00:00 the church.
00:03 but I'm glad to be here. First
00:22 Samuel chapter eighteen. If you're there, go ahead and
00:25 holler back word. First Samuel chapter eighteen. Read in
00:29 particularly at verse number one. Now, when he had finished
00:32 speaking to Saul, the the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul
00:36 of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Saul took him
00:41 that day and would not let him go home to his father's house
00:44 anymore. Then, Jonathan and David made a covenant because he
00:48 was his own father and Jonathan took off the robe that was on
00:52 him and give it to David with his armor, even his sword and
00:56 his bow and his belt. So, David went out wherever Saul send him
01:02 and behave wisely and Saul sent him over the men of war and he
01:08 was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the
01:12 sight of Saul's servant. Now, it happened as they were coming
01:15 and returning from the slaughter of the Philistine
01:19 that the women had come out of all the cities of Israel
01:23 singing and dancing to meet King Saul with tambourine, with
01:28 joy, and with musical instrument. To the women sang
01:32 with the women holler as they dance and said, Saul has slain
01:36 his thousand and David his ten thousand. Then, Saul was very
01:41 angry and the saying displeased him and he said, they have
01:46 ascribed to David ten thousand and to me, they have ascribed
01:50 only thousand. It's like somebody got ten thousand
01:53 followers and you just got a thousand on Facebook. Now, what
01:58 more can he have but the kingdom? So, Saul, I David from
02:03 that day forward and it happened on that next day that
02:07 a distressing spirit from god came upon Saul and he prophesied
02:12 inside the house. So, David played music with his hand at
02:15 another time but there were a spear in Saul's hand and Saul
02:20 cast the spear for he said, I will pin David to the wall but
02:25 David escaped his presence and Saul cast the spear for he
02:32 said, I will pin David to the wall but David escaped his
02:38 presence twice. On your way to your seat, give them your
02:42 sermon title and tell them the flip side, the flip side. You
02:46 may be seated in the presence of god at the flip side. You may
02:50 be seated in the presence of god. I love, I know many of you
02:53 love the story of David. Everybody who's been in church
02:57 for at least 1 day or 2 days, you know the story of David.
03:01 David is a man who moved from the bottom. He started from the
03:05 bottom and made his way to the top. David started as being a
03:10 nobody and becomes a somebody. David moved from not even being
03:15 known by anybody but because of one opportunity, somebody say
03:19 one opportunity from one opportunity, David climbs the
03:24 ladder of success. One opportunity can take you from a
03:28 nobody. One opportunity can open a door that you never
03:33 imagine or dream. One opportunity can drop you at
03:37 Woman Dow at Luce or Mega Fest. One opportunity can make you
03:41 the next president of the United States of America. One
03:45 opportunity can move you from a nobody to somebody. Just one
03:50 opportunity and somebody this week, the lord already told me
03:54 to tell you that opportunity is coming. That this week, you are
03:58 going to have an opportunity to go where you've never gone
04:02 before so you can do what you've never done before so you can see
04:05 what you've never seen before so you can have what you've never
04:08 had before. I had that opportunity in 1985 when I came
04:13 to this country. It was one opportunity. I came to this
04:17 country at $32 in my pocket. One suitcase and one pair of
04:22 shoes. I had one opportunity with $32 in my pocket given to
04:26 me by the village because every year, they will pick one girl
04:30 to leave the little village called Laventale on the island
04:34 of Trinidad. They gather $32, put it in my hand, put one pair
04:39 of shoes, one suit in a suitcase, and they give me an
04:42 opportunity of a lifetime. I came to this country $32 in my
04:47 pocket with a big dream so I can go to school. I took
04:51 advantage of the opportunity that has been given to me.
04:57 Somebody said that poor stands for passing over opportunities
05:02 regularly. My god. What did I say? Poor. Somebody holler poor.
05:07 Poor stands for passing over opportunities regularly. The
05:12 reason why some of us remain poor is because we pass over
05:17 opportunities not once, not twice, but regularly but
05:21 because we serve a god of grace, the same opportunity that
05:25 he give you last year, it's coming back this year. The same
05:28 opportunity that you missed 5 years ago, it's coming back.
05:32 The opportunity to own your home during when the interest
05:36 rates was low. The interest rate, it going to come back
05:39 down and you're going to own. Oh my god, who am I talking to?
