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00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:10 1st Samuel chapter 3
00:00:14 It says, Now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli.
00:00:23 And the word of the Lord was rare in those days.
00:00:30 That Hebrew word for rare can be better translated expensive, costly.
00:00:37 And the word of the Lord was expensive in those days.
00:00:44 There was no widespread revelation.
00:00:50 And it came to pass at that time, while Eli was lying down in his place.
00:00:57 And when his eyes had begun to grow so dim that he could not see.
00:01:05 And before the lamp of God went out in the tabernacle of the Lord where the ark of God was.
00:01:14 His eyes are getting dim so that he cannot see and it is just before the lamp of God went out.
00:01:23 In the tabernacle of the Lord. There's a connection there.
00:01:28 When all of this happens in verse 4, it says, in verse 3 it says,
00:01:36 And this was while Samuel was lying down.
00:01:42 So look at what's happening.
00:01:45 Eli's eyes are getting dim.
00:01:50 And it is just before the lamp of the God is going out.
00:01:57 Which would create dimness.
00:02:01 And while Samuel was lying down.
00:02:07 It says that the Lord called Samuel.
00:02:12 And he answered, "Here I am."
00:02:17 So he, Samuel, he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am for you called me."
00:02:25 And he, Eli said, "I did not call. It wasn't me."
00:02:33 So he said, "Lie down again."
00:02:35 And he, Samuel, went and he lay down.
00:02:39 Then the Lord called yet again, "Samuel."
00:02:43 So Samuel arose and he went to Eli and said, "Here I am for you called me."
00:02:51 And he, Eli answered, "I did not call, my son. Lie down again."
00:03:00 Now, Samuel, this is interesting.
00:03:03 Now, Samuel did not yet know the Lord.
00:03:09 He was ministering unto the Lord.
00:03:16 But does not know the Lord.
00:03:19 It says, "But Samuel, now Samuel, did not yet know the Lord, nor," gets deeper,
00:03:29 "nor was the word of the Lord yet revealed to him."
00:03:34 We'll get there.
00:03:35 And the Lord called Samuel again the third time.
00:03:38 So he rose and what did he do? Of course he goes to Eli.
00:03:42 He rose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am for you did call me."
00:03:49 Then Eli perceived that the Lord had called the boy.
00:03:58 Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down and it shall be.
00:04:05 If he calls you, then you must say, 'Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.'"
00:04:16 So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
00:04:22 Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, "Samuel, Samuel."
00:04:32 And Samuel answered, "Speak, for your servant hears."
00:04:49 Then the Lord said to Samuel, "Behold, I will do something in Israel
00:05:00 at which both ears of everyone, both ears of everyone who hears it
00:05:07 will tingle, literally in Hebrew, vibrate.
00:05:12 What I'm getting ready to do because I have found somebody
00:05:19 who will be faithful is going to be so powerful.
00:05:24 Oh God, I feel it. What's getting ready to come out of you
00:05:29 is going to be so powerful that it's going to shake nations.
00:05:39 And you're going to be so prolific and so profound and so accurate
00:05:44 and so aligned with me that when the sound of you shows up anywhere,
00:05:52 people's ears are going to vibrate because they're going to recognize
00:05:57 that there's an anointing on you.
00:06:00 I want to talk from this idea tonight.
00:06:06 The oil is calling. The oil is calling.
00:06:13 The oil is calling.
00:06:16 Father, first of all, we love you so much.
00:06:22 You are so good. You're wonderful.
00:06:27 You have our entire lives in your hands.
00:06:33 We love you honestly because you first loved us.
00:06:38 Now God, you've graced us with another opportunity to be in your house.
00:06:44 Bethlehem, the house of bread.
00:06:48 So we thank you tonight, God, even as your promise was
00:06:52 that there would be food in your house.
00:06:54 We thank you, God, that you are preparing a meal.
00:06:58 And I decree and declare and receive the reality
00:07:02 that not a one person will leave here hungry or malnourished.
00:07:06 But you will prepare a table.
00:07:09 Even in the midst of the enemies,
00:07:13 even in the midst of that which comes against them,
00:07:16 even in the midst of that which makes them worry,
00:07:19 even in the midst of that which threatens them,
00:07:23 right here in their circumstance,
00:07:26 you're preparing a table.
00:07:31 And we all will eat to the full
00:07:35 and be made well and be made better
00:07:40 as a result of what you do tonight.
00:07:42 May the words of my mouth
00:07:45 and the meditation of my heart
00:07:48 be acceptable in your sight.
00:07:51 I thank you for wisdom and revelation and insight and knowledge
00:07:56 and prophecy in every resource of the Holy Ghost
00:08:00 for this moment.
00:08:03 Because these, your sons and daughters here,
00:08:06 these, your sons and daughters watching,
00:08:08 are worth that much.
00:08:10 Thank you, God.
00:08:12 Save, set free, align, in Jesus' name.
00:08:16 Amen. Amen.
00:08:18 God bless you. You may be seated, but do me a favor
00:08:21 and give God a shout and greet somebody as you take your seat.
00:08:24 [speaking in Hebrew]
00:08:26 Thank you, Lord.
00:08:29 The oil is calling.
00:08:31 The oil, the oil is calling.
00:08:33 The oil is calling.
00:08:35 I tend to be very season-oriented
00:08:43 because I've learned that life plays itself out in seasons.
00:08:49 It really does.
00:08:52 Life is cyclical.
00:08:54 Morning and evening and then evening and morning
00:08:57 and thus you have a day.
00:08:59 So even in a day, you see seasons.
00:09:01 The season of day and the season of night,
00:09:04 season of afternoon, right?
00:09:06 And so I have a seasons mentality.
00:09:09 I've learned that I have a seasons mentality
00:09:12 and I've learned that life is in seasons.
00:09:15 And there are benefits to having a seasons mentality.
00:09:22 Let me give you a few really quickly.
00:09:24 The first benefit to having a seasons mentality
00:09:27 is that you recognize when you're going through a difficult time,
00:09:32 let's just call it a valley,
00:09:34 if you have a seasons mentality,
00:09:36 you recognize that trouble won't last always.
00:09:39 And you can find encouragement in a valley
00:09:43 because you know that if you don't give up, you're going to reap.
00:09:47 Are you tracking with me?
00:09:49 And there may be somebody in there right now
00:09:51 and you're in a valley and maybe this might be
00:09:53 one of your big takeaways from what we talked about tonight.
00:09:56 But that trouble doesn't last always.
00:09:58 If you're in a difficult time, if you're in a valley,
00:10:01 if I recognize that this is just a season
00:10:04 and this too will pass, watch this,
00:10:07 then I can shake my head out of the distraction
00:10:12 that's trying to keep me from what God is really doing in my life.
00:10:15 Because I've learned that trials are oftentimes distractions
00:10:20 trying to distract you from you
00:10:22 and what God is calling you to do
00:10:24 and what God wants to do is He wants to develop you in such a way
00:10:28 that you're not moved by obstacles.
