• 2 years ago
Gasp! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be looking at the most moving, shocking, or all-around unexpected moments from animated shows. Expect a few major spoilers ahead.


00:00 You're right Jasper.
00:02 (laser sounds)
00:04 I have been holding back.
00:07 - Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we'll be looking
00:11 at the most moving, shocking, or all around unexpected
00:15 moments from animated shows.
00:17 Expect a few major spoilers ahead.
00:20 - Why'd you leave us Powerpuff Girls?
00:24 Why?
00:25 You weren't here to protect us.
00:29 You weren't here, it's your fault.
00:32 - Number 10, Arnold proves a point, the magic school bus.
00:38 During one of Miss Frizzo's field trips,
00:40 the class decides to journey over
00:42 to the chilly planet Pluto.
00:44 While there, Arnold's cousin Janet refuses to leave
00:47 without her moon rocks.
00:48 Frustrated, he decides to teach his family member
00:51 what'll happen if she stays on Pluto
00:53 by removing his helmet.
00:55 - Janet, you want proof?
00:57 I'll give you proof.
00:58 Here's proof of what'll happen to you
01:00 if you stay here with your stuff.
01:02 Arnold, no!
01:03 - Arnold's head is instantly encased in ice.
01:07 Fortunately, the class is quick to get him back to Earth
01:10 before it's too late.
01:11 Thankfully, all Arnold ended up with is a code,
01:15 and the kids are able to laugh this off pretty easily.
01:17 - If no one else believes me, that's their problem.
01:21 Right on!
01:22 - Way to go Janet.
01:23 - You said it, ah-choo!
01:25 - However, the audience has a much harder time
01:28 letting this moment go.
01:29 The thought of the fan-favorite Arnold dying in outer space
01:32 was terrifying.
01:34 Number nine, I Am An Imposter, The Simpsons.
01:37 Many agree that season nine of The Simpsons
01:40 marked the point where the show began to decline in quality.
01:43 The actual start of their fall is often blamed
01:46 on the Principal and the Popper episode.
01:48 For context, Principal Skinner,
01:50 who we've known since the show's very beginning,
01:53 announces that he's actually an imposter
01:55 named Armin Tamzerian.
01:56 - I'm an imposter.
01:59 That man is the real Seymour Skinner.
02:03 - The school professional took the name of a soldier
02:07 who was supposedly killed in Vietnam.
02:09 However, the real Skinner returned
02:11 and threw everything we know out the window.
02:14 But the town folks decided to keep calling Armin Skinner
02:17 and forget this whole episode ever happened.
02:19 It was effortless for them to forget.
02:21 However, the audience will always remember
02:24 how the show radically changed in continuity.
02:26 - I'm sorry, Seymour.
02:28 It's nice you're alive,
02:30 but you're just not what I'm looking for in a son.
02:33 I'm glad you understand.
02:35 - Number eight, Bye Bye, Stephanie, Thomas and Friends.
02:39 The season five episode, Stephanie Gets Lost,
02:41 starts off innocently enough.
02:43 After Stephanie, the blue belt engine,
02:45 helps out at the quarry for the day,
02:47 he starts heading home at night.
02:48 But on his way home, things take a grim turn.
02:52 - Mavis was right.
02:54 Suddenly, everything does look spooky.
02:57 - Stephanie loses his way in the fog
02:59 and winds up at the scrap yard.
03:01 Two diesel twins then abduct him
03:03 and bring him to the smelting shed
03:05 where he's to meet his demise.
03:07 Thankfully, Sir Topham Hatt arrives
03:09 to save Stephanie from certain doom.
03:11 This doesn't sound so bad on the surface,
03:14 but since Thomas and Friends
03:15 is usually a pretty lighthearted show,
03:17 seeing it shift into this frightening tone
03:19 all of a sudden definitely threw us off.
03:22 Getting scrapped is pretty final for an engine.
03:25 - There's no place like home.
03:26 - And that's exactly where you're going now.
03:30 - Number seven, Cartman's Special Chili, South Park.
03:33 Cartman had been desperate to get revenge
03:35 against an obnoxious ninth grader named Scott Tenorman.
03:38 The foul-mouthed kid planned his ultimate revenge
03:41 at a chili cook-off.
03:43 At first, it looks like Cartman's big plan
03:45 involved a pony attack.
03:47 But when they sit down to eat some chili,
03:49 the true scheme is revealed.
03:51 - What I did plan on, however,
03:52 was that my friend Stan and Kyle would betray me
03:54 and warn you that the Chili-Con carnival was a trap.
03:57 - Cartman actually had Scott's parents killed,
03:59 turned into ingredients,
04:00 and we'll give you three guesses
04:03 as to where those food materials ended up.
04:06 We all knew Cartman was diabolical,
04:08 but this was twisted even by his standards.
04:11 - Do you like it?
04:12 Do you like it, Scott?
04:14 I call it Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman Chili.
04:17 - By the end of the episode,
04:18 we understand why even Cartman's friends
04:21 were wary of him.
04:23 Number six, stabbed in the back, Amphibia.
04:26 In the season two finale of Amphibia,
04:28 Anne, Marcy, and the planters
04:30 are trying to escape from King Andrius and return home.
04:33 Everything seemed great when a portal was opened,
04:35 but before Marcy can leave,
04:37 she's suddenly impelled by Andrius' sword.
04:40 - I just want to--
04:41 (dramatic music)
04:44 - Now look what you've made me do.
04:49 We gasped as Anne watched her friend fall to the floor
04:52 while apologizing for getting her
04:54 into this mess in the first place.
04:56 The audience was just as shaken up
04:58 by how suddenly this cliffhanger occurred.
05:00 It was made even worse by how much Marcy's endured already.
05:04 Miraculously, she survives being mortally wounded.
