• 2年前

00:00 And then they released a new EP
00:02 with a few new songs to meet everyone
00:04 This is "Ta Ta"
00:05 Why is there a new work "Born Pain"?
00:07 Is it related to the previous "Ta Ta Ta"?
00:10 "Ta Ta Ta" is actually about
00:11 In the case of domestic violence
00:13 Or when the relationship between parents is not good
00:17 For the next generation to persist
00:20 To protect the family's integrity
00:23 Until the child is independent
00:26 Simply put, it's about parents' love for their children
00:29 "Ta Ta" is actually a prelude
00:33 But it's actually a very happy song
00:35 It encourages young people or married couples
00:38 To gather up the courage to pursue their own happiness
00:41 There are many ways to pursue happiness
00:44 Especially now
00:45 But why?
00:46 The moment it is implemented
00:48 It's just a lack of courage to give up
00:50 You just have to do it
00:51 As long as everyone has more courage
00:53 At least they can implement their plan
00:56 The initial intention of just starting to make music
00:58 To the present development of technology
01:00 A very developed situation
01:02 Have you noticed any changes in your heart for music?
01:05 You asked this question very well
01:07 The Hong Kong Cultural Center is doing a "Sinking Music Theater"
01:11 In the theater, it's about the value of the initial intention
01:15 The initial intention is the source of all our motivation
01:18 But when the initial intention is exploited
01:20 Our fear, our arrogance, our achievements
01:25 Will make us forget the initial intention
01:27 The most terrible thing about forgetting the initial intention
01:29 Is that fear becomes the leader
01:31 The only way to silence fear
01:33 Is to find the initial intention
01:35 Because the initial intention will make us less worried
01:38 If we want to find peace and breakthrough
01:42 The only way is to find the initial intention
01:44 There are two initial intentions in "Sinking Music Theater"
01:46 One is to be curious and curious
01:48 To study technology and technology
01:50 The second initial intention is to help people
01:52 What effect does acting have on your life now?
01:57 Acting is my life's driver's license
02:02 It made me a successful person in my hometown
02:07 Because I won countless music awards
02:09 But I can't afford a gold medal
02:11 This is really amazing
02:13 I never thought before
02:14 I like music
02:15 But I never thought I could be a movie star
02:18 It's a big strength for you as an actor
02:21 I think it's a life-saving medal
02:23 I'm grateful to the Hong Kong Film Awards
02:26 For giving me this award
02:28 So I can take care of my hometown
02:30 Acting is natural to me
02:33 Why?
02:34 Music and stage are natural to me
02:36 Acting is similar to music
02:39 Because it's acting
02:40 But acting is a little different from music
02:43 You don't need to breathe to act
02:45 It's all built up
02:46 It's similar to recording
02:48 (Actors who act, they're all the same)
02:50 (Their acting is the same)
02:52 (Actors who act, they're all the same)