00:10:32 But anyway, the seasons mentality is beneficial
00:10:37 because when you're dealing with a valley,
00:10:41 you're dealing with a season.
00:10:42 But it's also beneficial because, well,
00:10:44 it keeps you humble on the mountain.
00:10:46 Hey, if I recognize that life plays itself out in seasons,
00:10:53 when I get to the mountaintop,
00:10:55 I won't get too arrogant and too proud
00:10:57 because life happens in cycles and it happens in seasons
00:11:01 and I don't want to be foolish
00:11:03 because surely a valley is coming again.
00:11:07 Hello, somebody.
00:11:10 And then I believe that seasons
00:11:15 or having a seasons mentality is beneficial
00:11:20 because it cultivates kind of like a meteorologist's discipline.
00:11:29 Here's what I mean by that.
00:11:31 I was looking up that word meteorologist.
00:11:33 I was curious about it and there's a definition
00:11:35 and I'll just read it to you.
00:11:38 "The science of science concerned with the processes
00:11:41 and phenomena of the atmosphere,
00:11:44 especially as a means of forecasting the weather."
00:11:50 And so I love people who study meteorology
00:11:53 because of how it aligns to who we should be spiritually.
00:11:57 They study the atmosphere.
00:12:01 They become proficient at studying the atmosphere
00:12:06 so that they can make predictions about what is to come.
00:12:09 Oh, somebody counted.
00:12:11 About two or three people just caught what I said.
00:12:13 I believe that God's people
00:12:15 are supposed to be like the sons of Issachar
00:12:18 who become proficient in recognizing times and seasons
00:12:24 so that they know what they ought to do
00:12:27 because as the great King Solomon taught us,
00:12:30 there's a time and a season for every purpose under heaven.
00:12:35 And it's important for me not to just know
00:12:38 that life plays itself out in seasons,
00:12:41 but to become good at discerning atmospheres.
00:12:48 Can I talk to some--this is Bible study.
00:12:50 Come on, can I talk to some people that want to go--
00:12:53 Yeah, that want to go in.
00:12:55 The sons of Issachar.
00:12:57 Can I just take a minute?
00:12:59 We can move on in a second, but I love it.
00:13:01 It doesn't say a whole lot about the sons of Issachar.
00:13:04 It's about that understanding of times and seasons
00:13:08 and what Israel ought to do.
00:13:11 And I believe as it relates to seasons,
00:13:14 I believe that we're in a season that mandates precision.
00:13:20 Can we talk tonight?
00:13:24 I believe that we're in a time right now
00:13:30 where we're not supposed to be swinging at everything.
00:13:34 I got to take my time.
00:13:36 I got to take my time and work this.
00:13:38 I don't believe--I believe in this type of season,
00:13:42 it is dangerous to be moving without revelation.
00:13:48 Oh, come, come, come, come.
00:13:50 I came here to help you.
00:13:52 I came here to help you.
00:13:55 It's not wise now to be moving according to your feelings,
00:14:02 especially not your feelings,
00:14:04 because feelings are all over the place.
00:14:07 I rode up to a gas station the other day,
00:14:10 and I went to pump my gas, and everything was fine.
00:14:17 And then this gentleman pulls up next to me in the gas station,
00:14:22 but he pulls so close to my car that I can't get in my car.
00:14:25 I mean, literally, there was six inches
00:14:27 between the right side of his door
00:14:29 and the left side of my door where I get in.
00:14:33 But, hey, that's not a big deal, because things happen.
00:14:36 He miscalculated. Not a problem.
00:14:39 And I said, "Sir." I said, "Sir."
00:14:41 I was going to get in my car. I said, "Sir."
00:14:44 I said, "I can't get--it's obvious.
00:14:46 I mean, we can just look.
00:14:49 I think that you can just look and see what the problem is."
00:14:53 But he looked at me and flat out started cussing me.
00:14:58 I promise there was nothing,
00:15:00 because you might be thinking, "Well, P.T.,
00:15:02 there's probably a little bit more to the story."
00:15:04 I swear before heaven there was not.
00:15:06 I literally stood before the gentleman and said,
00:15:10 "Sir, can you just move your car?
00:15:12 I literally can't get in my car."
00:15:14 He starts cussing me out in another language.
00:15:18 And it was not the Holy Ghost.
00:15:21 And I couldn't believe it.
00:15:23 And I'll be honest with you, I had--I had, you know,
00:15:26 I had some options, you know.
00:15:29 I didn't even say that long.
00:15:32 You know, I had a few options, but God, he restrained me.
00:15:37 He restrained me.
00:15:39 And I said, "Come on, brother."
00:15:41 And I know a little bit of a couple of other languages.
00:15:46 And so I started speaking to him in another language.
00:15:50 No, don't--no, like a real language.
00:15:54 And I started, you know,
00:15:56 because now I'm trying to connect with you, you know.
00:15:59 And I'm calling him brother in another language,
00:16:01 and I'm, you know, another language.
00:16:03 And so finally he cusses, and then he moves his car.
00:16:07 After about two minutes of cussing me out,
00:16:09 he moves his car, and that was that, right?
00:16:13 And he's cussing while he moves his car.
00:16:15 And he moves his car to another place.
00:16:17 And he goes over to put his gas in,
00:16:20 and the Holy Spirit said, "Go pay for his gas."
00:16:23 Hey.
00:16:37 Precision.
00:16:39 So I go over to the pump.
00:16:42 Now, I don't know.
00:16:44 He's probably thinking, "Now it's squabble time
00:16:45 because we just had an altercation.
00:16:47 Now he's coming up."
00:16:49 And I went over there, and I just started speaking to him
00:16:51 in his language.
00:16:53 And basically what I said to him is I said, "Sir, please."
00:16:55 I said, "I'm going to buy your gas."
00:16:57 And he's--and now his pride is on him.
00:17:00 "You think you're better than me?"
00:17:02 And I'm like--and I said, "No."
00:17:04 And I started--in his language, I said, "More love.
00:17:06 More love.
00:17:08 More love."
00:17:10 And I just--and we almost were wrestling at the pump
00:17:13 because I knew he was watching him,
00:17:14 but we was wrestling, and I put--and I paid for his gas.
00:17:16 And he took it.
00:17:20 He didn't say thank you,
00:17:22 but in his heart,
00:17:24 heaping coals on his head.
00:17:29 The reason why I share that
00:17:32 is because you can't trust the environment.
00:17:35 You can't trust the atmosphere,
00:17:39 and I'll be honest with you,
00:17:42 if you're in a room with two to two on Sunday,
00:17:43 you can't really trust you
00:17:49 because of the season that we're in.
00:17:54 And so this is a time of precision.
00:17:57 Speaking of precision,
00:17:59 the biblical new year is not January.
00:18:04 The biblical new year is in the seventh month.
