• 2 years ago
In This World All Humans Get Super Powers Before 18
00:00 In a world where people get their superpowers by 18, a 25-year-old woman is yet to discover
00:05 hers and will go to great lengths to unleash them.
00:09 25-year-old Jennifer or Jen sits down for a job interview, where she horribly discovers
00:14 she can't lie because her interviewer's superpower is compelling people to tell the
00:18 truth.
00:19 Jen reveals she still hasn't gotten her powers yet and has nothing to offer the company,
00:23 so the evaluator sends her on her way.
00:26 Inside, Jen looks around despondently as she watches people put their superpowers to good
00:31 use.
00:32 After making love with Luke, she invites him to her younger half-sister Andy's 18th birthday,
00:37 but he's disinterested.
00:39 After returning from the bathroom, Jen sees Luke flying away and remarks that he does
00:43 this every time they finish sleeping together.
00:45 The following morning, Jen's roommate Carrie Jackson observes a case at the barrister's
00:50 office.
00:51 Her employer calls upon her to demonstrate her power, where she manifests the soul of
00:55 Mr. Greenum and allows him to take over her body for a few minutes to settle the dispute
01:00 between his ex-wife and latest wife.
01:03 Later, Jen spots a cat outside her apartment building and takes it in.
01:07 Inside, she finds Carrie's boyfriend Cash wearing a tight homemade super suit and mocks
01:12 him.
01:13 Embarrassed, Cash activates his powers, reversing time to before Jen arrived.
01:17 He quickly closes the door so she won't see him and lies that he's been pleasuring himself
01:22 to deter her from entering his room.
01:24 Afterward, Carrie arrives and sobs, sharing that the clients always get mad at her and
01:29 not at the deceased.
01:31 Jen urges her to quit, but Carrie refuses, saying she has to support Cash, who's still
01:36 job hunting.
01:37 Carrie reassures her friend that her job at the barrister's office pays well, but laments
01:41 when she realizes they're just using her.
01:44 Jen tries to comfort her, but Carrie misreads it and consoles the former instead, telling
01:48 her that her real power is being herself.
01:51 To cheer her up, Carrie summons Adolf Hitler so they can mock him.
01:55 Jen then receives a text message from her date and leaves.
01:58 Jen goes to a diner to meet Gordon, who refuses to shake her hand without a glove, as he can
02:04 make people climax with his touch.
02:06 Gordon admits that he found out during his father's 60th birthday, when his dad asked
02:10 to shake his hand after the former won against him in a football match.
02:14 Elsewhere, Cash and Carrie are on their way to the pizza parlor when the former notices
02:18 his girlfriend is struggling in her heels.
02:21 He offers her his shoes and decides to walk around in his socks instead.
02:25 Suddenly, an invisible man grabs Carrie's phone, demanding her purse.
02:30 Cash throws his wallet at him and grabs Carrie so they can escape.
02:33 Jen and Gordon make their way back to her place, but Gordon is adamant that he used
02:37 his glove when touching her, wanting to prove that he can pleasure a woman without his powers.
02:42 Minutes pass and a bored Jen fakes her climax to get it over with.
02:46 Jen is about to kiss him goodnight when Gordon places a bunch of pillows between them to
02:50 ensure he doesn't touch her.
02:52 Later that night, Cash wishes to become a vigilante after the exhilaration he felt fighting
02:56 off the burglar earlier.
02:58 However, Carrie is less than enthusiastic about the idea as it isn't a lucrative occupation,
03:04 but Cash seems intent on his plan.
03:06 The next morning, Jen is about to touch Gordon when the cat jumps beside him.
03:11 At first, she tries to shoo it away, but in the end, she allows the feline to tap Gordon.
03:16 Gordon is then awakened by the cat's screams and departs, claiming their relationship won't
03:20 work, leaving Jen dismayed that she wasn't able to touch him.
03:24 Afterward, Jen, Carrie, and Cash have breakfast while they brainstorm possible names for the
03:28 cat and decide on a funny but lewd name.
03:32 Realizing she's three hours late for work, Jen orders Cash to turn back time.
03:36 Cash asserts he can't reverse time that far back, arguing his powers has limits.
03:41 So Jen agrees to an hour so she can at least grab some lunch.
03:44 Jen arrives at her job wearing a ballgown, since she works at a costume for rent store
03:49 called Party Hamlet.
03:50 She asks her co-worker Tim to blow up balloons for Andy's party, when store manager Angela,
03:55 whose superpower is that she remains young-looking despite being 56 years old, approaches and
04:01 asks about the balloons.
04:02 Jen explains they're for her half-sister's birthday, and her colleagues complain about
04:07 turning 18, wishing they never got their powers.
