• il y a 2 ans
Dr. Jazz - Winning From Behind!


00:00 [Music]
00:16 Mark chapter 5, Mark chapter 5. I love this crowd. My God, I love this. Mark chapter 5.
00:25 Mark chapter 5. Mr. Organist, slow it down. Take your hands down. Put your hands on your head like you did at 10 o'clock.
00:32 Then I'll tell you when to put your hands on the organ. Okay, Mark chapter 5. Mark chapter 5.
00:38 Now, I will not be, I will not be, I love his shirt, "Listen to Women Preach" and I will lose my "Womenist Theologian" status.
00:48 I will lose my card if I come here and preach three times and I don't preach one text that have a woman in it.
00:54 Okay, so at 8 o'clock it was all about the men. At 10 o'clock it was all about y'all. But all the ladies holler at me.
01:03 Hello, somebody. Okay, now brothers, don't leave me. I got a word for you also. But I'm just saying, I'm a balanced preacher.
01:12 And if you are in the DMV, I've got my conference finally. Me for real, it's coming up October the 6th, 7th, 8th.
01:18 The 8th is my birthday. Come on now. Y'all can come on down and hang with. Amen. Amen. Amen.
01:24 I'm excited because 20, 20 is the new 40. Amen. Hello, somebody. So, amen. So, I'm just 30.
01:31 I'm just 30. Hello, somebody. Now I'm messing with y'all.
01:34 Alright, so Mark Chapter 5 and all the information is on our website, IamDrJazz.org.
01:39 If you're on Facebook, YouTube, IG, Snapchat, WhatsApp, just IamDrJazz.org.
01:45 That's the way you can follow me on IamDrJazz in every platform.
01:49 I'm on social media Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Monday is Motivational Monday at 6.30 a.m.
01:55 Motivational Monday, Tuesday is Thankful Tuesday. Wednesday is Word on Wednesday.
02:00 I'm not on on Thursday because it's tired Thursday. I'm tired. Amen.
02:04 And then Friday, I'm on Finally Me For Real on Friday. So, I get to do a little dancing on Friday.
02:09 Saturday, I'm Mr. Sabbath. I'm like the Seven Days Adventist Church.
02:13 And then on Sunday, I'm back live on Sunday.
02:16 Mark Chapter 5, verse number 26 from the New King James Version Bible.
02:21 Now a certain woman had a flu of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians.
02:28 She had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse.
02:34 When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment.
02:40 For she said, "If only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made well."
02:45 Immediately, the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction.
02:54 Jesus immediately, don't miss that, that word is repeated twice, immediately in verse number 29, immediately in verse number 30,
03:02 immediately knowing in herself that power had gone out from her or out of him, turned around in the crowd and said, "Who touched my clothes?"
03:12 But his disciples said to him, "You see the multitude thugging you and you say, 'Who touched me?'"
03:18 And he looked around to see her who had done this thing, but the woman fearing and trembling,
03:24 knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth.
03:30 And he said, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace."
03:39 The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
03:43 I want to preach in the time that we have, winning from behind.
03:47 Okay, I want you to look at that one particular verse, one particular verse, it's right there, it's right there, particular, look at it, back it up to verse number 27.
03:57 When she heard about Jesus, she came from behind.
04:01 Hello, some of you. She came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment.
04:07 I want to preach from the subject, winning from behind.
04:11 Look at you and say, "I'm behind, but I'm still going to win."
04:15 That's the wrong neighbor. I'm behind, come on, tell him, I'm coming from behind, winning from behind.
04:22 You may be seated in the presence of God.
04:25 If anybody knows anything about me, it is that I love watching sports.
04:32 The only time I turn my television on is to see sports.
04:36 I am not a reality show person. I'm not a movie person.
04:40 But every now and then when I turn my television on, it's because I want to see a good sport.
04:48 And one of my favorite sports, if you check the video out, is I love to play tennis and golf.
04:54 My routine is on Monday I'm golfing, on Tuesday I'm playing tennis, on Wednesday I do weights and walking, on Thursday I'm cycling, on Friday I ain't doing nothing because I'm getting my hair done.