00:18:07 And interestingly enough,
00:18:09 in a couple of weeks,
00:18:11 the seventh month of the Hebrew Bible,
00:18:16 but anyway, in a couple of weeks,
00:18:18 Rosh Hashanah is coming up.
00:18:20 It's the biblical new year, the Hebrew new year.
00:18:22 And it starts with 10 days.
00:18:24 It's called the 10 days of awe.
00:18:26 And during that time,
00:18:28 those who follow that
00:18:30 and those who practice that,
00:18:32 they go into a time of deep reflection,
00:18:34 consecration,
00:18:36 reordering, restructuring,
00:18:40 and ultimately what they're doing
00:18:41 is they're aiming to get back into alignment.
00:18:43 And at the end of that,
00:18:45 there's the holiday called Yom Kippur.
00:18:47 It's a day of atonement.
00:18:49 And they step into the new year.
00:18:51 Isn't it interesting
00:18:53 that while we are encroaching upon that season,
00:18:56 and a woman evolved is actually Friday night,
00:18:59 is Rosh Hashanah.
00:19:01 So there's something to that.
00:19:03 We got to talk and pray through that a little bit.
00:19:05 So it's interesting that the Holy Spirit,
00:19:09 and we're going somewhere tonight, stay with me,
00:19:10 that the Holy Spirit is talking to me
00:19:12 about a season of precision.
00:19:19 Not random, but precision.
00:19:23 Your moves, how you move in this season
00:19:26 is very important.
00:19:28 Hear me clearly.
00:19:30 And this biblical holiday is upon us.
00:19:35 Can I take my time and walk this thing on out?
00:19:38 There's so much happening in our text.
00:19:43 There's so much happening.
00:19:45 I don't have time to unpack it entirely,
00:19:48 but let me just say
00:19:50 that we find Israel in a very precarious situation.
00:19:56 Eli is the head priest,
00:20:00 and he's got two sons who are cutting up.
00:20:04 They're stealing from the offerings.
00:20:07 They're sleeping with women.
00:20:08 They're just cutting it up.
00:20:10 They are just based.
00:20:12 They have no regard for the Lord.
00:20:14 They have no regard for the people of the Lord,
00:20:16 and they're under Eli,
00:20:18 and Eli does nothing about it.
00:20:21 And God is, watch this,
00:20:23 shifting things in the spirit.
00:20:27 It hasn't manifest itself in the natural yet,
00:20:33 but there is a shifting taking place in the spirit.
00:20:38 It kind of almost feels like the season
00:20:42 or the times that we're in right now.
00:20:44 We can't quite put our finger on it,
00:20:47 but we know that something is happening.
00:20:51 And of course, we can attribute it to the last days,
00:20:55 but I can't, people are acting crazy.
00:20:58 People are doing weird things.
00:21:02 Weird is now normal,
00:21:04 and normal is now weird.
00:21:07 And it's just, you can just sense and tell
00:21:11 that something is going on.
00:21:13 I'm from California.
00:21:15 I live in Texas now, but I'm from California,
00:21:17 and back in California,
00:21:19 there was a hurricane and an earthquake on the same day.
00:21:25 Now, earthquake, I'll give you that,
00:21:28 hurricanes on the same day.
00:21:32 Lawlessness is going crazy in LA.
00:21:35 You've seen it.
00:21:37 People are breaking into malls and taking stuff,
00:21:39 and it's just crazy.
00:21:41 Am I the only one that can sense
00:21:43 that something is going on?
00:21:49 And the challenge is,
00:21:53 we can sense that something is going on,
00:21:57 but then go back to business as usual.
00:22:00 Oh, can I take my time
00:22:02 and walk this thing all the way out?
00:22:05 Just turn to your neighbor and say,
00:22:07 it's time for precision.
00:22:09 It's time for precision.
00:22:12 So, there's a major shift getting ready to happen.
00:22:15 God is getting ready to,
00:22:17 what's interesting is God is not getting ready to per se,
00:22:20 watch this, punish the priests
00:22:25 for the sake of punishing the priests.
00:22:27 God is getting ready to reorder the whole system,
00:22:32 watch this, to set up the coming of the Messiah.
00:22:37 Because there were no kings at this time,
00:22:40 things were run and governed by priests and prophets.
00:22:44 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:22:46 So, this shaking that was coming,
00:22:48 yes, Eli was tripping,
00:22:50 and his sons really more so were tripping,
00:22:54 and yes, and you know, God is a just God,
00:22:56 but it wasn't even about that.
00:22:58 He was shaking up a system
00:23:01 to create a dynasty of kings
00:23:04 through which the Messiah himself would come.
00:23:07 This was a kingdom thing.
00:23:10 It was a kingdom thing,
00:23:14 and the Bible says that during that time,
00:23:18 the Word of God was rare.
00:23:24 It was costly, I feel it.
00:23:26 I love it when God makes His Word expensive,
00:23:32 because if God makes His Word expensive,
00:23:36 He separates the real from the fake.
00:23:39 (speaking in tongues)
00:23:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:23:43 Yeah, yeah.
00:23:45 If He just scatters His Word everywhere,
00:23:47 that would denote a lack of value.
00:23:52 But God hides it.
00:23:55 He hides His Word
00:23:58 because He recognizes how valuable His Word is.
00:24:03 One word from God will change your life.
00:24:07 He sent His Word and healed them.
00:24:10 Oh, God.
00:24:12 One word.
00:24:14 I esteem, I believe it was Job who said,
00:24:18 "I esteem Your Word more than my necessary food,
00:24:22 "because if I've got Your Word, I've got everything."
00:24:25 Jesus put it this way.
00:24:27 Man doesn't live by bread alone,
00:24:32 but by every word that proceeds out of your mouth,
00:24:37 out of your mouth.
00:24:39 So the Word was rare
00:24:42 because God was up to something,
00:24:47 and what He was up to, watch this,
00:24:49 what was happening was,
00:24:51 I've got to say this right,
00:24:53 the oil was in transition.
00:24:57 The oil, the oil was in transition.
00:25:02 The priest had the responsibility
00:25:07 to produce the oil
00:25:11 and to prepare it and put it in the lamp.
00:25:15 So it's not lost on us
00:25:17 that at the time that the priest, the head priest,
00:25:20 was getting old and his eyes were getting dim,
00:25:24 his sight was leaving,
00:25:27 so was the lamp.
00:25:29 You got to catch this, you got to catch this, you got to catch this.
00:25:33 The lamp was in jeopardy of going out.
00:25:42 The lamp represented the light of God,
00:25:45 it represented revelation,
00:25:47 it represented the eternal flame of God,
00:25:49 it represented the Word of God,
00:25:51 it represented the characteristics of God,
00:25:54 and as the one who had the store ship over
00:25:57 making sure that there was oil in the lamp,
00:26:02 as his eyes are getting dim,
00:26:07 the lamp is nearing going out.
