
00:01:09 - You really can't help yourself, can you?
00:01:12 - Well?
00:01:13 - Well, no, I'm not going anywhere nice with anyone nice.
00:01:19 - What about your algorithm?
00:01:21 - Well, we haven't launched it yet.
00:01:23 It won't be for a couple months.
00:01:24 - When it is, you're gonna sign up, right?
00:01:28 - Maybe, eventually.
00:01:30 - Well, I hope you do.
00:01:33 I can't wait for you to meet your perfect match.
00:01:37 Right here.
00:01:38 - My favorite.
00:01:39 (laughing)
00:01:41 - Ah, three flavored pudding.
00:01:43 You get me.
00:01:44 - Oh, let me guess.
00:01:45 Vanilla, butterscotch, chocolate.
00:01:49 - It's a balanced meal.
00:01:50 (laughing)
00:01:52 - So tell me, Viv,
00:01:53 what exactly does a love scientist
00:01:55 put on their dating profile anyway?
00:01:57 - Software developer.
00:01:58 - Who is creating a dating algorithm
00:02:00 so people can find true love.
00:02:02 - We're a lot like love scientists,
00:02:04 but the fellowship is completely different.
00:02:07 (light music)
00:02:10 (light music)
00:02:12 - Are you ready for eggs ala Wes Robinson?
00:02:27 - Thank you, sweetheart.
00:02:29 Your eggs ala Wes Robinson are burning.
00:02:40 (phone ringing)
00:02:42 - Weston.
00:02:50 - Hello, mother.
00:02:51 What do I owe this pleasure?
00:02:52 - I've been calling you all morning.
00:02:53 The Nikkei has been open for hours.
00:02:56 - I was busy.
00:02:57 - I have to go.
00:02:59 Call me.
00:03:00 Wes, you know, where do you find these women?
00:03:07 I mean, doesn't it sometimes get just a little tiresome?
00:03:10 - So is there a reason you're calling so early?
00:03:14 Don't you have an empire to run?
00:03:16 - Exactly.
00:03:17 Your division, Robinson Tech, is down two points now.
00:03:21 Is there something you'd like to tell me?
00:03:22 - I love you, mother dearest.
00:03:26 - Oh, Wes, you know,
00:03:30 when I appointed you head of the tech division,
00:03:32 I expected you to run it well.
00:03:35 - I will.
00:03:37 Just after this cup of coffee.
00:03:38 - Yeah, maybe you just don't have the acumen
00:03:40 I thought you had.
00:03:42 Or maybe you just have too many distractions.
00:03:45 - Maybe you should stop worrying so much.
00:03:48 - Oh, but Wes, I do worry.
00:03:49 You know, when you were young,
00:03:52 your father always used to say about you--
00:03:54 - I'm not really interested in what my father always said.
00:03:58 - Well, all right.
00:03:59 Maybe this is something you will be interested in.
00:04:02 If you don't manage to turn this around,
00:04:04 I'll have to rethink your position in the company.
00:04:06 How's that?
00:04:07 (upbeat music)
00:04:17 - Craft battles?
00:04:26 Really?
00:04:27 - You should have heard the drama
00:04:28 between this little boy and girl over glitter glue.
00:04:31 And they wind up with it in their hair.
00:04:32 - Michelle, just tell your students
00:04:33 that most long-term relationships
00:04:35 result from mutual pursuit, not glitter glue.
00:04:38 - Listen, I just got to the office
00:04:43 and I got a lot of work to do today.
00:04:44 - You work too much, you know that?
00:04:48 I mean, you need to take time and enjoy life.
00:04:50 When's the last time you went on a date?
00:04:52 - Okay, I really gotta go.
00:04:54 I'll talk to you later.
00:04:55 - Love you, bye.
00:04:57 - Love you.
00:04:58 (upbeat music)
00:05:02 (phone ringing)
00:05:04 - Hey guys.
00:05:08 It took me all night,
00:05:09 but I think I solved the data streaming problem.
00:05:12 - Way to go, Viv.
00:05:13 Perfect.
00:05:17 - Why don't you just leave that picture there
00:05:19 rather than bring it back and forth every day?
00:05:21 - I wouldn't want Liz to be left alone overnight.
00:05:23 - It's a picture.
00:05:25 - Oh, come on, give me a break, will you?
00:05:27 (phone ringing)
00:05:29 - No matches again.
00:05:36 - Justine, my perfect match isn't even live yet.
00:05:38 There's no one to match to.
00:05:40 - I know.
00:05:41 It's just a big fat zero is another reminder
00:05:43 of my lonely, pathetic life.
00:05:45 - Well, maybe you should get a cat.
00:05:46 - Yes.
00:05:48 I don't want a cat.
00:05:49 I want to meet a man, a good man.
00:05:53 Sure, I've met a lot of men, sometimes more than once,
00:05:55 but a good one?
00:05:57 You know what I'm talking about.
00:05:58 - Vivian is concentrating on her career right now.
00:06:01 She solved the data streaming problem.
00:06:03 - Thanks, George.
00:06:05 - This is just as fulfilling as a relationship.
00:06:08 - Are you kidding me?
00:06:09 You two need to get out there.
00:06:11 You need to grab some hot bull by the horns
00:06:13 and just hold on for dear life
00:06:14 and hope that he's not secretly married,
00:06:17 and you need to grab a cow by the horns.
00:06:20 That sounds weird.
00:06:22 - Yeah, I should.
00:06:23 I mean, I can be spontaneous.
00:06:25 Oh, except for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
00:06:27 is when I take Liz to the vet for diabetes medication.
00:06:30 - Guys, dating isn't about spontaneity
00:06:32 or how hot somebody is.
00:06:34 Relationships that are based on physical attraction
00:06:36 don't result in longevity or marriage.
00:06:39 - Oh.
00:06:40 - It's about compatibility.
00:06:42 That's why our dating algorithm
00:06:44 will be better than anything else.
00:06:46 - There's all this stress about dating.
00:06:48 What to wear, should I shave my legs?
00:06:51 - Of course.
00:06:52 Who pays the bill?
00:06:54 - Well, you should look for someone
00:06:55 that you're never gonna see again.
00:06:56 - Yeah, or they don't call you back
00:06:58 because you're too aggressive.
00:07:00 - Yeah, or they give you a fake number.
00:07:02 - See?
00:07:03 My perfect match takes care of all the stress
00:07:06 by letting a computer find a soulmate for you.
00:07:08 - Uh-huh, uh-huh, did you know go for it?
00:07:15 (gentle music)
00:07:18 - Now that is what I call a perfect match.
00:07:28 - Really?
00:07:30 - Good morning, Mr. Robinson.
00:07:42 - Adele, tell me what's good.
00:07:45 - Well, you're late for the first quarter
00:07:47 development meeting.
00:07:48 - Let's push that to this afternoon.
00:07:50 - Too late, I already told them to start without you.
00:07:53 - What?
00:07:54 - Well, you're not that important anyway.
00:07:56 - Right, I'm just the CEO of the company.
00:07:59 - Oh, really?
00:08:01 I had no idea.
00:08:02 Well, maybe you should start showing up to work on time.
00:08:05 - Or maybe I should hire another secretary.
00:08:07 - Good luck.
00:08:09 We both know you'd never find anyone prettier than me.
00:08:11 - Or one with so many, many years of experience.
00:08:14 - But somehow I just keep getting prettier.
00:08:16 - You'll be pleased to hear that the programming department
00:08:21 has been very busy lately.
00:08:23 Mr. Robinson.
00:08:27 - Sorry I'm late, everyone.
00:08:28 Please, continue.
00:08:31 - Right, of course.
00:08:35 As I was saying, we've been very busy
00:08:37 and I am pleased with the results of this quarter's rollout.
00:08:41 We have some exciting new products to show you
00:08:44 that I think you're really gonna like.
00:08:46 - Wonderful, let's hear them.
00:08:47 - May I introduce Fat Cat.
00:08:52 It tracks and monitors your cat's calorie intake.
00:08:56 - Fat.
00:08:58 Cat.
00:09:00 - Yeah, for the cat lovers.
00:09:03 No good?
00:09:06 Okay, okay.
00:09:10 You're gonna love this one.
00:09:12 It's called Coffee-Mometer for the coffee connoisseur.
00:09:17 It helps the user gauge the perfect drinking temperature
00:09:20 by simply inputting the start brew time
00:09:21 along with the region of where the beans come from.
00:09:24 - Coffee what?
00:09:26 - This sounds pretentious.
00:09:27 Can't people just use their finger?
00:09:29 - Right, I--
00:09:30 - What else have you got?
00:09:33 - What about
00:09:34 Movie Moody?
00:09:38 It's really exciting.
00:09:41 Yeah, the user takes a selfie
00:09:44 and the app suggests a movie that,
00:09:46 okay, I'm starting to see the problem.
00:09:51 It's,
00:09:52 okay.
00:09:55 - This smart tech has no potential for revenue.
00:09:58 Robinson Tech is dropping in the market and why?
00:10:00 Because we've lost touch with what the people want.
00:10:04 We need to think bigger.
00:10:07 What else have you got?
00:10:08 - Well, we have one more thing in development
00:10:11 and it's still in the programming stage.
00:10:15 - What is it?
00:10:17 - It's an online dating algorithm.
00:10:22 - Perfect.
00:10:27 - Vivian Blair.
00:10:35 - Wes Robinson needs you in the development meeting.
00:10:36 He wants you to present my perfect match.
00:10:40 Here's your chance, kid.
00:10:41 - Thank you, I'll be right in.
00:10:46 Okay, okay, okay, okay.
00:10:50 I can do this.
00:10:51 - Yep.
00:10:52 - I can do this.
00:10:53 I need my research.
00:10:54 Where's my research?
00:10:55 - Here.
00:10:56 - How do I look?
00:10:57 I don't know what to say.
00:10:58 I've never done this before.
00:10:59 Here.
00:11:00 Deep breaths.
00:11:02 You'll be fine.
00:11:03 Don't be nervous.
