• 2 years ago
The Cats Protection charity shop in Skegness is appealing for more stock and volunteers to meet the demand as we go into the autumn season.


00:00 Hello from the Cats Protection shop in Skegness.
00:10 Now I've been having a rummage around and found this very nice class coat for winter
00:17 which would retail for about £75 but in the shop it's going for a bargain £25.
00:26 I'm with Kerry Mossop who is the manager of the Cats Protection shop in Skegness.
00:31 Kerry it looks like you've got quite a lot of stock but some of it's summer isn't it?
00:38 Yeah we're just on the transition at the moment where we're going from spring/summer to autumn/winter
00:44 so we're looking for stock now that will fulfil the winter rush.
00:52 We have had a few cool days haven't we so people are looking to buy?
01:00 We do still have a summer section just purely because of wellbeing as Eastside has.
01:04 A lot of people are going on holiday and they're still coming here on holiday and the weather's
01:08 so nice and a lot of the other shops have taken away all the summer stock whereas we
01:14 still keep ours out and we just make sure there's a bit of variety for everybody.
01:21 People love charity shops don't they so I guess you'll have customers that come in every
01:26 week so it's nice to have new stuff out there.
01:28 Yes it is absolutely we have got our local customers but we've also got a lot of day
01:35 trippers and a lot of people still coming on holiday on weekends you know you've got
01:41 the Butlins weekends you've got all different activities going on around Skegness so yeah
01:47 we have quite a lot of new customers which we need the stock really because they just
01:54 sell pretty quick.
01:55 Yeah and of course behind this is the care that you give to cats in need.
02:02 Absolutely yes we do.
02:05 We are getting lots of phone calls at the moment from people.
02:14 There's a lot of phone calls for people that can't keep the cats and need the cats rehoming.
02:21 They need food and we try to make sure that if we can help them out in any way that we
02:30 can we will do.
02:32 We also have the branch as well because we're the charity shop obviously we don't actually
02:35 deal with the welfare of the cats that's all dealt with with the branches so we pass them
02:41 on to those.
02:42 You are in contact with them aren't you?
02:44 Yes all the time.
02:45 Now as well as stock you need volunteers.
02:49 Yes we do.
02:51 We have 11 volunteers at the moment who are absolutely wonderful but to actually run the
02:58 shop efficiently we probably need more especially with the Christmas period coming up as well.
03:07 So if somebody was interested in volunteering how would they go about it?
03:11 Well there's two or three ways and you can actually apply on the Cats Protection website
03:15 and that will come direct through to us and they can come in shop and come and speak to
03:20 us and it's not just obviously myself as a manager but we have the key holders we have
03:25 volunteers also and you know they can come and speak to them just get a bit of an idea
03:30 of what it's like and yeah.
03:33 Okay so lots of opportunities.
03:37 Liz Harker you're one of the key holders here.
03:40 What do you enjoy about being a volunteer?
03:42 The company, meeting customers, got some lovely customers come in and just something to do
03:49 other than sit around.
03:52 And you like spotting a bargain as well?
03:54 Oh of course we all spend too much.
04:00 You've had your eye on that class coat haven't you I understand that came in yesterday.
04:05 Would you recommend being a volunteer to other people?
04:08 Yes we're a lovely team we all get on together there's no nastiness none of them we just
04:13 all get on being really friendly.
04:17 And with one of the customers have you found any bargains today?
04:20 Yes.
04:21 So tell me what have you found?
04:24 I found a waistcoat.
04:25 Oh yeah well it looks very smart.
04:28 Do you do you come and shop here often?
04:31 Yes we do.
04:32 Yeah and what do you look for?
04:35 Well as I'm in show business I look for things what would be suitable to wear on stage.