05:42 God is a god of a second chance. God is a god of a
05:47 third chance. God is a god of a fourth chance and poor is
05:51 passing over opportunities regularly. Now, you may not
05:56 have known that you pass over an opportunity because
06:00 opportunity comes in the form of opposition. My god, I said,
06:05 opportunity comes in the form of opposition. You don't even
06:09 know what an opportunity because it presents itself as
06:13 a opposition. It presents itself as a obstacle.
06:17 Opportunities come in the form of challenges. That's how David
06:22 stepped into the opportunity. Saul is the appointed king but
06:27 David has the anointment. Saul is the current king. David is
06:32 just a shepherd boy attending to his father's flock and his
06:36 brother's flock. A small assignment. All I need you to
06:40 do, David is go buy some Chick-fil-A and take it to your
06:44 brothers. Hello, somebody. I want you to go take your
06:48 brothers some lunch. Take them some Big Macs, some KFC, some
06:52 pot pies and as David is obeying the small assignment,
06:57 he stepped into a big opportunity. Y'all gotta catch
07:01 it. He stepped in. It's look like a small assignment. Go
07:05 encourage that minister. Call that person on the phone but
07:08 you see it as a small assignment. It's beneath you
07:12 but you don't even know it's a big opportunity. Hello,
07:16 somebody. Hand somebody a glass of water. Say hi to somebody
07:20 and you don't even know that you might be sitting next to a
07:23 millionaire who's about to pay your bills. I'm going to give
07:27 you 3 seconds to put a smile on your face because you don't
07:32 even know. You don't have no clue who is sitting next to
07:35 you that god might use to bless you. Who am I talking to? Look
07:40 at you there and say you better act like you're glad you're
07:42 sitting next to me because god might use me to pay your
07:46 tuition. He may use me to pay your scholarship. He may use me
07:51 to give you a Mercedes. You ought to act like you're glad
07:54 to sit next to me. Look down your road and said, let me just
07:58 tell you something because I'm not trying to sit next to
08:02 nobody that when I break out in a shout, they look at me all
08:06 crazy. Look at your neighbor and say, if you ain't been
08:09 through nothing, just sit there and look cute but if you've
08:13 been to hell and back and you woke up this morning, you ought
08:17 to open your mouth. I'm going to give you an opportunity to
08:22 get the devil a migraine. I said, I'm going to give you an
08:28 opportunity to get the devil a nervous breakdown by opening
08:34 your mouth.
08:37 Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? Don't you despise? Don't
08:42 you despise small beginning? Oh my goodness. I was driving. I
08:46 was driving my pastor, doctor Charles Edward Booth when I got
08:50 the invitation to preach at the Hampton Minister's Conference.
08:54 I was driving him to Hampton and the way I served the man in
08:59 the seat that I wanted. Oh god. You ain't ready for it until
09:03 you can serve the person in the seat that you want. You want
09:07 this? You got to serve me to get it. Look at you. Never say
09:10 you want some of this. The door to opportunity begins with
09:16 service. Oh and nothing is worse. Nothing is worse than
09:22 serving the person who's got the appointment but you got the
09:26 anointment. God help me. Oh nothing is worse than oh my
09:31 god. That you're serving the person who's trying to kill you
09:35 god. You got to serve the boss coffee when you know you're more
09:39 qualified than them. You're more gifted than them. You're
09:43 more anointed than them. But god will let you serve the people
09:47 who can't stand you because he's building your character. My
09:51 god. Because charisma will get you in the door but character
09:56 will keep you there. Look at your neighbor and say I know
09:59 you got charisma but do you have character? I know you got
10:03 a shot but do you have integrity? I know you got a
10:07 smile but do you have substance? I know you can speak
10:10 in tongues but can you say good morning in English? Look at
10:14 your neighbor and say do you have character?
10:19 David.
10:22 David. David is serving the man who is occupying his seat.
10:34 David is serving the man who hates on him and god gives
10:40 David an opportunity by simply taking his brothers to lunch and
10:44 while he takes the lunch to his brothers, he sees Goliath. He
10:48 sees Goliath and he opens his mouth and he said, I'm going to
10:52 kill Goliath. David gets a smooth stone and he throws it
10:56 and y'all know the story. Come on. Sit down. We're just
10:58 talking now and he throws that stone and he knocks out Goliath.
11:02 He threw that stone because he understand that he's got faith.
11:06 He threw that stones and he knocks out Goliath. That's
11:10 first Samuel chapter seventeen. He kills Goliath, cuts Goliath
11:15 head off with the sword. Ran back into the city like
11:18 giants. The giants do that. The bigger they are. Come on up in
11:23 here. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. That's first
11:28 Samuel chapter seventeen. That's where we see the rise of David.