05:07 Hello, somebody. On Saturday it's a Sabbath and Sunday is my treat day, alright.
05:13 That's when I get to eat anything that I want to eat.
05:16 I play golf, all the single women wave at me, I play golf because listen, the smaller the ball, the bigger the pocket, alright.
05:24 I don't have time to talk about that. Come on, Sedona. You mad, I don't know why you standing up.
05:30 Hello, somebody. All I'm saying, all I'm saying, all I'm saying, the smaller the ball, the bigger the pocket.
05:37 Because he can play basketball and still be a scrub. He can play football and still be in his mama's house.
05:45 But if a brother is on a golf course, just to pull up is $200. Just the shoes is $500.
05:53 Hello, somebody. And the place that you will always be outnumbered as a woman is two places.
06:00 And that is at a football field or at the golf course. Try it out, ladies.
06:05 Trust me, I've got my own golf tournament. It's called Jazz on the Fairway.
06:10 It's where I raise $50,000 every year so I can do my philanthropic work on the island of Trinidad.
06:18 I love sports. Anybody love sports? And I love a good sport.
06:23 And one of the things I love about sports is when somebody is always behind.
06:28 Now, let's just take basketball for instance because all of us know that you only win in every quarter.
06:35 But at the end of the day, it takes four quarters to win the game.
06:39 So many of you, you already turn off the television because your team is behind the first quarter.
06:46 You already got an attitude because your team ain't shooting well the second quarter.
06:51 You already gone for brunch and you're through with it because your team is not doing good the first half.
06:58 But if you're a really good team, you understand that halftime is where you make the adjustment.
07:04 And, oh my goodness, and some of you, all you need to do is make some adjustment.
07:09 Well, as we get ready to wave August goodbye and we're coming into the final quarter of this year,
07:16 if you look at the places where you were trying to win in this year, the truth of the matter is some of you find yourself behind.
07:25 You said that this year you're going to lose a few pounds and, my goodness, August is over.
07:30 You didn't take it off. You put it on.
07:32 Hello, somebody, you said that this year, oh, I'm sorry, you said this year that you are going to be saving more money.
07:39 And when you look at your bank account, you realize that you are in the negative and not in a positive.
07:46 Some of you told the ship because you're trying to help them meet their goal of a million dollars.
07:51 You said you weren't going to save, but you were going to sow more.
07:55 And if you go to your Give-Li-Fi or your Cash App, all the things on the platform that you can give,
08:01 you have given McDonald's and Chick-fil-A more money that you're giving the church.
08:06 You are already behind.
08:09 Some of you said that you are not going to be as angry as you used to be, that you're going to be more emotionally healthy.
08:15 And you've already cussed your dog out, your kids out, your cat out and your boss out.
08:20 You are behind emotionally.
08:23 In fact, if the truth be told, all of us find ourselves in a deficit, whether it's in our faith, whether it's in our family,
08:31 whether it's in our finances or whether it's in our flesh.
08:34 Can I say that again?
08:36 All of us, those are the places where you ought to be walking in victory.
08:40 But you find yourself behind in your faith.
08:43 Your faith should be strong by now, but it's weak.
08:46 You find your family in a dysfunctionality or your family's just having some chaos.
08:51 Or maybe it's your finances.
08:53 Your finances is on a negative and not a positive.
08:56 And your flesh is out of shape.
08:59 You thought you're going to be doing 200 push-ups.
09:01 You haven't got there yet.
09:03 Have somebody to go to the gym, but never make it to the gym.
09:07 It's because you are behind.
09:09 Now listen, I didn't come to condemn you, because Romans 8, 1 said this, "Therefore now no condemnation."
09:16 To them that are in Christ Jesus, I didn't come to condemn you, because I know what it is to be behind.
09:22 I've always been behind.
09:25 I came from a country, a poor country, a little island called Trinidad, with $32 in my pocket.
09:31 We lived. Our family should have been called the behind family.
