• 2 years ago
00:00 [Music]
00:03 The time has come, my brothers. Soon the magic sphere will open its gates for those of you who today will set out for glory and wealth.
00:14 Soon those names will be given. Of those who will go to the great dragon land, the names will be immortalized in stone in the Hall of Fame.
00:26 Along with the names of the greatest who changed our history like the explosion of a star.
00:33 I hate to kill idiots.
00:49 [Screaming]
00:51 Ayumi, it was to be expected. You're not one to obey the rules of the game, are you?
01:08 I'm sorry, Guildmaster. But I will use the sphere now. Sitting and waiting is not my style.
01:16 [Screaming]
01:18 It's getting wet! Almost!
01:20 Ayumi, move!
01:23 Well, you deserved it. I won't be stopping you.
01:29 [Music]
01:50 At last, I made it.
01:52 [Music]
02:04 The legendary dragon land.
02:06 [Music]
02:14 The island guards. I didn't expect to meet them so soon. But where is Zero? I thought he was following me.
02:21 [Music]
02:23 They really are made of stone. I never believed that was really possible.
02:27 [Music]
02:36 Dragon land. The dream of every treasure hunter in the world. I still can't believe I'm here.
02:42 [Music]
02:47 Let's see what the compass says.
02:49 [Music]
02:56 The books say that one of the compass needles must show the way to the treasure of dragon land.
03:02 But nothing's been said about the second one.
03:05 [Music]
03:27 Sweet!
03:29 [Music]
03:46 Hmm. That's interesting.
03:48 [Music]
04:07 I hope the guild master won't be too upset when he notices that I've stolen his compass.
04:12 He doesn't use it anyway. It'll be more useful for a treasure hunter.
04:16 [Music]
04:38 What was that? A ghost?
04:42 It won't be easy to get used to all this stuff. This place seems to be full of curious phenomena.
04:48 At least now I can see everything with my own eyes.
04:52 I've no idea where to start.
04:55 I only know that the legendary treasure is sure to be hidden somewhere on this island.
05:00 But there are no maps or descriptions available.
05:03 It's not really surprising. The guild is the most secretive organization in the whole world.
05:08 [Music]
05:23 These must be the guards for the ancient treasures.
05:26 Just like in the books I read. A good sign.
05:29 If it's true.
05:31 [Music]
05:44 Honestly, I thought I'd find some hints for treasure hunters to follow left here by guild members.
05:50 Something like marks on the floor or on the stone.
05:53 [Music]
05:56 You, stranger. Come closer.
06:01 Who are you?
06:04 I am the spirit of the altar.
06:07 You are entering Dragonland, stepping on your path for the first time.
06:13 I am here to assist you.
06:16 To assist me? I need to find my partner, Zero.
06:20 That is of no importance to me.
06:23 My duty here is to assist you in gaining power.
06:27 What do you mean? I'm here to find the treasure of the Dragon Temple.
06:31 If you know something relevant, you can assist me with that. Don't waste my time.
06:36 I suggest you follow my guidance to survive.
06:40 Now, that is my first gift to you.
06:44 No need for gifts. I don't like to be in debt.
06:47 [Music]
06:57 What did you do?
06:59 We are now connected, and I shall guide you on your path.
07:02 With my help, you shall be victorious.
07:06 Tell me, what is it that you want from me?
07:09 To complete the path.
07:12 The ability I empowered you with enables you to gather the life force of the enemies you defeat.
07:18 Bring them to my altars, and you shall be rewarded.
07:22 Are you out of your mind? I don't need it. Take it back.
07:26 My gifts do not force anything upon you.
07:30 Now, go, and be careful. A great danger awaits you.
07:36 Hey, wait! What about the danger?
07:39 [Music]
07:46 Excellent.
07:48 [Music]
07:54 What a terrible feeling. I don't like it at all.
07:58 [Music]
08:18 God, it's so hot here. It's unbearable.
08:21 I hope this path won't lead me to the center of the world.
08:24 If I hadn't come here on my own, I'd have thought that I was in hell right now.
08:28 Or maybe I am in hell. Oh well, who knows.
