• 2 years ago
Paraolimpiada Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Dzieci w Legnicy


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00:59 There were rehabilitation camps with parents, which were organized in Javor and in Lubin.
01:14 More than 15 children took part in the school number one, free of charge in Jastrzęba and Góra.
01:23 It was a major prize for the government.
01:27 Several hundred children took part in the summer camp "Summer in the City" together with the children from the Kibica Center.
01:41 We would like to thank everyone for the instructional staff, our sponsors, especially the city council in Legnica, which financed the summer camp.
01:56 More than 100 children from Legnica could go to the camp at a discounted price.
02:03 We would also like to thank Krus, thanks to whom children with a 900 zloty discount could take part in the camp.
02:12 - Colonia.
02:12 you