00:11:04 - Just smile.
00:11:05 Maybe don't smile.
00:11:08 No.
00:11:09 - Okay.
00:11:10 - Go on.
00:11:11 - You've got this, girl.
00:11:12 - I've got this.
00:11:13 - Come on, you can do it.
00:11:14 - I've got this.
00:11:15 I've got this.
00:11:16 (screams)
00:11:19 - Okay.
00:11:20 - I'll call you in a train.
00:11:39 - Vivian Blair, is it?
00:11:41 - Yes.
00:11:42 Miss Robinson.
00:11:43 - I apologize for putting you on the spot like this,
00:11:45 but we're all dying to hear about my perfect match.
00:11:48 - Sir, I'm more than happy to present my perfect match.
00:11:50 - Derek.
00:11:50 Vivian's Derek?
00:11:52 Derek, this is Vivian's project.
00:11:54 I'd like to hear it from her, please.
00:11:56 - Thank you.
00:12:03 - Go on.
00:12:04 Impress me.
00:12:05 I dare you.
00:12:07 (upbeat music)
00:12:10 - My perfect match is online dating with a twist.
00:12:19 Instead of swiping left or right
00:12:21 based on whether you think you'll match with what you see,
00:12:23 it's...
00:12:35 My research shows that most relationships
00:12:37 that result in marriage are based on compatibility
00:12:40 rather than physical attraction or say, passion.
00:12:45 - Really?
00:12:46 - Scientifically speaking, yes.
00:12:47 It's all in the research if you'll just turn to page three.
00:12:52 - You're talking about taking the passion out of dating.
00:12:55 That sounds almost as boring as fat cat.
00:13:03 - No, I'm talking about putting compatibility first.
00:13:06 People say love is blind,
00:13:09 but has anyone really put that to the test?
00:13:11 I'm saying no photos, no measurements.
00:13:17 My perfect match takes your digital footprint
00:13:19 and runs the algorithm,
00:13:20 and then it determines the mathematical likelihood
00:13:22 of love between two people.
00:13:24 It's revolutionary, really.
00:13:26 - See, this is what I'm talking about.
00:13:33 She's right.
00:13:33 There are millions of people online
00:13:36 that are crazy enough to do anything to find love.
00:13:39 - Crazy?
00:13:40 No, I've been working on this research for months.
00:13:42 It's not crazy.
00:13:43 My perfect match will work.
00:13:45 - Well, I don't care if it works or not.
00:13:48 With the right marketing, people will buy it.
00:13:50 And the best time to attract desperate daters is now,
00:13:54 before Valentine's Day.
00:13:55 - Valentine's Day?
00:13:59 Can I just--
00:14:00 - Derek, pull all your people off whatever they're doing.
00:14:02 I want everyone at Robinson Tech focusing all their energy
00:14:06 on launching my perfect match for this Valentine's Day.
00:14:08 - Of course, Mr. Robinson.
00:14:09 - Can I just--
00:14:10 - Thank you, Vivian.
00:14:12 I think it's going to be revolutionary working with you.
00:14:15 - If you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna...
00:14:23 (upbeat music)
00:14:27 (footsteps)
00:14:29 - Vivian.
00:14:36 Long time no see.
00:14:37 - Mr. Robinson.
00:14:39 - Please, call me Wes.
00:14:41 - I would just like some clarification.
00:14:46 If you don't think my perfect match will actually work,
00:14:49 why are you insisting on launching it?
00:14:51 Don't you have a moral obligation
00:14:52 to believe in the products you put out?
00:14:56 Professionally speaking.
00:14:58 - Look, I don't have to believe in something personally
00:15:01 to trust that it has monetary potential.
00:15:03 Like all the people online that are looking to find love,
00:15:08 they'll just spend a bunch of money and move on.
00:15:10 That's all I really care about.
00:15:13 - Well, that's cynical.
00:15:14 - Nothing lasts forever, especially not love.
00:15:18 - But, with your product,
00:15:22 Robinson Tech can get in on the online dating game,
00:15:25 get out with some capital.
00:15:26 This golf app, I think has potential.
00:15:30 - Golf?
00:15:32 - People love golf.
00:15:33 Besides, you don't find love with numbers and statistics.
00:15:38 You walk up to a woman in a bar,
00:15:42 you buy her a drink,
00:15:44 and you tell her,
00:15:45 you're the most beautiful woman in the room.
00:15:49 That's what women want to hear anyway,
00:15:52 not the score of their digital compatibility.
00:15:56 - I have spent months on this research.
00:15:58 It's scientifically proven.
00:16:00 There's nothing better than that to base a relationship on.
00:16:03 - My money's still on passion.
00:16:06 - Well, I can tell we're not gonna agree
00:16:10 on pretty much anything.
00:16:11 Thank you for your time, Mr. Robinson.
00:16:15 - Wes.
00:16:16 If you'll excuse me,
00:16:20 I have a lot of work to do, apparently.
00:16:22 - What did I say?
00:16:27 - Well, for someone who's constantly surrounded by women,
00:16:31 you really seem to know very little about them.
00:16:34 And also, Ben is here to see you.
00:16:37 - Yo, big brother.
00:16:40 - Now what?
00:16:41 - Ouch.
00:16:43 Is that any way to treat a man who's been slaving away
00:16:44 all day on the tennis courts?
00:16:46 You know, thanks to my backswing,
00:16:48 I just secured an investment with the Austrians.
00:16:50 Ben Robinson, one.
00:16:51 Wes Robinson, zero.
00:16:52 - You act like we're in some kind of competition.
00:16:56 And we are all invested in this company, Ben.
00:16:59 - Come on, lighten up.
00:17:00 What's the deal?
00:17:01 - Sorry.
00:17:03 Suddenly in a bit of a bad mood.
00:17:06 - Yeah, so I've heard.
00:17:07 Adele texted me already saying Robinson Tech
00:17:09 is pushing an online dating app.
00:17:11 That's not like you.
00:17:12 - Adele?
00:17:13 - What?
00:17:14 He's a Robinson too?
00:17:18 - Actually, it's a dating algorithm.
00:17:21 - Okay, whatever.
00:17:22 An online dating algorithm.
00:17:23 It's a risky move.
00:17:24 Mom's not gonna like this.
00:17:25 - You leave mom to me.
00:17:27 I know there's a lot of competition out there,
00:17:28 but this one's different.
00:17:30 - I trust you.
00:17:31 But you're still gonna need a major marketing boost.
00:17:34 That's why I made a quick phone call.
00:17:36 What are you doing tomorrow morning?
00:17:38 - Why?
00:17:39 - Just 'cause you were gonna appear on Hello Morning?
00:17:42 - You didn't.
00:17:43 - Aren't I just the best brother ever?
00:17:45 Ben Robinson, two.
00:17:46 Wes Robinson, still zero.
00:17:47 - A live TV interview.
00:17:50 Ben, I don't even know how this algorithm works yet.
00:17:53 How could I possibly sell it to the masses?
00:17:55 - I don't know.
00:17:56 Invite that pretty developer lady with you.
00:17:57 Adele already told me all about her too.
00:17:59 - No, she did, did she?
00:18:00 - Wes, relax.
00:18:04 Okay, I still got your back.
00:18:05 As long as you still got mine.
00:18:06 You'll be at rehearsal on Saturday night, right?
00:18:08 Best man, huh?
00:18:09 Huh?
00:18:10 - Of course, of course.
00:18:11 Now, will you get out of here already?
00:18:14 You got a wedding to plan
00:18:15 and you have a lot of begging to do.
00:18:16 - Later.
00:18:17 (upbeat music)
00:18:21 - Hey.
00:18:25 - Yeah, I'm coming.
00:18:26 - Yeah.
00:18:27 - What happened in there?
00:18:42 (phone ringing)
00:18:45 - Yes?
00:18:48 - Wes Robinson would like to see you in his office.
00:18:50 Again.
00:18:51 - I think it went well.
00:19:01 - Yeah.
00:19:03 (upbeat music)
00:19:07 (footsteps tapping)
00:19:10 - You know you could just walk over my desk
00:19:19 like a normal person
00:19:20 instead of having your assistant page me?
00:19:22 - Well, that would mean I'd have to fire Adele
00:19:24 if she wouldn't like that.
00:19:25 - Try it, see what happens.
00:19:27 - See?
00:19:28 And she's the only one who knows
00:19:29 how to use the photocopier.
00:19:31 - What do you want?
00:19:33 - I want you, actually.
00:19:36 - I, I, what, what, I don't know what, what do you mean?
00:19:39 - I want you to be with me on Hello Morning
00:19:42 tomorrow to promote my perfect match.
00:19:44 - The TV show?
00:19:46 No way.
00:19:49 - All I'm asking is for you to stand beside me
00:19:51 for five minutes on the show.
00:19:53 - Yeah, I don't think so.
00:19:56 - Come on, you can't do that.
00:19:58 - Let me handle this.
00:20:00 Look, I get it.
00:20:05 Spending even one more moment with that man
00:20:08 is almost as appealing as root canal.
00:20:11 Yeah.
00:20:12 - You know I can hear you.
00:20:13 - But look at it this way.
00:20:14 Being on TV is great publicity for a perfect match.
00:20:18 I mean, you want it to be a success, right?
00:20:21 - Okay, I'll do it.
00:20:25 For my perfect match.
00:20:28 - Thank you.
00:20:29 - You're welcome.
00:20:32 (upbeat music)
00:20:35 - I cannot wait to see what the world thinks
00:20:38 of the two of you promoting love on live TV.
00:20:40 (upbeat music)
00:20:43 - Well, it's official.
00:20:51 I've got nothing to wear to the Hello Morning
00:20:53 taping tomorrow.
00:20:54 Why do I own so much beige?
00:20:57 - Viv, what has gotten into you?
00:21:00 - It's my boss, Wes Robinson.
00:21:01 He's always like, "Call me Wes."
00:21:03 He just gets under my skin.
