• il y a 2 ans


00:00 [Music]
00:16 Being poor because one lacks financial means to afford basic needs is not a fatality.
00:22 Even as experts say, 40% of Cameroonians are considered as living under the poverty threshold.
00:29 Government is in earnest through the National Development Strategy Vision 2030 to better the living conditions of Cameroonians.
00:37 All have been put in place to ensure a hitch-free special recruitment exercise into the Rapid Intervention Battalion and the Presidential Guard.
00:45 The exercise for this year begins tomorrow Sunday, and the National Recruitment Commission organized a workshop in Yaoundé today to that effect.
00:54 And persons of short stature are being put on the spotlight as the international community prepares to celebrate them on October 25, 2023.
01:03 A friendly football encounter has taken place today in Yaoundé between U.S. Embassy staff and members of the National Association of Persons with Little Height as an activity to mark the day in Cameroon.
01:16 These are our top stories of the 7.30 news this evening. Hello and welcome. I am Freddie Eta-Bissong.
01:25 40% of Cameroonians are said to be unable to afford feeding, health care, education and other basic necessities because of the lack of financial means.
01:37 Experts say there are also other forms of poverty like moral and social poverty which affect quite a number of Cameroonians which they define as a lack of self-confidence,
01:49 living in constant fear of venturing into new things and being defeated morally without even trying. Rahanatu Salih tells us more.
02:00 Poverty is like two sides of a coin with different faces. We have two types of poverty. We have multidimensional poverty and monetary poverty.
02:11 The first one is the poverty that can include social poverty, is lack of capacity to satisfy an elementary need.
02:23 On one side, it has to do with the inability to make cash and meet basic needs. 40% of Cameroonians are not able to correctly eat per day, dress correctly, have a social life.
02:40 But then it can also metamorphose into social and moral poverty, that is, living in constant fear that things may never work out, being defeated without even trying.
02:51 It all stems from the lack of self-confidence. Social and moral poverty can be identified by lack of capacity of people to be available and to be ready to make out financial poverty and material poverty.
03:10 Inasmuch as experts opine that the lack of money to make ends meet can be eradicated through a solid economic policy,
03:17 they add that to outgrow the mindset of being socially and morally poor, people need to stop living in the captivity of their negativity.
03:27 Meanwhile, the Government of Cameroon through the National Development Strategy, NDS 30, has outlined a series of programs and projects aimed at improving on the living conditions of Cameroonians.
03:40 One of such programs is the Adaptive Safety Net and Economic Inclusion Project, which takes over the safety net program said to have provided direct financial assistance to some 380,000 households living in abject poverty in the 10 regions of Cameroon.
03:59 Cynthia Saptala with details of that report.
04:02 The fight against poverty experienced by some households in destitute is one of the main objectives of the National Development Strategy for the year 2030.
04:15 There are many programs and projects to fight poverty that are being implemented by the government and by the donors.
04:25 In its poverty reduction scheme, there are partners like the Social Safety Nets Project, financed by the World Bank, that has been able to support 2 million plus Cameroonians with direct financial assistance.
04:40 Between 2012 and 2022, the Safety Net Project helped around 380,000 households in the 10 regions and within 170 councils.
04:58 Today we converted into the Adaptive Safety Net and Economic Inclusion Project. The objective for the next five years is to cover the country's 360 councils, address youth unemployment and the plights of internally displaced persons.
05:14 The Ministry of Economy also negotiated a new funding from the World Bank to continue the activity of the Safety Net Project.
05:24 Efforts that have helped certain homes to survive poverty.
05:29 They helped me with the sum of 370,000 CFA francs some five years ago. After every two months, we were given 20,000 francs and after six months, 80,000 francs.
05:43 With the money, I was able to open my hair salon and buy a plot of land in the village.
05:49 The strides have been lauded by independent economic observers. They add that the transfer of financial resources to regional councils could go a long way to helping households, particularly in the rural areas.
06:05 In the Northwest region, people living in Tuba subdivision who do not have access to decent housing, feeding and social facilities like hospitals and schools have been offered financial assistance from the government-sponsored scheme known as the Safety Net Project.
06:22 The recipients received a total amount estimated at 35 million CFA francs for a period of one year. Kilo Valerine Sala reports from Tuba in the Northwest region.