09:35 We were behind academically. We were behind spiritually.
09:39 And we were behind financially.
09:41 I remember my mother trying to make ends meet.
09:45 She would be rubbing Peter to pay Paul.
09:47 We lived on the street called not enough.
09:51 Okay, you all missed it.
09:52 I said, "We lived on the street that is called not enough."
09:56 Ah, but I prophesied to somebody, "You're moving from not enough to just enough to more than enough."
10:02 Hello, somebody.
10:04 Look at your neighbor.
10:05 Say, "This is the last year. This is going to be the last decade that I'm going to be living on not enough."
10:11 I'm getting ready to bust the move.
10:14 And I'm moving from not enough to just enough, then more than enough.
10:18 I'm going to have more than enough.
10:20 My children, children are going to be blessed by me.
10:23 I am going to have more.
10:25 My cup is about to run over.
10:27 I am going to be living in the source.
10:30 Hello, somebody.
10:31 Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
10:35 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord so I know what it is to be behind.
10:41 And when you are behind, you cannot relax.
10:43 When you are behind, you cannot enjoy life.
10:46 When you're behind, you can't even be happy for anybody.
10:50 When you're behind, you're tense and you can't have fun.
10:53 I know this is the year of fun.
10:55 But it's hard to have fun when you ain't got no funds.
10:58 Hello, somebody.
10:59 Is there anybody in here?
11:01 But I came on this last Sunday in the month of August to tell you, September, you're coming from behind.
11:09 I need just a thousand people to holler at me.
11:12 I need you to put your foot in September while you're in August.
11:16 I need you to scream like you're already there.
11:19 I've come to tell you that you're coming from behind.
11:24 And you're not the only one.
11:25 You're not the only one who's coming from behind.
11:28 Because our biblical text, our biblical text introduces us to the fact that Jesus finds himself preaching and teaching the gospel.
11:37 And the Bible says as Jesus is traveling, preaching and teaching the gospel, as he's going local and global,
11:43 the Bible said that Jesus, as he travels over, he encounters a woman who finds herself behind.
11:50 Now, let's not be hard on this woman.
11:53 The woman is behind, not because she was not a good steward of her finances.
11:57 She's behind because life has thrown her a curveball and expected her to hit a home run.
12:03 Life had given her a bare hand and expected her to have a full house.
12:08 That's where some of you are today, whether in person or online.
12:12 You're behind not because you squandered your wealth.
12:15 You're behind because life has caught up with you.
12:18 Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.
12:22 If it's not the dog, it's the cat.
12:24 If it ain't the cat, it's the boo.
12:27 If it ain't the boo, it's the baby.
12:29 If it ain't the baby, it's the car.
12:31 When the car is better, the house is jacked up.
12:34 All of us find us because life has a way of throwing us a curveball and expecting us to have a home run.
12:43 Out of all the prophets in the world, by 2020, none of them foresee COVID.
12:50 God help me.
12:51 Oh my goodness, they saw money, they saw Mercedes, they saw your man, they saw your mansion, and they didn't see COVID.
12:59 Is there anybody in there?
13:01 And the reason why none of them didn't see COVID is because if you knew COVID was coming, you would have stayed in 2019.
13:09 But COVID might have been a surprise to you, but it's not a surprise to God.
13:14 God already factored it in your equation.
13:17 God help me.
13:18 And in spite of COVID or cancer, whatever it is, your victory is guaranteed.
13:24 Am I talking to anybody?
13:26 The woman is behind, and you can understand why she's behind.
13:30 She's got an issue.
13:32 Somebody say issue.
13:33 She's got an issue, and don't miss this thing.
13:36 She's got an issue, and all of us know that the issue is not you.
13:41 She's got an issue.
13:42 Oh, y'all missed it.
13:43 I said the issue is not you.
13:45 That's the problem with people who judge you based on your issue.
13:49 They assume that the issue is you.
13:52 Just 'cause I'm going through something don't mean that's me.
13:56 I just got--
13:58 Come on, tell him to me.
13:59 Say, "I just got some issue."
