• 2 years ago
Check out the biggest star studded carpool karaoke this year as tons of celebrities sing Mariah Carey's famous Christmas song “All I Want For Christmas Is You"!


00:00 James Corden kills it by closing out this year with a all new star studded carpool karaoke.
00:05 Mariah Carey, Elton John, Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, Adele, Lady Gaga, need I say more?
00:12 Because there is more.
00:13 And what better song to sing this holiday season than Mariah Carey's famous rendition
00:17 All I Want for Christmas is You.
00:19 Now obviously James Corden was planning this throughout the year, asking all of his guests
00:24 to sing this one song when they were on the show.
00:31 And he definitely did a good job with keeping it under wraps because nobody heard about
00:43 it.
00:44 If you haven't seen it by now, definitely check it out because people are loving it.
00:47 Basically Sofia says "This is officially my favorite carpool karaoke ever."
00:51 Adelaine Morin says "When Demi pointed at Nick for Saint Nick, I lost it."
00:58 And LPL Cantara says "Adele and Mariah in the same bid?
01:02 2016 is good again."
01:04 For more stories like this, visit whatstrending.com