00:21:05 You know, for a guy who runs a tech company,
00:21:07 he wouldn't know a good idea if it hit him
00:21:08 in his dying egotistical head.
00:21:10 - Oh, sounds cute.
00:21:12 - Wes Robinson is not cute.
00:21:15 - Devilishly handsome.
00:21:16 - Okay, okay.
00:21:19 Look, I'm just joking.
00:21:21 Jeez, Viv.
00:21:23 I haven't seen you this riled up in forever.
00:21:25 - Look, you need to be more realistic.
00:21:29 Okay, men are men.
00:21:31 It's like they have two brain cells.
00:21:32 One to watch any sport with a ball in it,
00:21:34 and the other to somehow know the lyrics
00:21:36 to every Bruce Springsteen song.
00:21:39 Anything more is a bonus.
00:21:40 And not every man is dad.
00:21:44 You need to start giving him a chance.
00:21:48 - What do you think he'd think of us now
00:21:51 if he hadn't left?
00:21:52 - Hmm.
00:21:57 Who knows?
00:21:58 It's been so long.
00:22:00 But you know, I bet he would probably say,
00:22:04 "Wow, look at Vivian.
00:22:06 "She's grown up to be the smartest woman in the world,
00:22:09 "and Michelle has somehow managed to be
00:22:11 "an amazing wife and a fabulous teacher."
00:22:14 - It's true.
00:22:15 I really am an awesome wife.
00:22:16 - Well, speaking of awesome,
00:22:20 I think I found the perfect outfit for tomorrow.
00:22:22 Ta-da!
00:22:24 - Is that what I think it is?
00:22:28 - Yeah.
00:22:29 - Oh.
00:22:30 - Oh.
00:22:31 - I mean,
00:22:32 that's a really nice dress, Viv.
00:22:36 Um, I like the pink.
00:22:38 - Uh-huh.
00:22:40 - And the lace.
00:22:41 - Yeah.
00:22:42 - Very Lady Diana.
00:22:44 Upper crust.
00:22:45 - You're my favorite brother-in-law.
00:22:48 - I'm your only brother-in-law.
00:22:50 (Vivian giggles)
00:22:51 She's really not gonna wear that, right?
00:22:53 - Hey, if it was good enough for my prom date,
00:22:55 it is good enough for--
00:22:56 - Ted Reynolds.
00:22:57 - Of Vivian Blair.
00:22:58 - So you're the genius that invented my perfect match.
00:23:01 I didn't know genius could be so beautiful.
00:23:03 - Oh, I don't know about that.
00:23:05 - I appreciate you having us on the show
00:23:07 with such short notice, Ted.
00:23:08 - It's no problem at all, Wes.
00:23:09 Your brother's an old friend.
00:23:11 And to be honest with you,
00:23:12 I owe him a few favors after a couple
00:23:13 unlucky poker matches recently.
00:23:14 The guy's a shark.
00:23:15 - Well, that is Ben.
00:23:16 (both laugh)
00:23:18 He's always been better at making friends than I have,
00:23:19 but I appreciate you extending the courtesy to me.
00:23:22 - No problem at all.
00:23:23 We'll see you guys on set.
00:23:24 You're gonna do great.
00:23:25 (sighs)
00:23:27 - Is it just me, or is it getting really hot in here?
00:23:31 Probably the lights.
00:23:34 - Are you okay?
00:23:36 - Hmm?
00:23:37 - You don't have to do this if you don't want to.
00:23:40 - A little too late for that.
00:23:42 No, I'm fine.
00:23:45 It's just, it's good.
00:23:49 I want it.
00:23:49 Oh, hi there.
00:23:52 - Camera one.
00:23:54 (gentle music)
00:23:56 - Let's go.
00:23:57 - Back live, three, two, one.
00:24:05 We're back again this morning
00:24:06 with more updates on Fashion Week.
00:24:08 But first, are you looking for a new way to find love?
00:24:10 We have Vivian Blair and Wes Robinson of Robinson Tech
00:24:13 to talk to us about a new online dating algorithm.
00:24:15 Vivian, tell us all about my perfect match.
00:24:18 - Thank you, Ted.
00:24:19 Well, our programmers have developed an algorithm
00:24:21 to determine your love match
00:24:22 based on your digital footprint.
00:24:24 - My digital footprint is a size 12.
00:24:26 (laughing)
00:24:29 - The algorithm knows you better than you know yourself,
00:24:32 and it's designed to not only find you a date,
00:24:35 but the perfect partner.
00:24:36 Hopefully it's the last first date you'll ever have.
00:24:39 - That sounds like something my mother would love.
00:24:41 And I understand the app is available today, locally.
00:24:43 - That's right.
00:24:45 - So anyone can download it after the show.
00:24:47 - And we're working on a wider international release.
00:24:51 - Single man to single man.
00:24:53 What do you think, Wes?
00:24:54 - I think Vivian's right.
00:24:56 My perfect match can find anyone true love.
00:24:59 - Anyone?
00:25:01 Even you?
00:25:01 - Sure.
00:25:02 - So you would consider using it yourselves?
00:25:05 - Of course we would.
00:25:07 - Well, we're actually quite busy with the launch.
00:25:14 - And we at Robinson Tech stand behind the quality
00:25:17 of all of our products.
00:25:19 - If my perfect match can't find Vivian and I true love,
00:25:21 nothing will.
00:25:22 - Well, we have to have you back on the show
00:25:24 for a follow-up.
00:25:26 Let's say Valentine's Day.
00:25:28 And don't forget to bring in your perfect matches.
00:25:30 I'd love to meet them.
00:25:31 - So would I.
00:25:33 - Fantastic.
00:25:34 Our audience is gonna love this.
00:25:36 Keep your eyes out on these two daters.
00:25:37 Robinson Tech is on the market.
00:25:39 - What are you doing?
00:25:41 - We'll catch up with CEO Wes Robinson
00:25:43 and programmer Vivian Blair to see if love is in the air.
00:25:46 (upbeat music)
00:25:49 (footsteps)
00:25:52 - What were you thinking, putting me on the spot like that?
00:25:55 - What was I supposed to say?
00:25:56 We were on the show to promote.
00:25:58 - Literally anything but committing me
00:26:00 to having my dating life broadcast on television.
00:26:02 - You said yourself my perfect match works, right?
00:26:05 So you should have no problem using it.
00:26:07 - Of course I wouldn't have a problem finding my match
00:26:09 because I'm not an egomaniac.
00:26:11 I'm sure there's not a single woman out there
00:26:12 that would possibly want to spend a life with you.
00:26:14 I don't wanna breathe in the same air.
00:26:17 - What was that?
00:26:18 - Look, I haven't heard any complaints before.
00:26:21 But then again, with women I meet,
00:26:24 they don't generally do much talking.
00:26:26 - Really?
00:26:27 They don't tend to share their theories on astrophysics?
00:26:30 - You're just jealous.
00:26:33 I could find true love if I wanted to,
00:26:35 but I don't want to.
00:26:36 - Hey, it's not just me that's riding on the success
00:26:38 of this product.
00:26:39 This is your company.
00:26:40 - You know what?
00:26:43 You're right.
00:26:44 Challenge accepted.
00:26:46 - I guess we'll see who finds her perfect match.
00:26:48 - Yes, we will.
00:26:49 - Fine.
00:26:51 - Fine.
00:26:52 - I like her.
00:26:56 - Are you okay, Viv?
00:27:07 We saw what happened on TV.
00:27:11 You looked great.
00:27:13 - Yeah, yeah.
00:27:14 - I couldn't even tell how pissed off you were.
00:27:17 - The software's now live.
00:27:19 Everything's running smoothly.
00:27:20 - Good, because the first profile on there
00:27:22 is gonna be mine.
00:27:23 - Yes!
00:27:25 This is what we've been training for.
00:27:27 Okay.
00:27:29 - All right.
00:27:30 - Okay, let's do it.
00:27:31 On.
00:27:32 - Yay!
00:27:33 - Looks great, looks great.
00:27:34 - Okay, what is your social password?
00:27:37 - Here, let me.
00:27:39 - Where was this selfie taken?
00:27:44 - I don't know.
00:27:45 - I think it's your summer home.
00:27:47 How do you not know that?
00:27:49 - Adele, I pay you to know things like that for me.
00:27:52 - Sunset or sunrise?
00:27:54 - Sunset.
00:27:56 - Have you ever had a one night stand?
00:27:59 Actually.
00:28:00 - Favorite flavor of ice cream?
00:28:03 - Chocolate.
00:28:04 - Chocolate or pretzels?
00:28:05 - Chocolate covered pretzels.
00:28:07 See?
00:28:08 The system is flawed.
00:28:09 (phone chimes)
00:28:10 (gasps)
00:28:11 - What?
00:28:12 - Whoa!
00:28:14 - Look at you.
00:28:15 That is so sweet.
00:28:17 - I don't, baby photos, mm-mm.
00:28:19 - Have you ever been in love?
00:28:21 - Maybe Roxanne I have love.
00:28:30 - She was a Ukrainian supermodel
00:28:33 and she didn't speak English.
00:28:35 - Adele, haven't you ever heard that love
00:28:37 is its own language?
00:28:41 - You don't pay me enough for this.
00:28:44 - Do people who place a high importance
00:28:46 on material things or appearance annoy you?
00:28:49 - They're like Wes Robinson?
00:28:51 - Definitely.
00:28:52 - Okay.
00:28:55 - There you go.
00:28:56 - And this is the last question.
00:29:06 Do you believe in fate?
00:29:08 (gentle music)
00:29:11 - I think so, yes.
00:29:13 - Wow.
00:29:14 - We'll see what wild ride fate takes you on now, huh Viv?
00:29:18 - Yeah, I guess so.
00:29:20 You know all this time we spend designing these questions
00:29:22 for the algorithm and viewing other people's
00:29:24 social media sites, I never really thought
00:29:26 how mine would look.
00:29:27 - Well you did great.
00:29:28 - Yeah.
00:29:29 - And all that's left now is to determine
00:29:31 your profile name.
