Joaquín Villar Rodríguez from the Andalusian Energy Agency explains how the autonomous region in the south of Spain can serve as an example to the rest of Europe
00:00 How and why was the PIXA project created and where does the future of sustainable energy
00:07 development lie?
00:10 Joaquin B. R. Rodriguez, PIXA's Alma Mater, explains.
00:19 PIXA was developed with the economic crisis in mind, with a particular focus on the construction
00:23 sector.
00:24 It was important for us to set up programs to revitalize the sector and, as I said, to
00:28 reorientate towards a more sustainable model.
00:31 The program was digitally implemented in its entirety.
00:34 It has the support of more than 8,000 collaborating companies.
00:38 Not only do these businesses do the work, but they also manage these incentives on behalf
00:42 of the beneficiary.
00:43 Following the PIXA program, we launched new aid campaigns, extending the scope of action
00:52 from sustainable construction to other areas such as transport or smart grids.
00:57 The companies that worked with PIXA expanded and took on other sectors linked to energy
01:03 efficiency in different cities.
01:07 The future lies in continuing to promote energy conservation, not only in buildings but also
01:14 within the urban environment.
01:19 As I said, we must take advantage of all the opportunities offered, integrate renewable
01:23 energies and improve energy supply networks.
01:28 Public buildings, in this case, are a benchmark and must lead the change towards more energy-efficient
01:33 policies and, in general, achieve Europe's objective to be carbon neutral by 2050.
01:44 (chime)