11:33 That's where we see the success of David and if I had time, I
11:37 would tell you there's some key things that made David
11:40 successful and that is because David was prepared because
11:44 preparation is part preparation and success is part
11:48 anticipation. Young people don't miss that. Success is
11:52 part preparation and success is part anticipation. You're not
11:57 ready for success until you first anticipate it and then
12:01 you prepare for it. Where the young people at? That's why
12:04 your first twenty-five, it's all about learning. Your second
12:08 twenty-five, it's about earning. Oh god. Oh come on.
12:12 Your first twenty-five, it's about learning. My second
12:16 twenty-five, it's about earning. I wish I had some
12:19 forty-year-old up in here. Say, I'm about to earn it. Come on.
12:23 Where you all at? Hey, my first twenty-five, it's about my
12:28 second twenty-five, it's about earning. My third twenty-five,
12:31 I'm about to be sowing. Hello, somebody. And that's why your
12:35 biggest givers are between fifty and seventy-five because
12:39 they're twenty-five. Ain't got nothing. They're learning
12:42 everything. Oh but my goodness, as soon as you hit your first
12:46 twenty-five, I prophesied to a forty-year-old in here. You're
12:50 about to earn what your mama didn't earn. You're about to
12:53 earn what your daddy didn't earn. Is there any young adults
12:57 in here? Success. Somebody holler success. Success is part
13:04 preparation. Say preparation. And success is part
13:08 preparation. Say anticipation. Now, I love John Maxwell
13:12 definition of success. John Maxwell said, success is
13:16 knowing your purpose, maximizing your potential, and
13:20 sowing seed that benefits others. Come on, sit down. Do I
13:24 need to say that again? Okay, yeah. Success is knowing your
13:27 purpose. And I added to John Maxwell. I said, it's not just
13:31 knowing your purpose. It's knowing who you are. Hello,
13:34 sir. Because success, you become it before you do it.
13:37 Everybody. Yeah. Yeah, you are what you are. So, success is
13:42 knowing your purpose. It is maximizing your potential. And
13:47 it is sowing seed to benefit others. Success is not just all
13:52 about you. Success is knowing your purpose. It's maximizing
13:58 your potential. And sowing seed that benefit others. Because
14:03 success without a successor, a successor is still a failure.
14:07 So, you gotta give it up for the former pastor. Because you
14:11 know pastor Jenkins was successful. Because he found a
14:15 successor. Success is knowing your purpose. It's maximizing
14:20 your potential. It is sowing seed that benefits others. And
14:24 when you're successful as a person, you can reach back and
14:28 find original shop. Because successful people are not
14:33 motivated by David. God help me up in here. I said, successful
14:38 people are not scared of gifted people. Hello, somebody.
14:43 Successful people are not nervous that other people can
14:47 sing better than them. Because the sign that you're spiritually
14:51 mature is you will shout over your neighbor's miracle. I'm
14:55 going to give you all 10 seconds to holler right there. And say,
14:58 neighbor, this shout is for your miracle. It's for your
15:02 blessing. It's for your blessing. It's for your
15:06 blessing. It's for your blessing. It's for your
15:09 deliverance. Somebody open your mouth and holler for your
15:12 neighbor's man. Holler for your neighbor's money. Holler for
15:16 your neighbor's Mercedes. Open your mouth, throw your head
15:20 back and
15:23 Look at you, neighbor. Said, this shout is for your stuff. I
15:29 ain't even hollering over my stuff. I'm hollering over your
15:32 stuff. I'm hollering over your man while I'm single. I'm
15:36 hollering over your million dollar while I'm broke. I'm
15:39 hollering over your house while I'm in a home tree. Somebody
15:43 open your mouth and holler for your neighbor.
15:57 Come on, neighbor. Said, there ain't no haters up in here.
16:02 Come on. Say, don't be, don't, don't hate, don't hate on me.
16:04 Celebrate. Hello. Success is knowing your purpose.
16:11 Maximizing your personality and your potential. And so in seed
16:18 that benefits other. And when you look at David, David did
16:22 all that. David knew his purpose. He maximizes potential
16:27 seed that benefit others. He kills a lion, he kills a bear,
16:32 and he kills Goliath. And by the time we get to the end of
16:35 first Samuel chapter seventeen, David who started from the
16:39 bottom is on his way to the top. David who started as a nobody
16:44 is now a somebody. David who was in the backside of the mountain
16:48 plain, the organ, is getting ready to become king over
16:52 Israel. And the Bible said in first Samuel chapter eighteen,
16:56 verse six, that Saul would not let David go back home anymore.
