Fury is a 2014 American war film written and directed by David Ayer. It stars Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal; all members of an American tank crew fighting in Nazi Germany during the final weeks of the European theatre of World War II. Ayer was influenced by the service of military veterans in his family and by reading books such as Belton Y. Cooper's Death Traps, a 1998 memoir that underscores the high casualty rates suffered by American tank crews in combat against their better-equipped German counterparts.
Production began in England in early September 2013, with initial filming taking place in Hertfordshire. This was followed by principal photography on September 30, 2013, in Oxfordshire. Filming continued for a month and a half at different locations, including the city of Oxford, and concluded on November 13, 2013. Fury was released on October 17, 2014, receiving positive reviews and grossing US$211 million worldwide.
Production began in England in early September 2013, with initial filming taking place in Hertfordshire. This was followed by principal photography on September 30, 2013, in Oxfordshire. Filming continued for a month and a half at different locations, including the city of Oxford, and concluded on November 13, 2013. Fury was released on October 17, 2014, receiving positive reviews and grossing US$211 million worldwide.
Short film