• last year


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (coughing)
00:07 (grunting)
00:10 (horn honking)
00:14 (squeaking)
00:16 - Listen up, pussycat.
00:19 This here's my turf,
00:21 which means that this is my mouse.
00:25 So go on, get!
00:26 (upbeat music)
00:30 (upbeat music)
00:32 Tough guy, huh?
00:38 (upbeat music)
00:58 The mouse he ditched us, man.
01:00 Oh no you don't!
01:04 This is your fault, fool!
01:06 (upbeat music)
01:08 (belching)
01:12 (upbeat music)
01:15 (snoring)
01:25 (upbeat music)
01:29 (upbeat music)
01:32 Living large, eh mousey?
01:51 (upbeat music)
01:54 (upbeat music)
01:56 Adios, amigos!
02:02 (upbeat music)
02:06 (screaming)
02:12 (upbeat music)
02:18 Look out below!
02:22 (grunting)
02:24 (upbeat music)
02:27 Hold it, cat!
02:50 We gotta settle this man to man!
02:53 Like...
