• 2 years ago
In a parking lot close to the so-called "Steintor," a man by the name of Quisto who lives in a small village outside of Berlin, Germany, discovered a USB stick with an odd symbol engraved on it.

He later inserted the flash drive into his laptop and surprised himself by discovering a number of old photographs from the 1900s that showed what appeared to be planets, space, and UFOs.

Quisto, who claims to be unsure of the usb stick's owner, made the decision to post the 28 images on Imgur in the hopes that someone might be able to shed some light on them.

The most recent reports state that someone who does not want us to see these photos put pressure on Imgur to remove the photos. We may upload the entire collection of images to this website if the images do not resurface on Imgur.

Recently, pictures have appeared that depict videos rather than photos.

(Editor's Note:) This quite bizarre, there are so much we do not know. The only thing that comes to mind, assuming this video is legitimate, is that the images came from an early spacecraft. These were not supposed to be published to the general populace.
