This Is Not For Me -- Dr. Dharius Daniels
00:00 Hey everybody listen man, this teaching is a teaching I think everybody needs to
00:07 handle the ups and downs of life. There's a revelation that you need to handle the
00:12 vicissitudes of life and that is a revelation of the favor of God. I want
00:17 you to tap into this message. I hope it blesses you. I'm gonna ask you to do one
00:21 thing. It's the only thing I ever ask you to do. If it blesses you, text it, email it,
00:25 just send it to somebody else. You never know who needs to hear this message.
00:30 Enjoy the Word. Amen. Genesis chapter 39 verse 1 everybody. It says this, "Now Joseph had
00:39 been taken down to Egypt and Potiphar an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh's
00:44 officials, the captain of the guard, brought him from the Ishmaelites, bought
00:48 him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there. The Lord was with Joseph so
00:53 that he prospered and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. And when
00:59 his master saw that the Lord was with him and the Lord gave him success in
01:03 everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant.
01:09 Potiphar put him in charge of his household and he entrusted to his care
01:14 everything he owned. From the time he put him in charge of his household and all
01:19 that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of
01:25 Joseph. The blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the
01:32 house and in the field. I want to stop the reading of scripture right there and
01:36 I want to talk from this subject in our time together, family. This is not for me.
01:43 Somebody say it's not for me. Family, I feel safe in saying that if you have
01:55 spent any significant time in the context of Christian community, then you
02:03 sir, you ma'am are bilingual. You speak at least two languages. And for those of
02:14 you who may be wondering, pondering, pastor, what do you mean I only speak
02:18 English? Not if you've spent any significant time in Christian community
02:24 because if you have, you not only speak English, you also speak a language called
02:31 Christianese. There's some sayings, some phrases, some statements, some responses,
02:41 some reactions that only make sense if you've been in Christian community. And
02:47 one of these statements that is frequently floated from the lips of
02:52 those who speak Christianese is a statement that's given in response to a
02:57 question, "How are you doing?" When we receive that request, those of us who
03:06 speak Christianese from time to time respond by saying, "I'm blessed and highly
03:12 favored." Now to people who don't have a revelation about this declaration, it
03:17 sounds like some Christian colloquialism. It sounds like some religious rhetoric.
03:22 But for those of us who have a revelation of what this means, we are
03:27 simply expressing the fact that we know that we are benefactors and beneficiaries
03:34 of the unearned grace of God. Come on, am I making sense? This statement is not a
03:42 statement of arrogance. It's a statement of awareness. It is us reminding ourselves,
03:51 "Favor's on me." Did you hear what I just said? And this is a confidence that I
03:58 think is rooted in the reality of Scripture because all throughout
04:03 Scripture, no matter Old Testament, New Testament, no matter male, female,
04:07 regardless of the socioeconomic status, regardless of the age and era that they
04:12 lived in, you'll see this common thread interwoven throughout the fabric of all
04:17 of Scripture when it comes to God's people and they lived with, were blessed
04:20 with, they prospered because of something called favor. Yeah, we can't even open the
04:29 first book of the Bible, the book of beginnings, a book called Genesis, without
04:33 being exposed to this. We see it in Genesis 6 verse number 8. The Bible says
04:39 that Noah, that man who had prophetic insight to build an ark, the man who
04:43 believed it was going to rain before there was a cloud in the sky, the man who
04:47 took a prophetic word and did more than praise, he prepared. Did you hear what I
04:51 just said? Because your preparation is an indication regarding whether or not you
04:56 believe God's getting ready to blow you up. It's one thing for you to say, "God's
05:00 getting ready to bless me," but your preparation is an indication that you
05:04 believe he's getting ready to make it rain because if you believe he's getting
