• 2 years ago
One last exchange surrounded by family.


00:00 - Easy.
00:00 (groaning)
00:03 - It's okay, it's okay.
00:03 - We need help.
00:04 (groaning)
00:05 - Someone get the fucking help!
00:07 - I'll take care of it.
00:08 Royce, let's get bandages.
00:09 - Yes, Captain.
00:10 - Great bonnet to judge.
00:11 I'm definitely fucked.
00:13 - He's not even heavy.
00:14 - Stop, stop, stop it, stop.
00:15 Addy, just sit with me, Addy.
00:18 - I'm not gonna do that.
00:21 - Oh, Brad, I'm sorry.
00:25 I've been terrible to you.
00:30 - I'm sorry.
00:31 - No.
00:32 - What are you apologizing for?
00:34 I should be the one who's apologizing.
00:35 - I fed your darkness, Blackbeard.
00:40 For years I acted well,
00:44 even though I'd let it outgrown him,
00:47 but the truth is,
00:48 I needed him.
00:51 Blackbeard, he was awesome.
00:55 You obeyed.
00:59 - Look, you're good now, you're ready.
01:02 - Shh.
01:03 - No, no, no, it's just--
01:04 - Shh.
01:05 - You see, you can't go, you can't leave me.
01:09 - Oh, my God.
01:10 - Please, you're my only family.
01:14 - Oh, fuck off, you twat.
01:17 Addy's surrounded by family.
01:22 They love you, Ed.
01:27 - No.
01:27 (sobbing)
01:30 - Just be it.
01:31 - There is.
01:34 (sobbing)
01:37 I see.
01:40 ♪ That's all right, that's all right ♪
01:46 ♪ That's all right, that's all right ♪
01:51 ♪ Since my soul's gonna see a better kingdom ♪
01:56 ♪ That's all right ♪
01:58 ♪ My, my, my, my ♪
