• 2 years ago
Pumpkins have some surprising health benefits to them.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Pumpkin seems to be available to eat and drink
00:08 everywhere when fall rolls around.
00:09 And while these items may not always be
00:11 the healthiest thing for you,
00:13 pumpkin itself is a superfood.
00:15 - Pumpkin is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C,
00:20 and the super nutrient we call beta carotene
00:24 that converts into vitamin A.
00:27 - Pumpkin is rich with vitamin A,
00:29 with a single cup being about 200% of your daily value.
00:32 - Vitamin A is great for your immune system.
00:35 It's crucial for the health of your immune system
00:38 and vision.
00:39 So specifically with night vision.
00:41 - These are just two advantages of consuming pumpkin
00:44 on a long list of benefits.
00:46 Studies have found that pumpkin is good for heart health,
00:48 that it could lower your risk for certain cancers and more.
00:51 Pumpkin's high fiber content also means it's good
00:54 for those working on losing weight.
00:56 - It is a great idea, especially this time of year
00:58 to incorporate pumpkin into meals and snacks
01:01 because it can help you stay fuller for longer
01:04 and gives that great digestive health benefit as well.
01:07 - When choosing a pumpkin to cook with,
01:09 Lamond recommends avoiding pumpkins
01:11 designed to be jack-o'-lanterns as they tend to be drier.
01:14 - Those are gonna be more hollow.
01:16 When you knock on it, you're gonna hear this hollow sound
01:19 and it's gonna be lighter.
01:21 You don't necessarily wanna eat those pumpkins.
01:23 You wanna eat a pumpkin that's gonna be nice and heavy.
01:26 Reporting for AccuWeather, I'm Lincoln Riddle.