00:26:11 And by the way, if you study it,
00:26:13 and there's some theological debate about this,
00:26:15 but most theologians believe and agree
00:26:17 that the lamp was never supposed to go out,
00:26:20 that the priests were assigned
00:26:22 to keep that light burning all night,
00:26:26 all day, all night, all day, all night, all day,
00:26:31 because of what that light represented.
00:26:35 So we have a predicament.
00:26:39 We have a priest who is assigned
00:26:43 to produce the oil and to prepare the lamp,
00:26:49 who is, which represents light, revelation,
00:26:54 who is without sight.
00:27:00 And yet, before the lamp goes out,
00:27:07 the oil starts calling Samuel.
00:27:11 Oh yeah, we're gonna get it, we're gonna get it,
00:27:13 we're gonna get it, we're gonna get it, we're gonna get it.
00:27:16 Look at the sequence.
00:27:19 God's always got a ram in the bush.
00:27:26 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:27:29 He's always got a place to channel his oil.
00:27:36 Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
00:27:39 So this is happening.
00:27:41 The oil is in transition.
00:27:45 Now, it's crazy because one set of eyes were getting dim,
00:27:52 while the other set of eyes was about to open
00:27:58 for the first time.
00:27:59 Oh, can I take my time?
00:28:01 We're gonna get it, we're gonna get it,
00:28:03 because remember, God is setting something in motion.
00:28:07 The boy Samuel, the boy Samuel
00:28:11 would become the great prophet Samuel,
00:28:15 who would establish the system of kingdoms
00:28:19 that would set up King David, come on,
00:28:23 and we know the Messiah had to come
00:28:27 to the lineage of King David.
00:28:30 So this is a setup for Jesus.
00:28:34 Just turn to King David and say, "Stay with him,
00:28:37 stay with him, stay with him, stay with him."
00:28:40 This was a unique time.
00:28:42 Now, it's interesting because in verse 7,
00:28:46 and we gotta look at this, it says,
00:28:49 "Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord,
00:28:52 nor was the word of the Lord yet revealed to him."
00:28:55 Let's just, just graze over that.
00:28:58 He is in the house of the Lord.
00:29:03 He is ministering unto the Lord, before Eli,
00:29:09 but he's still ministering unto the Lord.
00:29:11 Watch this, he is profitable.
00:29:14 But two things, one, he does not know the Lord.
00:29:21 That's scary, that's scary.
00:29:24 You mean to tell me, PT,
00:29:27 that I can be in the house of the Lord,
00:29:31 and not know the Lord.
00:29:35 I can be in the house of the Lord,
00:29:38 and, rush, I feel holy, God's gonna do something tonight.
00:29:42 I could be in the house of the Lord,
00:29:44 serving him in the house, and still not know him.
00:29:49 That's scary to me.
00:29:53 There's some things in the Bible that scare me.
00:29:56 One of them is like, there's a way that seemeth right into a man.
00:30:00 And the end thereof is the way of death.
00:30:03 That frightens me.
00:30:05 Because that means that I can think I'm right,
00:30:09 and not only be wrong, but be moving toward death.
00:30:15 Do you know what the other one scares me?
00:30:19 Here's another one that scares me.
00:30:22 That man that day will say, "Lord, I did this in your name.
00:30:27 "I healed in your name, I preached in your name,
00:30:30 "I prophesied in your name, I sang in your name."
00:30:33 And then Jesus says, "And I'm gonna say,
00:30:36 "roll up out of here, homie.
00:30:38 "I never knew you."
00:30:41 Don't that scare you a little bit?
00:30:45 And this text is saying that, watch this,
00:30:51 he was in the right place, doing the right things.
00:30:56 But watch this distinction.
00:31:00 Not only did he not know the Lord,
00:31:03 the person of the Lord,
00:31:05 but this thing which is a little deeper.
00:31:07 It says, "Nor," watch this,
00:31:10 "was the word of the Lord revealed to him."
00:31:14 Nor was the word of the Lord revealed to him.
00:31:20 What is the word of the Lord?
00:31:23 It doesn't say, "Nor were the words of the Lord
00:31:27 "revealed to him."
00:31:29 There is a distinction about this thing
00:31:32 called the word of the Lord that's being made in this text.
00:31:36 And he goes from, watch this,
00:31:39 not having the word of the Lord, whatever this is,
00:31:45 revealed to him, to him being so plugged into
00:31:50 the flow of the word of the Lord
00:31:54 that all his life, none of his words fell to the ground.
00:31:58 Something happened that connected him
00:32:11 to not, watch this, the words of the Lord,
00:32:15 but this dynamic thing called the word of the Lord.
00:32:21 In the beginning was the word,
00:32:25 and the word was with God, and the word was God.
00:32:31 And you know, the word became flesh and dwelt amongst,
00:32:33 but it talks about how everything that would be made
00:32:37 by this thing called the word, not the words, but the word.
00:32:42 It is a dynamic, it is a flow.
00:32:46 It is something to be tapped into.
00:32:49 And I submit to you that if you tap into
00:32:52 the word of the Lord and you submit to
00:32:56 the word of the Lord, your life will radically change like his.
00:33:02 We're gonna break it down, we're gonna break it down,
00:33:04 we're gonna break it down.
00:33:06 The word of the Lord wasn't revealed, it wasn't revealed,
00:33:09 not the words, not words, but word, word, word.
00:33:14 It's almost hard to describe.
00:33:17 I'm gonna do the best of my ability because it's divine.
00:33:21 Maybe we call it a flow.
00:33:24 A flow of truth that spans past, present, and future.
00:33:33 And this flow also happens to be, rameshi,
00:33:37 the agent of God's creation in the earth.
00:33:43 I'm just gonna, you just gotta let me be me now.
00:33:47 When we talk about tapping into the word of the Lord,
00:33:53 it is the eternal, everlasting precepts of God
00:34:01 that has everything that was, everything that is,
00:34:07 and everything that will be in it.
00:34:11 I call it a flow. Maybe it's a stream.
00:34:15 A stream of divine insight, divine intelligence,
00:34:22 divine revelation and knowledge
00:34:27 that if we tap into it at any moment
00:34:31 and we submit to it, we thrive.
00:34:35 I gotta say this, I gotta, we gotta get this, we gotta get this.
00:34:40 The word, and the word of the Lord had not been revealed.
00:34:45 I believe that every believer has to get to the word of the Lord.
00:34:51 How deep can we go tonight?
00:34:56 I think that every believer has to get to the word.
00:35:03 You know, I'm thinking about Ezekiel. Remember the prophet Ezekiel?
00:35:06 And it would say, he was over by the river and it said,
00:35:08 and the word of the Lord came to him.
00:35:11 The word of the Lord came to him.
00:35:14 And he taps into the word.
00:35:16 And he starts speaking and prophesying and decreeing the word.
00:35:22 And I don't want to put any under the sound of my voice
00:35:24 that might be in the house of God,
00:35:26 might even be serving in the house of God,
00:35:29 but the word of the Lord that changes everything.
00:35:33 Let me tell you why the word of the Lord is so significant.