06:34 Amidst the current armed conflict, they've been subjected to poverty, which means basic facilities have been hard to acquire.
06:44 I lost my business during the crisis. I was internally displaced and I took the money and then I kept pigs, I kept chickens and then from there I was taking money and then started the petty trading again. I'm still doing it.
06:58 Municipal authorities in Tuba blame insecurity for their current state of misery.
07:04 Our farms were all abandoned. Our animals were taken away from the bushes by the fighters. This program came in and those that were smart are able to have two, three cows now thanks to this project.
07:18 Safety Net officials indicate that within a year, about 1,000 beneficiaries in Tuba have been assisted with 180 million CFA francs.
07:30 As for the criteria of selection, it has to do with the internally displaced persons, those who are vulnerable, nowhere to sleep, no food, access to social facilities.
07:40 Safety Net statistics show that since the scheme was instituted in the region in 2012, about 35,000 people have been offered assistance worth 5 billion CFA francs.
07:53 Away from a dossier on poverty, we come back to the central region where women in Ngila and Twi subdivisions are bent on ensuring that their farm produce gets to international markets so that they too can reap the benefits of the African continental free trade area.
08:11 But for this to happen, they need farm to market routes. Their desire was echoed during the celebration of the 28th edition of the World Rural Women's Day chaired by the Minister of Women's Empowerment and the Family, Professor Marie-Thérèse Abénondwa.
08:28 Yoti Kalelisonge has details of that report.
08:31 An old stamping ground for some, a new terrain for others, eager to discover the soil's potential in Ngila.
08:42 Cassava for food transformation sits on two and a half hectares, where the harvest is plenty.
08:50 Traditional food processing methods are employed.
08:55 Not only in Bobolo, they are making fufu, gari. We are hoping that there will come a time where the transformation will reach a level where it will be possible to export.
09:08 Slekaf, it's a wide market that is open now, so we are hoping that these women will receive proper training to get into that market.
09:17 Getting either the produce or agricultural commodities to market is not quite evident for the over 20 women working the land.
09:26 To transport cocoa is expensive. To dry it, we need big mats that cost close to 450,000 francs. If we have a tractor to till the soil, it will increase our output.
09:38 The celebration of the World Rural Women's Day in Cameroon is an occasion to showcase their capabilities.
09:47 With gifts like these, they are also encouraged to keep nourishing the population, as 85% of what Cameroonians consume is thanks to the input of farm ladies.
09:59 In other news, 19,852 young Cameroonians registered for the 2,000 open places for the Special Rapid Intervention Battalion B and the Presidential Guard recruitment for the year 2023.
10:15 A day to kick off the recruitment exercise expected to begin this Sunday in the south region, the National Recruitment Commission held a workshop in Yaounde today to ensure a hitch-free recruitment exercise in the 10 regions of the country.
10:30 Ewanepole reports.
10:33 What awaits candidates for the special recruitment of 2,000 commandos for the Rapid Intervention Battalion B and the Presidential Guard will comprise of cross-country race, walking, in-depth medical tests and many others.
10:50 Those who are called upon to lead these operations held their last briefing before heading to Ebolawa, the first stage of the recruitment exercise this Sunday, which will mark the start of a 40-day journey across the 10 regions of the country.
11:07 During the workshop in Yaounde, each member of the sub-committees of the National Recruitment Commission were called to exercise professionalism and patriotism.
11:17 From coordination to logistics, including health, physical tests, management control, finances and feeding, the different roles were clarified.
11:29 The high command of the armed forces have reiterated their commitment not to tolerate any malpractices such as corruption and misbehavior by military officials on the field.
11:42 19,852 young Cameroonians have registered for the 2,000 open places for the Special Rapid Intervention Battalion and Presidential Guard recruitment for the year 2023.
11:59 In the meantime, the National Gendarmerie Special Unit in charge of criminal research and investigations has arrested six individuals with over 20 stolen Toyota vehicles after an anonymous tip-off.
12:13 The suspects have been taken into custody as investigations continue.
12:18 To complete that story, we have details from Gladys Asu.
12:25 They have been operating for months now before falling into the dragnet of the National Gendarmerie Special Unit for Criminal Research and Investigation.