14:01 And everybody at the Sunday My Voice--oh, come on, don't look at me crazy.
14:06 From the pulpit to the pew, got something.
14:09 If it wasn't for the grace of God, you or my God, your issue would have killed you.
14:15 The reason why I shout every day is because my issue hasn't killed me.
14:20 Oh, come on, who am I talking to?
14:23 Now, some of you, your issue is public, and some of you, your issue is private.
14:28 And that's why you can't roll your eyes at nobody
14:31 because the only difference between a public and a private issue
14:35 is nobody is photographing you.
14:38 Hello, somebody.
14:39 Oh, I wish I had somebody in here.
14:42 That's why the devil can't stand you 'cause he knows your issue.
14:46 And he's trying to figure out why God keeps on blessing you.
14:50 Look at your neighbor and say, "It's called grace, baby."
14:53 I don't know why he keeps on blessing me when he knows I got issue.
14:57 I got daddy issue. I got mama issue.
15:00 I got a man issue. Is there?
15:03 I got a job issue, but thank God I got grace.
15:08 Somebody ought to open your mouth and say, "Thank God for grace."
15:12 You can always tell the people who got issue
15:15 because they can praise God all by themselves
15:18 because when they look back over their life and they realize some stuff,
15:23 they know they should be dead and buried in their grave, but thank God.
15:30 Oh, my, drummer, you take your hands off the drums.
15:33 The Bible said that the woman had issues.
15:37 And, oh, my God, she had issues.
15:40 And the issue--it's one thing when you got issue and it's private.
15:44 It's a whole 'nother thing when the church people know about issues.
15:49 If y'all knew my issue, you wouldn't even invite me to preach.
15:52 You would have tried to take my license, but the devil is a liar.
15:56 My issue is under the blood. I got time for y'all.
15:59 Come on, look at it.
16:00 The reason why you can't find it, even though you've been trying to find it,
16:05 is 'cause it's under the blood.
16:07 I need somebody to tell God, "Thank God that my issue is under the blood.
16:12 It's covered. Jesus paid the price."
16:17 Here she's got issue, and she doesn't have issue just for one year.
16:21 She's got issue for 12 years.
16:23 And y'all know it's one thing if I just got an issue for one year.
16:27 The church put up with you for issue.
16:29 You can still sing in the choir if you just got it for six days or one year.
16:34 But 12 years she's got an issue.
16:39 And the thing is, issue will always cost you something.
16:43 There is no mention in the text, "This woman has no family,"
16:47 because when your issue is public, ain't nobody trying to hook up with you.
16:51 There is no spouse. There is no children.
16:55 And to make matters worse, there's not even no girlfriends.
16:59 Now you know women, we travel in the pack.
17:02 If we go to Beyonce concert, we ain't going by ourselves.
17:05 We going with some girlfriends.
17:07 But there's no mention of any boo.
17:09 There's no mention of any best friend.
17:11 Because when you got issue, you build a defense wall, my God.
17:16 And you don't want nobody to see that you ain't all that.
17:19 God help me.
17:21 You don't want nobody to see that you're singing in the choir, but you're struggling.
17:25 You don't want nobody to see that you're serving, but you're struggling.
17:29 So you isolate yourself.
17:32 I'm sorry, this might be too much for you.
17:34 You isolate yourself.
17:36 And what you do is you emotionally spend everything you can to cover up your issue.
17:43 Oh my God.
17:44 She spent everything.
17:46 She didn't just spend everything financially.
17:49 That's the least of the things she spent.
17:51 She went from doctors to doctors.
17:54 She spent everything financially.
17:56 But her issue did not put a deficit in her life financially only.
18:01 It also put a deficit in her life spiritually.
18:05 There is no church.
18:07 There is no ministry.
18:09 Because when you got issue, you got to stay home and just watch on social media.
18:15 Because at least nobody can--oh my God.
18:18 Nobody can read me.
18:20 So I don't want to come to church because if I do, I'm scared I'm going to be exposed.
18:25 I'm scared that you're going to call me.
18:27 Am I talking to anybody?