17:03 Saul would not let David go back home. And so and David and
17:06 Jonathan become bosom buddy or covenant relationship. I
17:10 prophesied before this year is over, God is going to send you
17:14 destiny helpers. Okay, y'all missed it. I didn't say church
17:19 members. I said destiny helpers. Oh, he's about to send
17:25 you some destiny helpers to give you an opportunity. I'm
17:29 about to open a door for you. He's going to send you some
17:32 destiny helpers. Because as gifted as you are, you cannot
17:37 get to your destiny by yourself. I know you live in the me,
17:42 myself, and I will. But oh God, God is going to use somebody to
17:47 open that door for you. God is going to use somebody to give
17:50 you that interview. God is going to use somebody to give
17:53 you that opportunity. I know you had crazy helpers but
17:57 destiny helpers is coming. I know you had jealous helpers
18:01 but destiny helpers is coming. Look at you and say I may be
18:04 your destiny helper. I may be assigned to help you get to
18:09 where you need to get to. I may be your birth mother. I may be
18:13 the spiritual person. I may be your midwife. Push on their
18:18 back. And say I may be the person that is assigned that
18:21 you are going to get to this time. You are going to get to
18:25 where you need to get to. Look down your road and make sure
18:28 you check your road cause we only got 10 minutes to go. And
18:32 say neighbor I ain't trying to sit next to nobody who's trying
18:35 to hinder me. I need somebody to help me. When I think of the
18:40 goodness of Jesus. And all that he's done for me. I need
18:45 somebody to open your mouth. Throw your head back. And tear
18:50 your eyes out. I need somebody to open your mouth. Help me lift
18:55 him up. Help me praise him. Help me praise.
19:00 And so would not let David go back home anymore. And when you
19:10 get to first Samuel eighteen it is the flip side of chapter
19:15 seventeen David is on his way up. But now that he's on the
19:20 top. There are some things that is happening in David. That I
19:24 thought I needed to share with you. Because number one you're
19:28 on your way up. Oh my god. I said you're on your way up. And
19:35 you ain't got time to learn the lesson. When you get to the top
19:39 hello somebody. So God told me to give you a preview of a
19:43 coming attraction. He told me to forewarn you what you can
19:47 expect. As you're on your way to the top. I don't know when
19:51 you're going to get there. I don't know how you're going to
19:53 get there. But I know you're going to get there. I don't
19:56 know when you're going to get there. I don't know how you're
19:59 going to get there. But I know you're going to get there
20:01 because your victory is guaranteed. Your elevation is
20:06 promise. Your position is secured by the blood. A whole
20:11 bunch of people came before you but nobody can beat you. Oh a
20:15 whole lot of people try to get what you got. Don't worry. God
20:18 got you. Because it may not be your time. It may be your turn.
20:23 It may be your turn. It may not be your time. But when it's
20:27 your time and your turn. Ain't no devil can stop you. The
20:32 stars lines up. The moon will line up. Your haters will line
20:37 up to bless you. Slap five at your neighbor say it's my time
20:41 and my turn. It's my season. I need somebody to take five
20:45 steps. For five smooth stone. Just take five step. And say I
20:50 just stepped into my destiny. I just stepped into my purpose. I
20:54 just stepped into my assignment. I need somebody to
20:58 holler I'm here. Oh I'm here to maximize my moment. Oh god.
21:05 Well well well what happens? What happens when David kills
21:10 Goliath? That's chapter eighteen. And the Bible said
21:13 that David cannot go back home anymore. So there's a couple of
21:17 things I wanna share with y'all before I get outta here. And
21:20 that is why success will bring popularity. It also brings
21:25 confinement. What did I say? Success David becomes the most
21:32 popular guy after killing Goliath but the text says and
21:36 Saul would not let David go back home anymore. Oh my god.
21:41 Saul would not let David go back home no more. He just left
21:46 home to take his brother some lunch. The job was drop off the
21:51 Big Mac, drop off the Chick-fil-A, make a U-turn and
21:55 come back home and tend to your father's sheep and flog. But the
22:00 moment he killed Goliath he could not go back home no more.