12:34 This group of six suspected carjackers will now face the law after stealing over 20 vehicles and other car parts thanks to an anonymous tip-off.
12:43 We were able to dismantle this gang through an anonymous denunciation.
12:53 After the denunciations, we carried out various investigations by exploiting the various traces that he was able to give us.
13:04 From there, we arrested a number of people who showed us different car parts where they kept their vehicles.
13:13 It is believed that the suspects were able to carry out their criminal acts using different strategies and weapons.
13:20 They were able to steal fake keys and other items that they used to steal these cars with.
13:30 They had to change and transform the cars and they put the cars into the market and other people were able to buy them.
13:37 According to the forces of the National Gendarmerie, investigations continue as they strive to curb the rate at which car theft has been executed in both the political and economic capitals of the country.
13:50 You are watching News on CRTV broadcast live from its production center at Mbalatu in Yawundi.
13:57 We go over to the literal now where financing the second program of the integrative projects in the Semak zone is at the center of a visit of a delegation of Semak economic and financial reform program in the Scandinavia.
14:12 The delegation led by the president of the steering committee of PrevSemak is there to search for funding for the 13th new integrative projects decided by the heads of state of the subregion on March 17 during their 15th conference.
14:27 More with scholar Maloke.
14:30 The Norwegian expedition led by Jean-Baptiste Ondaye, president of the PrevSemak steering committee, who doubles as Congolese Minister of Finance, is part of the overall strategy to mobilize financing initiated by the subregion since the decision of the heads of Semak states to launch the second program of the integrative projects.
14:53 We focus very narrowly on the oil and gas industry and we focus on quick fix problems that can again reduce methane emissions at a low cost way and achieve the rapid reductions that other projects can't.
15:11 While in Oslo, Norway, the Semak delegation have been discussing with employers, investment banks and heads of multinational companies who have expressed their interest in the economic potentials of Central Africa.
15:25 We focus on four sectors, so that's renewable energy, it's financial institutions, so that could typically be a loan or equity to banks. It's scalable enterprises, so that comprises of all the business manufacturing.
15:38 In the wake of the innovative fund mechanisms, the subregion intends to organize a roundtable at the end of November with donors and private investors.
15:47 A total of 5,794.297 billion francs CFA is needed to fund the 30 new integrating projects.
15:59 Cameroonian-born Dr. Richard Munang is the new head of global environment monitoring systems of the United Nations Environment Program. The appointment comes after his record in the contributions in addressing pressing issues like climate change and the protection of biodiversity as Africa's climate change coordinator.
16:20 Sophia Afo-Pangea with details of the report.
16:26 From being United Nations Environmental Program's African Climate Change Coordinator to heading the global environmental monitoring systems to combat climate change and ensure economic growth, Dr. Richard Munang considers this a blessing.
16:41 His crucial role marks a significant chapter in my relentless journey to meld scientific insights with real-world solutions, tackling the world's pressing environmental challenges. This appointment is a testament to a journey of dedication.
16:55 Cameroonian by nationality and the first to hold this position, he looks forward to advancing the global environmental agenda.
17:02 With his entrance into UNEP in 2009 as Projects Manager, Dr. Richard Munang has handled many high-priority projects, including the climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and waste.
17:24 With his entrance into UNEP in 2009 as Projects Manager, Dr. Richard Munang has handled many high-profile positions and spearheaded numerous works to help the African society. Dr. Munang is also the current winner of the 2023 Young Nottingham Alumni Awards for exceptional excellence.
17:45 In more news, the Welisani Foundation, alongside the Cameroon Radio Television Corporation, as well as other partner organizations, have raised awareness on breast cancer through a sport walk at the Yaoundé Parkour Vita today.
18:01 It was revealed on the occasion that breast cancer is one of the principal causes of death among women nowadays and there is a pressing need to develop new and effective anti-cancer agents with physical exercise being one of the cheapest. Liris Naneh Epote reports.
18:21 It starts with physical exercise. So, the appointment is fully heeded by these women of the Welisani Foundation and concerned sister associations, including women of the Cameroon Radio and Television Corporation, CRTV. This is equally to raise awareness on needs for preventive health care.