00:29:32 - Oh, uh, okay.
00:29:35 How about Miss Valentine?
00:29:39 It's cute, I like it.
00:29:42 - All right, Miss Valentine, you are online.
00:29:47 - Yay!
00:29:47 (laughing)
00:29:48 Yeah, yeah.
00:29:49 You're online, you're online.
00:29:51 Get it girl, get it.
00:29:52 - You'll get it.
00:29:54 - Well go on, I'm not getting any younger.
00:29:57 - You know what?
00:30:00 I'll finish this up at home.
00:30:03 Transfer the rest of my calls to my cell, will you?
00:30:05 - Sure.
00:30:06 - Save that for me.
00:30:16 (light music)
00:30:18 aah.
00:30:19, aah.
00:30:20 What was I thinking?
00:30:43 (light music)
00:30:46 (light music)
00:30:48 (light music)
00:30:51 (light music)
00:30:53 (light music)
00:30:56 (light music)
00:30:58 (light music)
00:31:01 (light music)
00:31:03 (light music)
00:31:06 (light music)
00:31:08 (light music)
00:31:11 (phone ringing)
00:31:36 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:31:38 (phone ringing)
00:31:45 Mr. Valentine.
00:31:50 Yes.
00:31:56 (upbeat music)
00:31:59 (laughing)
00:32:01 (upbeat music)
00:32:04 - It will work, it will.
00:32:09 Trust me, it's gonna work for sure.
00:32:12 They love it.
00:32:12 - Good morning.
00:32:14 - Go away, Derek.
00:32:15 - Hey.
00:32:16 - The queen has entered the castle.
00:32:20 You are on fire this morning, Viv.
00:32:24 - Here are the latest numbers.
00:32:25 Good work.
00:32:26 - Thank you, George.
00:32:27 - Wes Robinson can read 'em and weep, right Viv?
00:32:30 - Justine, please.
00:32:32 Wes Robinson is still my boss.
00:32:35 Which is why this is gonna be so much more fun.
00:32:37 (laughing)
00:32:39 Where were we?
00:32:49 - You look different.
00:32:57 - Thanks for noticing.
00:32:58 I look like a woman who's ready to hear
00:33:00 the most important news.
00:33:02 - You were right, congratulations.
00:33:04 - You were right.
00:33:08 - Wait, wait, wait.
00:33:09 I need to savor this.
00:33:10 And?
00:33:12 - Congratulations.
00:33:15 So far people seem to like my perfect match.
00:33:17 - They don't just like it, they love it.
00:33:20 There have been thousands of profiles uploaded
00:33:22 since last night and I myself happen to have five matches.
00:33:25 How many did you get?
00:33:29 - Zero.
00:33:30 - I knew it.
00:33:32 - Well, I don't wanna get too excited.
00:33:34 I mean, I'm not so sure about the kind of man
00:33:36 that set up a dating profile in the middle of the night.
00:33:39 It's a bit desperate.
00:33:40 - Nice try.
00:33:41 But not even you can get me down right now.
00:33:43 I'm sure the men that have been selected for me
00:33:45 by my team's excellent programming
00:33:48 are absolutely perfect.
00:33:50 - Oh, I'm sure they're very special.
00:33:52 - In fact, I'm going to message
00:33:57 Mr. Valentine right now and see if he wants to meet up.
00:34:00 (phone beeps)
00:34:00 - Missed me.
00:34:02 Well, good luck.
00:34:03 And where will you take your perfect match?
00:34:07 - Somewhere romantic, quiet,
00:34:12 where I can really get to know him.
00:34:26 (sighs)
00:34:28 - You look really pretty tonight.
00:34:31 I didn't think you'd be so pretty.
00:34:33 Not that you're not pretty,
00:34:37 not that I didn't expect you to be pretty,
00:34:38 I just think you're pretty.
00:34:40 Sorry, did I already say that?
00:34:43 - Yeah, a few times.
00:34:44 - Sorry.
00:34:45 - Oh no, don't be sorry.
00:34:47 Thank you for the compliment.
00:34:50 - You're welcome.
00:34:51 - You look great too.
00:34:55 I like your shirt.
00:34:56 - Oh, this?
00:34:59 I'm glad you like it.
00:35:00 I probably tried on about 20 of them.
00:35:02 (laughs)
00:35:04 Just to be honest, Viv,
00:35:08 I haven't been on a date in a while,
00:35:09 so I'm a little nervous.
00:35:10 - Me too.
00:35:13 So, we have a lot in common.
00:35:18 - We do.
00:35:21 - We are both career driven.
00:35:23 We're both from small families.
00:35:25 - Mm-hmm.
00:35:26 We both prefer the fall over the sun.
00:35:29 - Sorry, could-- (coughs)
00:35:33 (coughs)
00:35:35 Are you okay? (coughs)
00:35:37 (coughs)
00:35:39 (coughs)
00:35:42 - Sorry. (coughs)
00:35:44 (sniffs)
00:35:46 I think it's my allergies.
00:35:48 - Sorry, what were you saying again?
00:35:50 - We both have traditional values.
00:35:55 - Garçon.
00:35:55 I'm allergic to these flowers.
00:36:01 - Oh my, I'm so sorry.
00:36:03 Do you want me to remove them for you?
00:36:06 - Oh, you-- - I take them away
00:36:08 from the table. - You should probably just--
00:36:10 - It's no problem.
00:36:11 - Thank you.
00:36:12 (sighs)
00:36:15 - As you were saying.
00:36:16 - It's almost like we were
00:36:23 M-A-D-E,
00:36:24 made for each other.
00:36:27 (chuckles)
00:36:30 - Yeah, we're technically very compatible.
00:36:32 Hmm.
00:36:33 I'm sorry, I didn't ask you what you do for a living.
00:36:37 - Lizards.
00:36:39 - Lizards?
00:36:44 - Mm-hmm.
00:36:45 - Like you sell them in a pet store?
00:36:52 - I show them in competition.
00:36:54 I have this iguana that would just
00:36:59 take your breath away.
00:37:03 - I bet.
00:37:04 - Um, the chicken, how did you like it?
00:37:12 - The chicken was very good.
00:37:15 - See, look at us being compatible again.
00:37:18 I liked it too.
00:37:20 - Yeah.
00:37:21 At first I thought it was a little weird
00:37:22 that you ordered exactly what I ordered, but hey.
00:37:25 - Viv, I just wanna share everything with you.
00:37:29 Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.
00:37:32 I still can't believe it.
00:37:36 - Yeah, I literally can't believe it either.
00:37:41 - Dessert, let's have dessert.
00:37:49 Garcon?
00:37:50 - No, no, no, no, no, it's fine.
00:37:53 Thank you.
00:37:54 Thank you.
00:37:56 It's okay.
00:37:58 - Watching your figure?
00:38:01 Vivi, now that we found each other,
00:38:03 you can totally let yourself go.
00:38:05 A bit, it's perfectly natural.
00:38:09 Honestly, it's fine.
00:38:10 - How considerate.
00:38:13 You know, with this whole career-driven thing,
00:38:17 I actually have an early morning tomorrow,
00:38:18 so I should probably wrap this up.
00:38:20 - When can I see you again?
00:38:22 - I'll call you.
00:38:26 - See, I knew you were gonna say that.
00:38:29 It's like we share the same B-R-I-A-N, rain.
00:38:34 - The waiter's over there,
00:38:37 you should probably grab the bill.
00:38:38 You know, be a gentleman.
00:38:39 - Right.
00:38:41 Garcon?
00:38:42 (upbeat music)
00:38:51 - You gotta be kidding me.
00:38:52 - There you are.
00:38:56 - How's the date going?
00:38:57 - Well, a lady never tells.
00:39:01 - It's going great, actually.
00:39:02 I think it's the pheromones.
00:39:04 Did you know that lizards emit pheromones to other lizards
00:39:07 while they're trying to attract a mate?
00:39:09 - Leave me alone, you crazy lizard guy.
00:39:12 (upbeat music)
00:39:19 - Stay with me!
00:39:20 Stay with me!
00:39:21 Stay with me!
00:39:22 (laughing)
00:39:27 I thought you were allergic to roses!
00:39:32 - Wes, come on.
00:39:40 This is for the wedding.
00:39:41 What do you think of Off-White or Taupe?
00:39:49 - Um, they look exactly the same.
00:39:53 What are you doing picking the napkins for, anyway?
00:39:55 - Elaine trusts my impeccable taste.
00:39:57 - No, no, no, darling.
00:39:59 She trusts my impeccable taste.
00:40:02 - Hello, Mother.
00:40:03 - Well, hello, Wes.
00:40:05 You know, I had to let myself in.
00:40:09 Are you avoiding me?
00:40:10 - Nope, just busy being a cog in the Robinson wheel.
00:40:14 - Really?
00:40:15 I mean, what is this I'm seeing all over the news?
00:40:17 Something called My Perfect Match?
00:40:20 - It's just a new venture.
00:40:22 You have nothing to worry about.
00:40:25 - Nothing to worry about.
00:40:27 Wes, that was not exactly a glowing review.
00:40:30 - Hey, any publicity is good publicity.
00:40:33 - Hardly.
00:40:34 (laughing)
00:40:35 No.
00:40:36 I still control the majority voting shares in this company,
00:40:40 and I vote.
00:40:40 Apps are on the way out.
00:40:42 - It's not an app.
00:40:44 It's an algorithm.
00:40:46 - I have no intention of doing that.
00:40:48 People just want to find that special someone.
00:40:51 Look, I know it's still early,
00:40:52 but we've got the research behind us.
00:40:55 - Really?
00:40:55 So just who is this woman named Vivian Blair?
00:40:59 - Just a woman from the company.
00:41:03 - Oh, Wes, please.
00:41:04 I know you way too well for that.
00:41:07 Now, I'm just concerned that you're doing this
00:41:09 all on a whim to impress some pretty girl, all right?
00:41:12 Business is all about logic and thinking with your brain.
00:41:17 All right?
