00:00 [Music]
00:10 2005 I was probably at Club Enemy I think so it's quite nice to be here.
00:15 So I think 2005 is when I first did like acoustic upper mics. I remember thinking like I'm going to
00:22 be one of those terrible upper mic people and I was and I still am. So yeah I think and
00:29 gradually very quickly those little gigs took off and Campbell joined and whatever so yeah 2005
00:34 bit of whirlwind 2005 thing oh that's where it started for us I think so since a block party
00:41 I guess. It was weird because it was like quite cool little arty pocket show like Staring Gata
00:45 and I'd up the rack at a retro bar and then we were like you know you only had like 40 seconds
00:50 to eat your fifth half which were like you know a thousand people in skinny jeans and brogues it was
00:55 like about 500 lads in skinny jeans and yeah thriving yeah thriving.
01:00 You know we were dancing to the Strokes in there like we wish we were playing them we would play
01:09 the pub it was quite good actually we played the pub next door and it's weird because I still think
01:15 like it's so mad now looking back to think that some of my best friends used to go to those
01:20 places and you'd have all your own little cliques it's like what you don't like the Datsuns so you'd
01:25 be over there and they'd be over there and like why weren't we talking back then a thousand people
01:30 in the same place about the same music we dressed the same it was like oh no they're not for us so
01:35 so yeah so it's mad so it was quite it sounds mad yet laughed at us but as you know that's
01:42 that that was our hacienda you know what I mean go to those places those formative formative years
01:48 spent in those places like you know with the lights out and stumbling over everybody
01:54 fucking fantastic it's a release you know whether because I you know I went to university a lot of
02:00 friends who didn't that was still our one kind of release for the week whether you had your head in
02:04 the pub or you know you were plumbing or whatever that was the that was the thing at the end of the
02:10 week and to look forward to. Yeah the Smiths disco yeah so I was at a pub in Manchester called the
02:19 Stalingrad and yeah 200 people with Morris Aircut so make that what you will really yeah we found it
02:26 entertaining and that was good and they're still doing it I'm not sure they used to have a club
02:32 night called Smile that was like uber cool you had to be there you had to be queuing before like 11
02:37 to get in you'd sometimes you'd see the queue yeah we're done tonight back into town you know
02:43 for the more generic indie clubs if you like.
02:47 Do you know what we shot a video for acrylic in Ruby Lounge I think
02:54 up and I mean it was at Ruby Lounge I think
02:56 God rest his soul and I think that one because it was it was fun it was a gig but for it was
03:03 fucking you know it was it was chaos but then we had all these cameras there and it was like
03:09 Jesus what's gonna be like this is great I mean you know we were we were living the dream then
03:16 it that that at that point it was like pinch yourself time but those four five hundred caps
03:22 I think when there's enough people there that recognize your songs and stuff and you don't
03:26 really know what's going on and you're like the crowd is your friends you know you're still like
03:30 not that the crowd isn't our friends now love you but it was it's kind of surreal because
03:38 you were on the dance floor there three weeks ago and now you're on a stage in front of the
03:41 dance floor so yeah it was mad but fucking loved every single second of it if I go back
03:46 you know still hanging on to it mate do you know what I mean it's fire really.
03:49 I think when it went to number one it was it was kind of it's weird really because it's been
03:59 around for so long I think it's vindication for the people who've been with us really
04:03 since the beginning be nice if a new one does it but I don't know really it's mad to think those
04:10 songs mean anything to people it's like fucking boring and selfish me writing about my life on
04:16 the end of my bed that's what songwriting isn't it you know and if it connects with 10 people
04:21 20 people great so it's you know people that worked on it people that did the videos people
04:26 that but you hear the Julian sent back last night apparently because the red wasn't the right
04:32 Marlboro red that's what we were like send that back send that back and people fucking hated us
04:37 at Universal fucking hated us but good results so they really hate us you know but yeah it was
04:45 it was a nice feeling you know so on to the next one I think enough back slapping on to the next one.