• 2 years ago
00:00 This is for both you guys.
00:03 Just in regards to on the defensive side of the court,
00:07 Wesleyan got 16 offensive rebounds.
00:10 Was there a lot of discussion about just the effort defensively to get those
00:15 stops or what's kind of the thought process for you guys with how that happened?
00:19 >> Yeah, there was a lot of talk on it.
00:29 Yeah, there was a lot of talk about it, but talk can only get you so far.
00:32 We gotta actually go out there and execute it.
00:34 So it's just something that we gotta go back to the drawing board and
00:37 work on in practice.
00:38 We gotta really emphasize that.
00:44 >> Sky, you were the leading scorer with 24 tonight.
00:49 So how much pressure does that put on you offensively to just be the leader out
00:53 there?
00:55 >> I think the whole team, we got a lot of great looks.
00:59 A lot of shots weren't falling.
01:02 There was a lot of shots that were in and out, but
01:06 I was just trying to do whatever I could to help my team win.
01:10 But like I said, I think overall, we got a lot of great looks tonight.
01:14 They just wasn't falling.
01:18 >> Yeah.
01:18 >> You guys are the bigger, more athletic, talented team,
01:22 and yet you got out-rebounded by 13.
01:25 How do you explain that?
01:26 >> Like I said, it's just something we gotta go back and
01:30 practice and really put an emphasis on.
01:32 It's just, it starts with practice.
01:33 >> Jake?
01:35 >> I would agree, just being out of position.
01:38 Or a lot were long rebounds, since they were shooting a lot of threes.
01:43 And just fighting for it.
01:45 I feel like they were diving for them.
01:46 They were getting loose balls, and we just weren't getting them.
01:54 >> Just for both you guys, how do you make sure a loss like
02:00 this doesn't carry over into the regular season?
02:05 Make sure everybody's on the same track to have a successful season this year?
02:09 >> It doesn't count, thankfully.
02:12 And now it's good to get hit in the mouth early.
02:17 So now we know what it is.
02:19 We got a lot of freshmen, a lot of guys with not as much experience.
02:23 So now they know what it is.
02:25 And we know what we need to work on and improve on.
02:28 I feel like we guarded pretty well.
02:31 I just feel like offensively, we didn't share the ball.
02:34 And then we gotta get those loose balls.
02:36 >> Yeah, like JJ said, luckily it doesn't count.
02:41 But it's just something that, go back to the drawing board,
02:44 pull up the clips on film.
02:46 And just something that we really gotta harp on in practice.
02:48 And just the effort we've been giving in practice, we gotta go even harder now.
02:59 >> JJ, in the second half, Tyler Drogolane got you a nice dump off for a dunk.
03:05 What do you think you guys need to do to get maybe more efficiency in the post?
03:09 Coach Payne talked about the fact that he preaches paint touches.
03:12 And that's something that I didn't see a lot of today.
03:14 What needs to happen for that to happen more consistently?
03:16 >> Definitely our screening.
03:20 I feel like I got a good angle on that screen and
03:22 it opened up Tyler to get it down.
03:25 But the way they were playing the screens, they were so under.
03:29 So they were kinda forcing us to shoot.
03:32 And if we get a good angle, get that good, make the guard go over,
03:37 then our guard can attack the big and then open things up.
03:41 So I say, we just gotta work on getting those good screens and
03:45 then being ready when the guard delivers the pass.
03:52 >> Anything else for this team?
03:54 Thank you.
