• 2 years ago
Kavi sammelan Surat: जिला माहेश्वरी महिला संगठन और राजस्थान पत्रिका द्वारा शहर में कवि सम्मेलन आयोजित किया गया। यह आयोजन सूरत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ कवि सम्मेलनों में से एक रहा और सुपरहिट हुआ।

Kavi Sammelan in collab of Maheshwari women samiti Surat and Rajasthan Patrika


00:00 The magic of words spread in the Sarvashestha Kavi Sammelan
00:07 The Kavi Sammelan was organized by the district Maheshwari Women's Organization and Rajasthan Patika
00:14 The program was organized by the Vesu Stip GD Goenka International School
00:19 This was done for the purpose of providing medical assistance to the needy
00:25 The Sammelan started with the poetry of Chittisgarh's Hase Kavi and the flowers of Heeramani
00:32 The organization organized by Rajasthan Patika's Surat Prabhari Sampadak Pradeep Ghosh
00:40 The Kavi lovers sang and danced till night
00:45 This was one of the best poetry Sammelan of Surat