22:04 I don't have time to unpack this but here's a sidebar just
22:08 discuss it later on. Whenever you kill a Goliath you will
22:13 never have to fight a lion and bear anymore. Okay. Don't don't
22:18 holler. Sit down. I ain't got time to unpack that. Come on. I
22:21 said whenever you kill a Goliath because lions and bears
22:26 are a prerequisite to handling your Goliath. You're not ready
22:31 for Mercedes if you can't shout in a hooptie. You're not ready
22:35 for red bottoms if you can't shout in sneakers. You're not
22:39 ready. Come on up in here. You're not ready for a mansion
22:43 if you can't holler in a one bedroom apartment. You're not
22:46 ready for St. John if you can't shout in painless. But look at
22:50 you and say before I get there, I'm going to shout where I am.
22:54 Because it's just a matter of Oh my god and Saul would not let
23:01 David go back because whenever whenever you have killed a
23:06 giant, you ain't got time to be dealing with lions or bears. I
23:11 remember I was going through something terrible and I called
23:14 my mentor bishop TD Jakes. I said, ten women are suing me in
23:19 York, Pennsylvania. That was my first church. I had moved the
23:22 church from the south side to the west side. I said, ten
23:26 women are suing me and Bishop Jake said, well, what you
23:29 crying about? I said, you didn't hear what I said. I said,
23:33 ten women are suing me. He said, okay, Jazz, what you want me to
23:37 do about it? I said, I just told you ten women are suing me. He
23:41 said, well, Jazz, you ought to thank the ten women because the
23:44 ten women reveal your potential. Because the devil don't mess
23:50 with anybody who ain't got nothing going on. I got it. My
23:55 god. Push on your neighbor. Say neighbor. The only reason why
23:58 the devil is messing with you is either you got it going on or
24:03 you're about to get it going on. You might as well shout
24:06 because you're getting it going on. Because the devil doesn't
24:10 mess with anybody who ain't got nothing going on. And David
24:15 could not go back home anymore and check this revelation.
24:19 David could not go back home no more. There's confinement and
24:23 the confinement is not punishment. It's protection.
24:27 Okay, y'all missed it. It it because remember the last time
24:31 we saw David, he was at home and remember the prophet Samuel
24:35 came to anoint the next king of Israel and his own trifling
24:40 daddy didn't believe in him. Ah, man, Samuel said, listen, the
24:45 king is in your house. But Jesse said, nah, and he brought all
24:49 the sons. And Samuel said, do you have another son? He said,
24:53 yeah, I got one but he a little bit off. He out in the backside
24:58 of the woods reciting poetry. He's singing song. His own
25:02 daddy didn't believe in him. And the Lord said, I'm not going to
25:07 send you back to certain people because they didn't believe in
25:10 you. God, I wish I need a thousand people up in here.
25:14 There's some places God is not going to send you back to
25:18 because they tolerated you and didn't celebrate you. Oh, who
25:22 am I prophesying to? You ain't going back to that
25:25 neighborhood. You ain't that going back to that
25:27 relationship. Yeah, they took you to Punta Canter but you
25:31 lost your peace. Can I preach up in here? God said that this
25:35 season is a cutting off season because everybody who's for you
25:40 is not really for you. Some people are smiling in your face
25:44 but trying to stab you in your back. There is come. Oh my god.
25:51 What did I say? There is. Somebody say confinement. Ah
25:54 yes, success make you popular. Success brings a success will do
25:58 that to you but there is confinement. Somebody say
26:01 confinement. Uh there is there is a confinement. There's a
26:05 restriction but the second thing, let's not keep you too
26:07 long. Is that success? While it makes you popular and makes you
26:12 positive in the light of the people, it not only bring
26:15 confinement but it brings painful separation. Some of you,
26:20 some of you going to miss your opportunity to succeed because
26:24 you can't go by yourself. Ah, painful separation. Everything
26:30 got to involve somebody. Listen, don't forget the text.
26:34 The Bible says that Saul would not let David go back home
26:38 anymore. So, there is confinement and by the way,
26:42 one of the reason why he cannot go back home is because on his
26:46 way back home, he might have ran into Goliath's brothers.
26:51 Because remember, there was four, there was five giants.
26:53 That's why he went down to the book and got five smooth stone
26:56 but on that day, he only killed one. That mean, there's four of
27:00 them running wild. I'm trying to help you and if Saul had let
27:04 David go back home, he might have ran into a giant but he
27:08 had no more stones. So, sometime confinement is not
27:11 punishment, it's protection. I thank god I ran out of gas when
27:16 I was trying to do a booty call. Oh my god, I'm sorry. Oh,
27:19 I'm sorry. I wish I had somebody in here. I thank god.