08:32 What's going on? Have I stumbled into something again?
08:37 Oh no. Damn it. These ancient places are always full of surprises.
08:42 [Music]
08:55 And a trap. Just as I suspected.
08:59 Move, Ayumi. Keep moving and don't stop.
09:02 [Music]
09:10 Shit!
09:12 What's going on? It can't be true. This is me.
09:18 This doesn't seem funny at all.
09:21 [Music]
09:26 Everything has stopped. Even the fire is completely still.
09:32 Unbelievable. I've never seen anything like this before.
09:36 [Music]
09:39 Time has started again. Who's doing that?
09:43 [Music]
10:06 What the hell? Spiders? They're huge. Where did they come from?
10:14 I hate spiders.
10:16 That's what the altar was talking about. Their life force. I'm draining it.
10:22 [Music]
10:45 This place is just like one of those places I saw in an old book about Dragonland.
10:52 These chests once contained the great treasures of ancient civilizations.
10:57 But where is it now?
11:00 [Music]
11:06 Our group entered Dragonland yesterday, but what I'm looking for is not exactly the same as what the others are.
11:13 This place is full of unknown plants and animals, and I'm sure that no other naturalist has ever set foot here.
11:20 That's why I'm here. I know that this land is full of danger, but I'm ready to pay the price for knowledge.
11:29 I'm going to leave short messages on my way. I hope they will help you, whoever you are.
11:35 [Music]
11:41 It looks like a big button. I wonder what will happen if I step on this thing.
11:46 [Music]
11:52 Yeah, this is the button for sure. It must be the door switch.
11:56 [Music]
12:16 The guards are somehow connected to these devices.
12:19 But what are they guarding if all the trunks are empty?
12:22 We better stay asleep next time.
12:24 [Music]
12:40 [Music]
13:06 A volcanic eruption must have destroyed the whole civilization.
13:11 [Music]
13:21 The color of these flowers is making me nervous.
13:24 [Music]
13:49 Damn it! Who the hell are you?
13:51 No, keep away from me! Shoo! Get out of here! Go back!
13:56 Who the hell is putting up these magic walls? The altar? That's it? Is it watching me?
14:02 But why would it try to stop me?
14:04 [Music]
14:10 Hmm. A fellow treasure hunter. Guess he was out of luck.
14:14 [Music]
14:18 Not bad. Not bad at all.
14:22 [Music]
14:33 [Music]
14:41 [Music]
14:49 [Music]
14:59 [Music]
15:09 [Music]
15:29 Is it making faces at me?
15:31 [Music]
15:45 Who's out there? I can hear you breathing. Come out!
15:49 We have a great pathfinder with us.
15:53 Even those huge spiders we met didn't take John by surprise.
15:57 I have no doubt that we are the first to see such beasts.
16:00 It's really amazing. Unbelievable, in fact.
16:03 I got some samples from the spider we managed to kill, and I'll try to run a few tests when we stop to rest.
16:09 But even at the first sight, the creature's anatomy looks... unusual.
16:15 I am beside myself with delight.
16:18 [Music]
16:25 [Music]
16:33 [Music]
16:43 [Music]
16:53 [Music]
17:03 [Music]
17:07 You'll never leave me alone, will you?
17:10 [Music]
17:28 What disgusting monsters.
17:31 If they're everywhere on the island, I have no idea what I can do about it.
17:34 I didn't agree to that. Zero's missing all the fun.
17:38 Where the hell is he?
17:40 Humans! Zero might be around here somewhere. Come on, guys!
18:08 [Music]
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19:48 [Music]
19:55 What's going on? Where am I?
19:58 This is your first trial.
20:01 You'll learn how to use your new abilities. It's time to start.
20:07 Do you mean now?
20:10 Yes, right now.
20:15 [Music]
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21:30 That was awesome. So the altars are sources of strength. Cool.
21:37 [Music]
21:42 [Music]
21:47 [Music]
21:52 These might be the corals. I didn't think those flowers were quite normal.
21:57 I should use them to climb up here.
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22:21 They seem to be alive. I hope it won't fall down.
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22:46 [Music]
22:51 Wow.
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40:46 (explosion)