00:41:17 I mean, can you imagine what this company
00:41:19 would look like right now if your father
00:41:21 had just followed every one of his romantic notions?
00:41:25 - I'm the result of one of those notions.
00:41:28 It's not like that.
00:41:29 Vivian's driven.
00:41:31 Smart.
00:41:34 - In fact, she wants nothing to do with Wes.
00:41:37 That's how smart she is.
00:41:38 - Oh, well, that's fabulous.
00:41:39 Let's just keep it that way, all right?
00:41:41 I want you focused on the numbers.
00:41:43 - Trust me.
00:41:44 I'm focused on all the right things.
00:41:47 - So, nope for the two?
00:41:50 - No.
00:41:52 No.
00:41:53 - So embarrassing.
00:41:59 - Oh, come on.
00:41:59 It wasn't that bad.
00:42:01 - Michelle, not only was that the worst date
00:42:02 I've ever been on in my entire life,
00:42:04 it was plastered across the evening news.
00:42:07 - Okay, okay.
00:42:09 It was pretty bad.
00:42:11 But at least you looked good.
00:42:13 I mean, that outfit looked fabulous on you
00:42:14 as you were running away from Lizard Guy.
00:42:16 (laughing)
00:42:20 - Michelle, stop laughing.
00:42:22 Okay, I'm sorry.
00:42:24 I'm sorry.
00:42:25 I'll stop.
00:42:26 - How am I supposed to face Wes Robinson tomorrow?
00:42:28 He's gonna have a field day rubbing this in.
00:42:31 - Why do you care so much about his opinion anyway?
00:42:33 I mean, the algorithm is a success.
00:42:35 You should be proud.
00:42:37 - Yeah, I guess so.
00:42:39 - Oh, okay.
00:42:40 I get it.
00:42:42 You're not gonna think it's a success
00:42:43 until you snag your own hot shot guy.
00:42:45 - What?
00:42:46 No.
00:42:48 Wait, is that wrong?
00:42:48 I just want Wes to know that I was right all along.
00:42:51 Okay?
00:42:52 - Are you trying to make him jealous?
00:42:56 - I don't wanna make him jealous.
00:42:57 I just wanna win a little bet.
00:42:58 - Uh-huh.
00:43:01 Sure.
00:43:01 Look, I think that competition
00:43:04 has no place in the dating world.
00:43:07 But if you're looking for your perfect match,
00:43:09 then I suggest you keep looking
00:43:10 because Mr. Valentine was definitely not it.
00:43:13 - Okay.
00:43:16 Back on the dating horse.
00:43:20 - Good luck.
00:43:25 ♪ It's the way you make me feel ♪
00:43:32 ♪ It's in the way that you make me feel ♪
00:43:35 ♪ And I fly all the way ♪
00:43:40 ♪ Far away, far away ♪
00:43:44 ♪ I fly all the way ♪
00:43:48 ♪ That's the way to be on the luckiest one ♪
00:43:53 ♪ I'm so lucky ♪
00:43:59 (dramatic music)
00:44:02 - Hey, Viv.
00:44:13 IT increased the bandwidth for the B-Day rollout.
00:44:15 Everything should be good to go.
00:44:16 - Thanks.
00:44:17 - You wanna grab some lunch?
00:44:20 - Yeah, you remember lunch, don't you?
00:44:21 That thing after brunch
00:44:23 and before you start eating your feelings mid-afternoon.
00:44:25 - I can't.
00:44:27 I got a lot of work to do.
00:44:29 But I brought some leftover cake.
00:44:34 - Oh, was it someone's birthday?
00:44:35 - No, I just bought a cake.
00:44:40 - Okay.
00:44:44 Well, we will see you in a bit.
00:44:46 - Okay, bye.
00:44:47 - That's it.
00:44:56 - Chocolate cake for lunch, really.
00:44:58 - I really like chocolate cake.
00:45:02 - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm.
00:45:03 What are you doing here?
00:45:07 - Well, I thought you'd be happy to see me.
00:45:09 You know, I walked all the way over to your desk
00:45:10 like a normal person.
00:45:11 - Wow, look at you.
00:45:14 Many people do change.
00:45:15 - Still young, I can learn new tricks.
00:45:18 Listen, I just have a question about the report.
00:45:22 What's this figure here?
00:45:24 - Oh, that's the projections.
00:45:25 It's what we think the download number will be
00:45:26 after the Valentine's Day rollout.
00:45:28 - Those are big numbers. - Mm-hmm.
00:45:31 - Okay.
00:45:34 - Thanks.
00:45:35 Actually, I've been wanting to ask you,
00:45:38 how do you feel about making "My Perfect Match"
00:45:45 free on Valentine's Day?
00:45:47 - But isn't that when we're set to do the most downloads?
00:45:52 Robinson Tech would be losing out on a lot of revenue.
00:45:55 - Yes, but on a larger scale,
00:45:56 the more we get people to talk about it,
00:45:58 the more potential revenue it could gain.
00:46:01 It's the best advertisement of all.
00:46:03 We could even go global.
00:46:07 Here, take a look at this.
00:46:08 I charted the potential numbers,
00:46:15 and I think if we increase the users by 10%,
00:46:18 we can increase the overall downloads by 25% in 30 days.
00:46:22 - That's impressive.
00:46:24 - Yeah.
00:46:26 - Vivian, this might just be almost as popular as you.
00:46:29 I've seen you on TV a lot lately.
00:46:32 - Oh, okay, here we go.
00:46:35 Come on, you can laugh at me.
00:46:37 - Are you kidding?
00:46:38 It's great publicity.
00:46:40 And it's also a little fun to watch you squirm.
00:46:43 - Oh, really?
00:46:44 And how do you know one of those guys
00:46:45 isn't "My Perfect Match"?
00:46:47 - You don't like any of them, I can tell.
00:46:50 - And how do you know that?
00:46:52 - Because when you don't like something,
00:46:54 you wrinkle your nose up like this.
00:46:56 See?
00:46:57 I know because you do it every time you see me.
00:47:00 - Mr. Robinson.
00:47:01 - Wes.
00:47:02 - Wes.
00:47:06 It's not that I don't like you.
00:47:09 It's just everything you stand for.
00:47:13 - Oh, much better.
00:47:14 - You know, the fancy cars and the money
00:47:17 and the evolving door of beauty queens.
00:47:21 It's just not real.
00:47:24 - Yeah, yeah, you're right, but it's not really me.
00:47:27 You'll see.
00:47:29 (phone ringing)
00:47:34 - Is that one of your perfect matches?
00:47:37 - I wish.
00:47:38 It's just my mother.
00:47:40 Again, I call her back.
00:47:42 Once again, Vivian, thank you for all your hard work.
00:47:48 You're a real asset to the company.
00:47:50 - Delivery for Vivian Blair?
00:47:54 - And I see I'm not the only one that values you.
00:47:56 - Thank you.
00:47:57 Ugh, this isn't the real me either.
00:48:02 Ugh.
00:48:04 - Must have cost the guy a small fortune.
00:48:06 - I know, I hate red roses.
00:48:09 - I thought every woman loved roses.
00:48:11 - Well, I'm not every woman.
00:48:13 - You certainly are not.
00:48:22 - My dad left when I was a kid.
00:48:25 He told us he was going to get my mom some roses,
00:48:31 but he never came back.
00:48:32 I haven't liked the sight of them since.
00:48:36 - Sounds familiar.
00:48:39 My dad didn't exactly stick around either.
00:48:42 Sorry, I didn't know.
00:48:46 - Oh, don't worry about it.
00:48:49 You did get something right, though.
00:48:51 - I did?
00:48:52 - Mm-hmm.
00:48:53 I didn't like any of them.
00:48:56 My matches.
00:48:57 - I knew it.
00:48:58 I did, I knew it, who was the worst?
00:49:01 Was it yoga guy?
00:49:02 - I just don't like men that wear tighter shorts than I do.
00:49:05 - I know, you should, you know,
00:49:06 leave a little something to the imagination.
00:49:08 - Yeah, a little bit.
00:49:09 - Everyone likes a bit of mystery.
00:49:11 - I should have seen it coming,
00:49:12 'cause his username was Twisted Mister.
00:49:15 - Oh.
00:49:16 - I'm sorry.
00:49:17 - I'm sorry.
00:49:17 - I'm sorry.
00:49:18 - Twisted Mister.
00:49:19 (laughing)
00:49:21 (gentle music)
00:49:26 - Are you staying late again tonight?
00:49:29 How about instead of chocolate cake,
00:49:33 I order us some takeout?
00:49:35 Your choice.
00:49:36 - I can't.
00:49:42 I actually have another date tonight.
00:49:48 - Okay.
00:49:49 Another time then.
00:49:51 - Yeah.
00:49:53 - Well, back to work.
00:49:57 - Okay. - Now.
00:49:57 - Okay.
00:49:58 - This company doesn't run itself here.
00:49:59 - Thanks, Wes.
00:50:01 (gentle music)
00:50:04 (sighing)
00:50:07 (door opening)
00:50:13 (gentle music)
00:50:17 (gentle music)
00:50:19 - Hi, I'll have my usual.
00:50:29 Thanks.
00:50:30 - Hey, Wes.
00:50:38 How's it going?
00:50:40 - Your usual?
00:50:40 - Yes, please.
00:50:41 - Wes.
00:50:42 - Vivian.
00:50:45 - Nice to meet you.
00:50:46 - Nice to meet you.
00:50:46 - How's your date?
00:50:47 - Ooh.
00:50:48 - Don't tell me he stood you up.
00:50:49 His loss, my gain.
00:50:54 - I'm sure DJ Dan will be here any minute.
00:50:57 - DJ Dan.
00:50:58 - DJ Dan.
00:50:59 - Okay.
00:51:00 Now do you believe me that love's about more
00:51:05 than just compatibility?
00:51:06 - To tell you the truth,
00:51:11 I would be okay if he was a no-show.
00:51:15 - I'm getting a little tired of all this compatibility.
00:51:18 - It's called chemistry.
00:51:22 - Well, it's easy for someone like you to say.
