• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi everyone!
00:02 Today you're going to realize that you can't trust your eyes,
00:05 because they might be wrong several times.
00:07 Sculptures of people disappearing,
00:09 from a paper dragon that doesn't let you go,
00:11 to balls going up a hill.
00:13 Get ready to be blown away by these optical illusions.
00:16 Let's go!
00:18 But what a mess!
00:23 It's a bunch of dots and their placement doesn't make any sense.
00:25 In this kind of art, the author's idea is only revealed
00:27 if we look at the creation from a certain angle.
00:29 Besides, dots are not the only element used in this goal.
00:33 Here for example, we can see the silhouette of an athlete
00:39 wearing a variety of gold suspenders.
00:41 Or the number 24 of the basketball player Kobe Bryant,
00:45 who died in a plane crash,
00:47 created from his pictures on the field.
00:49 Now, let's do a little exercise for the brain.
00:52 Can you guess how many seeds are wrong in this video?
00:55 Let's go!
00:57 [Music]
01:01 You certainly didn't expect the one above to be wrong, did you?
01:04 Well, you can certainly face this one.
01:09 We'll give you a few seconds.
01:11 [Music]
01:16 Don't tell us you thought these pencils were paint.
01:18 [Music]
01:22 Ok, one last try. Look carefully.
01:24 [Music]
01:29 Don't get mad if you still haven't found the right answer.
01:31 It was hard.
01:33 This genius even painted his own reflection in the ball.
01:35 Do you think there is an ad you would like to watch countless times?
01:40 Frankly, we have a hard time believing it.
01:42 But Honda has managed to create such an ad.
01:44 It has so many optical illusions
01:46 that even if you watch it five times in a row,
01:48 you will have a hard time understanding how it works.
01:53 You can trust us because you will be surprised by the end of this video.
01:57 Everything seems quite simple at first.
01:59 It's about painting a mouth on a hand.
02:01 Then we add brown spots similar to the color of a giraffe.
02:03 Then this artist paints the same ornament on his face.
02:09 And it turns into an illusion that could haunt your wildest nightmares.
02:12 [Music]
02:24 Watch this video carefully.
02:26 What do you see here?
02:28 We could think it's a chair,
02:30 but a man approaches it and...
02:32 the chair turns out to be not as banal as it looks.
02:34 These unusual illusions are created by the French artist Benoit Convert.
02:37 The latter seems to really know how to disconcert the human brain.
02:40 Wow!
02:41 It looks like this car has been abandoned in a warehouse for a very long time.
02:44 So long that it has been covered with multicolored graffiti.
02:47 Wait a minute.
02:48 In fact, it's not a train at all,
02:50 but a small house that experienced street artists have transformed
02:53 to make a first-class optical illusion.
02:55 It seems that you just have to push a pointed object into its balls
03:01 to immediately lose its shape.
03:03 But this is still a super-trick.
03:05 3D graffiti specialists are able to come up with all kinds of tricks.
03:08 [Music]
03:12 This infographic masterpiece perfectly illustrates the feeling
03:15 when you eat sour candy.
03:17 This video could be broadcast on television
03:19 to promote regular teeth brushing.
03:22 These exceptional sculptures are made with the help of many very thin steel plates
03:26 connected to each other.
03:27 When you look at them from the right angle,
03:29 these objects seem translucent.
03:31 But if you change your position, the sculpture also changes.
03:34 [Music]
03:42 Come on, it's just impossible to believe that these glasses are not real.
03:45 However, if you look at how they were created,
03:47 it will be easier to convince you.
03:49 The secret is to cut the pieces of paper at the end.
03:52 And there, you can fool anyone.
03:54 [Music]
03:56 Another flawless optical illusion.
03:58 Look at how it was created.
04:00 It seems that everything is extremely simple,
04:02 and it seems that you will not be able to do the same thing again.
04:04 [Music]
04:11 You want to bite into this watermelon, I admit.
04:13 The secret lies in the perfect mastery of dark light and perspective.
04:17 And of course, in this delicate cutting of paper.
04:20 To create the most spectacular optical illusions,
04:23 you have to be a mathematician.
04:24 And the Japanese, Kokichi Sugihara, is proof of this.
04:27 Just look at the chair he made,
04:29 which is not a chair at all,
04:31 but an alien piece of furniture with strange feet.
04:33 Or an object with a square outline, which in the mirror looks like a cylinder.
04:36 And vice versa.
04:38 [Music]
04:43 Do you think it's just another boring ad for a watch?
04:45 Not quite.
04:46 Your brain has still played tricks on you.
04:48 It is actually a gigantic installation,
04:50 composed of several layers,
04:51 which does not have the same appearance seen from the side and from the front.
04:54 Each part of this work of art has been suspended to the ceiling in a certain order.
04:57 And that's how this work of art was born.