18:29 I'm scared that somebody is going to read me.
18:32 Because I got Gucci, but I ain't godly.
18:35 Hello, somebody.
18:36 Oh, I got Louis Vuitton, but I ain't got no victory.
18:40 Hello, somebody.
18:41 I've got some issues.
18:43 And so it cost her because the Bible says that she spent all of her money trying to be cured of her issue.
18:52 But her issue, as terrible as it was, money can solve it.
18:57 If money could have solved it, my God.
19:00 Oh, I would be issue-free.
19:02 Hello, somebody.
19:04 If money could have solved it, the rich people wouldn't have issue.
19:08 And yet the most wealthiest people are committing suicide.
19:12 The most wealthiest people are having a nervous breakdown.
19:16 The most wealthiest people died during pandemic, during COVID.
19:20 Because there's some things money can't buy.
19:24 Oh, I wish I had somebody in here.
19:26 I said there's something that money cannot buy.
19:29 She was spent.
19:31 She came into a deficit because she's wasted all of her money trying to get better.
19:37 But mama didn't.
19:38 She not only spend the money.
19:40 But emotionally she was in a deficit.
19:43 Emotionally she was dysfunctional.
19:46 Emotionally she was behind.
19:49 She's 50 biologically.
19:52 But she act like she's 20.
19:54 Preach pastor jazz.
19:56 Oh my goodness, she's 60.
19:58 But she act like she's 30.
20:00 She is an emotional deficit.
20:03 You thought you met a woman, you got a little girl.
20:07 God, you're all in here.
20:09 I said you thought you met a woman.
20:11 But you ended up with a little girl.
20:14 You thought you met a man, but you met a little boy.
20:18 And nothing is worse than when grown people marry their little people.
20:23 Oh my God.
20:25 Oh my goodness, I just came out of a divorce a couple of years ago.
20:29 And the psychiatrist told me.
20:32 He said your choice was based on your little girl syndrome.
20:36 Because your grown woman would not pick him.
20:39 God help me.
20:40 Oh God, I feel God.
20:42 I said my grown woman and some of you.
20:45 Your choice is because of your daddy issue.
20:49 But if you ever grow up.
20:51 Help me preach up in here, organist.
20:53 I said if you ever grow up.
20:55 If you ever sit like Beyonce.
20:57 I'm a grown woman.
20:59 And when you grow up, Paul said when I was a child.
21:02 I thought like a child.
21:03 I acted like a child.
21:05 I behaved like a child.
21:06 But when I grow up.
21:08 I put away childish things.
21:11 Somebody holler I'm growing up.
21:14 The Bible says that she spent everything.
21:17 She not only spent everything financially.
21:20 But she was all spent emotionally.
21:23 She was all spent mentally.
21:26 She was exhausted.
21:28 And when you got public issue.
21:30 And you do everything possible to cover it.
21:33 She finds herself behind.
21:35 The Bible said she tried to find everybody who can cure her issue.
21:39 And don't miss what the text says mama.
21:42 She moved from better to worse.
21:45 Oh my God.
21:47 I hate to have to tell you.
21:49 It is not always from good to better.
21:52 It is not always better to good.
21:55 Sometime between better to good is worse.
21:59 I said sometime between better to good is worse.
22:04 I know the church folks don't like to tell you that you want to bypass worse.
22:09 You want to climb over worse.
22:11 But sometime before it ever gets better.
22:14 It's got to get worse.
22:16 She is at ground zero.
22:19 She is at the bottom.
22:21 She has no money.
22:22 She has no family.
22:24 She has no friends.
22:26 She is emotionally spent.
22:28 And she has got issue in her flesh.
22:31 Ah look at this woman.
22:33 It may be a brother here today.
22:35 Here she is.
22:36 She has no family.
22:37 She has no friends.
22:39 She has no finances.
22:41 And she got issue in her flesh.
22:43 But the reason why I lifted this woman at this service.
22:47 Is while she does not have family.
22:49 While she does not have friends.
22:52 While she may not have finances.