00:35:41 It is because your life and my life
00:35:45 should be governed by a prophetic word.
00:35:50 You don't get it tonight.
00:35:52 What word right now?
00:35:54 Your living and my living right now should not be random.
00:35:58 Your steps and my steps ought to be ordered
00:36:04 by a word from the Lord.
00:36:10 The Bible says, the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
00:36:19 So if I'm doing life random, without a word,
00:36:23 I can easily watch this, not have my steps ordered,
00:36:27 but be out of order and not even know it
00:36:29 because there is a divine choreography for your life.
00:36:33 And the music is in the word.
00:36:37 The instruction is in the word.
00:36:39 Can I take my time and walk this thing out with you?
00:36:44 We're going to be better tonight.
00:36:48 We're going to be deeper tonight.
00:36:50 We're going to be richer tonight.
00:36:53 We're going to be more aligned tonight.
00:36:55 And I feel that as God carries you up via revelation
00:36:58 and truth and knowledge,
00:37:00 some of the things that you're praying about,
00:37:02 you're not even going to have to pray about that anymore
00:37:04 because you're going to realize how insignificant
00:37:08 these things are.
00:37:12 Can I take my time, walk and talk, teach, preach?
00:37:17 And then we're going to pray.
00:37:19 The importance of having the word of the Lord
00:37:21 revealed to you, number one,
00:37:23 is it keeps you current in God.
00:37:27 The last place you want to be is where God was.
00:37:31 Hey.
00:37:34 Oh, we're going to have fun tonight.
00:37:36 It keeps you current in God.
00:37:38 Let me give you an example.
00:37:40 God tells Abraham to slay Isaac.
00:37:45 That was in the word of the Lord.
00:37:48 Hello?
00:37:50 Abraham obeys.
00:37:52 Abraham gets up to the top of Mount Moriah.
00:37:55 The word of the Lord now says,
00:37:58 "Stay your hand."
00:38:01 Hey, what if he didn't tap into that word at that time?
00:38:07 He would have killed his future, I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:38:11 But that's not even the end of it.
00:38:14 Then he says, "Go slay that ram."
00:38:17 And that ram was the representation, come on, of Jesus.
00:38:22 So he had to slay the ram
00:38:25 so that there would be a shadow of Christ.
00:38:30 So what I'm getting at is that's three instructions
00:38:33 in this span of time.
00:38:35 He had to be connected to the word
00:38:38 or he was going to miss something.
00:38:40 He was going to fumble something.
00:38:43 And that's what I'm a little afraid of
00:38:45 in this season for you.
00:38:47 That you will be distracted
00:38:49 and not do what it takes,
00:38:51 and we're going to get into it in a minute,
00:38:53 and not do what it takes
00:38:55 to make certain that you have access
00:39:00 to the word of the Lord
00:39:02 so that you will know how to move in this season.
00:39:05 Ain't nothing about you random.
00:39:07 There's nothing about you random.
00:39:10 Your steps are ordered, I feel that.
00:39:12 God is getting ready to fine tune your choreography,
00:39:16 and you're going to move different.
00:39:18 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:39:20 I feel like a deliverance is going to happen
00:39:22 in this house right now.
00:39:24 You're about to get a revelation,
00:39:26 and you're going to walk out of trouble.
00:39:28 God's getting ready to do something with your walk,
00:39:30 and you're going to literally walk out of trouble
00:39:32 because the only reason why trouble can get you
00:39:35 is because your steps aren't being ordered,
00:39:38 but when your steps are being ordered,
00:39:41 you're going to start walking out of some stuff
00:39:43 and into what God has for you.
00:39:45 If that's your word,
00:39:47 give God about three seconds of glory in here right now.
00:39:50 You're about to walk out of some stuff.
00:39:52 You're about to walk out of some stuff.
00:39:54 The only reason why it's hanging on to you
00:39:57 is because you don't know who you are,
00:39:59 and the word has not been revealed to you,
00:40:01 but you're getting ready to have an encounter with God
00:40:04 because I hear God saying, "The oil is calling you.
00:40:07 The oil is calling you.
00:40:10 My anointing is coming for you.
00:40:11 I'm going to anoint you in a fresh way,
00:40:14 in a new way,
00:40:16 and you are never going to be the same again.
00:40:19 You're not going to call Eli anymore.
00:40:21 You're going to call God Almighty,
00:40:23 and He's going to come through
00:40:25 and show up in your life.
00:40:27 If you believe it,
00:40:29 give God a shout of victory
00:40:31 and praise in this house.
00:40:33 Oh, my God,
00:40:35 if you came to be better,
00:40:37 I didn't come to tickle your fancy.
00:40:39 There's an anointing in this house
00:40:41 to radically change your life.
00:40:44 I'm living it.
00:40:46 Uh-huh.
00:40:54 I've got to stay current in God.
00:40:56 I've got to stay current in God.
00:40:58 Some of you are living where God was,
00:41:00 and you're wondering why you're frustrated,
00:41:02 and you're wondering why sin is all around you,
00:41:04 and you wonder why it seems like
00:41:06 you're going backwards in a way
00:41:08 you're all going backwards
00:41:09 because the Word of the Lord
00:41:11 will lead you up the mountain.
00:41:13 Oh, I feel God.
00:41:15 It will lead you to ascend
00:41:18 the hill of the Lord.
00:41:20 Oh, we're just getting started.
00:41:22 We're just getting started.
00:41:24 I saw what God wants to do.
00:41:26 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:41:28 No, no, no.
00:41:30 I need the Word of the Lord.
00:41:32 I don't need religion.
00:41:34 I don't need religion.
00:41:37 I don't need the Word of a man.
00:41:38 I need the Word of the Lord, God.
00:41:40 The Word of the Lord.
00:41:42 Watch this.
00:41:44 It's perfect theology for your life.
00:41:46 Come on, somebody.
00:41:48 Come on, somebody.
00:41:50 For somebody other than Abraham,
00:41:53 the Word of the Lord to kill his son
00:41:56 would have been murder.
00:41:58 Hello?
00:42:03 Thou shalt kill.
00:42:06 No.
00:42:07 Hmm.
00:42:09 I got a lot of ground to cover,
00:42:11 but I feel something stirring.
00:42:13 Let me take my time.
00:42:15 We're going to get it all tonight,
00:42:17 and then we're going to pray.
00:42:19 It keeps you current in God.
00:42:21 Now, I want to say something.
00:42:23 You know, I talked about your life
00:42:25 ought to always be governed
00:42:27 by a prophetic word.
00:42:29 I mean that with all my heart.
00:42:31 That's why God gives you a word.
00:42:33 He gives you a word
00:42:35 so you know what to do.
00:42:36 So you know who you are
00:42:38 and you'll know what you have.
00:42:40 So right now,
00:42:42 this is a real question,
00:42:44 and it's a homework assignment.
00:42:46 What word from God
00:42:48 is currently governing your life?