05:09 ready to make it rain, you build an ark. And people may call you weird, people may
05:14 call you arrogant, people may call you presumptive, but when it starts raining
05:18 they're gonna call you blessed. I don't know who this is for. Don't worry about
05:23 what they calling you now. When God gets through, they're gonna have to change
05:28 what they label in you. This man, Genesis 6 verse 8 says, "But Noah found what? Come on,
05:40 this 1230, he found what? He found favor in the eyes of God." Well, pastor, you can't
05:47 make a general statement for all people based off something that happened with
05:51 one person. That's exegetically irresponsible. How dare you take
05:57 something that happened with Noah and say it can happen with all of us? I'm not
06:01 done. Because if I move throughout the Old Testament, I run into one of the most
06:09 overlooked, underestimated, underrated sisters in all the scripture. Her name
06:19 was Esther. An entire book of the Bible is dedicated to her ministry and how God
06:29 used her to preserve and to save Israel from annihilation. And people don't want
06:37 to give her credit, people don't want to give her her just due, people don't want
06:42 to give her her shine, but Esther is single-handedly responsible for
06:48 overriding and overturning a plot and a plan by Haman to annihilate the Jews. She
06:56 was a smart sister, she was a strong sister, she was a savvy sister. I don't
07:02 know if y'all can handle this. She was a fine sister too. Because the text says,
07:09 "Now the king was attracted to Esther." Y'all not ready. See, away with this idea
07:17 that you got to be unattractive to be anointed. I need a sister to find another
07:22 sister to say, "I'm fine and I got favor." How about that? I got both of them. God
07:28 blessed me with both of them.
07:31 Pastor, that's vanity. No, it's value. That's the problem, you don't value
07:46 yourself and so whenever you run into anybody else that values themselves, you
07:52 call them vain when you really insecure.
08:17 Now the king was more attracted to Esther more than any of the other women
08:23 and she won his favor. Noah's not the only one, Esther's not the only one. There
08:35 was an individual in the Old Testament who was a king maker. See, everybody's
08:44 trying to be a kitten but God's called some of you to be a king maker. Come on
08:50 here. Those are people that are secure in their selves. Come on, they are
08:58 content in their own calling and they feel assigned to push other people
09:03 forward. Y'all not talking to me. Yeah, they don't think less of themselves
09:08 because they're less popular. They don't think less of themselves because they're
09:14 less prominent. They know that I got a king making anointing on me and that
09:20 kings don't operate in their kingship without me and everybody doesn't have to
09:25 know what I do, know who I am. You don't have to call my name but when I look at
09:30 the king, I can say to me and God, thank you for letting me be a part of that. I
09:35 did that. King maker. Everybody wants to be the king and God's called some people
09:48 to be king makers. I partner with you. I come along side you. I bring to you what
09:55 you don't have to optimize what God's given you and I've got the emotional
10:00 intelligence and the spiritual contentment not to think less of
10:06 me when I'm making more of you. Y'all not ready for this because scripturally,
10:15 king makers were greater in spiritual stature than the kings themselves. Y'all
10:22 not ready. Samuel was solid. Saul was a mess. Y'all not talking to me. Samuel was
10:35 solid. David was a mess.
10:38 But this king maker named Samuel, the Bible says he continued to grow in
10:49 stature and in favor with the Lord and with people. Wait a minute. He did it for
11:02 Noah, did it for Esther, did it for Samuel. I'm not done.
11:08 There's another dude named Daniel who is famous for surviving a lion's den. His
11:24 activity is an indication that if God doesn't keep you from it, he'll preserve
11:32 you in it. He didn't keep Daniel from going in the lion's den but he kept him
11:43 while he was in the lion's den and I want to know is there anybody objective
11:48 enough and honest enough to look back over your life and say is some stuff God
11:54 did not keep me from. Trouble was in my way. I had to cry sometime. Trouble in my
12:01 way. I had to cry sometime. Maybe that's for the 1030. I lay awake at night but
12:09 that's alright because Jesus, he will fix it.