18:42 The objective of this breast cancer awareness walk is first of all to raise awareness, greater awareness about breast cancer. You know, one in eight women are going to be diagnosed with breast cancer in the course of their lifetime. We are here to show support to those who are battling with this disease, light a candle for those who have passed away from breast cancer.
19:02 Breast cancer is not limited to women. Men, though on a lesser extent, are equally at risk. Thus, the campaign remains inclusive. So, we are here to let the population know that there is breast cancer and it's not only women who are concerned. Breast cancer affects both men and women. So, if you notice a change in your breast in any way, please rush to the hospital because breast cancer is very, very fatal.
19:29 Besides the sport walk from Pakovita to the hills of Mount Febe, screening of the breast cancer and other educative talks marks the event in Yaoundé.
19:40 A delegation of officials from the Ministry of Arts and Culture on mission in Germany to reclaim over 40,000 artifacts wrongfully taken from Cameroon and now found in about 45 museums in Germany was in Bremen, a major cultural hub, after their fruitful stopover in the capital city, Berlin.
20:02 Discussions with museum officials in Bremen have laid the groundwork for the return back home of the stolen treasures. Beatrice Losamba reports.
20:12 Bremen, a major cultural hub in Germany, is home to dozens of historical galleries and museums. This northern German city is miles away from Cameroon, yet has conserved a fine part of the country's cultural heritage.
20:30 These artifacts come from Tibati in the Adamawa region and have been located at the Ubeze Museum, the largest in Bremen. 130 pieces of art from Tibati chiefdom illegally shipped to Germany.
20:45 Their arrival here dates back to colonial times when German colonizers raided villages in Cameroon, wrongfully taking away their heritage. And this is not all. A lot more treasures from Cameroon sit in this museum, some of them acquired from highly sacred places.
21:02 The owners sometimes lost their lives fighting to stop German raiders. The Cameroonian delegation from the Ministry of Arts and Culture is accompanied by some members of the civil society to Bremen to negotiate bringing these stolen treasures back home.
21:18 The media team are receptive museum officials and heritage workers, which would lay the groundwork for the return of these long-lost artifacts.
21:27 We now talk ICT and it is youths in Cameroon who have been urged to use ICTs in creating jobs and contributing to the growth of the country.
21:37 The call was made today in Yaoundé by the moderator of the Digital Week, resident representative of the African Institute of Computer Sciences, Armand Clodobanda, during a press conference. Details with Victor Siga.
21:51 Encouraging more youth into digitalization as a solution to challenges of today like unemployment has been one of the main exchanges during the Digital Week.
22:03 Young Cameroonians were drilled in this light by the resident representative of the African Institute of Computer Sciences and moderator of the Digital Week, Armand Clodobanda.
22:15 It is very important for youth. The impact of technology in the life of youth must be positive and youth must avoid the negative side.
22:31 In the presence of some state dignitaries, different panelists and experts seized the opportunity to discuss ways of fighting cybercriminality and the responsible use of ICT.
22:45 Our book of the week is the Psychopedagogic Component Revitalization of Education in Cameroon by a seasoned pedagogue and psychologist, Kenneth Chehambé.
22:57 The book presents a diagnosis of Cameroon's educational system and makes some concrete proposals for the redemption of the sector. Isaac Ngongpom has details.
23:07 The Psychopedagogic Component Revitalization of Education in Cameroon is a stitching time for the salvation of the country's educational sector.
23:18 The Cameroonian educational sector has been facing a lot of problems after the complete education because there is no placement upon graduation.
23:28 In 16 chapters spread across 267 pages, the author has a peculiar message for every stakeholder.
23:36 Education inspectors, schools, the government, the whole education sector in Cameroon, the background of education, the corporate punishment, professionalization, the project approach, and we have a tool for all learners and leadership and responsibility.
24:02 They are a make-up of 16 chapters. He insists the objective is not just to denounce what is faulty but point out what could work.
24:10 Everybody should acquire this book because it will be very useful in classroom, out of the classroom, and on the field.
24:16 The new education target is based on technology, what you call information technology, project approach, and we also have vocational training, which is very important.
24:29 Developing country like Cameroon because the land is still virgin.
24:33 51-year-old Kenneth Che Ambe hears from Mankong, Mesam Division of the Northwest Region.