00:42:50 Hello?
00:42:53 And you can't be released from that word
00:42:56 until that word materializes,
00:43:00 or he gives you a new one.
00:43:03 Hello?
00:43:04 That's why it says,
00:43:07 "Be not weary in your well-doing,
00:43:09 "for in due season you will reap
00:43:11 "if you don't give up."
00:43:14 Now, I got to be honest with you.
00:43:16 Sometimes a word
00:43:18 doesn't always accomplish
00:43:20 what you want.
00:43:22 (laughs)
00:43:24 So sometimes God gives you a word,
00:43:26 and you have
00:43:31 your interpretation or your perspective
00:43:33 on what that word ought to do,
00:43:35 how the word ought to make you feel,
00:43:37 and how that word ought to turn out,
00:43:39 and it's not like that.
00:43:41 Isaiah 55,
00:43:43 when it says that,
00:43:45 "My word will not return to me void,
00:43:47 "but it will accomplish that for which I sent it."
00:43:51 So sometimes God sends you a word,
00:43:54 and you step out into the word,
00:43:56 and you get frustrated
00:43:58 because your expectation of that word
00:44:00 is disrupted and is disappointed,
00:44:02 but sometimes God sends you a word,
00:44:04 and the holy purpose,
00:44:06 the intention of the word
00:44:08 is simply to develop you.
00:44:10 (laughs)
00:44:12 I got a bunch of stories of that.
00:44:14 God gave me a word,
00:44:16 "Go here."
00:44:18 And I go there,
00:44:20 and because I am so full of whatever,
00:44:22 ambition,
00:44:24 or so full of whatever,
00:44:26 pride or whatever it could be,
00:44:29 that I make a decision about that word.
00:44:31 I bring my own interpretation
00:44:33 or my own idea
00:44:35 about the intent of that word,
00:44:37 and my only responsibility was to obey,
00:44:40 not to control or to manipulate the outcome,
00:44:43 but to obey.
00:44:45 And I've learned that there is obedience
00:44:47 and simply obeying.
00:44:49 There's a blessing
00:44:51 in simply being obedient to it.
00:44:53 Sometimes that's the blessing.
00:44:55 I got to break this down.
00:44:58 I got to break this down.
00:44:59 That's where we get hung up.
00:45:01 God gives us a word,
00:45:03 and we think we know what it means.
00:45:05 It's not for you to know what it means.
00:45:07 You just need to know what it says.
00:45:09 (audience laughs)
00:45:11 Are you hearing me?
00:45:13 That's how you--
00:45:15 Just know what it says,
00:45:17 and do it.
00:45:19 Watch this.
00:45:21 Success is not in the outcome.
00:45:23 Success is in you doing it.
00:45:25 Oh, that's worth a million dollars.
00:45:27 And in God's wisdom,
00:45:28 God knows--watch this--
00:45:30 how to prosper you
00:45:32 better than you know how to prosper you,
00:45:35 because one of the things I've learned about God
00:45:37 and prosperity is
00:45:39 when God prospers you,
00:45:41 he prospers you.
00:45:43 And I've learned that if you prosper--
00:45:46 we've talked about this before--
00:45:48 if you prosper, you'll prosper.
00:45:50 I don't want to prosper and not prosper,
00:45:54 because if I prosper,
00:45:56 and not prosper, I didn't prosper.
00:45:58 (laughs)
00:46:01 You understand what I'm saying?
00:46:03 If I increase and don't increase,
00:46:08 I did not increase.
00:46:10 Or it might have looked like I increased,
00:46:13 but that increase will ultimately become my decrease,
00:46:16 because I didn't increase internally first.
00:46:20 So sometimes God gives you a word to increase you,
00:46:25 and it doesn't look like
00:46:26 what you thought it would look like,
00:46:28 and you get frustrated,
00:46:30 but you have to trust the principle of increase.
00:46:32 I will take root downward first,
00:46:35 and then I will bear fruit upwards.
00:46:38 That was the path of Jesus.
00:46:41 Just turn to your neighbor and say,
00:46:43 "Down is the way up."
00:46:45 Now, now, we got to move.
00:46:48 Now, we talked about Samuel being the great prophet,
00:46:52 and he was the great prophet.
00:46:54 But Samuel is not the hero in this text.
00:46:57 Samuel is not the hero in this text.
00:47:01 The hero in this text is an unusual suspect.
00:47:06 The hero in this text is Eli.
00:47:10 I know we like to talk about Eli,
00:47:13 and Eli didn't have the guts to stand up to his sons,
00:47:16 and he didn't have the guts to shut things down,
00:47:19 and Eli didn't have this, and all this kind of stuff.
00:47:22 So, what happens is we focus on Eli's faults,
00:47:25 but we don't look at how he finished.
00:47:28 Eli is the hero in this story.
00:47:35 I have a great deal of admiration for Eli.
00:47:39 I do, because he did, arguably,
00:47:44 one of the most powerful things in Scripture.
00:47:47 This is fun.
00:47:51 Arguably, he was, perhaps, this one act
00:47:57 might have been one of the most powerful things
00:48:01 that any servant of God has ever done.
00:48:04 He led Samuel to the Word of the Lord.
00:48:10 He led him to the voice of God.
00:48:14 Who's greater, the king or the kingmaker?
00:48:17 A king who doesn't make kings is not a great king.
00:48:26 Hey, Jesus was the king of kings,
00:48:30 and everybody in here is called a king and a priest.
00:48:33 We're literally a kingdom of priests.
00:48:36 Eli could have been real tricky.
00:48:40 Give me about 15 minutes, I'm going to tie this up.
00:48:43 Eli could have been real tricky.
00:48:46 This one boy knew he was on his way out.
00:48:49 If you study the whole chapter,
00:48:52 just read your whole Bible, you'll find this.
00:48:54 He knew he was on his way out.
00:48:56 God told him a word came to him and told him,
00:48:58 "Hey, man, because you didn't discipline your sons,
00:49:00 you're out, bro."
00:49:02 And watch this.
00:49:04 And instead of God calling him,
00:49:07 God starts calling his servant.
00:49:11 Things could have gotten real tricky right up in there.
00:49:15 Eli, Sam, you're running to Eli.
00:49:19 Tell him, "You called me."
00:49:23 "No, I didn't."
00:49:25 "You called me."
00:49:27 "No, I didn't." Uh-oh.
00:49:29 It says, "He perceived the Lord called him."
00:49:31 This is where if he didn't have character,
00:49:34 come on, if he didn't have character,
00:49:38 if he wasn't a true man of God,
00:49:41 he would have allowed jealousy
00:49:44 (congregation cheering)
00:49:46 See, he wasn't wicked.
00:49:48 He wasn't wicked.
00:49:50 He had a fault, but he wasn't wicked.
00:49:53 No.
00:49:55 He doesn't play a hate on--
00:49:57 Oh, can I say that?
00:49:59 That might be a California thing.
00:50:01 Y'all don't know that.
