• 2 years ago


00:00 Horses are hoofed mammals that humans have found a way to tame and domesticate them.
00:05 However, this cannot dim the fact that they possess strong natural abilities that can make them dangerous.
00:12 This black horse was feeding on the green grass, enjoying a sunny day among his team of dark-colored horses,
00:19 when the presence of a crocodile lounging right next to them caught his attention.
00:25 Without introductions, the stallion attacked the predator, stomping his body, using his powerful front legs and his hoofs.
00:36 The crocodile realized immediately that he cannot stand a chance against this wild protector, so he decided to flee.
00:45 Better safe than sorry.
00:48 Another horse found himself trapped amidst a gang of Komodo.
00:54 His leg was grievously wounded by a venomous Komodo bite, but the brave stallion refused to die without a fight.
01:02 One of the Komodo got cocky and tried to bite the horse once more, but he received a severe kick in the face, causing him to retreat.
01:11 Eventually, the poison took the best of the stallion, and the Komodo reptiles reunited to feast on it.
01:19 Horse attacks can be fatal. This smaller deer found himself facing an untamed stallion.
01:25 In the blink of an eye, the acrobatic kicks the poor animal in the face.
01:30 The inflicted damage was beyond the small deer's stamina, so he falls on the grass and ceases to move.
01:38 During the mating period, the proud stallions pick fights against each other.
01:44 (Komodo stallion)
01:54 Using bites and lethal kicks, they compete to impress the females and claim authority.
02:00 (Komodo stallion)
02:16 This horse used distraction techniques, dusting the air around the bull to reduce his visibility.
02:22 (Komodo stallion)
02:29 After some trades, he decides to play defensively and even tried to leave the battle arena.
02:37 He literally surrendered. What an amazing display of might.
02:42 (animals growling)
02:44 (growling)