24:40 With a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's in education from the University of Yaounde-1, he is a psychologist and a pedagogue with a rich writing career married with kids.
24:52 We now talk about persons of small stature and Dwarfism Day, a day kept aside to raise awareness on the condition of persons of short stature and challenge barriers will be celebrated on October 25, 2023.
25:09 As part of activities to mark the day in Cameroon, the U.S. Embassy staff has played a friendly football encounter against members of the National Association of Persons with Little Height.
25:22 It was played under the watchful eyes of the Chargé d'Affaires at the American Embassy.
25:27 Mary Dashback details with Victor Seager.
25:31 Songs of togetherness and social inclusion, sung by the striking eagles of the U.S. Embassy and persons of little height of Cameroon to mark the Dwarfism Awareness Day.
25:44 They are using the encounter as a unifying factor to echo their rights and challenges.
25:50 The month of October is the green month, the month considered for the little height persons.
25:55 We use the month to do different activities, which we included this day for the sports.
25:59 This proves that little height persons can equally have a place in the domain of sport.
26:05 The National Association of Persons with Little Height beats the striking eagles of U.S. Embassy, five goals to three.
26:12 I think it's important for people to understand the importance of social inclusion for people of little height that they're capable of doing everything that others are doing.
26:23 Activities end on the 25th of October with focus on sensitizing the public on their daily social and physical barriers that can stand in the way of choices and opportunities.
26:36 Very interesting there.
26:39 Newly graduated sports instructors from the National Institute of Youth and Sports are ready to put to practice what they studied.
26:48 They took the engagement during their graduation ceremony in Yauni, attended by the board chair of the institution, Adam Garwa, among other personalities.
26:59 Romion Kenyi reports.
27:01 Three years of training and they graduate as ambitious sports trainers.
27:11 They are 173 youth and action counselors, assistant sports and physical education teachers, plus sports and physical education tutors.
27:21 Our laureates were very serious during their training.
27:26 They show us today that what they learn here will be very useful for them in the field.
27:34 So we are very satisfied.
27:36 During their studies at the National Institute of Youth and Sports INGS, they were also drilled on values of sportsmanship, which they will have to enlighten aspiring athletes.
27:45 The job of youth and action counselor is a very good job and the school, that is an excellent school, is doing all its effort to train people very well so that once in the field, they will be able to develop and recreate people more and more.
28:01 Via this event, the National Institute of Youth and Sports is re-echoing its determination to continue impacting the sports environment in Cameroon positively with the quality of training offered by the institution.
28:13 We now talk culture with the African Film Festival, Ekran Nwa, which draws its curtains tonight in the nation's capital, Yaoundé.
28:24 For 10 days, the film enterprise has been marked with a series of activities, most especially films selected for this year's competition, which were screened in front of a competent jury.
28:35 While waiting for the results of who will be the winners for the 27th edition of the Ekran Nwa Festival, let's now hook up with our reporter, Juliana Befolo, to paint us the ambience at the festival grounds.
28:49 Hello, Juliana.
28:52 Hello, Freddie Eta Bisson. Good evening. Like we earlier on said, it is the closing ceremony of the Grand African Film Festival, Ekran Nwa.
29:08 And for 10 days, activities marking the cinematographic world has graced the scene in Cameroon. And tonight, we would like to know who are going to be blessed to be the winners.
29:21 And about 60 films, I mean to say, have been in today's competition. And about 15 prizes will be handed to laureates this night.
29:31 And the biggest of all is the Grand Prix Ekran Nwa. Equally, there will be a tribute to the eldest of African cinematographers. He is known as Ousmane Sembène.
29:43 And I also would like to remind you that the different categories in competition for the 27th edition of Ekran Nwa include short films, long films, web series, series, fiction, and documentaries.
29:58 Reporting live from the Yaoundé Congress Hall, I am Juliana Befolo.
30:03 Thank you very much, Juliana. And it is with that report that we conclude the 7.30 news tonight.
30:10 Nicole Doudou shall be here at 8.30 with more news in French. And there shall equally be a bilingual edition at midnight.
30:19 Thank you for watching News on CRTV. We shall be back with more tomorrow. We wish you a splendid weekend as you enjoy.
30:29 (Music)