00:50:03 Okay, I'm from LA.
00:50:05 I'm sorry, man.
00:50:07 Y'all can get used to it.
00:50:09 But when you say play a hate,
00:50:11 that was before haters.
00:50:13 Okay, a few of y'all are like,
00:50:14 "You don't want to tell your age."
00:50:16 That's all right.
00:50:18 He could have hated on him, but he doesn't.
00:50:20 He says, "Oh, my God."
00:50:22 He said, "God is calling you."
00:50:24 So he affirms the fact that God is calling him.
00:50:28 And then watch this.
00:50:30 He tells him what to do to access the flow.
00:50:35 (congregation cheering)
00:50:38 That's crazy integrity.
00:50:42 He's saying that.
00:50:43 So what does he tell them to do?
00:50:45 Stay with me, 'cause this is what we're gonna do,
00:50:47 to go to another level in accessing the word of the Lord.
00:50:52 Man, if I told you what I see, it'd drive you crazy.
00:50:56 For some of you, tonight is gonna be the difference.
00:51:01 For some of you, I feel this so strongly,
00:51:04 you're watching via live stream,
00:51:06 and I'm trying to steward this moment properly.
00:51:09 Tonight is gonna be the difference.
00:51:11 The same way it was the difference in Samuel's life,
00:51:16 it's gonna be the difference in your life.
00:51:20 There have been things, here it is,
00:51:22 there have been things that felt disconnected in your life.
00:51:26 You have even felt disconnected.
00:51:28 You have felt like a gulf between you and you.
00:51:33 (congregation cheering)
00:51:35 You have felt not plugged in,
00:51:40 you can't really tell anybody,
00:51:41 because this is in the reality of your soul.
00:51:44 Watch this, you know you are more
00:51:46 than who you are showing up as.
00:51:49 And you're trying to hide amongst normal people.
00:51:52 Oh, I feel the Lord.
00:51:54 You're trying to hide amongst regular, ordinary people,
00:51:57 and all that kind of stuff, and God bless everybody.
00:52:00 You're trying to hide among the stuff,
00:52:03 because the stuff doesn't call you out.
00:52:07 I sit my boy head self here to call you out,
00:52:10 because there's more to you than what you are showing up as,
00:52:15 and even as God kept saying, "Samuel,"
00:52:19 and then he said his name twice, "Samuel, Samuel,"
00:52:22 God is calling you, the oil is calling you,
00:52:26 it is inviting you to a new flow.
00:52:30 I feel it.
00:52:32 You're getting ready to come into a new flow,
00:52:36 and this is going to be real,
00:52:37 and this is not a cute church flow,
00:52:39 this is a holy ghost flow.
00:52:41 It is a holy flow.
00:52:43 It is a powerful flow.
00:52:45 It's a flow of wisdom.
00:52:47 It's a flow of revelation.
00:52:49 It's a flow of power.
00:52:51 It's a flow of favor.
00:52:53 It's a flow of grace.
00:52:55 I feel it.
00:52:57 You're getting ready to come into a new flow.
00:52:59 Uh-huh.
00:53:01 And he's going to show us how.
00:53:05 I cannot wait until we pray.
00:53:06 I feel it.
00:53:08 Your life is going to change.
00:53:10 Can't you see what's happening in our church?
00:53:14 Breakthrough is happening every single week.
00:53:18 Can't you see the glory of God hovering over the potter's house?
00:53:23 Can't you see glory week in and week out?
00:53:27 It's shaking things up.
00:53:29 It's stirring devils and demons.
00:53:31 It has to happen.
00:53:34 It will happen.
00:53:35 And by golly, it's going to happen to me.
00:53:38 If that's your testimony, give God a roar in this house.
00:53:43 It's going to happen to me.
00:53:46 I'm not going to miss out.
00:53:48 I'm not going to miss this thing that God is doing.
00:53:53 It is amazing.
00:53:55 I'm not going to miss it.
00:53:57 I'm not going to miss it.
00:53:59 I'm not going to miss it.
00:54:01 I'm not going to miss it.
00:54:03 Look at my hungry people.
00:54:04 We had some hunger stirred up here on Sunday.
00:54:08 I'm looking for that same hunger because the oil is attracted to your hunger.
00:54:15 Uh-huh.
00:54:17 Uh-huh.
00:54:19 Uh-huh.
00:54:21 Uh-huh.
00:54:23 Yep.
00:54:25 Yep.
00:54:27 Yep.
00:54:28 You got to go up.
00:54:29 Feel the Holy Ghost.
00:54:32 It's a bunch of old cognitive dissonance.
00:54:34 You got to go up.
00:54:36 You got to go up.
00:54:37 You got to go up.
00:54:38 You got to come up.
00:54:39 You got to come up.
00:54:40 You won't even see it unless you come up.
00:54:42 Come on.
00:54:44 Come on.
00:54:45 Come on.
00:54:46 Come up here that I might show you what must come.
00:54:49 Where are my hungry kingdom sons and daughters in God's house?
00:54:55 How bad do you want the oil?
00:54:59 Uh-huh.
00:55:00 Uh-huh.
00:55:02 God is moving.
00:55:04 God is moving.
00:55:06 God is moving.
00:55:08 God is moving.
00:55:10 He's moving.
00:55:12 He's moving.
00:55:14 He's moving.
00:55:16 He's moving.
00:55:18 He's moving.
00:55:20 He's moving.
00:55:22 He's moving.
00:55:24 He's moving.
00:55:27 I never forgot about you.
00:55:28 God is moving.
00:55:30 He's moving.
00:55:31 He's moving.
00:55:32 He's moving.
00:55:33 He's moving.
00:55:34 That's why you're here.
00:55:35 He's moving.
00:55:36 It's going to be real.
00:55:37 I feel it.
00:55:38 It's going to be real.
00:55:39 God's going to do a work in your life and it is going to be undeniable that Jehovah himself,
00:55:49 that Elohim knew you before he put you in your mother's womb.
00:55:55 It's going to be real.
00:55:59 It's not going to be cute church stuff.
00:56:01 It's going to be deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper and real.
00:56:07 Rabbasheh.
00:56:09 God's going to turn you into a different person.
00:56:13 A different person.
00:56:17 With one Eli moment, he became a different person and he became a king maker and it had to happen
00:56:33 because God was establishing a new order.
00:56:38 So Eli's the hero in the text because Eli tells him what to do to access the flow.
00:56:54 Eli did not start the flow.
00:57:00 God started it.
00:57:05 See you're here because God started something.
00:57:09 That's why you're here.
00:57:11 Can't even come unless the father is drawn to the oil, anointed.
00:57:19 So he says, here's what I want you to do.
00:57:24 He says, I'm free.
00:57:26 He says, I'm free.
00:57:28 I don't have to try to block you.
00:57:29 I don't try to hold you back.
00:57:32 I win when you win.
00:57:34 I win when you win.
00:57:35 The job of a minister is to work his or herself out of a job.