05:00 [Music]
05:04 An artist named John Muntian
05:06 is based on exact science to create incredible sculptures.
05:09 This one, for example, brings together the portraits of the four members of the Beatles.
05:12 It's hard to imagine how many complex mathematical calculations
05:15 it took to achieve such masterpieces.
05:17 [Music]
05:24 If you apply the right strategy,
05:26 any mess can be transformed into a real painting.
05:29 Next time, tell all those who are complaining about the mess in your room.
05:33 [Music]
05:38 While you are desperately trying to understand how they did that,
05:41 your eyes do not see the most important clue.
05:43 Can you guess what it is?
05:45 Indeed, it is the line that connects the two images.
05:48 But that's not all.
05:49 The one who created these photo collages also makes nice videos
05:52 by combining them with each other in an unexpected way.
05:55 Thus, a car leaving the frame turns into a real firework.
05:59 A real firestorm comes from a saucer.
06:04 [Music]
06:10 Cocktail ingredients are mixed in a concrete mixer
06:13 and party blowers come from a bottle of champagne.
06:15 [Music]
06:31 This guy has to spend his life in the gym.
06:33 Wait, something is wrong.
06:35 What are those white stripes on the sides?
06:36 But of course, they just painted abs on this man's belly.
06:40 In fact, his daughter is a makeup artist
06:41 and tried to give her father a dream body for a few hours.
06:44 Here is an excellent idea of a simple illusion that you can do yourself.
06:48 You call your friends, you buy a Pringles box
06:50 and you tell them to move at a good distance.
06:52 And there you go, you have your next viral TikTok video.
06:55 [Music]
07:10 Do you think this thing is dug inside?
07:12 Not really.
07:13 This is just a pyramid that misleads your brain.
07:16 However, as soon as you realize the risk, you won't be able to stop yourself from seeing it.
07:19 [Music]
07:24 Is it a 3D space modeled on a computer?
07:27 No, just a corridor in a classic hotel.
07:30 Apparently, this hotel was designed only for people who don't drink.
07:34 When we see how these guys practice capoeira on their mats,
07:37 we have our heads spinning.
07:38 Obviously, their vestibular system is in perfect working order.
07:42 The only effective way to prevent yourself from eating at night
07:44 is to create a water barrier between your bedroom and the kitchen.
07:46 Admit it, you thought it was real at first, didn't you?
07:49 [Music]
07:56 You have more than 30 sparkling geometric shapes in front of you.
07:58 Do you see any logic in their arrangement?
08:01 It seems random, but as soon as the viewer looks at this installation from a certain angle,
08:05 all the details come together in letters,
08:07 and the letters form the capital letter "light" in English.
08:09 But that's not all.
08:10 If we look at it from the other side, we'll see the dark mode,
08:12 this time without lighting.
08:14 [Music]
08:16 This time, you're not mistaken, it's a polar bear that just crossed the ceiling.
08:20 This interactive ceiling is located in the Chinese city of Guiyang.
08:23 You can see a wild nature, huge predators and the inhabitants of the underwater world.
08:27 It looks like everything is about to fall on the viewer's head.
08:30 [Music]
08:33 Wait, this goes against all the laws of gravity.
08:36 How can balls roll up without being pushed?
08:39 It's very simple, there's no slope here.
08:41 It's an illusion.
08:42 [Music]
08:45 Some of you must now have in mind Naruto's Aidara.
08:48 The secret of this illusion lies in the makeup, of course.
08:51 [Music]
08:53 In fact, you can do the same thing with your eye.
08:55 [Music]
08:59 Do you think this thing is really in 3D?
09:01 Once again, this is a stunning illusion.
09:03 The rotating disc is completely flat.
09:05 It's just that when we rotate it, we see the geometric pattern in 3D.
09:09 [Music]
09:10 In fact, it's not really infinite.
09:12 There's just a mirror on the ceiling, which gives the impression that the staircase is twice as big.
09:16 Did you understand how the illusion works?
09:18 [Music]
09:19 Okay, we feel like they're watching you wherever you go.
09:22 Here's Gardner's dragon, one of the most popular optical illusions in the world.
09:26 Besides, you can make one at home.
09:27 There are many free cuttings on the Internet.
09:30 Just cut and fold the image according to the instructions, and the terrifying creature is ready.
09:34 A piece of advice, place this dragon above a bright light source so that it's even more impressive.
09:38 Hey, stop being lazy.
09:40 It's time to boost your brain.
09:42 Welcome to the Brain Time French channel.
09:45 Discover all the extraordinary events of the past, the present and even the future.
09:48 The effervescence of the natural environment and the animal kingdom.
09:51 Shocking events as well as unsolved mysteries.
09:53 You'll find all this and much more here.
09:56 So subscribe and you won't regret it.
09:58 [Music]