22:54 And she got an issue in her flesh.
22:56 She has got fate.
22:58 Ok I see who I am talking to.
23:01 Look at you there and say I got something.
23:03 That I didn't get on ebay.
23:05 It's called fate.
23:07 And fate is the substance of things.
23:09 Hopeful.
23:10 And the evidence of things not yet seen.
23:13 Slap fight but you never say I may not have family.
23:16 I may not have friends.
23:18 I may not have finances.
23:20 There may be something in my flesh.
23:22 But I got fate to believe the impossible.
23:26 I got fate to see the invincible.
23:30 Somebody holler I got fate.
23:33 And I got fate.
23:35 And I got fate.
23:36 I got fate that you going to reach the million dollars.
23:39 Hello somebody.
23:40 I got fate.
23:41 Hello who am I talking to.
23:43 I got fate that the debt is going to be paid off.
23:46 Oh I wish somebody ought to shout like it's already done.
23:50 I need somebody to scream like it's already done.
23:53 I need somebody to holler like it's already done.
23:57 Eyes have not seen.
23:59 Yes.
24:01 She had the fate.
24:04 Just enough fate.
24:06 Don't miss this.
24:07 She had enough fate to come from behind.
24:10 Did you all hear what I just said?
24:16 She had enough fate.
24:20 She didn't come from the front.
24:22 My God.
24:23 Now all of you who are already up front and you got it going on.
24:27 Would you please leave the service right now.
24:29 But the rest of us who said I'm coming from behind.
24:33 Don't judge me in August.
24:34 See me in December.
24:36 God.
24:37 Come on look at me.
24:38 Don't judge me in August.
24:40 You better see me in December.
24:42 I might have a hoopty in August.
24:44 But a Mercedes in December.
24:47 I might have a one bedroom apartment in August.
24:50 But I'm about to roll up in a mansion in December.
24:53 I may not have a dime in August.
24:56 But don't judge me for where I am.
24:59 Judge me for where I'm going.
25:01 Somebody open your mouth and say I'm coming.
25:06 From behind.
25:08 Come on let the devil hear you.
25:10 Let demons hear you.
25:12 I'm coming.
25:17 Who am I talking to?
25:19 Who is behind in their finance?
25:21 Who is behind in their health?
25:23 Who is behind in their relationship?
25:26 Lay hands on yourself and prophesy yourself.
25:29 And say I'm coming from behind.
25:32 I don't care how bad it looks.
25:34 I don't care how jacked up it looks.
25:36 This is not your destiny.
25:39 It's just your itinerary.
25:42 Somebody open your mouth and say I'm coming.
25:49 She had enough faith because the Bible said she heard.
25:56 Did y'all catch that?
25:58 The Bible said, I know she had faith because the Bible said she heard.
26:02 Oh God y'all miss it.
26:04 Okay, okay let me say.
26:05 The Bible and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
26:11 The Bible said that she didn't have a whole lot of stuff but she had.
26:15 Oh my God she had faith because the Bible said that she heard.
26:19 Oh my God.
26:20 Would somebody put your hands on your right ears and say God let me hear you right.
26:24 Oh the Bible said and she heard.
26:27 And when the woman heard that Jesus was passing by.
26:31 Oh she bust a move.
26:35 Hello somebody.
26:37 I'm right there in verse number 25.
26:39 A certain woman had the floor blood.
26:41 She tried many physicians.
26:43 She spent all that she had was no better but rather good words.
26:47 But when she heard.
26:49 Can I tell you what the devil can't stand?
26:52 Is when you hear the word.
26:54 The greatest mistake the devil made this morning.
26:58 Where's the camera?
27:00 Is to make you tune in on Facebook, YouTube and IG.
27:04 I said the worst mistake the devil made.
27:07 Is for you to come and hear the word.
27:09 Because faith comes by hearing.
27:12 And the more I hear the word.
27:14 Hello somebody.
27:15 That's why when the word is being preached.
27:18 You ain't got time to ask me if I got chewing gum.
27:21 Don't ask me if I got a pen or paper.
