• 2 years ago
八点最热报 | 继上次宣判国盟瓜拉登嘉楼国席选举成绩无效后,瓜登高庭今天再宣判,国盟登嘉楼甘马挽国席的大选成绩无效。判决出炉后,伊青团长阿末法德里表示,他尊重法庭的判决。就算伊党最终决定不针对判决进行上诉,他们也将在未来该席的补选中全力以赴,让国阵候选人再度落败。 (主播: 萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 After the last time the election results of the Guadalajara-Gamawan state election were invalidated,
00:08 the Guadalajara-Gamawan state election results of the Guadalajara-Gamawan state election were invalidated.
00:14 The judge accepted the accusation of the applicant, Wan Mohammed, in the election petition,
00:19 that is, the government of the state of Guadalajara, during the 15th national election campaign,
00:23 in some official activities, through iBullet and iSysWap, to the voters.
00:30 The court also ordered the Guadalajara-Gamawan member, Arias, to pay $30,000 to Wan Mohammed.
00:37 After the verdict was issued, the head of the first-team, Amor Fadri, said he respected the court's verdict.
00:42 Even if the first party finally decided not to appeal against the verdict,
00:45 they will do their best to make the state election candidates lose again in the future.
00:51 In addition, Gamawan was originally the treasure of the state government,
00:55 but the National Alliance won Gamawan in the state election with a huge majority of more than 27,000 votes.
01:04 If the National Alliance does not appeal within 14 days, the Water Commission will void the Gamawan state election to hold a re-election.
01:10 The Guadalajara-Gamawan state election results of the Guadalajara-Gamawan member, Arias, were invalidated,
01:18 and the candidate, Wan Mohammed, had to pay $30,000 in fines.
01:21 However, this was not the final result.
01:23 If the National Alliance did not appeal within 14 days,
01:26 the Water Commission would void the Gamawan state election to hold a re-election.
01:29 The Guadalajara-Gamawan member, Arias, had to pay $30,000 in fines.
01:32 However, this was not the final result.
01:34 If the National Alliance did not appeal within 14 days,
01:36 the Water Commission would void the Gamawan state election to hold a re-election.
01:38 However, this was not the final result.
01:40 If the National Alliance did not appeal within 14 days,
01:42 the Water Commission would void the Gamawan state election to hold a re-election.
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