00:57:41 What you mean, PT?
00:57:44 You talking crazy?
00:57:46 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:57:48 I want to set it up.
00:57:50 The way I plug you into God's voice for your life.
00:57:55 So when you come to church, you're getting confirmation and just details.
00:58:03 the big thing happen in your prayer closet and I want you to go watch this from always
00:58:10 needing to be taught to becoming a teacher. You hear me? That's what's on you, a teacher,
00:58:19 a teacher, a teacher, a teacher, a teacher, a teacher, a teacher, a teacher. I can give
00:58:31 you that. That's what I am. I can give you that. I can give you that. So he says, okay,
00:58:44 this is what you do. Eli went out with a bang. He says, now, what I want you to do is I want
00:58:56 you to go back and I want you to lie down. This is in verse 9. He says, and it shall
00:59:03 be if he calls you that you must say, speak Lord for your servant hears. So here's what
00:59:15 he tells him to do. Tells him to do three things. He says, lie down. That means to get
00:59:23 settled. You don't have to strain for the word. You rest yourself into the word. This
00:59:35 is for preachers. Yes, study, stay full of the scripture. God speaks to you, write it
00:59:45 down. But when it comes to preaching, don't try to drum up a word. Go lay down and let
00:59:55 the word of the Lord come to you. That will ensure it's God and not you. Are you tracking
01:00:03 with me? Because a lot of times what preachers do is they preach their life. Your life is
01:00:09 your life. But if you want to be God's prophet, you lie down. You settle, you settle a posture
01:00:22 of rest so that the word of the Lord can come to you. Watch this because the word of the
01:00:29 Lord is already there. He ain't got to be straining. No, it's there. The word for your
01:00:39 life, the word for your situation, the word for your child, the word for your business
01:00:46 affairs, the word for your marriage, the word for your ministry is there. It's there already.
01:00:55 Why? Because in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
01:01:03 God. The word is already made what you're trying to make. So he says, lie down, be settled.
01:01:16 Number two, then he says, he says, go lay down. And then he says, and if he calls, then
01:01:24 you say something, but stop. He says, and if he calls, that means that you have to be
01:01:29 silent because how can you hear if he calls if you're busy? I make this play. I make this
01:01:41 play. I'm talking about stillness. Got to be still. Bible says Psalm 46 and 10. Be still
01:01:56 and know that I'm God. Everybody mad at this concept of meditation and that's a whole nother
01:02:00 thing or whatever. I won't even get into it, but true meditation is stillness. Silence,
01:02:13 silence the worry. Silence. Watch this silence tomorrow. Why are you worrying about tomorrow
01:02:23 when you are fully present in today? Jesus taught us that. He says, tomorrow we'll take
01:02:31 care of itself. There's enough trouble in today to be worried. You follow what I'm saying?
01:02:39 So he says, settle, lay down, be silent so that you can hear. Be silent. I'm talking
01:02:49 about how to tap in. Settle, silent. And then he says, and when you hear him, because you
01:02:58 went and laid down and you postured yourself to hear, you got silent. You silenced the
01:03:02 voices. That's why you got to get alone sometimes. I love alone. I do. I love this, but I love
01:03:12 alone too. Because revelation for you, for your identity, oftentimes does not happen
01:03:22 to you in groups. Not that deep thing. Yeah. Silence. Cool with being by yourself. Sometimes
01:03:34 it's good to be by yourself because nobody will get you anyway. At least you get you.
01:03:40 And then so since you get you, you and you work you out and then you can show up in other
01:03:44 places because you have worked you out with you. Y'all you hear me? Got another gear,
01:03:55 but I'm trying to land. And then he says, after he says, go lie down, be silent so you
01:04:04 can hear him speak. He said, if you hear him and he calls you say, speak Lord for your
01:04:11 servant hears. There's a lot in that phrase. We're talking about being settled. We talked
01:04:17 about being silent, but then we must submit. He comes under authority. He says, speak Lord.
01:04:31 There's a sequence. There's a posture to tapping into the expensive word. You have
01:04:45 to call him Lord. And not only that, but you have to call yourself his servant. He says,
01:04:56 speak Lord for your servant hears. There is a Hebrew word that you'll find in Proverbs
01:05:03 and even in the song, but it talks about I incline my ear. I incline my ears, a Hebrew
01:05:09 word and that word inclined literally means to extend your ear. The idea there is not
01:05:17 just listening for the sake of listening, but listening with the intent to obey. I have
01:05:25 more message and more notes than I have time, but I got to, I got to land it here. I've
01:05:36 got something that I want you to study though, because getting the word is only coming to
01:05:43 the door. You can't just stop at being a hearer. You got to be a doer. I have learned that
01:05:51 if you don't do what you hear, it disrupts the flow. Can I trust you with what I say
01:06:06 to you? Can I trust you? And so when you study, I want you to study over in James says, don't
01:06:15 be hearers of the word, but be, but be doers of the word. I'm going to read it in your
01:06:20 hearing. I'm not going to teach it. I'm going to read it in your hearing. And then that's
01:06:23 it because you got to get this. It says, therefore James 1 21, stay right there. We're going
01:06:28 to pray. We're out five minutes. Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness
01:06:34 and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your soul, deliver your
01:06:42 soul, restore your soul, bring your soul from glory to glory, but be doers of the word and
01:06:48 not hearers only deceiving yourselves. You thought hearing was the prize. Hearing is
01:06:54 not the prize. Hearing is just a presentation of the door. Doing is walking through it.
01:07:02 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he's like a man observing his
01:07:05 natural face in a mirror. That's important for he observes himself, goes away and immediately
01:07:12 forgets what kind of man he was. So when God gives you a word, he's giving you a mirror.
01:07:17 And this mirror tells you who you are, what you have and where you're going. And doing
01:07:23 it keeps you in it. You have to see it to flow in it. And this requires commitment.
01:07:32 I'm hungry and thirsty for the word. I'm desperate for the word so much so that when you give
01:07:36 me the word, I lock into it and I follow it. And as I follow it, I become it because your
01:07:45 word is a lamp into my feet and it is a light into my path. Keep my word as frontlets before
01:07:55 your eyes. Are you tracking with me? See, this is the precision I'm talking about. This
01:08:01 is the precision. God is looking for some people who will only move with him. And you
01:08:09 need spiritual agility. You're about to pray. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty
01:08:25 is freeing you as you stare at it and continues in it. It is not a forgetful hearer, but I
01:08:31 do or the work. This one will be blessed in what he does. This is why we have to keep
01:08:35 coming to worship. This is why we have to keep coming to church. This is why we have
01:08:41 to keep praying. This is why we have to go back into the notes. This is why as our bishop
01:08:45 released that word on Sunday and said, hey, we go on for seven days, we got to continue
01:08:52 in it and not be forgetful.
01:08:57 [Music]
01:09:07 (upbeat music)
01:09:09 [BLANK_AUDIO]