00:51:29 Someone who oozes charm out of their pores,
00:51:31 but chemistry does not equal love.
00:51:33 - First of all, I do not ooze anything.
00:51:37 And you don't know anything about me.
00:51:40 - Well, I know the bartender knows your name.
00:51:43 You're probably here every night of the week
00:51:45 picking up a new girl.
00:51:46 And what do you know about compatibility, huh?
00:51:50 - Well, unlike you, I don't need my perfect match
00:51:53 to make me a match.
00:51:54 I'll do it right now.
00:51:56 Watch and learn.
00:51:58 - Bingo.
00:52:04 - Hey.
00:52:11 I don't normally do this,
00:52:12 but I can't help but notice how beautiful you are.
00:52:15 Can I buy you a drink?
00:52:17 - Wow, Wes Robinson of Robinson Tech.
00:52:21 Wow, is she a perfect match?
00:52:24 - She certainly is perfect, isn't she?
00:52:27 - You two are a beautiful couple.
00:52:30 I'm sure you'll be very happy.
00:52:31 - Let's go.
00:52:32 - Freak country, man.
00:52:33 - Come on, out you go, out.
00:52:36 Don't come back.
00:52:38 (gentle music)
00:52:41 - And I walked right up to the woman at the bar
00:52:44 and I bought her a drink.
00:52:45 You should have seen the look on Vivian's face, though.
00:52:48 - So, did you take her home?
00:52:50 - Vivian?
00:52:51 - No.
00:52:52 - The other girl?
00:52:53 - No, of course not.
00:52:54 I only bought her a drink to make Vivian mad.
00:52:56 - Yeah, good luck with that.
00:52:57 - What are you talking about?
00:53:01 - Whatever you're trying to pull,
00:53:02 it's not gonna work on a woman like Vivian Blair.
00:53:05 She sees right through you.
00:53:06 - And can you pay attention?
00:53:07 This is kind of my wedding.
00:53:09 - Wedding rehearsal.
00:53:10 - Same thing.
00:53:11 - Here comes the bride.
00:53:15 - Perfect.
00:53:18 Now, Ben, you can take your bride's hand
00:53:22 and then I'll ask for the rings, please.
00:53:24 You just say your vows
00:53:27 and at the end I'll pronounce you man and wife.
00:53:29 And then you can go on to your happily ever after.
00:53:32 - It's as simple as that.
00:53:33 - It's a simple wedding.
00:53:34 - Happily ever after.
00:53:35 - It's as simple as that.
00:53:37 - Are you about to cry?
00:53:43 - Of course not, this is a wedding rehearsal.
00:53:45 - Yeah, same thing.
00:53:47 (phone ringing)
00:53:52 - I'm sure she's calling for you.
00:53:56 - Hey, Mom, where are you?
00:54:01 - Negotiating.
00:54:03 Look, it's not like I'm missing the wedding, okay?
00:54:05 I mean, it's just the rehearsal
00:54:06 and you know I don't do well with boring.
00:54:08 Put your brother on.
00:54:10 - Well, enjoy your closing, Mom.
00:54:12 Melina and I can't wait to share our special day with you.
00:54:15 See you soon.
00:54:16 Tag, you're it.
00:54:18 Who wants some champagne?
00:54:20 - Hello, Mother.
00:54:25 - Weston.
00:54:26 You have made your old mother a very happy woman.
00:54:31 Shares of Robinson Corporation are just shooting through the roof
00:54:34 and it's all thanks to you.
00:54:36 - Thank you, Mother.
00:54:37 And all you had to do was trust me.
00:54:39 I should try it more often.
00:54:40 - So, how's the rehearsal?
00:54:44 - Good.
00:54:47 They look happy.
00:54:48 - Well, of course they do.
00:54:50 Everyone always looks happy on their wedding day.
00:54:53 - I know I did.
00:54:54 But don't let that fool you.
00:54:56 Love doesn't pay the bills.
00:54:59 - Oh, you mush ball.
00:55:00 - Yeah, well.
00:55:01 You and I are cut from the same cloth, honey.
00:55:04 You know, cynicism runs in this family.
00:55:07 - Does it?
00:55:09 - So, who are you taking to the wedding?
00:55:11 - No one.
00:55:13 - Wes, come on, you have to take someone.
00:55:16 - There's no one.
00:55:18 - All right, don't pout.
00:55:19 Hey, you know what?
00:55:21 Your brother's the emotional one, not you.
00:55:23 Look, she doesn't have to be Miss Right, okay?
00:55:26 She just has to be Miss Right for the photographers and the networking.
00:55:30 I think I've invited at least five CEOs from Fortune 500 companies to this thing.
00:55:35 - Oh, sounds like a lot of fun.
00:55:37 - Well, Robertson Corporation is a family-owned company, and that means...
00:55:41 - Even a family wedding becomes a corporate event.
00:55:44 I should know, I'm writing the checks.
00:55:47 The place is gonna be overrun with photographers.
00:55:50 - The day isn't about business, Mom.
00:55:54 It's about Ben and Elaine.
00:55:55 - Ben is marrying a schoolteacher, Wes.
00:55:58 I'm sure her family is very happy that someone is worrying about the bills.
00:56:03 - Sure, yeah, happy.
00:56:05 - Look, I turned over a multi-million dollar company to you.
00:56:10 When are you gonna start focusing on growth?
00:56:13 - Um, how successful is successful?
00:56:17 - Every generation should build on the empire, not crumble it.
00:56:24 - Excuse me, Mother, I have to go.
00:56:26 I have a toast to make.
00:56:28 - Late night last night?
00:56:44 - What?
00:56:46 Oh, I'm so sorry I missed a fall asleep.
00:56:52 - Can I see you in my office, please?
00:56:54 - Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yes, thank you.
00:56:57 - Why'd you wake me up?
00:57:05 - You just look so peaceful, like a little drooling angel.
00:57:09 - That's not... that's not funny.
00:57:18 - Excuse me.
00:57:19 - No, this is gonna... no, no.
00:57:22 Will you?
00:57:24 - Vivian's here.
00:57:25 - Act casual, act casual.
00:57:31 - I surrender, okay?
00:57:33 You were right, and I was wrong, and I'll never find a soulmate on my perfect match because I am now convinced of what I knew all along.
00:57:41 - What's that?
00:57:44 - I'm undateable.
00:57:45 - I don't know about that.
00:57:47 - It's true.
00:57:48 I'll never find someone that I love more than my job.
00:57:51 In fact, I'll never go on another date again for the rest of my life.
00:57:55 - Vivian, I need you to go on another date.
00:58:00 With me.
00:58:04 - I'm sorry, say that again?
00:58:07 - Relax, it's not a real date.
00:58:09 I just need you to sit beside me at my brother's wedding this Saturday.
00:58:13 You have plans?
00:58:15 - No, but we're launching...
00:58:17 - Please.
00:58:18 This is really important to my family, and I'm pretty sure there's not a single woman in my contact list that wouldn't throw a drink in my face.
00:58:25 I've given the opportunity.
00:58:26 - I definitely believe that.
00:58:30 - Besides, why choose an amateur when you can have the dating expert herself?
00:58:36 - What about that girl from the bar?
00:58:40 - She didn't even mind.
00:58:42 She wasn't the most beautiful woman in the room.
00:58:45 - Oh, really?
00:58:46 They must just grow from trees then.
00:58:48 - I had my eye on someone else, but...
00:58:52 she left before I could tell her.
00:58:55 - Well, you know what they say.
00:58:57 There's plenty of vapid 25-year-old women in the sea.
00:59:00 - Pretty please?
00:59:04 What do you say?
00:59:06 - I can't, Russ.
00:59:08 Not because I have plans, but...
00:59:11 they need me here.
00:59:13 - They need me here.
00:59:14 - I need you.
00:59:17 This wedding is important for the company, too.
00:59:21 - He says it's a work thing. You could ask for major overtime.
00:59:27 - Adele, don't you have work to do?
00:59:30 - I am working.
00:59:31 I'm your assistant, and now I'm assisting you getting a date for the wedding.
00:59:34 - You know, she's on to something.
00:59:38 - Okay.
00:59:42 I'll go with you to your brother's wedding.
00:59:43 - Great.
00:59:45 - But if I do, I want a raise.
00:59:48 You know how hard I've worked.
00:59:50 I've earned it.
00:59:52 And I want Derek's job.
00:59:54 - Tough negotiator.
00:59:57 I like that.
00:59:59 Deal.
01:00:02 - Deal.
01:00:03 - Derek, my office, please.
01:00:10 - Derek, your fired.
01:00:11 - Yeah, I figured.
01:00:13 - Your days were numbered after Fat Cat.
01:00:15 - Yeah.
01:00:17 It always happens.
01:00:19 - Can't wait to see you all dressed up.
01:00:25 - Yay!
01:00:28 - I'm so excited.
01:00:32 - Me too.
01:00:34 - I'm so excited.
01:00:36 - I'm so excited.
01:00:39 - It is perfect.
01:00:40 You are going to sweep Wes off of his feet.
01:00:42 - Justine, it's just for work.
01:00:44 - Are you kidding me?
01:00:46 I've been watching you two for weeks.
01:00:47 You can cut the romantic tension with a spoon.
01:00:49 - Can I come?
01:00:52 Can I come? Can I come?
01:00:53 I need you here.
01:00:55 - I know.
01:00:56 I always miss all the fun stuff.
01:00:57 - Thank you.
01:01:00 - Bye.
01:01:01 - You look great.
01:01:03 - Oh, thanks.
01:01:04 - Hi, Bill.
01:01:08 - I'm so proud of you.
01:01:09 - Thank you.
01:01:11 - Hey, thanks for coming.
01:01:20 Wow, you look nice.
01:01:22 - Thank you.
01:01:24 You should have seen the price tag for nice.
01:01:26 - It was worth every penny.
01:01:28 I'll show you to your seat.
01:01:32 I'll show you to your seat.
01:01:33 - There we go.