04:10 Later in the taxi, the driver, who has the gift of foresight, is about to tell Jen how
04:15 she dies, but decides not to.
04:17 Shocked, Jen tries to ask more questions when her dad calls her.
04:21 After telling her a joke, her dad instructs her not to spoil Andy's night with her competitive
04:25 nature and asks her to greet her mother for him.
04:28 When she arrives, the cabbie tells her to stay away from bears before driving away.
04:33 Jen sees that her mother Mary has already bought balloons, to her annoyance.
04:38 Andy approaches her half-sister to tell her she got a part in the Greenwich Conservatoire,
04:42 but Jen thinks she's bragging.
04:44 Andy then tries to figure out what her powers will be, but an embittered Jen tells her she
04:48 might not get them.
04:49 The two then argue about Jen's lack of powers, when Mary asks the latter to help her with
04:54 her tablet.
04:55 Jen exasperatedly wonders how someone with the ability to control technology can't figure
04:59 it out.
05:00 Mary's partner Ian joins them and tries to calm them down by using his powers of sensing
05:05 emotions.
05:06 After blowing out her birthday candles, Andy waits for her powers to emerge, but is dismayed
05:11 when they don't manifest.
05:12 Mary tries to console Andy, telling her it might take weeks to appear, but Jen mocks
05:17 her.
05:18 Upset, Andy heads to the kitchen and Mary follows.
05:21 Ian then tells Jen she should go to the Discovery Clinic to help bring out her powers, since
05:26 it worked on his cousin.
05:27 Moments later, Andy discovers she has super strength when she breaks off the fridge door.
05:31 As Andy entertains her guests with her powers, a bitter Jen leaves with a bottle of alcohol.
05:37 She then receives a text from Luke and quickly heads to his apartment.
05:40 Jen hears a woman's voice and forces her way inside his apartment, where she sees Olivia,
05:46 his beautiful shape-shifting date for the night.
05:48 Jen believes she uses her powers to stay pretty, but Olivia says she hardly ever uses her powers,
05:54 implying she's always been beautiful, much to Jen's annoyance.
05:57 After Luke takes Olivia flying, Jen forces him to take her as well.
06:01 Luke then sets her on the ground and breaks up with her, telling her she should love herself
06:05 before loving someone else.
06:07 Later, as Jen walks home, she calls her dad and laments her lack of powers.
06:11 Her father comforts her, telling his daughter she'll get her powers someday.
06:15 When Jen opens her bedroom door, she sees Carrie summoning her father, implying that
06:19 her dad has passed.
06:21 The next morning, Jen and Carrie go to the Discovery Clinic for a consultation.
06:25 However, Jen is mortified to learn that the packages are too expensive, and decides she'll
06:30 DIY unleashing her powers instead.
06:33 Hours later, Jen, Carrie, and Cash plan to draw out her powers by inducing stress.
06:37 They go to an Indian restaurant, where Jen orders the spiciest dish on the menu.
06:42 However, it doesn't work, and a reddened and sweaty Jen runs to the store to chug a
06:46 gallon of milk, where she stumbles into Luke, who's buying stuff for his date with Olivia.
06:52 He grows concerned over her appearance, but Jen brushes it off and rushes to an aisle
06:56 to drink.
06:57 However, the owner says she has to buy the gallon first, and Jen realizes he can see
07:01 her on the security camera feed.
07:03 The next day, Carrie and Cash accompany Jen to her workplace, where Cash picks outfits
07:08 for his vigilante group.
07:09 Angela approaches them and learns they're helping Jen discover her power.
07:13 Angela then shares that she discovered her ability when she caught her husband sleeping
07:16 with another woman, and agrees that stress can help induce it.
07:20 As Angela leaves, Carrie has an idea.
07:23 Later, Carrie takes Jen to the dentist, and her friend immediately bolts.
07:27 Carrie drags Jen inside and calms her down.
07:30 Moments later, Jen heads to the office, where she hears ominous music playing.
07:34 The dentist informs Jen that her power is to make people generate their own soundtrack
07:39 around her.
07:40 Answer mimes the latter is afraid of dentists.
07:42 At home, Cash calls an ad agency about putting up a billboard for his vigilante group.
07:47 Meanwhile, the cat suddenly transforms into a man and struggles to walk upright.
07:52 He tries to call out to Cash and scratches the bedroom door for attention.
07:56 Cash hears the scratching and opens the door, but all he sees is the cat.
08:00 He takes the animal to Jen's room and continues the phone call.
08:04 At the dentist, the doctor is surprised to hear Jen's ominous music change to smooth
08:08 jazz when she checks her mouth.
08:10 Jen apologizes.
08:12 And to clear the awkwardness, the dentist tells her she has nice teeth.