27:23 Oh, is there anybody really there? I thank god I can find
27:27 my key when I was trying to back it up. Hello, somebody.
27:30 Look at you there. So, you ought to thank god that he let
27:34 you run out of gas. You can't find your key because you would
27:38 have been pregnant by now. Is there anybody in here who said
27:42 I want to thank god for confinement. Oh, I'm sorry. I
27:45 thought I was in my church. I thought I had some real people
27:49 in here. Is there anybody in here who said this shout is not
27:53 for the steps but the stops, okay? I said, this shout is not
27:57 for the steps but the stop. He stopped me before I made a mess
28:01 of my life. He stopped me before I had a nervous breakdown. He
28:06 stopped me before I had a heart attack. He stopped me from
28:09 taking two more shots. Oh, come on up in here. Somebody ought
28:12 to open your mouth and say, I thank god for my steps and my
28:18 steps. Who am I preaching to? Who am I talking to? I didn't
28:25 come to preach to the church people. I came to preach to the
28:28 real people who said god blocked it. He stopped it or I
28:33 would have been in my life.
28:38 Success. Success. Success bring confinement. Oh my god.
28:48 Success bring. Success bring confinement. But number two,
28:55 success brings painful separation and some of you are
29:01 going to be in a lot of pain, Nancy. Because you thought they
29:05 were your world. Oh my god. They thought you were everything.
29:09 You can go nowhere without them. In fact, they told you when you
29:14 broke up with them, you will never be anything without me.
29:17 Oh, but the devil is a liar. Would you do me a favor and take
29:22 a selfie and send it to them? God help me. Would you do me a
29:26 favor? Just take a picture and post it. That's why every time
29:30 you post it, you gotta look good. Cuz you don't know when
29:33 you're gonna run into them. To let them know what you meant
29:37 for evil. God turn it. Come on, organist. Get your hands off
29:40 your head. What you meant for evil god. Turn it around.
29:57 It brings, it brings confinement but it brings
30:00 painful. It brings painful. He cannot go back home anymore.
30:07 But his brothers are home. His daddy is home. He's comfortable
30:13 at home. Home is where you wanna go like Dorothy just. You you
30:20 wanna go home. That yeah that's why some of you have to have
30:24 happy hour before you go home. Because home and happy. Preach
30:28 pastor jazz. Can I preach up in here? That's why I rather be
30:33 single and be happy y'all ain't ready. I take myself to the
30:37 Bahamas, Jamaica. Am I talking there? Look at your neighbor
30:41 say home oughta be a happy place. Home oughta be an
30:44 excited place. You oughta be glad. But Saul would not let
30:52 him go home. Not Punta Conta, not Jamaica, not Greenada. He
30:59 would not let him go home anymore because home wasn't
31:04 healthy. Oh my god. My time. I said home wasn't healthy. Home
31:14 was abusive. I told y'all I came to this country $32 in my
31:19 pocket. I came out of a devastated home. I came out of
31:23 a broken home. I came out of a jacked up home. I came out of a
31:28 confused home. Home was not it. So when people talk about home,
31:33 I don't have no goosebumps. I don't have nothing rolling my
31:37 stomach. People talk, everybody coming home for Christmas. We
31:40 don't wanna be home for Christmas. Not in my house.
31:43 I'm sorry. No, in my home, there was violence. In my home,
31:49 there was abuse. You know, I came to this country and I got
31:52 rid of everything that looked Trinidad. I got rid of my
31:55 accent. I got rid of my color. I I don't even cook any
31:59 Trinidad food cuz when I left that home, I left at the age of
32:03 fourteen after being raped on that home. People will say, oh
32:07 my god, I can't wait to go to your home. I say, help
32:10 yourself. If I got enough money, I'll drop a bomb and
32:14 blow up the home. I wish I had some people in here because
32:19 every time I think about home, I think about the rape, I think
32:23 about being molested. Every time I think about home, I think
32:27 about my mom dying. Every time I think about home, I think
32:30 about the drama and the bitterness. Ah but I thank god
32:34 that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature and that's
32:40 why next month, I'm going back home to tell the devil what you
32:44 meant for Eve. God turned it around for my good. I just need
32:49 a thousand people to jump up and turn around cuz he said,
32:53 I'm about to make your home a better place. I need somebody
32:57 to open your mouth. Throw your head back. Act like you lost
33:02 your mind. Somebody shake some key. Tell the devil I'm coming
33:06 home and my goodness, there will be joy in my home. There
33:11 will be peace in my home because god is redeeming the
33:15 places that caused me the greatest pain. I just said
33:19 something. I said, god is redeeming the places that
33:24 caused you the greatest pain. Who am I prophesying to? Who
33:28 am I preaching to? God is redeeming the places that
33:33 causes you.