01:01:46 - Thanks for doing this.
01:01:47 You are officially employee of the month.
01:01:49 - Oh, a trophy.
01:01:50 Not just in it for the glory, you know?
01:01:52 - Well, of course.
01:01:53 Now, if you need me,
01:01:54 I'll be standing up there next to the guy getting married.
01:01:56 - The one with the tux, right?
01:01:58 - Yeah.
01:01:59 Kind of looks like me, but better looking.
01:02:01 - Will you be upstanding, please?
01:02:14 (gentle music)
01:02:16 (people chattering)
01:02:44 - We're gathered here today
01:02:45 to celebrate one of life's greatest moments,
01:02:48 the joining of two hearts, Ben and Elaine.
01:02:52 Together, you've decided to embark
01:02:55 on the same path hand in hand,
01:02:58 to commit to one another
01:03:00 and love one another more fully each day.
01:03:03 And I understand the bride and bridegroom
01:03:07 have written their own vows.
01:03:08 Come on, Ben.
01:03:11 Don't keep your beautiful bride waiting.
01:03:14 (gentle music)
01:03:16 - Elaine,
01:03:18 you are my best friend,
01:03:21 and I promise to love you
01:03:24 and cherish you for the rest of my life.
01:03:26 And I will never grow tired of you,
01:03:29 even when I get old and tired.
01:03:31 And I'll let you buy as many throw pills as you want,
01:03:33 even though I think we already have way too many.
01:03:35 (Elaine laughing)
01:03:36 That dress, wow.
01:03:38 Even if you were wearing a paper bag right now,
01:03:41 with that smile,
01:03:43 you'd still be the most beautiful bride
01:03:44 I've ever laid my eyes on.
01:03:46 You're all I need.
01:03:49 You're all I've ever needed.
01:03:51 And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life
01:03:52 proving how much I love you.
01:03:54 (gentle music)
01:03:57 (people chattering)
01:04:01 (phone ringing)
01:04:05 - George.
01:04:10 George.
01:04:11 Calling with good news, I hope.
01:04:13 - Unfortunately not, Mr. Robinson.
01:04:15 It's my perfect match.
01:04:18 - What happened?
01:04:19 - It isn't making its projections.
01:04:21 Downloads are way down.
01:04:24 - By what margin?
01:04:26 - A lot, sir.
01:04:29 We're not getting anywhere near the numbers
01:04:30 that we predicted for the Valentine's Day rollout,
01:04:32 and new subscribers are at a standstill.
01:04:35 It's not looking good.
01:04:38 - Well, thanks for calling, George.
01:04:40 I appreciate it.
01:04:42 - Do you want me to call Vivian and tell her?
01:04:45 - No, I'll...
01:04:48 I'll tell her.
01:04:51 Hi, Vivian.
01:04:57 (Vivian laughs)
01:04:58 It's nice to see you.
01:05:00 You look well.
01:05:02 (George clears throat)
01:05:04 Nice and elephant in the room,
01:05:06 but I have a girlfriend now, and she's...
01:05:09 really jealous, so it'd be great if, uh...
01:05:12 she didn't know about us.
01:05:14 I'd appreciate it.
01:05:16 Ah.
01:05:17 Come to my little green iguana.
01:05:19 We'll find someone.
01:05:21 - Wes!
01:05:28 What's wrong?
01:05:31 - Nothing.
01:05:35 Are you...
01:05:36 hungry?
01:05:37 'Cause I just walked past the kitchen,
01:05:40 and the prime rib is looking top-notch.
01:05:42 - That sounds amazing. I'm starving.
01:05:44 - All right, come on.
01:05:46 - Next host, Wes Robinson.
01:05:49 (applause)
01:05:51 - Now, I'll keep this short.
01:05:58 Um, as I'm sure you're all aware,
01:06:02 Ben was the one in the family that got all the charisma.
01:06:05 That's why he's head of marketing for the company,
01:06:07 and, uh...
01:06:08 pretty sure that's how he convinced a woman like Elaine to marry him.
01:06:12 (laughter)
01:06:14 Ben's not just my brother.
01:06:16 He's also my best friend.
01:06:18 We used to compete a lot when we were kids.
01:06:20 I usually won, of course.
01:06:24 I was president of the student council,
01:06:27 quarterback of the junior football team in high school,
01:06:31 and, uh, I had the biggest yo-yo collection.
01:06:34 But I have never been more envious of anyone
01:06:38 than I am of you today, Ben.
01:06:41 I'm thrown in the towel.
01:06:43 You have surpassed me in every single way.
01:06:46 I only hope that one day I, too, can
01:06:50 find the same love that you share with Elaine.
01:06:52 That's all I've ever really wanted.
01:06:59 To Ben and Elaine.
01:07:00 To Ben and Elaine.
01:07:01 May they always be as happy as they are today.
01:07:03 Make sure you drink up this champagne,
01:07:07 because it was flown in from France, and we can't return it.
01:07:10 (applause)
01:07:12 Thank you.
01:07:28 Oh.
01:07:29 Hello, Mother.
01:07:36 Wes, I've got to talk to you.
01:07:38 Where are you?
01:07:39 How are you missing Ben's wedding?
01:07:41 I am not missing Ben's wedding.
01:07:43 I'm just fashionably late.
01:07:45 Besides, it's his second wedding.
01:07:47 It's almost like watching a rerun.
01:07:49 Look, I have to go.
01:07:51 Can this wait till later?
01:07:53 No.
01:07:54 No, it cannot wait.
01:07:55 I just got a very important call from the office.
01:07:58 My perfect match is tanking.
01:08:00 And after the company just spent millions on marketing.
01:08:03 I believed in it.
01:08:06 Wes, are you out of your mind?
01:08:09 I mean, you can't just believe in things.
01:08:12 Robinson Tech is a business.
01:08:15 It is not a fairy tale.
01:08:16 You've got to get your head out of the clouds, Wes,
01:08:19 and use that expensive education you have.
01:08:22 Oh, where should I start?
01:08:24 Well, you might start with the business.
01:08:26 Well, you might start by not taking your employees to weddings.
01:08:29 Pictures are already starting to pop up all over the internet.
01:08:32 I mean, seriously, Wes, it's just embarrassing.
01:08:35 I'm sorry, Mother.
01:08:37 I thought you'd be used to me disappointed by now.
01:08:39 Wes.
01:08:41 Everything okay?
01:08:52 Yeah.
01:08:53 Do you want to get some air?
01:08:56 Uh, hey, hey, hey.
01:08:59 Seriously, though.
01:09:00 What's wrong?
01:09:02 What happened over there?
01:09:04 Wes, you're not acting like yourself.
01:09:10 Is that such a bad thing?
01:09:13 Okay, now you're making me nervous.
01:09:16 What's going on?
01:09:22 Is it my perfect match?
01:09:24 Can you just say something?
01:09:28 That was not part of the job description.
01:09:40 Is it wrong?
01:09:42 Yes.
01:09:44 Why?
01:09:47 Because, because you're my boss.
01:09:51 Because you're chocolate cake.
01:09:53 You look really good, but you're really bad for me.
01:09:56 I thought you liked chocolate cake.
01:10:00 You really do.
01:10:04 [♪♪♪]
01:10:06 You want to get out of here?
01:10:24 Ben, where's your problem?
01:10:33 Mom, are you seriously just getting here?
01:10:35 What? Well, oh, honey, look, I sat through your first wedding.
01:10:39 I'm sure this one was equally as touching.
01:10:41 Now, where's Wes?
01:10:43 You're not going to like this.
01:10:44 He left with Vivian.
01:10:46 I can't believe he's doing this.
01:10:48 And I can't believe he didn't do it sooner.
01:10:50 He's walking out on his own brother's wedding.
01:10:52 Mrs. Robinson.
01:10:53 Oh, Wilson, hello. How are you?
01:10:54 You know, Mom, he's finally letting his guard down and opening his heart.
01:10:58 Maybe it's time you do the same.
01:11:02 Life is... it's more than just spreadsheets, Mom.
01:11:05 Dance?
01:11:12 [♪♪♪]
01:11:17 [♪♪♪]
01:11:19 I can't believe this is really happening.
01:11:42 You couldn't stand to be in the same room as me a couple weeks ago.
01:11:46 I'm willing to admit that I might have been wrong.
01:11:49 Might have?
01:11:50 You know, you might have to kiss me a few more times before I think about it.
01:11:56 Do you want to go in for coffee?
01:12:09 [♪♪♪]
01:12:11 What is it?
01:12:18 My perfect match is tanking, Vivian.
01:12:25 This was supposed to be the big state of the movies, but it's not.
01:12:31 Statistically speaking, it's all downhill from here.
01:12:35 [♪♪♪]
01:12:37 When did you find out about this?
01:12:40 Why didn't you tell me?
01:12:42 My...
01:12:45 My knight.
01:12:46 This is my career.
01:12:48 I know. I didn't tell you because...
01:12:50 Because you're a coward.
01:12:51 You run away from everything.
01:12:54 That's why you don't pick up the phone when your mother calls.
01:12:57 That's why you don't have a girlfriend.
01:12:59 I bet you didn't even upload your profile on Skype Perfect Match.
01:13:04 [♪♪♪]
01:13:06 I fell for the Wes Robinson act, didn't I?
01:13:19 Vivian, wait!
01:13:26 It wasn't an act with you.
01:13:30 Is that what you tell the other girls?
01:13:33 Do they fall for that too?
01:13:35 You know, I might be cynical about love, but you...
01:13:38 You won't even try.
01:13:40 You won't even take a chance.
01:13:43 [♪♪♪]
01:13:52 [♪♪♪]
01:13:54 Hey, Viv.
01:14:13 Viv?
01:14:19 This isn't funny.
01:14:21 I can't believe it's all over.
01:14:33 This isn't fair.
01:14:35 Viv should have been the next face of Silicon Valley.
01:14:38 Yeah.
01:14:39 What's he doing here?
