00:00 [Polish]
00:02 We are in the Wielka Hill. This is our headquarters of the local group of the Krajna nad Notecią.
00:09 Here is the heart of Krajna and in 2007 we created the association, the local group of the Krajna nad Notecią.
00:20 And today we are celebrating the anniversary of the 15th anniversary of this association.
00:26 What is the association doing? Well, the association is a tripartite association of the local government, associations and individuals.
00:41 And we are mainly concerned with obtaining funds from EU funds, which we use to help this region as much as possible, i.e. to self-sustain and change agriculture in Poland.
01:01 Here we donate a lot of funds to local governments and social organizations that operate in our area,
01:12 and we help individuals to start economic activity, i.e. to create jobs in Krajna.
01:22 The stage of operation is divided into years, it takes about 7 years and in the first stage we obtained from EU funds and invested here in Krajna 9.5 million zloty.
01:37 However, in the second distribution of 10 million zloty. These are the money that came here to Krajna and stay here.
01:46 These funds go to local governments, which are our main leading partner,
01:56 but also to associations such as "Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich", "Units of the Fire Brigade", "Bractwa Kórkowe"
02:07 and we will get this money for the activities of these associations.
02:13 I remember when we created this association, it was a group of about 40 people and there were also representatives of "Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich",
02:24 but they only had equal scarves. Today, you will see these wheels, that these are beautiful local costumes, beautiful ladies dressed,
02:37 and the guards themselves get uniforms and can also glorify our Krajna.
02:44 (dramatic music)