33:36 I'm going home. And Saul would not let him go home there.
33:49 There is confinement. Y'all still there? There is there is
33:52 painful separation. I got two more. Y'all got time for it?
33:56 Okay, here's number three. Oh god, please. Tell y'all tell
33:58 your pastor. Y'all the one who went over time cuz you're
34:01 hollering. Cuz you're hollering. Y'all gotta take
34:05 the, y'all gotta take the fall out from this. Okay, if I never
34:09 come back, it's because of this moment right here. All of
34:11 y'all. Yes, number three. Success not only brings
34:15 confinement, success not only bring painful separation but
34:18 success brings out the best and the worst side of people. Oh
34:23 god. It's right in the text. David is on his way home. After
34:28 killing Goliath. And the Bible said while he's on his way home
34:32 that the women looked out and they saw David and the men
34:36 coming back from battle. Now, the thing about in that
34:39 scripture is that in the Old Testament, women never went to
34:43 battle. So, women stayed at home. So, the brothers went out
34:47 to battle. And the Bible said that when the women saw the
34:51 men coming back from battle, they got a tambourine, they got
34:56 musical instrument, and they break out in a shout. This is
35:01 why I love me some women because women didn't go into
35:05 battle but women knows how to celebrate when other people won
35:10 battles for them. Oh my god. Oh my god. Ladies in this season,
35:17 you ain't got to cut a nail. You ain't got to mess your hair
35:21 up because god's going to send the brothers to win the victory
35:26 but when they on their way home, I'm going to need you to
35:29 shout. Oh my goodness. I'm trying to tell you, if you
35:33 sitting next to man pushing his back, say, go ahead and kill
35:37 that giant. Go ahead and kill that devil. And as soon as you
35:41 come through that, guess what I'm going to do? The brothers
35:45 are going to fight. The women are going to shout. Hello
35:48 somebody. Now, brothers, I need you to fight for us. I need you
35:52 to fight for your family. But ladies, if one of these men in
35:57 here belongs to you and he came through cancer and COVID, he'd
36:02 been to hell and back. I need some women to tear the roof
36:06 off. I need some women to holler. I need some women to
36:11 shout. Brothers, you just sit there but just give us 10
36:14 seconds. We got to have a place party because our men could
36:19 have died. They try to kill our men. They kill George Floyd.
36:24 They try to kill our men but if your man is alive, would you
36:29 open your mouth? This shout is not for Gucci. It's for your
36:33 man. This shout is not for Louis Vuitton. It's for your
36:38 man. This shout is not for a car. It's for your man. Would
36:42 you push on that man's back and say, I got you, I got you, I
36:47 got you. No weapon from the dents you. Won't be able to
36:51 prosper. More tongue that rises up against you. Won't be able
36:56 to push on you. They will say the best thing that I can do
37:00 after going through something is to praise God. If you haven't
37:06 been through nothing, just sit there and look cute but for the
37:10 rest of us who've been through anything, open your mouth,
37:15 throw your head back and holler at me. Come on, holler at me.
37:24 Come on, scream at me. Let every devil hear you. Let every
37:30 demon hear you. Let every witch hear you. Open your mouth and
37:36 give God your best shout. Your best praise. Your best
37:43 It brings out, it brings out, it brings out the best but it
37:51 brings out. Isn't it amazing? In high praise, there's a hater.
38:01 In high praise, there is somebody who has the audacity
38:07 to sit there and look at you with your hollowing self saying
38:13 that don't take all that. There is somebody who's rolling their
38:18 eyes at you. Trying to figure out why you shouting. It's
38:22 cause they don't know your story. God help me. Look at
38:25 you and say, if you knew my story, you'll understand why I
38:29 act the way I act. I should have been dead. Should have lost my
38:34 mind. Should have gone crazy but if you are
38:40 It brings out, it brings out, it brings out the, the best,
38:51 here's the best. Praise. But here's the worst. Saul is
38:56 planning to kill David. And you thought the enemy was after
39:01 your stuff. Come on, help me correct this. Look at you
39:05 mister neighbor. The enemy ain't after your stuff. He after
39:10 your praise. Y'all got the wrong neighbor. I said the enemy is
39:14 not after your stuff. Cuz he know if you lose the stuff, God
39:18 can give you some more stuff. What he's after is your praise.