12:16 After a while, when he doesn't keep me from it, he preserves me in it and is
12:26 there anybody in here that can testify? I don't look like what I'm going through,
12:32 not what I've been through. You don't know the stress I'm under. You don't know
12:37 the pressure I'm under. You don't know the uncertainty I'm facing and if I were
12:42 going through this three years ago, you wouldn't be able to recognize me but
12:48 somehow I realized now unto him that is able to keep me. You looking at a kept
12:55 man. You looking at a kept woman.
13:00 This Daniel, text says, I don't know if y'all ready for this 1230. Now God had
13:15 caused the official to show favor. Y'all missed it already. They missed it,
13:28 keys. Now God had caused, they missed it. Cory, God had caused the official to show
13:48 favor which means that the official wouldn't have been apt to show favor
13:55 without God's influence. It means God made him do what he normally wouldn't do
14:03 because he was trying to get something through to Daniel. I want to talk to some
14:09 people that have been overly glorifying your haters. You've been giving other
14:15 people too much credit when it comes to stopping and blocking you from what God
14:20 wants to do in your life. God knows how to cause people that would behave one
14:27 way to behave another way to get you to what he has for you. He caused the
14:37 officials to show favor. He did it for Noah. He did it for Esther. He did it for
14:44 Samuel. He did it for Daniel and in Luke 2 52 we see somebody else he did it for
14:50 and Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and with man. All
15:05 throughout the scriptures we see the presence of this spiritual asset called
15:11 favor and why does God seem to be consistently and regularly conveying the
15:18 presence of this asset to all of us? It's because he wants us to know that if I
15:23 put it on Noah and if I put it on Esther if I put it on Samuel if I put it on
15:30 Daniel and if I put it on Jesus I'm gonna put it on you. I need somebody that
15:36 receives that already to say it's on me. That's why I'm in my right mind. It's on
15:42 me. That's why I am where I am. It's on me. That's why I'm going where I'm going.
15:47 It's on me. What's on me? Favor. What is it pastor? It is unearned, uncommon,
15:55 unexplainable preferential treatment. It is unearned, uncommon, unexplainable
16:02 preferential treatment. It is unearned, uncommon, unexplainable preferential
16:09 treatment. When you wake up in the morning look at yourself in the mirror
16:13 and before you start your day say I got unearned, uncommon, unexplainable
16:21 preferential treatment. Before you go in the business meeting, before you step out
16:27 of the car say I got unearned, uncommon, unexplainable preferential treatment.
16:35 Before you go in the hospital say I got unearned, uncommon, unexplainable
16:42 preferential treatment and if he's giving me uncommon favor I'm gonna give
16:48 him uncommon praise. Excuse me for 33 seconds and let me praise him for favor.
16:57 (applause)
17:23 Pastor, Pasaderas, Pasaderas, if I have this then why are you telling me I have
17:31 this? If I have this won't I automatically experience it? Why do you
17:40 have to do a whole sermon on this if I have this? I mean if I have it why are
17:52 you talking about I mean I got it why do we need to do a teaching on it? It's
17:56 because, are y'all ready for this? Just because you have access to it doesn't
18:03 mean you're experiencing it. Pastor prove that to me. Okay, the Bible says in
18:14 Ephesians we are saved by grace. What is grace? Unmerited favor. We're saved by
18:25 grace through faith. Not of works lest any man should boast. So meaning God
18:31 takes the gift of salvation and he gives that gift to the whole world. Is that
18:39 true? But everybody doesn't access it.
