00:00 Mega Man issue 13.
00:02 It starts with Dr. Light welcoming his children to the advanced robotics trade show.
00:07 Roll and Mega Man think it's cool because they don't ever get to see other robots and robot masters.
00:13 Dr. Light says that here the greatest minds compare notes and show off.
00:18 Somehow his favorite kids ran off before letting him finish his boring dialogue,
00:24 even though I'd expect them to have programmed them to be unable to do what he doesn't want.
00:29 Because he made them to be good helper robots.
00:33 He said they're restricted by their coding. What else could that mean?
00:38 He forgives them and Roll gets excited about technology because she wants to upgrade her main server.
00:44 She bumps into someone and apologizes.
00:48 And a robot helps the girl up and gets mad at Roll overly easily considering that she's Dr. Light's famous creation.
00:56 Because he's protective of the girl who's the daughter of Dr. Kozak,
01:01 who made Pharaoh Man and vouches for Dr. Light,
01:04 who hugs him, lampshading that he hasn't seen him in ages and doesn't know how he's been.
01:10 Why didn't they keep in contact with E-Mail? Or at least as pen pals?
01:16 Dr. Light asks if anyone else from his old group of friends is here and suddenly it turns out
01:22 there's a purple haired female scientist here. Why did it even have to ask?
01:27 Is it extremely rare that an advanced robotics show would happen?
01:32 Well, it's not impossible that someone in her job would dye her hair purple.
01:37 It's so unlikely that it makes it hard to take her character seriously.
01:41 And already the fact that Dr. Light has a crush on her does that to her.
01:45 It's not impressive to have the only female robotics expert so far
01:50 also somehow be a woman so attractive that Dr. Light calls her stunning.
01:55 It's already unlikely that she'd be good-looking.
01:58 And it's also unlikely that she'd dye her hair purple when already women have a hard time being taken seriously in the STEM fields.
02:06 Apparently she figured that if she'll never be taken seriously, she might as well do whatever she wants.
02:12 The important thing is she comes off like a Mary Sue right away because of her unrealistic hair color and lack of flaws.
02:20 And already that applied to Rosie.
02:22 I only didn't call her a Mary Sue because I just got introduced to her and I'm still waiting for her to have a flaw.
02:29 Usually the only flaw he gives any of his characters is that they can be an idiot at the drop of a hat.
02:35 And it's too common to be enough.
02:38 It seems tacky and unprofessional to have the only original female characters so far be Mary Sues with unrealistic hair colors
02:46 I wouldn't expect from the Meg Man Classic series.
02:49 Speaking of Mary Sue, she even has an uncommon name.
02:53 Noelle.
02:54 Which isn't even spelled like you'd expect.
02:57 I'll only give her a chance because I like her design and she's being harmless.
03:01 I know Meg Man's really young, but that's not an excuse for thinking that all doctors of robotics know each other when you know
03:08 It's a big planet with billions of people.
03:11 Dr. Cos-Tek isn't from this country as it turns out. So that's a little interesting.
03:18 But it won't be interesting enough if what makes his own country different is never elaborated on.
03:23 He calls Dr. Light fat and Noelle stands up for him.
03:27 And Dr. Light says Roll keeps Negan to exercise.
03:31 And asks her if he finished her robot girl.
03:34 And it turns out she's the one who made Quake Woman.
03:37 Again, it doesn't matter what she's meant for if she isn't shown doing it.
03:42 She says Cos-Tek and their creations.
03:45 Which causes Kalinka to say that she's not a robot.
03:48 If she actually isn't a robot, then her saying creations was forced.
03:54 Dr. Light didn't expect Quake Woman to be boring and not personable.
03:58 She says Quake required some alterations.
04:02 I don't see why those would rob her of all emotion if she's meant for geological surveying.
04:08 Dr. Light notices someone he used to know and says it's been years since they were in the Amazon.
04:14 Finally, the story gets exciting when we see a vehicle in the jungle make some noise and Wily gets out of it.
04:20 Complaining that the mysterious EMP field is still active after so many years.
04:25 Someone has to be here causing the EMP field, who is also conveniently able to stay in hiding.
04:32 Wily says that between the local superstitions and the UN sanction of this place, he has it all to himself.
04:38 And uses authority thoughts to have to cut buns.
04:42 And he's out of shape enough to already be wheezy after just a couple of sentences worth of walking somehow.