27:24 Don't ask me for my number.
27:26 Don't be a distraction.
27:28 Heaven and earth will pass away.
27:31 But not one drift of his word.
27:34 Thy word have I hid in my heart.
27:36 That I may not sin against thee.
27:39 And J. Myers said I had so much word.
27:42 I tried to keep quiet.
27:45 But it became like fire.
27:47 I need somebody in here.
27:50 To say it's like fire.
27:52 I don't know how you still sit in there.
27:55 If you got fire in your bones.
27:57 You ought to jump up and holler.
28:00 If you got fire in your spirit.
28:02 You ought to let the devil hear you.
28:05 It's like fire.
28:07 Shut up in my bone.
28:09 Somebody open your mouth.
28:11 I said I'm trying not to holler.
28:14 But the more of this word.
28:16 It's like fire.
28:18 The roof, the roof is on fire.
28:21 Somebody open your mouth.
28:23 Throw your head back.
28:25 And shout for the word.
28:30 I said shout for the word.
28:32 Bang off of the choir.
28:34 But shout for the word.
28:36 Bang off of the usher.
28:38 But shout for the word.
28:39 Bang off of the place.
28:41 But thank God.
28:51 And when she.
29:02 And when she heard.
29:06 That the word was passing by.
29:12 Did y'all catch that?
29:14 When she heard.
29:16 The word was passing by.
29:18 Look down the road.
29:19 Said the word just came down to my pew.
29:21 The word just came to my section.
29:23 The word just got to me.
29:25 When she heard.
29:30 Oh okay.
29:31 When she heard.
29:32 When she heard that Jesus.
29:34 Who's the same as the word.
29:36 Cause in the beginning.
29:38 Was the word.
29:40 And the word.
29:41 Was with God.
29:43 And the word.
29:45 Became.
29:48 And the word became flesh.
29:50 And dwell among us.
29:53 And we beheld his glory.
29:55 As the glory of the only begotten son.
29:58 Full of grace and truth.
30:01 We got to move on but not your neighbor.
30:03 Say I don't know what you came to shout over.
30:06 But this shout is not for clothes.
30:09 This shout is not for the car.
30:12 This shout is not for the crib.
30:14 This shout is not for the cash.
30:16 This shout is for the word.
30:19 Is there anybody.
30:21 Who say I thank God.
30:23 I may not have the car.
30:25 But I got the word.
30:27 That my God.
30:29 Will supply.
30:31 All my need.
30:33 According.
30:35 To his riches and glory.
30:37 Oh shucks y'all just made me God happy.
30:40 Look at your neighbor.
30:42 And said this holler.
30:44 Is for the word.
30:46 The Lord is my shepherd.
30:48 I shall not want.
30:50 What year are you in?
30:52 You are in Psalms 23.
30:54 You got everything you need.
30:57 He prepares a table for me.
30:59 In the presence of my head.
31:02 She.
31:10 When she.
31:12 When she heard about Jesus.
31:14 She came.
31:16 From behind.
31:20 And she begins this engagement.
31:25 Oh my God.
31:26 With him.
31:27 Because listen.
31:28 Not only did she hear.
31:29 But she spoke.
31:31 Oh God.
31:34 Y'all missed it.
31:36 She said within herself.
31:38 If I only can touch his God.
31:40 Oh the one second thing the devil made you.
31:43 He made a mistake in letting you hear him.
31:46 But he made a mistake in letting you talk.
31:49 Oh my God.
31:51 Life and death.
31:52 Is in the power of your tongue.
31:54 Can I prophesy to somebody.
31:57 God told me you can say what you want.
32:00 You're under a open heaven.
32:02 Come on.
32:03 Come on you can say what you want.
32:05 He said I tell you to ask what you ask.
32:08 He said knock and it will be open.
32:11 He said seek and you will find.
32:13 Look at you and be careful what you say.
32:16 In the next few days.
32:18 Because whatever you put out of your mouth.
32:21 You will see the manifestation.
32:24 I dare you to put it in the atmosphere.
