• il y a 2 ans


00:00 Flash !
00:02 ChatJPT a sorti une nouvelle feature
00:06 Ouh ça connecte !
00:08 Houhou !
00:10 Hi, what's up ?
00:17 Hello, I'm here to help you with any questions or chat you'd like to have.
00:22 What's on your mind today ?
00:24 Practice Japanese.
00:26 Great ! Learning Japanese can be a rewarding experience.
00:30 How would you like to practice today ?
00:32 Do you have specific questions or topics you'd like to explore ?
00:36 I want you to give me sentences in Japanese
00:40 and I want to try to translate them
00:43 and you tell me if my translation is true or not.
00:47 Sure, I can help with that.
00:49 I'll provide you with some sentences in Japanese
00:53 and you will try to translate them.
00:55 Just let me know when you're ready for the first one.
00:58 Alright, I'm ready.
01:00 Great !
01:02 Here's the first sentence.
01:04 Konnichiwa, genki desu ka ?
01:06 Please go ahead and translate it and I'll let you know if it's correct.
01:09 Yeah, I know that one. It means "Hello, are you good ?"
01:14 That's correct.
01:16 Well done.
01:17 Konnichiwa, genki desu ka ?
01:19 Translates to "Hello, are you good ?" in English.
01:22 Let's try another one, onegaishimasu.
01:24 Please, it's a polite form.
01:26 You're on the right track.
01:28 Onegaishimasu does mean "please" in Japanese
01:31 and it's often used in polite requests.
01:34 Thank you for watching !