04:48 Filament says that Megman should be called Copy Man.
04:52 Explains his purpose boringly.
04:55 And eventually Megman bumps into someone and apologizes to someone who's nervous around him when he should know him better than that.
05:02 He's thanked for being polite and everyone near him would hear him saying his code name and say he's checking in.
05:10 Apparently they're too naive to get suspicious of him, but he made it obvious he's plotting against them right away to me.
05:16 He's checking in with people spying on the place and waiting for the go-ahead.
05:21 I'm told that Xander's hippie friend doesn't like his evil attitude and violent posture and says his team's here to change minds.
05:29 So he wants him to mellow out while he deals with the scientists.
05:33 He says his team's about protecting the people from themselves.
05:38 If their goal is literally just that they naturally don't trust robot masters anymore,
05:43 that makes perfect sense because of Wily. Especially since the X-Series is their excuse for a future.
05:49 Dr. Cossack starts the debate about advanced AI research and welcomes Dr. Light to the microphone who says thank you.
05:57 The audience claps and Noel also says thank you to them when of course they did that.
06:04 Dr. Cossack reveals that Noel is going to debate against Dr. Light on this.
06:09 I don't think this makes her flawed because the X-Series proves that people in the series being afraid of robots who are sentient is very legitimate.
06:17 Although it constantly works out well for Megaman that robot masters are smart enough to do stuff Wily wouldn't want.
06:23 So it's actually a good thing that there's sentient robots with free will.
06:27 If the original robot masters didn't have any free will,
06:31 Megaman wouldn't have been able to reason with them to the point where they end up destroying Copyman for him.
06:36 But it doesn't matter because we know from the game they didn't need their help.
06:40 What does matter is Quickman having the free will to give Megaman healing liquid which might have saved his life.
06:46 That's what Dr. Light would point out in the debate if he were as smart as he should be instead of forced to be stupid.
06:53 He points out the obvious that smarter robots can do tasks with more efficiency and remove some danger from people's lives.
07:01 They don't need almost total free will for that.
07:04 So already his arguments failed because what he's arguing for isn't simply smart robots.
07:10 It's outright free-willed robots.
07:12 Noel asks why humanity would need their tools to think and feel on their own.
07:18 This is probably what every robotic scientist in the real world thinks.
07:23 And there's countless sci-fi fiction series portraying feeling robots as evil. So I don't blame her.
07:29 Dr. Light says the more complicated the duties the more smart the AI needs to be to manage them. That doesn't require emotions at all.
07:37 If anything negative emotions will weaken their ability to handle doing that kind of stuff.
07:42 I figured that someone who usually writes characters to be too stupid wasn't capable of making him to beat intelligently.
07:49 She's not arguing against the point that making robots smart is good. She's saying they shouldn't have feelings.
07:57 Even though it's an advanced AI research debate not a
08:00 "Should robots have feelings?" debate. And she does say that's not what she asked. He would have obviously known that.
08:08 She says they don't need to make the robots feel good about a computation well done.
08:12 It should be obvious that while isn't necessary. It is morally good to make robots that love their jobs.
08:18 Obviously, the only thing wrong with it is that the programmer had to take time out of his day to program them. Boo-hoo.
08:26 Instead of saying that he's somehow idiotic enough not to and instead of saying that robots are more complicated than a calculator.
08:32 He'd know that she knew that and was just using it as an example to make her argument easy to understand.
08:38 Only not very smart people would have a response like he did.
08:42 Cherry-picking some minor things she said in her argument that had nothing to do with her overall point.
08:48 She asks why they should give a robot a heart that can break and make a robot that could break theirs.
08:54 A robot could break their hearts regardless if it has the free will to do something it's not allowed to do.
08:59 And both of them should know that.
09:02 Noel says they don't need to create a personal attachment to
09:06 "disposable tools". She's not making a good argument by calling them disposable. Now, she just seems mean.
09:12 She naturally asks how they could send robots into dangerous scenarios if they enjoy their company when it's self-destructive to bond with robots
09:21 that could be destroyed.
09:22 Dr. Light asks why they should even interact with other people at all following that line of thought.
09:27 Naturally, because people have mortality too.
09:30 Somehow, she asks where he made that connection.
09:33 But somehow, Dr. Light doesn't simply explain why he said that.
09:38 Explain that humans are just as mortal or even call her out on calling robots "disposable".