39:22 Would you get the devil a migraine right here and open
39:26 your mouth, throw your head back and let him hear
39:32 Come on, let him hear you, please. Let the devil hear you.
39:38 Oh, magnify the Lord with me. And let us exalt his name
39:43 together. Let the redeemer, the Lord say,
39:49 Amen.
39:52 The women, the women are worshipping and Saul is
40:03 planning. He said, if I ever get the chance, I'm going to
40:09 pin David to the wall. Oh my god. The the success brings out
40:16 the best. But the success brings out the best. And it
40:25 brings out. Action to receive. What side are you on? Does it
40:31 bring out the best in you? Or does it bring out the worst?
40:35 Does it bring out a praise or are you envious? That it
40:39 doesn't, doesn't make you shout for the person or or do you try
40:43 to get them and keep your foot on them? God, help me up in
40:47 your success. Brings out the best and the worst and in the
40:52 midst of high praise. Oh my god. In the midst of high praise,
40:57 the enemy is flooding. My god. Because when heaven opens, hell
41:01 also. My god. Oh my goodness. That's why he said, what you're
41:05 buying on earth is also bound in heaven. Heaven opens but hell
41:09 is mad. Heaven is happy but hell is mad. God is celebrating
41:15 but the devil is angry. Don't get it twisted ship. That you
41:19 would think that the devil is excited but all the stuff that's
41:23 been happening at the ship since Pastor Reginald Sharp came.
41:27 Don't you get amnesia? To think everybody at the sound of my
41:33 voice is excited. About all that's going on in here. I've
41:37 got a full warning. That success brings out the best in us. But
41:42 it also brings out the worst. That's why you gotta kill that
41:46 mosquito before it becomes a roach. Hello, somebody. I wish
41:50 I had somebody look at your neighbor. So, you got to shut it
41:53 up before it becomes a rumor. You got to stop it in its track.
41:58 Hello, somebody. Saul said, I'm going to pin him to the wall.
42:02 And that's what success does. Success not only brings
42:05 resentment and painful separation and brings out the
42:08 best and the worst in people but success makes you a target.
42:13 Look what it says. Saul says, I am going to pin him to the
42:17 wall. Look at you, there is a you are a target. Every time you
42:21 open your mouth, you are a target. Every time you lift
42:25 your hands, you are a target. Every time you do a dance, you
42:29 are a target. Success makes you a target and I hate to tell
42:34 you, there's nothing you can do about it. You can change the
42:38 color of your head. They'll still won't like you. You can
42:41 change your clothes and they still won't like you. You can
42:44 go to Punta Canta with them and they still won't like you.
42:48 Because success makes you a target. And Saul said, I will
42:52 pin him to the wall. And the enemy is just waiting for the
42:56 right time to release the spear. But I hear God say, no
43:01 tongue that is bent from against you will be able to
43:06 prosper and no tongue that rises up against you will be
43:11 able to stand. My father told me, Doctor Booth, he said,
43:15 never end a sermon on a negative. So, I just told you
43:20 the bad news. The bad news is you're going to be a target. It
43:24 doesn't matter where you live, you're going to be a target. It
43:28 doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, you're going to
43:31 be a target. Because successful people are always target. I
43:35 don't know why you're surprised that they're talking about you.
43:38 It's because you're successful. I don't know why you're crying
43:42 because they're dogging you. It's because you either got it
43:46 going on or you don't have it going on. But as you continue
43:50 to climb the successful ladder, while you may be a target, can
43:54 I make a recommendation? If you're going to be a target, at
43:59 least be a moving target. I'll see you later. And the Lord
44:04 bless you real good. But slap five at your neighbor and say,
44:08 if I'm going to be a target, I want this be a moving target.
44:13 Because it's hard to pin a moving target. That's why some
44:18 of you, you need to stand up right now and just start moving.
44:23 Because you don't know that the enemy is trying to pin you.
44:28 Somebody ought to stand up and just start walking. Because what
44:32 the enemy is trying to do, he's trying to pin you to the wall.
44:36 But I've come to tell you, just move. And when I move, you move
44:43 just like that. Come on, look at him. Say, when I move, I need
44:48 you to move. I need you to move. Just like that. Come on, when I
44:54 move, I need you to move. All the moving people move to the
44:59 left. Move to the right. Move to the front. Move to the back.
45:04 Everybody open your mouth. Somebody scream.
45:09 [Music]
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