32:26 I dare you to tell God what you want.
32:29 I prophesy I got a building on its way.
32:33 I told the preachers in the back room.
32:35 I don't have a building.
32:37 But by the time September comes around.
32:40 I declare and declare.
32:42 A building got my name on it.
32:45 I need somebody to open your mouth.
32:48 And speak your miracle.
32:50 Speak your breakthrough.
32:52 Speak your deliverance.
32:54 I can't hear nobody.
32:56 Ain't nobody asking for nothing.
32:59 Ain't nobody believing God for nothing.
33:01 But somebody open your mouth.
33:04 And the Bible said.
33:06 She said within herself.
33:08 She opened her mouth.
33:10 She prophesied.
33:12 I can just.
33:17 Touch.
33:20 The hymn of is.
33:23 I don't even need to touch him.
33:26 Okay, you all missed it.
33:30 I don't even need to touch.
33:32 Just give me the hymn.
33:35 Because whatever is in him is in the hymn.
33:38 God.
33:39 Okay, you all missed your key.
33:41 Okay, you all missed your key.
33:42 Look at you.
33:43 You ain't even got to touch him.
33:45 Just get to the hymn.
33:47 Because the same grace that's in him.
33:49 Is the same grace that's in.
33:53 And immediately.
33:55 Oh, you all going to tear this church up.
33:58 I said immediately.
34:00 Look at you.
34:01 It's going to happen faster than you think.
34:04 Before you can blink your eyes.
34:06 It's going to happen.
34:07 Oh, this is the season of accelerated faith.
34:11 I said this is the season.
34:13 For accelerated faith.
34:15 God is going to do it faster.
34:18 Than you can put your eyelashes on.
34:20 He's going to do it faster.
34:22 Than you can lose your tie.
34:24 I hear the word of God.
34:27 Saying you stepped into a season of acceleration.
34:30 Oh, God is going to do it in a day.
34:33 What your mama needed 10 years.
34:36 God said I'm speeding it up.
34:38 I'm moving it faster.
34:40 The eyes of the Lord.
34:42 Is running back and forth.
34:44 Look at the eyes of God.
34:46 He's looking for somebody.
34:48 To show him some mighty.
34:51 He's looking for somebody.
34:53 To show him some strong.
34:55 You ought to tell him it's over here.
34:57 If you're looking for somebody.
34:59 To jump in favor of.
35:01 You ought to say here I am.
35:04 Whatever you believe in God.
35:14 You're going to see it before the year is over.
35:17 I need you to shout for this couple right here.
35:20 I don't know what you believe in God for.
35:22 But I need somebody to open your mouth.
35:25 Because God says.
35:27 It's going to happen suddenly.
35:29 I need a suddenly praise.
35:33 I need a suddenly shout.
35:36 I need a suddenly scream.
35:39 I feel a prophetic anointing.
35:42 Somebody open your mouth.
35:44 And shout suddenly.
35:47 [Music]
36:01 September is going to be your month of immediately.
36:05 I prophesize September is going to be a month for you to remember.
36:09 [Music]
36:14 I said September is going to be your month to remember.
36:18 I'm about to do exceedingly.
36:21 Abundantly.
36:23 Abundant.
36:25 [Music]
36:36 And immediately.
36:38 And immediately.
36:40 And immediately.
36:42 And suddenly.
36:44 There was a mighty rushing wind.
36:46 And suddenly.
36:48 And everyone was filled.
36:50 I came to prophesy in this house.
36:53 At this service.
36:55 We all going up together.
36:57 Look at your neighbor.
36:59 And say it's going to happen not just for you.
37:02 It's going to happen for me.
37:04 Look down your road.
37:06 And say it ain't just going to happen for you.
37:09 It's going to happen for me.
37:11 And how is it going to happen?
37:13 [Music]
37:25 It's going to happen immediately.
37:28 Eyes have not seen.
37:30 Ears have not heard.
37:32 It hasn't entered the hearts of men.
37:35 Somebody holler suddenly.
37:38 [Music]
38:07 (upbeat music)