18:46 Because the text says it's only access by those who believe it exists. So I have
18:57 to have faith to access the grace that's been made available to me. I can't even
19:04 be, come on now, salvation is a gift of grace but I can't even access it if I
19:09 don't have faith. So I need to have awareness of this so I can release faith
19:14 for this so I can access what has been spiritually deposited into my spiritual
19:20 bank account. Are you hearing what I'm saying? This is some of the stuff that we
19:28 cover in the in foundations 101 when we explain salvation. Most people think
19:34 salvation is a ticket to heaven and they don't even realize it's a benefit
19:39 package. And if the only thing you get is heaven, you live your whole life only
19:45 accessing one part of your benefit package. He didn't just pay for my ticket
19:51 to heaven, he paid for my peace. That's a part of my benefit package. He paid for
19:58 my joy. That's a part of my benefit package. He paid for my freedom. I don't
20:03 have to be bound to anything that was created because of my creator. That's a
20:08 part of my benefit package. But if I don't know it exists, I won't believe for
20:16 it. So we can have the same God, practice the same religion, and have two
20:21 different experiences. Because you get what you believe for. Y'all aren't
20:28 talking to me. If the only thing you believe for is heaven, then that's all
20:35 you get. But if you believe, he'll do exceedingly and abundantly above all you
20:41 ask or think. If you believe that he'll open doors that no man can shut and
20:46 close doors that no man can open. If you believe that he'll make the devil pay
20:52 you back seven times what he took for you. If you believe that your enemies
20:58 will come at you one way but flee seven ways. If you believe no weapon formed
21:03 against you shall prosper. So when people say things like this Christian thing not
21:14 working for me, I'm like, it's working for me. It's working just right for me. I love it.
21:20 I'm blessed and highly favored. I got more peace than I ever had. I got more
21:25 contentment than I ever had. So I'm teaching this. Did y'all hear what I
21:39 just said? I'm teaching this. See, we're getting ready to go. I'm teaching this
21:43 because we need awareness of this. You can't believe for what you're not aware
21:49 of. And this revelation changes the way you handle the vicissitudes of life. It
21:57 changes the way you handle adversity. Did you hear what I just said? When you know
22:03 you're favored, when the door is open for you, you say, "This the favor of God."
22:07 And then when the door closed for you, you say, "This the favor of God." And some
22:15 people are tripping out and they're spazzing out because they believe the
22:20 favor's in the door and they don't believe the favor's on them. So if it
22:26 open, that's the favor of God. If it close, that's the favor of God. It changes the
22:35 way you look at the vicissitudes of life. We're getting ready to go into this
22:42 building project with the cab. I've never ran into one that hadn't had some sort
22:47 of delay. Never. This is my fourth one. Fourth building. I've never run. But here's
22:55 always our confession. Every delay is working in my favor. I feel that thing
23:01 right there. I said every delay is working in my favor. Every setback is a
23:10 setup for what God's getting ready to do.
23:16 It changes the way you respond to adversity. Why? I have unearned. I don't
23:30 earn it. So I don't feel like I lost favor when I lost my way. Y'all not ready
23:36 for that? That shook your theological tree, didn't it? Yes. Yep. Because some of
23:40 because if you think it's tied to your behavior, then you cancel out the
23:44 unearned.
23:46 Come on. If you think you lose it when you lost your way, then you're missing
23:57 the unearned part. It's unearned. That's what makes it unexplainable.
24:09 Because people are like, "How you here?" You're like, "I don't know." They're like, "You
24:14 shouldn't be here." You're like, "You're right." But I am and watch me walk in it. I am.
24:21 Watch me enjoy it. I am. Watch me receive everything God's got for me.
24:38 It changes the way you respond to adversity. I'm wrapping up. And a
24:44 powerful picture of this is seen in a life of a gentleman named Joseph. We're
24:50 introduced to him in Genesis chapter 37. He's a man, a young man. We're
24:56 introduced to him at 17. He's a young man who has favor early on in his age. He's
25:05 got favor from his father and his brothers. He had brothers who saw this
25:11 favor from his father but who didn't like this favor from his father. And the
25:18 Bible says his father messed around, Genesis 7, 37, 3, and made him a coat, a
25:24 robe of many colors. And this took the brothers to another level. Because some
25:34 people can't handle when favor become visible. They don't mind you coming to
25:42 church and saying, "Blessed and highly favored." But when they able to lay eyes
25:46 on the favor that's manifested in your life, sometimes it evokes insecurity out
25:53 of them. So when I was doing all this talking about what God was going to do,
26:02 you didn't have no problem. Now that I'm actually walking in what God said he was
26:08 going to do, now you're surprised. So that let me know you didn't even believe me
26:13 when we were talking about it. You were nodding your head but doubting me the
26:18 whole time.
