フリーアナウンサー・垣花正(51)がMC務めるTOKYO MX「5時に夢中!」(月~金曜後5・00)に生出演し、まさかの珍事にタジタジとなる場面があった。 番組では、5回ワールド・ベースボール・クラシック(WBC)の決勝で米国を下し、14年ぶりの世界一となった侍ジャパンについて取り上げた。この件について、歌手・松田ゆう姫にコメントを求めるも「きょうやってたことも知らなかった」という、まさかの返答が。 その後、気を取り直してお笑いタレント・ヒコロヒーに話を振るも「見てない」。タレント兼ユーチューバー・小原ブラスも「見てないです」という驚きの展開に。垣花アナは苦笑しながら「番組としては応援してますから!」と必死にアピールしていた。
00:00 3 of the 3 commentators were watching the WBC finals at 5pm.
00:05 The MC's persimmon nose was itching.
00:08 The free announcer's persimmon nose was itching.
00:11 The 51st place was the Tokyo MX, where the MC works.
00:14 They were all watching at 5pm.
00:15 They appeared live on Friday, May 5,
00:19 and there was a scene where they were itching to watch the finals.
00:22 In the show, they defeated the US in the 5th World Baseball Classic WBC final,
00:29 and they talked about Samurai Japan, which was the world's best team in 14 years.
00:33 They asked Yuuki Kashimatsu for a comment on this,
00:37 but he didn't know what he was doing today.
00:41 After that, he got back on his feet and laughed.
00:44 He told Talent Hikorohi that he didn't watch it.
00:47 Talent YouTuber Cobalabras also said, "I didn't watch it."
00:51 It was a surprising development.
00:53 While complaining about the persimmon nose, he insisted that he was supporting the show.