• 2 years ago
Billions 7x11 Season 7 Episode 11 Trailer - Axe Global - Episode 711


00:00 You should have told me you were coming.
00:01 Don't get too excited.
00:03 Let me tell you how I spent yesterday.
00:04 Well, then you should know what I did yesterday, Mike.
00:06 We meet Nancy Dunlop.
00:09 Winner over, Dunlop turns her organization over to us.
00:12 We have to set it up so she does what we want.
00:14 What can you really offer me?
00:16 He knows we want to hurt him.
00:17 Hurt? No. Annihilate.
00:19 Boom.
00:20 You think I'm stopping there? You don't know me.
00:22 Oh, I know you. I watch close.
00:24 (((NO-SYSTEMS)))