26:28 He puts on this coat and his brothers say, "You know what? We're gonna kill him." So
26:34 they get him away from home. They take the coat off of him. That's their problem.
26:39 They thought the results of favor was favor. All this coat is, is evidence of
26:47 misfavor. So you can take the coat but you can't take the thing that got me the
26:51 coat. You can take the job but you can't take the thing that got me the job. You
26:57 can take the man but you can't take the thing that got me. Favor is on me.
27:05 Yeah. They take his coat, kill the animal, dip the coat in blood, because they're
27:24 gonna go back to the father and say some wild beast devoured Joseph. And the truth
27:29 of the matter is they had plans to kill him but one of the brothers named Judas
27:33 say, "No, I see a little pit. Let's put him in that pit." And when they put him in that
27:37 pit, the Bible says as they're contemplating killing him, there's a
27:42 caravan of Ishmaelites. Everybody say Ishmaelites. Come on, say it again. Say
27:49 Ishmaelites. Now, now watch this. So coincidentally, let me show how favor
27:54 work, because he's in the pit, he probably don't feel like he got favor.
27:59 He's probably feeling like I lost my favor because the pit represents a low
28:07 place. But I need to let you know that favor will go.
28:15 You need to know favor will go low. That even when I'm in a low place, favor
28:25 knows how to descend with me and rest on me. Favor on me when I'm crying. Favor on
28:31 me when I'm sad. Favor's on me when I'm confused. Favor's on me when I'm heartbroken.
28:36 Favor's on me when I'm in a low place. Because the Bible says coincidentally, the
28:43 exact time that he's in the pit, this caravan of Ishmaelites just happened to
28:51 be passing by. This is about to shake your theological tree. Y'all ready? I said
28:56 you ready? Don't hold your amens. I only got six minutes. Are you ready? The
29:01 Ishmaelites are descendants of Ishmael.
29:09 Ishmael was the child Abraham had with Hagar. Ishmael represents Abraham's
29:20 mistake. But I'm gonna show you how favor will reach in your past. Y'all not ready?
29:31 Because if there were no Ishmael, there would be no Ishmaelites. If there were no
29:37 Ishmaelites, they would not have been coming in a caravan when Joseph was in
29:43 that pit. Because favor will make the mistakes of your past become
29:48 transportation to your future. God say the devil thought he was gonna use your
29:56 mistake to destroy you. He thought he was gonna use your mistake to detour you. But
30:03 I'm gonna use your mistake to transport you. I'm gonna let your mistake carry you.
30:10 Is there anybody here that's honest enough to say I wouldn't be where I am
30:15 right now if it were not for some of the mistakes I made?
30:31 I got five minutes. Can I go further? I want to show you the providence of God even in
30:40 the frailty of man. I'm not saying God caused the mistake. I'm not saying God
30:44 endorsed the mistake. I'm saying God used it.
30:49 He even used the timing of it. They missed it. He used it because if Ishmael wasn't born in
31:00 the time he was born, then the Ishmaelites wouldn't exist. So God says,
31:05 I know you're gonna make some dumb decisions. So what I'm gonna do is I'm
31:09 gonna strategically time your dumb decisions when you're in a season of
31:12 life where it won't destroy your destiny. He said, I'm gonna let you get all the
31:16 dumb stuff out before I bring you my best stuff. I'm gonna put my best blessing
31:21 on reserve, let you get your dumb season out your system, and then I'm gonna send
31:26 you what I got in store for you. And I want to tell somebody that's watching
31:35 this or that's in this room, you hadn't seen anything yet. God held all your best
31:42 stuff until you got yourself together. Now that you are wiser and stronger, he's
31:48 getting ready to do what your eyes hadn't seen, and your ears hadn't heard,
31:52 and your heart hadn't conceived. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
32:04 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for letting me get my dumb season out. Thank you,
32:11 Jesus, for keeping me in my silly season. Thank you, Jesus, for not destroying me
32:18 when I lost my mind. But I got two words for you now. I'm ready. I'm ready now. I'm
32:27 ready for the next level. I'm ready for overflow. I'm ready for favor. And when
32:34 you do it this time, I know how to handle it. When you do it this time, I know how
32:41 to keep it. I'm ready.