01:14:45 [♪♪♪]
01:14:47 [♪♪♪]
01:14:49 [♪♪♪]
01:14:52 [♪♪♪]
01:14:54 [♪♪♪]
01:15:22 I knew you would end up back here.
01:15:24 I just didn't know it would take you so long to screw up with Vivian.
01:15:28 What are you doing here?
01:15:29 Saving you from yourself. What do you think?
01:15:32 I don't feel like talking right now, Del.
01:15:36 Well, that's good.
01:15:38 Because I plan on doing most of it.
01:15:41 What has gotten into you, Wes?
01:15:51 Why is it I can't go anywhere without a woman yelling at me?
01:15:54 Because we seem to hold you to a higher standard than you hold yourself.
01:15:59 Do you remember when you were a schoolboy?
01:16:03 I do.
01:16:06 I was your mother's assistant back then, and you used to love coming into this office.
01:16:11 When your mom was in a meeting, you'd sit right there and staple all my schedules together and drive me nuts just like you do now.
01:16:20 [♪♪♪]
01:16:21 But I wish you could have seen the smile on your face.
01:16:24 The way I saw your smile.
01:16:28 You hoped more than anything that if you worked hard enough, one day this whole place would be yours.
01:16:38 I remember your crazy jackets.
01:16:42 Those shoulder pads.
01:16:44 It was the 80s.
01:16:47 Now leave me alone. I'm not done.
01:16:49 Over the years, your mother spoiled you.
01:16:55 I warned her.
01:16:57 You were handed everything you wanted, and I stopped seeing that special smile on your face.
01:17:04 Until I saw you look at Vivian.
01:17:14 And after all these years, I knew there was something you wanted so much again.
01:17:21 Something you knew would not be handed to you.
01:17:24 Something you knew you would have to work for.
01:17:27 There was only one problem.
01:17:31 She saw right through the act.
01:17:35 Then drop the act.
01:17:38 It doesn't look good on you anyway.
01:17:41 [♪♪♪]
01:17:43 Come on.
01:17:46 A girl like Vivian Blair doesn't come along every day.
01:17:50 You really want to give up just like that?
01:17:54 [♪♪♪]
01:17:57 Adele.
01:18:02 You're right.
01:18:04 As usual.
01:18:07 Get Justine and George.
01:18:10 [♪♪♪]
01:18:11 I have an idea.
01:18:13 Come on in, guys.
01:18:16 Oh, hi.
01:18:19 Sorry, we were just playing tag.
01:18:21 Oh, yeah. You're it.
01:18:22 Oh, no, you are.
01:18:23 We didn't hear anything about a plan to get Vivian back, I swear.
01:18:27 Yeah, but we're totally down to help with that plan of getting Vivian back.
01:18:29 It's a good plan.
01:18:30 It's a really good plan.
01:18:31 So do you guys want to play, or...?
01:18:32 You're it.
01:18:33 [♪♪♪]
01:18:36 [♪♪♪]
01:18:38 [GIGGLES]
01:18:43 [♪♪♪]
01:18:46 ♪ Who is lucky? ♪
01:18:55 ♪ I'm so lucky ♪
01:18:56 ♪ Oh, so lucky ♪
01:18:58 ♪ Oh, so lucky ♪
01:18:59 ♪ That's the way I like it ♪
01:19:01 ♪ So stay cool ♪
01:19:05 ♪ Who is happy? ♪
01:19:06 ♪ I am happy ♪
01:19:07 ♪ Oh, so happy ♪
01:19:09 ♪ Oh, so happy ♪
01:19:10 ♪ That's the way I like it ♪
01:19:12 ♪ So stay cool ♪
01:19:14 [♪♪♪]
01:19:16 [♪♪♪]
01:19:29 [♪♪♪]
01:19:30 Dear Wes, I know I'm hard on you.
01:19:45 But it's only because I always believe.
01:19:49 Follow your heart.
01:19:51 Love, your Mushball Mom.
01:19:54 [♪♪♪]
01:19:55 Oh, baby, I love it.
01:20:02 It's beautiful.
01:20:03 Thank you.
01:20:06 Okay, open yours.
01:20:07 Yeah.
01:20:08 Where did you get this?
01:20:14 Well, I did a lot of hunting.
01:20:16 Vivian.
01:20:22 These are the numbers from yesterday.
01:20:24 They're not good as you expected.
01:20:27 Well, it was a risk.
01:20:29 You never know if these things are going to take off or not.
01:20:32 I know.
01:20:33 Hello Morning should be here any minute to do the follow-up taping.
01:20:39 Right.
01:20:42 I almost forgot it was Valentine's Day.
01:20:44 I was going to cancel, but...
01:20:47 I think it might be worth a try to promote my perfect match one last time, don't you?
01:20:52 No, I don't think that'll help.
01:20:54 Especially because we have to tell them the truth that neither of us found our match.
01:20:59 That's true.
01:21:01 Film crew's here.
01:21:04 Wes, Vivian. Great to see you guys again.
01:21:08 But I see you're alone.
01:21:10 I guess this might not be a very happy Valentine's Day ending after all.
01:21:14 You guessed right.
01:21:15 Are you sure you're ready?
01:21:17 As ready as we'll ever be, Ted.
01:21:20 Okay, great.
01:21:21 Marty, let's shoot Vivian and Wes somewhere over there.
01:21:24 Come on, guys.
01:21:25 Okay.
01:21:27 Oh, um...
01:21:30 Hello, Morning, and a very happy Valentine's Day.
01:21:47 As promised, we're here with our friends from Robinson Tech, the creators of the My Perfect Match app.
01:21:51 Oh, there she is.
01:21:53 Vivian, our viewers loved following you on your dating journey, and on some of your dating disasters.
01:21:58 But it looked like you had some luck out there.
01:22:01 How'd it go?
01:22:02 Uh, I met some very nice people, but none of them were my perfect match.
01:22:09 That's too bad.
01:22:11 You've got a lot of fans now, I promise.
01:22:13 You have your pick of the Hello, Morning audience.
01:22:16 What about you, Wes?
01:22:17 Well, Ted, I have to come clean.
01:22:21 I didn't actually submit my profile until last night.
01:22:24 Yes, I did find my perfect match.
01:22:28 You've got to be kidding me.
01:22:30 You are some piece of work, you know that?
01:22:33 Hold on, let me finish.
01:22:34 I granted access to all my social media accounts.
01:22:38 And I didn't just answer all the questions.
01:22:41 I answered them honestly.
01:22:45 What's going on?
01:22:46 My plan was to go on dates with real women.
01:22:51 Not just the ones who fall for my cheesy pick-up lines.
01:22:54 Lots of horrible dates, and then tell you about them.
01:22:58 So then you could see the real me.
01:23:00 And I hoped that eventually you'd see that we are compatible.
01:23:07 But my plan failed before it even began.
01:23:12 What are you talking about?
01:23:15 Check your profile.
01:23:16 I...
01:23:18 I have a new match.
01:23:36 Wes.
01:23:41 The real me.
01:23:43 The real me.
01:23:44 Look at those two.
01:23:46 Way to go, Viv.
01:23:49 Is that really her boss?
01:23:51 Yeah.
01:23:53 Wow. That is some kind of handsome.
01:23:56 Your boss is female, right?
01:23:59 Oh, yeah. And not handsome.
01:24:02 Yeah, I was just checking.
01:24:04 You're my perfect match, Vivian.
01:24:09 And the only reason you couldn't find yours was because he was too afraid to sign up.
01:24:13 So the algorithm says that we're compatible, but that doesn't mean that we're...
01:24:18 You'd like it if I brought you flowers on our first date.
01:24:21 But never red roses.
01:24:23 If I brought you red roses, you'd do that thing you just did where you scrunch your nose up.
01:24:29 Like this? You don't like something?
01:24:32 If I had a chance to cook you dinner, I'd make you chocolate cake.
01:24:38 Always chocolate cake, no matter what time of day.
01:24:41 Your ideal date would be somewhere quiet and romantic where...
01:24:46 it just seems like you and me.
01:24:49 When you're nervous, you brush your hair behind your ear.
01:24:53 I must have seen you do it a dozen times.
01:24:55 But you're not doing it right now.
01:24:58 And that gives me hope.
01:25:01 Because, Vivian...
01:25:04 Because, Vivian...
01:25:05 I love you.
01:25:11 Wow. You did this?
01:25:18 I just have one question.
01:25:21 Will you spend Valentine's Day with me?
01:25:26 [Vivian's phone rings]
01:25:27 Only if I can pay.
01:25:38 They kissed!
01:25:54 I have to call her.
01:25:55 But she's on TV.
01:25:57 Well leave a voicemail.
01:25:59 There you have it. Vivian Blair and Wes Robinson. You couldn't find a more perfect match.
01:26:04 George.
01:26:24 I never knew you had it in you.
01:26:25 Justine. I want you to meet Liz, my cat.
01:26:29 I would be so honored.
01:26:32 Hi Viv. We're watching you right now and it looks like you found your someone nice just in time for Valentine's Day.
01:26:42 I'm so happy. Okay, call me later. Bye.
01:26:51 No, no. Look, look.
01:26:52 Viv, you're never gonna believe this.
01:26:56 Justine, at this point I will believe anything.
01:26:59 The servers are blowing up. My perfect match downloads are going through the roof.
01:27:04 It's all because of you guys.
01:27:06 We've got so much work to do.
01:27:08 Well I don't know about you guys, but this next segment on celebrity diets is gonna be super lame.
01:27:14 But you know what? I don't care. Happy Valentine's Day everybody.
01:27:18 Happy Valentine's Day Viv. I love you.
01:27:21 I love you too.
01:27:23 Good job guys.
01:27:27 How'd you know I'd say yes?
01:27:33 I didn't. But I spent too much of my life being a coward and I had to prove that we're compatible.
01:27:39 What about passion?
01:27:42 I'm always that passionate.
01:27:44 I'm always that passionate.
01:27:46 That's the way to be the luckiest one.
01:27:51 I'm so lucky.
01:27:55 I'm so lucky.
01:27:57 [Music]
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