Depuis ses débuts à l'âge de 18 ans, la musicienne et activiste Joan Baez est sur scène depuis plus de 60 ans. Le film suit la chanteuse âgée de 82 ans lors de sa tournée d'adieu à travers l'Amérique et l'Europe. Baez dresse le bilan de sa vie avec sincerité, de son implication dans le mouvement des droits civiques, de son amitié avec Martin Luther King et de sa déchirante romance avec Bob Dylan. Elle partage non seulement ses succès, mais parle aussi ouvertement des aspects inconnus de sa vie et des démons intérieurs qui la tourmentent depuis sa jeunesse. Le film entrelace une mine d'archives inédites avec des discussions approfondies ainsi que des moments en coulisses de la tournée. Un hommage à une icône qui n'a jamais pleinement révélé la vérité sur sa vie, jusqu'à présent.
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00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:20 - I don't think anybody at a young age who gets famous has the
00:23 slightest idea that it will ever end. I've always said I wouldn't
00:28 want to do a farewell tour because people who say that always
00:30 come back. Maybe it would be nice to celebrate 55 years of it.
00:34 - Here she is, ma'am, Miss Joan Baez.
00:39 - I was the right voice at the right time.
00:40 It just shot me in another whole stratosphere.
00:43 - What does fame mean to you?
00:44 - What fame actually is, I don't really know because I don't
00:47 consider myself famous. I think there's a difference in being
00:49 well-known and being famous.
00:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:54 - If I could write my entire history, whether it has anything
00:57 to do with facts, nobody will ever know because we remember
01:00 what we want to remember.
01:01 - The panic attack stuff started early.
01:04 - And then the anxiety just heightened and heightened.
01:07 I walk out on the stage and they said, "Oh, she looks so
01:10 peaceful." Exactly the opposite of what was going on inside.
01:14 But I was aware that there were sorrows way greater than mine.
01:17 Nonviolent action was what I was born for.
01:20 I knew that I belonged there. And then Dylan's showing up.
01:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:29 - I was just there riding the wave with him.
01:31 I think Dylan broke my heart because it was so shattering.
01:35 That, I admit.
01:37 [laughs]
01:39 I was really addicted to the activism.
01:41 There was no way I could have been intimate.
01:43 I didn't know that yet.
01:44 I'm not very good at one-on-one relationships.
01:47 I'm great with one-on-two thousand.
01:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:58 - There will always be some regret no matter when I quit.
02:01 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:05 - Demons still come and go a little tiny bit,
02:08 but not the way they used to.
02:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:12 - Somebody asked me which decade did I like.
02:16 I said this one.
02:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:23 [Bruit de la porte qui s'ouvre]