• 2 years ago


00:00 [Music]
00:22 How to play golf.
00:24 Contrary to popular belief, golf is not a waste of time.
00:28 The transforming of city dumps, vacant lots and civic eyesores into beautiful greens and fairways more than justifies the existence of the game.
00:38 Out in the green open fields where a man can get away from it all.
00:43 [Music]
00:48 Happily, the golfer chooses his club.
00:51 The modern golfer comes standard equipped with a set of scientifically matched and balanced clubs.
00:58 A tee is used to support the ball.
01:01 The interlocking grip is extremely scientific.
01:04 The club is held loosely betwixt the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
01:08 Place the left hand palm open facing away, then slide the right hand below the left.
01:13 Now flex the thumb and close the palm while moving the index finger over the lower thumb.
01:17 Once this grip is mastered, the golfer is in a position to hit the ball, which is the object of the game.
01:24 [Music]
01:32 The interlocking grip gives the golfer a virtually unbreakable hold on the club.
01:36 [Music]
01:47 This is a divot caused by an incorrect swing.
01:50 [Golfer yelling]
01:52 [Music]
01:55 Now let us analyze the correct swing by reducing the figure to its simplest form.
02:00 [Music]
02:03 This diagrammatical figure clearly shows the symmetrical design created by the path of action.
02:08 Note how the golfer completes the stroke with an easy, graceful follow-through.
02:13 [Music]
02:21 This isn't as easy as it looks.
02:24 [Music]
02:32 Perfect form requires delicate coordination of the hands, feet, arms, legs, elbows, nose, and mind.
02:41 [Music]
02:44 And, oh yes, always remember, keep your eye on the ball.
02:49 [Golfer yelling]
02:52 [Music]
02:55 The putt is the simplest of all strokes.
02:58 The ball is simply hit from here to here.
03:02 However, better golfers leave nothing to chance.
03:05 They consider all the elements, wind velocity, humidity, rotation of the earth, time of day, temperature, drift indication, lay of the land, trajectory angle, longitude, latitude, and a bit of mental calculation.
03:22 [Music]
03:28 This routine completed, the putt can now be made with confidence.
03:33 [Music]
03:35 [Golfer yelling]
03:38 [Music]
03:40 Missing a putt is very aggravating.
03:43 [Music]
03:49 The approach shot, or chip to the pin.
03:52 [Golfer yelling]
03:54 [Music]
03:58 A ball incorrectly hit is known as a hook, slice, flub, dub, or something which causes the ball to curve in flight and usually results with the ball landing in the rough.
04:09 [Music]
04:16 The golden rule of golf is to play the ball where it lies.
04:22 The golfer is sometimes tempted to remove his ball to a slightly better position.
04:28 This is strictly forbidden.
04:31 Always play the ball where it lies.
04:34 [Golfers yelling]
04:40 Even in a sand trap, the golfer must obey that ironclad rule to play the ball where it lies.
04:48 This may prove a bit trying at times, but that is why golf is known as the character building game.
04:55 To lose one's temper on the golf links denotes a weakness of willpower.
05:00 [Music]
05:03 Golf develops a man's best qualities.
05:06 He learns restraint, poise, dignity, and self-reliance.
05:13 [Music]
05:23 [Golfers yelling]
05:28 Always play the ball where it lies.
05:31 [Music]
05:47 Playing the ball where it lies becomes an obsession.
05:51 [Music]
05:54 [Golf swing]
05:55 [Music]
06:22 [Music]
06:28 [Golf swing]
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06:49 [Golf swing]
06:50 [Music]
07:09 Having covered the course, we come at last to the 19th hole,
07:13 where we join our friends in the proverbial bull session that ends a perfect day of golf.
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