09:43 He just predictably says that he calls two of his robots his children and says that they enriched his life and helped them grow as a person.
09:52 He doesn't simply explain how they have though. So why does he expect people to believe him?
09:57 He said Roel was nagging him to exercise.
09:59 But the way he said it, it doesn't seem like he does exercise.
10:04 He could have said he's been losing weight because Roel nagged him to exercise.
10:08 Though even that would have been something she'd have done without emotions because she was programmed to be helpful.
10:14 This writer shouldn't write debates. He's making a fool out of Dr. Light when we're supposed to agree with him.
10:21 Even though I figured out he was sort of right.
10:23 Barely, since if Sigma wasn't made later because people thought robot masters were great, then the future would be better.
10:30 He says his kids brought him the same fears and joys of any parent and no faceless, lifeless tool can do that.
10:37 So that is a legitimate benefit to giving those robots emotions.
10:43 She asks him about his robot masters. The jerk says,
10:48 "What about them?" It'd be weird if the comic never addressed that the robot masters slightly resent him for this kind of attitude.
10:54 Their only father doesn't think of himself as their father. You'd think they'd all be jealous of Roel and Megaman.
11:01 Rather than her saying that he only made a compelling argument for why you should give your robot kids emotions,
11:06 she says that him giving the robot masters just as much personality didn't stop Wily from using them as weapons against humanity.
11:14 She asks him if he considers the robot masters to be his friends and he says yes.
11:18 And she says it was hard enough on him to lose his creations.
11:22 She says he weaponized Megaman, which she should know would make him annoyed.
11:26 And she naturally points out that because he considers Megaman to be his son, it was harder on him to send him to fight.
11:32 So when it comes to specifically the fight against Wily, which could have easily not happened, she's right.
11:39 But in most cases, it's obvious that it is better for him that he loves him as a son because it makes him and his favorite robots happier.
11:46 Megaman pets his dog, who's intelligent enough to be sad about this because it was of course made able to understand English.
11:53 Wily's glad it's less humid in the temple and somehow he decided to touch the wall for no reason.
12:00 Like he's never watched an Indiana Jones movie, which forces the concept of him sliding down a sudden slide.
12:07 And he tumbles down a rocky hill and takes a short fall.
12:11 I want to see a lot more slapstick with him, not with gore though.
12:15 Then he sees what looks like a jellyfish with a big black balloon strapped to it.
12:20 It looks too weird to be a robot. So maybe he's an alien.
12:23 He sure would have a sad life staying here all the time because he'd have no one to talk to.
12:28 So I hope it's explained that he was deactivated the whole time and only causing the MP field passively.
12:34 Or I'd be wondering how he doesn't suffer from most of the effects of solitary confinement.
12:38 If apparently Wily's the first person to talk to him in forever.
12:41 Dr. Light was obviously stumped by Noelle's question because he changes the subject completely.
12:46 And asks her if her current view has anything to do with Quake Woman.
12:50 And emphasizes the word current and asks her if she was planned to be at the same level of personality as Rock.
12:57 She was also going to be used for research in very unstable environments. So he destroyed his own arguments there.
13:03 Of course, she thinks that she shouldn't have feelings if she's going to be tormented by being forced to deal with unstable environments.
13:09 That's what she would say.
13:12 But instead Dr. Cossack tells him not to make things personal.
13:15 And I just have to hope this is what she's going to say.
13:19 Someone announces that she's right that all the advanced robots need to be prevented.
13:24 After all if they were prevented there'd be no more dangerous robot masters.
13:29 Well, Wily could always make his own. So it doesn't matter if people make their own because he doesn't need to take over them.
13:35 He would need to do that if he ran out of resources.
13:38 Or simply wanted to save a lot of time.
13:41 Someone says in a screen that the robots need to be destroyed for the future of mankind.
13:46 If he wanted to change minds, he would have said before this that Wily taking over them was inevitable.
13:52 Instead of just having his group still look like criminals.
13:56 If Legends is canon to those then humanity is destined to go extinct because of all the robot wars.
14:02 But it still sympathizes with the good guys here because they're in danger.
14:06 There's a power outage and Electman's asked if he can handle that.
14:10 And I like that he says a lot of people have asked him to charge their phone.
14:14 He says it'd be more exciting than doing that.
