• 2 years ago


00:00 The contract brings us much closer to the implementation of the investment we want to have completed in 2030.
00:10 It is a milestone for the success of the year 2030.
00:16 The performance study that has been prepared
00:21 gives clear indications that this investment is technologically feasible to be implemented and has economic grounds for it to be implemented.
00:33 It is a very good area for the top-of-the-line power plant to be located here.
00:39 17 households located in the Młoty village, which will unfortunately have to be in the lower reservoir where the residents live,
00:49 will be in the lower reservoir.
00:52 We will start consulting next week.
00:55 We are launching an information office here, where we will be able to meet with the residents,
01:00 where we will also arrange meetings with the relevant experts,
01:05 so that we can carry out this investment without any conflicts to the final investment decision.
01:13 Today, we are conducting inventorying to prepare a document this year in the form of assumptions for the study of the environmental decision.
01:25 A week ago, we submitted a proposal to issue technical conditions for joining the PES.
01:31 So, the work is ongoing and we want to announce a tender for the General Investor of the year.
01:40 Over the last four years, over 16.5 GW of renewable energy has arrived in the Polish energy system.
01:48 Mainly photovoltaics, but also wind sources, others that are not stable.
01:53 They depend on weather conditions.
01:55 And when we have excess energy, for example, on a very sunny day, so-called energy peaks in the system are shooting,
02:02 we are not able to manage this energy in this time.
02:06 Therefore, it must be stored.
02:10 Power plants around the world are used to manage and store excess energy in the form of water level,
02:18 which is pumped into the upper reservoir of the power plant.
02:22 When there is a lot of cheap energy, because it is excess on the market and has a low price,
02:28 then we can mechanically store this energy in the form of water as a water column,
02:35 which is stored in the upper reservoir,
02:38 and it will be used in a situation when we have a shortage of energy in the system.
02:44 Evening hours come, the sun sets, we come back from work,
02:49 everyone turns on the TV, home appliances, laundry, vacuuming, etc.
02:54 And in the whole country there is a peak of energy collection in household.
02:59 Mainly it is in the range between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
03:02 And then, when there are no longer such weather conditions that allow the production of energy from the OZE,
03:08 you can run a power plant in just a few minutes, a very short time.
03:14 In 5-10 minutes, we are able to provide the audience with huge power, even 1 gigawatt.
03:22 Because this power plant in Bystrica-Kłodzka, the Młoty power plant,
03:26 will be one of the largest in the country.
03:28 Over 1 gigawatt, or 1000 megawatts of energy capacity,
03:35 which can be launched and transmitted to the audience in a short time.
03:39 Also of great importance for the stabilization, for the flexibility of the power system.
03:45 And one more very important thing.
03:47 In the energy transformation that is ahead of us until 2030-40,
03:52 there will be a lot of new OZE powers.
03:55 To make them work, to stabilize the system,
03:59 not to endanger the shutdown, blackout,
04:03 you need a power plant.
04:05 This will be the first, but the Polish government, the government of Prime Minister Morawiecki,
04:09 has planned the construction of at least 6 more power plants in other parts of the country,
04:15 in order to manage the excess energy from OZE,
04:19 and then in a situation when there are no good weather conditions,
04:22 release this energy and transfer it through the energy transmission and distribution system,
04:27 also to industrial plants, but above all to individual consumers.
04:32 Today's investment agreement clearly indicates that both companies are determined to implement this project.
04:41 A multi-billion project that on the one hand gives energy security to our country,
04:46 and on the other hand is a great opportunity for Bystrzyce-Kłodzkie,
04:50 100 million zlotys of influence to the budget of the municipality every year,
04:54 will change, I am convinced, the situation of the entire municipality and all residents.
04:58 It is impossible to make an energy transformation,
05:00 it is impossible to limit CO2 emissions without energy storages.
05:03 These are necessary investments.
05:06 In general, investments are very necessary for the Polish economy.
05:10 9 billion zlotys is a huge amount.
05:13 This is a top-of-the-line power plant,
05:15 this is the most ecological energy storage that is possible.
05:19 And now, if photovoltaics is developing,
05:21 if we are also going to develop other forms of green energy production,
05:27 such a storage is necessary.
05:29 It is a necessity, a necessity of time, a necessity of energy transformation.
05:33 So I understand that apart from this necessity,
05:35 at this point, if you manage to win another tender,
05:40 and everything indicates this,
05:42 you will do everything to create this energy storage.
05:45 Of course, yes.
05:46 Today is a very important day,
05:47 because signing an agreement between the National Environment Fund
05:50 and the representative of the Polish Energy Group Board is a concrete one.
05:54 These are the specifics, these are the signed agreements,
05:56 these are specific documents prepared, such as the performance study.
06:00 These are very important milestones that we are overcoming and moving forward.
06:05 A very big enterprise, a very high economic value,
06:09 of course, an engineering challenge,
06:11 and, above all, new technologies
06:13 and a big step towards energy transformation and energy storage.
06:17 Without energy storage, green energy production of alternative green energy will not be possible.
06:23 native news reader.
06:23 you