05:07 While things still get rough for Marcy,
05:10 this was the most heart-stopping moment.
05:12 (dramatic music)
05:15 - Why, hello there.
05:19 - Number five, the titular duo dies, Rick and Morty.
05:23 In an infamous scene, Rick and Morty are innocently working
05:26 in the garage after averting a major crisis.
05:29 Suddenly, a new gizmo explodes and kills them instantly
05:33 in a very not safe for YouTube way.
05:35 We were still struggling to recover from our shock
05:38 when another Rick and Morty arrived.
05:39 It's revealed that this lively duo
05:42 was actually the pair we've been following
05:44 since the beginning.
05:45 - There's an infinite number of realities, Morty,
05:47 and in a few dozen of those,
05:48 I got lucky and turned everything back to normal.
05:50 - As the final twist, Rick announces they'll be taking
05:53 the place of their deceased counterparts
05:55 because he couldn't solve a global crisis.
05:57 If the experience was fast and traumatic for you,
06:00 think about how Morty felt.
06:01 He had to overcome those shocking events
06:04 and pretend like everything was normal
06:06 in front of alternate versions of his loved ones.
06:09 Number four, Zim's Harvest, Invader Zim.
06:12 Invader Zim's bizarre humor
06:14 definitely pushed the boundaries often,
06:16 but the most disturbing story turn came during Dark Harvest.
06:20 During this bleak story, the alien Zim needs
06:22 to pass himself off as a human.
06:24 He decides the best way to do so
06:27 is to get some terrestrial organs,
06:29 but instead of signing up for a donor list,
06:31 Zim decides to harvest organs from every kid in school.
06:35 He replaces their missing parts
06:36 with completely random objects.
06:38 The most terrifying aspect of this body horror nightmare
06:42 is that he gets away with it.
06:43 While Zim's deemed a normal human,
06:46 the victimized Dib is seen as abnormal.
06:49 - It's a human!
06:50 It's horrible!
06:52 - We're not sure how Nickelodeon got away
06:54 with airing this messed up episode.
06:57 Number three, The Future, The Powerpuff Girls.
07:00 The Powerpuff Girls were excited to be getting
07:03 a weekend away from the city of Townsville
07:05 and decided to celebrate with a race home,
07:07 but during their competition,
07:09 the heroes end up going a little too fast.
07:12 When they finally stop,
07:14 we witness a truly jaw-dropping setting.
07:16 It turns out the Powerpuff Girls flew into the future
07:19 where Townsville has become a hellish nightmare.
07:22 As they explore the town,
07:24 they meet twisted and broken versions
07:26 of their friends and family.
07:27 - But they never came.
07:30 Why wouldn't they come?
07:32 It doesn't make any sense.
07:35 And now it's too late!
07:38 - The city's also ruled by the villain, Him,
07:41 because the trio wasn't there.
07:43 Although the girls are able to go back in time,
07:45 the episode leaves us with a grim message.
07:48 If the girls take another break, their city might fall.
07:52 - Sorry, Professor, but we can't leave Townsville
07:55 even for one weekend.
07:57 - Can you imagine what would happen
07:59 if we weren't here to protect it?
08:00 - Number two, Steven Goes Too Far, Steven Universe Future.
08:05 Steven and the gem warrior Jasper
08:07 had a very long history of clashing
08:09 before they met in yet another ultimate battle of strength.
08:13 Normally, the half-human warrior
08:15 would try to end a confrontation peacefully.
08:17 But when Steven deals a heavy blow,
08:19 we smash cut to black
08:21 and then find him desperately running home,
08:23 clutching what remained of Jasper's core.
08:26 - Please, please let this work.
08:28 - Seeing the gentle hero shatter a gem,
08:31 something he swore to never do, shook us to our cores.
08:35 While Steven is miraculously able to save Jasper,
08:38 the damage was already done.
08:40 We now knew that even this kind hero
08:43 could lose control and do the unthinkable.
08:46 - I bow to your strength, my diamond.
08:51 No.
08:53 - Before we continue,
08:54 be sure to subscribe to our channel
08:56 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
08:59 You have the option to be notified for occasional videos
09:02 or all of them.
09:03 If you're on your phone,
09:04 make sure you go into your settings
09:05 and switch on notifications.
09:08 (upbeat music)
09:09 Number one, literally breathless, the legend of Korra.
09:13 We won't miss words here.
09:15 Hu Ting, the Earth Queen, was a royal pain.
09:18 That being said, how they chose to get rid of her
09:21 in the third season took our breath away.
09:23 Too soon?
09:24 You decide after you hear her final fate.
09:27 After the villainous Red Lotus faction
09:29 breaks into the Queen's throne room,
09:31 she tries to order them out.
09:33 But leader Zaheer wasn't having any of that.
09:35 - Maybe I forgot to mention something to you.
09:38 I don't believe in queens.
09:41 - He used his airbending skills
09:43 to remove all the oxygen from the royal's body.
09:46 The queen is then forced to suffer
09:47 an absolutely agonizing death.
09:50 Throughout the Avatar franchise,
09:52 there were more than a few shocking ends,
09:54 but the Earth's Queen's demise was so brutal
09:57 that we were left breathless.
09:59 - To your people, freedom is just as essential as air.
10:05 And without it, there is no life.
10:08 There is only darkness.
10:13 - Which cartoon moment left you at a loss for words?
10:16 Let us know in the comments down below.
10:18 - Let the good times roll.
10:21 - Did you enjoy this video?
10:22 Check out these other clips from WatchMojo
10:24 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
10:26 to be notified about our latest videos.
10:29 (upbeat music)
10:31 (upbeat music)
10:34 (upbeat music)
10:36 (upbeat music)
10:39 [MUSIC]