08:15 However, the doctor sees that some of her teeth need fillings, and Jen's soundtrack
08:20 immediately changes to an ominous one.
08:22 Bothered, the dentist gives Jen a pill to calm her anxiety.
08:26 At first, Jen disapproves, because she needs the anxiety to bring out her power.
08:30 But she immediately takes the medication when she sees the syringe.
08:33 In the waiting room, Cash calls Carrie via walkie-talkie to ask if they should commence
08:38 Plan B. Carrie assures him that Plan A is going well.
08:41 A daze Jen emerges, and a mortified Carrie calls Cash to commence Plan B as Plan A has
08:47 failed.
08:48 Later, the duo waits outside, when Cash, who's dressed as a masked IRA terrorist, arrives
08:53 and stuffs Jen into the trunk of his car, hoping to induce stress.
08:57 When the couple buys lunch, Jen leaves Luke a voicemail, admitting her love for him even
09:02 though he's emotionally unavailable.
09:04 Inside a deli, Cash and Carrie discuss what to have for lunch.
09:07 Unbeknownst to them, the car is getting towed.
09:10 Moments later, they realize the car has gone missing and search for it.
09:14 Carrie calls Jen and tries to get her location, but her friend keeps sending her pictures
09:18 of Philip Sheffield.
09:19 Annoyed, she yells at Jen to send her pinned location.
09:22 Cash then comes clean that the car is his mother's and he doesn't have a driver's
09:26 license, so he won't be able to retrieve the car from the lot.
09:29 After sneaking inside the impound lot, Cash realizes he doesn't have the car key.
09:34 Carrie also realizes Jen's medication has worn off, as four hours have passed.
09:39 Jen wakes from her stupor and immediately starts panicking, demanding the pair get her
09:43 out.
09:44 Cash attempts to open the trunk but fails, so Carrie asks Jen to call Andy, as they need
09:48 someone strong to get her out.
09:50 Later, Andy arrives and smugly requests Jen to ask her nicely.
09:54 With no other choice, Jen complies with her wishes, so her half-sister rips and tosses
09:58 the trunk hood with ease.
10:00 Jen is about to beat her up, when Carrie stops her and thanks Andy for helping them.
10:04 A car horn then blares, and Jen is horrified to see Mary and Ian there to take them home.
10:10 Afterward, Mary admonishes Jen, when the latter remembers she left Luke a voicemail.
10:14 Meanwhile, Cash asks for money from Carrie to pay for his mother's car's damages.
10:19 Jen then asks her mother to delete the message, but Mary accidentally plays the voicemail
10:24 via the car's Bluetooth speakers, and everyone hears the embarrassing message.
10:29 Andy then tells Jen she should spam him as a distraction, with Mary suggesting she send
10:34 lewd pictures.
10:35 As soon as Jen gets home, she sends Luke multiple provocative selfies, when she suddenly sees
10:41 that the cat has transformed into a man.
10:44 At first, she is horrified and bolts from her room, but then deduces that she might
10:49 have turned the cat into a man.
10:50 The couple rushes to her, and she informs them that she has a magical chest, claiming
10:55 she can turn animals into humans.
10:57 However, the cat-man argues that he's a shapeshifter that got stuck in his cat form.
11:03 The naked man then embraces Cash, relieved that other humans can see him.
11:07 Later, the trio interrogates him, but the cat-man has amnesia and only recalls that
11:12 he went to school and got a job before constantly changing between a cat and a man.
11:17 He also recounts seeing the football game where the Spurs beat Arsenal 4-2.
11:21 And the trio realizes he's been stuck as a cat for three years.
11:25 Afterward, the cat-man lies on Jen's bed, despondent over the revelation.
11:30 Cash books an Uber for him, but Jen wants to keep him, saying they can't just abandon
11:35 him.
11:36 However, Cash is firm that the man is only staying until they figure out who he is.
11:40 Carrie then gets up to make tea for her when Jen gets a text from Luke, stating he likes
11:44 the pictures but finds her voicemail weird.
11:47 Later that night, as Jen walks outside, she spots a dog.
11:51 Jen quickly flashes her chest at it when the dog's owner turns the corner.
11:55 She quickly covers herself up and explains to the bewildered bystander that she was only
12:00 making sure her chest wasn't magical.
12:02 The following day, at breakfast, Jen and Carrie watch the cat-man struggling with a can opener.
12:07 Cash walks in and attempts to help him but fails.
12:10 Later at work, Jen has a run-in with an angry customer whose Margaret Thatcher mask is stuck
12:15 to her face.
12:16 Afterward, Angela scolds Jen for her lack of customer service.
12:20 Jen urges Angela to fire her, but the latter sees her potential and wishes to make her
12:24 manager when she dies.