32:53 I got two minutes. That's it.
33:07 [applause]
33:31 They put this man, I'm done. I'm sorry. I grew up Baptist. It's in me. They carry
33:40 this man to Egypt. He starts working for a man named Potiphar. The favors on him,
33:50 God blesses, I'm done. He blesses Potiphar's house because Joseph's there.
33:57 So now he probably feels like favor got me out of the pit and this is what God
34:02 has for me. And God's like, "This ain't even it." I'm speaking to somebody. You
34:12 think you in Pharaoh's house, you in Potiphar's house. It's another level
34:17 coming. He becomes captain of the guard. He becomes attendant to captain of the
34:28 guard, Potiphar. And this is what happens with elevation, which is why everybody is
34:35 not ready for it. Because elevation give you options and it attracts all sorts of
34:45 things that you've got to be willing to turn away from.
34:51 Because when that man got elevated, now all of a sudden Potiphar's wife is
34:58 attracted to him. Because your elevation attracts all sorts of things and
35:06 everything it attracts isn't good for you. So the anchor of your integrity has
35:13 to be deep enough to see everything that elevation attracts and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."
35:27 He says, "I cannot," he says first, "How can I commit this great sin against God
35:33 and then my master?" He said, "I'm not gonna do God like that and I'm not gonna do
35:41 this man like that." And the text says she gets so assertive and so aggressive that
35:48 one day she grabs him. She grabs his coat. He comes out of the coat. Y'all missed it.
35:56 She grabbed the coat. She grabbed the coat. I don't have time to bother this, but
36:04 but uh remember his brothers took the coat.
36:11 And if she grabbed this coat, it mean God gave him another one.
36:17 Because favor get you another one.
36:24 I don't care what you lost, favor will get you another one. Favor will go fetch
36:35 another one. You may think another one's not even out there. Favor say, "I know
36:41 where another one is and I'm gonna go get another one and bring it to you."
36:47 And the wife goes to Potiphar and said, "This man tried to force himself on me."
37:03 And I used to think Potiphar believed her. Now I don't think he believed her. I
37:08 think he appeased her. Because if he believed her, he would have killed him.
37:14 But he just put him in prison with a butler and a baker. I'm gonna show you how
37:19 favor work. He's in prison with a butler and a baker and they start having dreams
37:29 and Joseph starts interpreting their dreams. Now when we first introduced to
37:35 Joseph, he dreaming dreams. Now he interpreting dreams. And he's
37:42 interpreting the dreams of people that can't help him. Because most people only
37:48 want to do stuff for people they think can help them. But this is where favor
37:53 works. Favor will manifest in God putting you in the proximity of certain people.
38:00 Not for what they already are, but for what they're getting ready to go. Now I
38:06 believe the Holy Ghost is about to set some of you free. The Holy Spirit is about to set
38:11 some of you free. Because some people's greatest mistake is they left you too
38:16 soon.
38:18 Oh it set me free. It set me free. It set me free. You left too soon, didn't you?
38:31 You left too soon.
38:34 He's in prison. Not for where they are before they're going. Because one of them
38:46 is going to get out of prison. He's going to serve Pharaoh. Pharaoh, who's the king,
38:51 is going to start having dreams. Then he's going to remember there was a man in
38:55 prison that interpreted my dream. And they call on Joseph and Joseph interprets
39:03 Pharaoh's dreams. He says, "Pharaoh, this is what you're dreaming. There's going to be
39:06 seven years where there's plenty of food and harvest and then there's going to be
39:09 seven years of famine. So this is what you need to do. I want you to see kingdom
39:13 work." He's not a preacher. He's not a preacher. He's a businessman about to do
39:23 kingdom work. Because he knows how to use his spiritual gift outside the church.