14:17 But he shouldn't be programmed to be able to have a problem with being asked to charge people's phones.
14:22 When he was made to be helpful with his electricity.
14:25 It was smart of people to ask him to help them and i'm glad he was doing something useful.
14:29 He talks to one of the security guards who points a gun at him telling him to back off.
14:33 And he tells all the humans to head for the main exit.
14:36 He expects all the robots to stay where they are for no reason.
14:40 The only reason they'd humor them is that less people trying to escape means more room for the humans to escape.
14:46 And already there's a risk of people getting stampeded trying to run out of the building.
14:50 But that isn't guaranteed to happen because there's not that much of a reason to hurry.
14:55 Roll gets clinked at a safety and hides behind a wall as she's worried about her dad.
15:00 And Roll tells her Dr. Cossack is safe. Not if he'll be in the same room with the bomb.
15:04 If Roll's looks are famous, she won't be able to pretend she's human anyways. And I'd expect her to be famous.
15:11 So it'd be confusing if she wasn't recognized.
15:14 A guard tells the humans to hurry up.
15:17 And a robot catches her and a lucky man tells a guard who tells people to hurry that she should take it easy on them.
15:23 Because it's dark.
15:24 Pharaoh Man asks someone if she's all right and a lucky man says he was programmed not to hurt humans.
15:29 He naturally says he never thought he'd want Wily's coding back because with it he would be able to fight the guards.
15:35 Meg Man assumes the doctors need protection.
15:38 Which only makes sense because they could build more robots. So logically they would be targeted for destruction by the spears.
15:46 The story ends there with the text box saying that there's thousands of lives in danger.
15:51 Which would only make sense if by lives it just meant robot lives.
15:54 Because the writers should remember that the humans were told they aren't in any danger.
15:58 And it doesn't look like there's thousands of people who can make robots here as we only saw a few roboticists.
16:04 Somehow. And all most of them would have to do is take off their lab coats.
16:09 And they'd be able to escape the building no problem if they did so without a guard seeing them first.
16:15 This is just about Wily going through an amazon temple and his only challenge is taking a little fall that doesn't look like it injured him.
16:22 And Dr. Light's colleague destroying him in a debate in favor of making robots have feelings.
16:27 Because he was forced to be too stupid.
16:30 Making arguments that he should know aren't proving that all robots should have feelings.
16:35 And said just argues in favor of their intelligence which isn't the same.
16:39 And his only good argument is that his kids should have feelings which only applies to them.
16:45 Meanwhile, the writer's new favorite character is always right in her arguments pointing out that what he wants is unnecessary.
16:51 And I have to assume she means that it's cruel to give robots with dangerous jobs feelings.
16:56 Too bad she didn't get to outright say that because a well-intentioned group of people wants to kill all the robots.
17:02 It helps you sympathize with them by having them tell the humans to leave first.
17:06 When they'd be more competent if they simply blew up the building instantly.
17:10 But one of them wants to change minds and making a bunch of humans into martyrs would do nothing but make people want smart robots all the more just despite them.
17:18 So I wish he explained that.
17:21 Dr. Light should have said that if Quick Man didn't have free will.
17:24 He wouldn't have given Mega Man some healing liquid to drink and ensured he'd survive their fight and save the world for everyone.
17:32 Not to mention it resulted in Copy Man being destroyed for Mega Man.
17:37 So robots having feelings could constantly end up benefiting Mega Man in his adventures.
17:41 While I accept him losing the debate because she was right.
17:45 I can't imagine why the writer didn't even let Dr. Light have a very strong point she agreed with even once.
17:51 When he'd know better than that.
17:53 Unless he really does favoritize her that much that he can't stand to have her be confronted with an argument she can't debunk.
17:59 Meanwhile, I did that to Dr. Light as they changed the subject.
18:04 Because I guess he didn't want to upset Mega Man by saying she was right.
18:07 But since Dr. Light isn't always a good father and has a lot to answer for.
18:11 He deserves to lose the debate in front of everyone. As frustrating as it is that he's made a fool out of being uncharacteristically stupid.
18:19 So ultimately, I guess I could say it's a good issue.
18:22 Because not only was it original, but I found debunking its arguments to be interesting.
18:28 It was fun feeling smarter than him and it took up enough of the story.
18:32 Although almost nothing happened with Wily. The only good argument anyone could have for Dr. Light's point of view was the Quick Man thing.