12:25 However, Jen tells her that this job is only temporary.
12:29 But Angela points out that Tim said the same thing and has now worked there for seven years.
12:34 Elsewhere, Cassie allows the soul of Valerie Gold to take over during a proceeding.
12:39 Valerie refuses to sign a label deal that'll place her music in elevators of every cruise
12:43 ship and wants to make a comeback instead, against the manager's wishes.
12:48 At home, the cat-man enters one of the rooms where Cash orders him to get out, since he's
12:52 about to interview potential vigilante team members.
12:55 The cat-man requests to observe the process because he wants to learn how to be human
13:00 again.
13:01 Cash accepts, stating he's doing it for the city.
13:03 But the cat-man informs him that Jen thinks he's only doing it because it gives him the
13:07 illusion of control over his pitiful existence.
13:10 After the proceeding, the manager asks Carrie to moonlight for their label, which she enthusiastically
13:15 agrees to.
13:16 At home, applicants come in one by one and showcase their powers.
13:20 One applicant, Seb, who can summon sea creatures but can't command them, claims he has a wealthy
13:25 father.
13:26 Another interviewee, Ade, can phase through solid objects but gets his hand stuck inside
13:31 the wall.
13:32 Randall can 3D print objects through his bottom and demonstrates his ability by squeezing
13:36 out a figurine.
13:37 The last applicant, Gregor, is a speedster who runs to the Tate Modern and grabs a postcard
13:42 to prove his powers.
13:44 Later, Carrie enters the recording studio, where she's tasked to summon Colt Callahan,
13:49 a famous 80s country singer, to finish recording his songs.
13:52 Afterward, Carrie calls Jen to come down to the studio for moral support and promises
13:57 to give her a salary cut.
13:58 Jen tells her roommate that she needs to have someone who can handle people and get her
14:02 decent deals.
14:03 Then an idea strikes her.
14:05 Jen then arrives, claiming she's from Jen Regan Talent Management and that Carrie is
14:09 her client.
14:10 She negotiates with the manager and is shocked that the label is offering Carrie 300,000
14:15 pounds for the gig.
14:16 Jen then asks the manager to wait for them outside, and the two roommates rejoice over
14:20 the offer.
14:21 At home, Cash prepares the living room for the first-ever vigilante meeting when the
14:25 cat man hands him a dead pigeon for their snack.
14:28 Horrified, Cash sends him away to do grocery shopping, going against Jen's instructions
14:33 not to let him out.
14:34 At the studio, Carrie summons Colt, when they learn that the singer is challenging to work
14:38 with and extremely misogynistic.
14:40 Meanwhile, Cash welcomes the new members, when Gregor takes over and writes on the whiteboard.
14:45 They talk about what kind of crimes they should fight, but Cash interrupts the speedster because
14:50 he feels he's taking over his position as the leader.
14:53 However, he lies that he was only looking for a marker, so Randall offers to 3D print
14:57 him one.
14:58 Later, the cat man struggles with the overwhelming experience of shopping for women's sanitary
15:03 products and faints.
15:04 The vigilante group then discusses what they'll do if they save a woman.
15:08 Gregor volunteers as a leader because he respects all women, but Cash asserts he's a better
15:13 fit because he's more knowledgeable about women's anatomy.
15:16 At the store, a clerk helps the cat man better understand sanitary products with a book on
15:21 women's anatomy.
15:22 At the studio, a crude Colt asks Jen to help him refresh his memory with his old songs,
15:27 but he disappears.
15:28 Carrie goes over the lyrics and discovers its contents to be mostly racist and misogynistic.
15:33 She then tells Jen she feels uncomfortable with the gig, but the latter urges her to
15:37 push through with his singing for the money.
15:39 Carrie then tweaks the lyrics a bit, claiming that Colt won't notice it anyway, while Jen
15:43 leaves for a massage.
15:45 In the apartment, Seb draws the female anatomy on the whiteboard so that Cash can prove that
15:49 he's an expert.
15:51 Fortunately, the cat man returns from the store and with his newfound knowledge on female
15:55 anatomy helps Cash label the illustration.
15:58 At the studio, Colt sings Carrie's revised lyrics and is furious over the changes.
16:03 Afterward, the dejected Jen and Carrie head home after the label fires them.
16:07 Although Jen is proud that her roommate stood up for her beliefs, she's still dismayed that
16:12 they lost the chance to earn 300,000 pounds.
16:15 They then hear noises coming from the other room and find Cash and the cat man playing
16:19 a board game the latter made up.
16:21 Later that night, one of the applicants, who can randomly turn into a magnet, returns to
16:25 the apartment to retrieve her umbrella.
16:27 Suddenly, the cat man sticks to the woman, who flippantly remarks he could be microchipped.