39:31 So all that prophetic insight, he used it outside the four walls of the church. He
39:38 said, "This is what's happening. Seven years of plenty, seven years of famine."
39:43 Now watch the use of the spiritual gift of wisdom. During the seven years of
39:47 plenty, when everybody else is spending, we're going to save. So that in the seven
39:52 years of famine, when they need food, they got to come to us. And what we're going to
39:56 do is we're going to sell them the food. So we're going to prosper during the
40:00 famine. And when they run out of cattle and currency, we're going to make them
40:05 sell us their land. So our empire will expand during the famine. That's the
40:10 spiritual gift of wisdom. So you see discernment and you see wisdom at work
40:16 outside the four walls of the church. So the Bible says that famine hits the land
40:24 and it just happens to hit the land his family's in. And they have to come to
40:28 Egypt for food. And Joseph is making his rounds and it just so happens
40:33 coincidentally. He's at the food distribution center. When some people walk
40:39 up, he look at, say, "Wait a minute. That looks like my brothers." So he's standing
40:48 there. He recognizes them. They don't recognize him because they look the same.
40:56 He look different because favor will glow you up a little bit.
41:07 So the Bible says they don't recognize him. So he's talking through an
41:11 interpreter because now he can speak Egyptian. He said, "I'm not going
41:16 back to that language. You got to come up."
41:19 "I'm not talking like that no more. Come up."
41:25 "I'm done." And the Bible says, listen to this family, it says that he reveals
41:34 himself through a series of events. And once they see it's him, they start making
41:38 up this story. He's like, "Nah, I only want to hear you making up this story because
41:45 you think I'm gonna do to you what you would do to me." He says, "You meant this
41:50 for evil, but God meant it for good." He literally said, "God sent me ahead of you.
41:56 You thought you were putting me in a pit. It was him sending me ahead of you so
42:02 that I could be here to save your life."
42:06 He said, "I realize I'm not here for me. This not for me."
42:24 And the favor that was on Joseph's life was not for him. Here's my one point. God
42:32 didn't say, "Your favor was for you."
42:38 Whatever platform you're on, it's not for you. You get to stand on it because he
42:48 trusts you with it. And I don't care—did you hear what I just said? It's not for
43:00 you. But the favor that's on you will get you through every pit, every prison. It'll
43:10 get you through Potiphar's house, and it'll get you to Pharaoh's. If you
43:16 realize and recognize, "It's not for me." I want to be such an asset for the
43:22 kingdom. Y'all nice. I want to be such an asset for the kingdom
43:29 where God's like, "I got to protect him." Not just to protect him, but I got to
43:33 protect kingdom interests. What God's getting ready to do in your life, I'm
43:44 telling you right now, what he's getting ready to do in your life is put you in
43:49 places. I know what I'm talking about because I know who I'm born for. I'm not
43:56 born—nothing against anybody else—I'm not born for regular. My anointing not for
44:02 regular. My anointing is for world changes. And where God is getting ready
44:10 to—are y'all receiving this? Where God is getting ready to put you is about to
44:20 blow your mind. You think you know because Joseph saw a dream, but it was
44:28 vague. But when he stepped into it, he was like, "I knew you were gonna do
44:33 something, God, but I didn't know you were gonna do this." I am telling you as
44:38 sure as my name is Darius Daniels. God is about to put some of you in places
44:48 where you will say, "God, I knew you were doing something. I didn't know you were
44:54 doing this." You are not in Pharaoh's house yet. Everything he's done to this
45:00 point is just Potiphar's house. This is just a pit stop where he's getting ready
45:07 to take you. It's where your eyes hadn't seen and your ears had hurt, but it's not
45:16 for you. It's for you to use what he's given you to do for others what Joseph
45:28 did for his brothers. I'm gonna do good with this. In Jesus' name, we're gonna
45:39 prepare to go.